The good, The bad, The Heart Break Kid! aka Milk's review on Shawn Micheals


Firstly, you should know the format from my HHH thread as to how I'm doing this, a small recap, I take what wikipedia gives me, I post that on here, if Wiki mentions a match, I find it, post it on here as well. Then, I give my take on this part of Shawn Micheals career, and the closing match on that part of his career.

So, I've been busy, and haven't really had the drive to make this. But, here goes. Milk's review on Shawn Micheals' career has officially shot off. A shot, not so heard around the world.

First and foremost I'll start with a simple paragraph, as to my thoughts on Shawn Micheals.

Shawn Micheals is overrated to hell and back. Hes good, but not that great. His time in the WWE has been nothing of anything great. His ability to draw sucks balls. His wrestling abilities are average compared to that of Bret Hart's, Ricky Steamboats, an 80's Ric Flair, Harley Race, Hulk Hogan. Hes not that entertaining either, the only thing Shawn Micheals has going for him at the moment, is he can wrestle, and he can wrestle good. Now if you're Harthan, that makes him the best in the world right now. But if you're Milk, that doesn't mean much. What's he doing for the company? Whats he doing for the fans? I mean if I want to watch a fun match, I'll turn on some indy's and watch some flippy things. Shawn Micheals is a poor entertainer, and this is a form of entertainment, not so much is it about wrestling ability these days. So Shawn Micheals, hang up the boots. You've still got some of the wrestling, but you've never been entertaining, back in the 90's that was okay, it wasn't so much about entertainment back then, today in 2009, thats not okay, its a purely entertainment sport. In the end, its still the same, overlyhyped, overrated, Shawn Micheals, and you just downright need to retire. Before you hurt yourself. Again.

Wikipedia The Rockers redebuted at a WWF house show on July 7, 1988. Due to WWF chairman Vince McMahon's desire to have his performers carry WWF-exclusive ring names, they were renamed, as simply "The Rockers."The team proved popular with both children and women. The team was a mid-card stalwart of television and pay-per-view shows for the next two years.

My take: The whole Vince changing their name to "The Rockers" because he wants to make it look like they were homegrown in the WWE, doesn't suprise me in the least. The Rockers were good, I don't think either of these carried the team, they both looked very flashy, and wrestled about 10 years ahead of their time. Along with Pillman, WcW, and that Liger guy, The Rockers made, Cruiserweight wrestling what it is today.

Wikipedia The Rockers continued their partnership, eventually splitting on December 2, 1991 during an incident on Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake's televised Barber Shop talk show promotional segment. Michaels superkicked Jannetty and threw him through a glass window on the set of Beefcake's talk show.Jannetty disappeared from the company, and Michaels became a villain as "The Boy Toy."


My take: There we have it folks, Shawn Micheals famous heel turn. This tactic to break teams still happens today. We've seen it just recently in The Miz and Morrison team, when The Miz backstabbed John Morrison, breaking up the team. This revolutionized the way things were done, and the way this was booked was nothing more than amazing. Shawn Micheals, The Heart Break Kidd, was born. (On another note, who was the commentator that said "Jannety tried to dive through the window to escape") The Rockers broke up, never recieving WWE tag team gold. On top of 1/2 of The Rockers falling off the face of the wrestling planet.

Now correct me if I'm wrong but the point of a tag team, is that both of the members benefit from the forming of the team, and the overall accomplishments of the team. Why didn't Marty Jennetty get anything out of this team in the end?

Not very important but goes here to follow his story Shawn Micheals then adopted the name "Heartbreak kidd" and got Sherri as his Vallet type thing, supposibly being obsessed with him.

Wikipedia Michaels failed to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship from Bret Hart in July 1992, even losing the WWF's first-ever ladder match against him at a house show, a match where the objective was to climb a ladder and reach an object hanging above the ring.



My Take Bret vs Shawn has always been a great match, nothing less here. Shawn can really put on a wrestling match, one of the best I've ever seen. No matter how much you hate Shawn Micheals, you have to give him credit, where credit's due and that my friends, is inside the squared circle. Shawn micheals did quite well in taking a few bumbs, and 1-2 spots in this match. Bret came out with the victory, but in all honesty, I thought Shawn Micheals shined throughout most of the match. Bret Hart picking up the victory. On a side note, Bret Hart could even sell in '92. I always think he dies, everytime he recieves the superkick, or a stunner either one.

Wikipedia He, however, won the title from The British Bulldog (David Smith) on the October 27, 1992 edition of Saturday Night's Main Event, which aired on November 8.

My Take Shawn Micheals first Reign as Intercontinental Champion lasted a little under 8 months. He held the title quite well. I watched a few matches of him winning, nothing more than your average heel win. Not much to say about this reign, nothing really spectacular happened. Unless Becca, or someother Shawn buff knows anything more about this reign, please say so, because I can't find crap didlydo fire. On it. Other than the fact he lost it to Marty Jannetty on September 6, due to Mr Perfects interferance, only to win it back using Diesel.

Wikipedia Michaels brought Diesel to the WWF as his heel bodyguard during early 1993. He helped Michaels win the Intercontinental Championship from Jannetty on June 6, 1993 at a House show. He helped Michaels defend it for 4 months until figure head WWF President Jack Tunney "suspended him" and stripped him of the title. In reality, Michaels was found to be using steroids and suspended by Vince McMahon for six weeks.

My take: I had no clue Shawn Micheals ever used Steroids, such a shame, I thought he was better than that. Shawn then had to drop the title, and lose 6 weeks on what could have been a very long reign for him to have. Oh well, this small blemish doesn't change too much about his career.

I'm a little dissapointed at how little I can find on Shawn Micheals, honestly, I need help with finding more information for the second part. Anyone willing to comply, PM me, or send me a message via MSN.
Shawn Micheals is overrated to hell and back. Hes good, but not that great.

Completely disagree, and his history of great matches backs me up here.

His time in the WWE has been nothing of anything great.

Are you kidding me? There's nothing else Shawn can do, he's done everything, and did a lot of it first.

His wrestling abilities are average compared to that of Bret Hart's, Ricky Steamboats, an 80's Ric Flair, Harley Race, Hulk Hogan. Hes not that entertaining either, the only thing Shawn Micheals has going for him at the moment, is he can wrestle, and he can wrestle good.

Contradictory much?

What's he doing for the company? Whats he doing for the fans?

You mean apart from being entertaining and putting on great matches and feuds? Doing this while he's not in the Main Event/title scene?

I mean if I want to watch a fun match, I'll turn on some indy's and watch some flippy things. Shawn Micheals is a poor entertainer,

I realise this is your opinion, but you're taking it too far if you're going to outwardly lie about something like this. Shawn is in no shape a poor entertainer. He cuts amazing promos, then follows through with a great match. Not many can do that.

WikipediaThe Rockers redebuted at a WWF house show on July 7, 1988. Due to WWF chairman Vince McMahon's desire to have his performers carry WWF-exclusive ring names, they were renamed, as simply "The Rockers."The team proved popular with both children and women. The team was a mid-card stalwart of television and pay-per-view shows for the next two years.

My take: The whole Vince changing their name to "The Rockers" because he wants to make it look like they were homegrown in the WWE, doesn't suprise me in the least. The Rockers were good, I don't think either of these carried the team, they both looked very flashy, and wrestled about 10 years ahead of their time. Along with Pillman, WcW, and that Liger guy, The Rockers made, Cruiserweight wrestling what it is today.

Finally, love for The Rockers. You're completely spot on regarding their wrestling style being 10 years ahead of what was going on. But you can see from watching wrestling now that they obviously had a huge impact. They deserved the tag titles, and were loved by many. It was only Vince's fear of the different style which kept them from the titles they deserved.

Wikipedia The Rockers continued their partnership, eventually splitting on December 2, 1991 during an incident on Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake's televised Barber Shop talk show promotional segment. Michaels superkicked Jannetty and threw him through a glass window on the set of Beefcake's talk show.Jannetty disappeared from the company, and Michaels became a villain as "The Boy Toy."


My take: There we have it folks, Shawn Micheals famous heel turn. This tactic to break teams still happens today. We've seen it just recently in The Miz and Morrison team, when The Miz backstabbed John Morrison, breaking up the team. This revolutionized the way things were done, and the way this was booked was nothing more than amazing. Shawn Micheals, The Heart Break Kidd, was born. (On another note, who was the commentator that said "Jannety tried to dive through the window to escape") The Rockers broke up, never recieving WWE tag team gold. On top of 1/2 of The Rockers falling off the face of the wrestling planet.

Now correct me if I'm wrong but the point of a tag team, is that both of the members benefit from the forming of the team, and the overall accomplishments of the team. Why didn't Marty Jennetty get anything out of this team in the end?

Sure, but Jannety isn't good enough on his own. While in The Rockers, I thought both had a chance, as both were brilliant. But Jannety clearly isn't as good as Shawn, or he'd be in a similar position.

Not very important but goes here to follow his storyShawn Micheals then adopted the name "Heartbreak kidd" and got Sherri as his Vallet type thing, supposibly being obsessed with him.

Wikipedia Michaels failed to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship from Bret Hart in July 1992, even losing the WWF's first-ever ladder match against him at a house show, a match where the objective was to climb a ladder and reach an object hanging above the ring.



My Take Bret vs Shawn has always been a great match, nothing less here. Shawn can really put on a wrestling match, one of the best I've ever seen. No matter how much you hate Shawn Micheals, you have to give him credit, where credit's due. Shawn micheals did quite well in taking a few bumbs, and 1-2 spots in this match. Bret came out with the victory, but in all honesty, I thought Shawn Micheals shined throughout most of the match. Bret Hart picking up the victory. On a side note, Bret Hart could even sell in '92. I always think he dies, everytime he recieves the superkick, or a stunner either one.

Not as great as the first televised match if I'm honest, but still good, isn't ever Shawn/Hart match? The 2 know how to work together surprisingly well considering there off-screen rivalry. But you have to give both A LOT of credit, this match is amazing when you realise this was an entirely new concept to them.

WikipediaHe, however, won the title from The British Bulldog (David Smith) on the October 27, 1992 edition of Saturday Night's Main Event, which aired on November 8.

My Take Shawn Micheals first Reign as Intercontinental Champion lasted a little under 8 months. He held the title quite well. I watched a few matches of him winning, nothing more than your average heel win. Not much to say about this reign, nothing really spectacular happened. Unless Becca, or someother Shawn buff knows anything more about this reign, please say so, because I can't find crap didlydo fire. On it. Other than the fact he lost it to Marty Jannetty on September 6, due to Mr Perfects interferance, only to win it back using Diesel.

Shawn had a great match with Bret Hart shortly after this at Survivor Series 92, although this was for Harts title as opposed to Shawns. I'm doing this mostly from memory, so feel free to check the rest of these, however I believe he also had PPV matches with Tatanka (Which he lost, but retained due to either a countout or DQ, I'll check later), Mr. Perfect, Jannety, and someone else I'm forgetting.

WikipediaMichaels brought Diesel to the WWF as his heel bodyguard during early 1993. He helped Michaels win the Intercontinental Championship from Jannetty on June 6, 1993 at a House show. He helped Michaels defend it for 4 months until figure head WWF President Jack Tunney "suspended him" and stripped him of the title. In reality, Michaels was found to be using steroids and suspended by Vince McMahon for six weeks.

My take: I had no clue Shawn Micheals ever used Steroids, such a shame, I thought he was better than that. Shawn then had to drop the title, and lose 6 weeks on what could have been a very long reign for him to have. Oh well, this small blemish doesn't change too much about his career.

I couldn't believe that Shawn had taken steroids when I first heard this, the thought is horrible and never something I thought he'd do. When reading his autobiography, he's admitted doing a lot, but always firmly stood behind the fact he didn't take steroids here, so I choose to believe him. There's no proof for how I feel, so people can make their own minds up.

I'm a little dissapointed at how little I can find on Shawn Micheals, honestly, I need help with finding more information for the second part. Anyone willing to comply, PM me, or send me a message via MSN.

I'm very offended, when it takes 2 second to PM me and we talk on MSN almost every day. Anything you need, feel free.
Completely disagree, and his history of great matches backs me up here.

Great matches, don't = great entertainment. Simple as that. His promo's lack spunk, or something, because they always bore me off the face of the planet.
But thats an opinion.

Are you kidding me? There's nothing else Shawn can do, he's done everything, and did a lot of it first.

Actually a lot of the things he did first, he didn't do first. Hes just billed as doing it first. I.E. Tripple crown winner. Shawn Micheals was not the first Tripple crown winner. Pedro Morales was.

Contradictory much?

Yes. I wrote that part on two seperate days. Sorry. My mind was in two diffrent places on these days.

You mean apart from being entertaining and putting on great matches and feuds? Doing this while he's not in the Main Event/title scene?

You mean tieing down the company, doing absolutely nothing when he has the title, isn't drawing a single thing, and refuses to put anyone over, thats not allready hugely over? Shawn will put Cena, Taker, HHH, Flair, etc over. But when was the last time Shawn Micheals put over a new uprising star, like HHH did for Shelton, or Undertaker did for Kennedy?

I realise this is your opinion, but you're taking it too far if you're going to outwardly lie about something like this. Shawn is in no shape a poor entertainer. He cuts amazing promos, then follows through with a great match. Not many can do that.

Meh, outside of a match, Shawn Micheals is boring. Very boring. His promo skills when facing up agaisnt Chris Jericho were quite horrible, and hes been putting out the same crap for 20 years. "I'm the Heartbreak kidd, I'm the showstopper, I'm boring as hell right now" Theres only so much a few lines can do, please give us something a little fresh eachtime. Like Chris Jericho does. See how he uses Hypocryte, in a diffrent manner every week. Hes keepings to his punchline, yet still finding ways to change it up.

Finally, love for The Rockers. You're completely spot on regarding their wrestling style being 10 years ahead of what was going on. But you can see from watching wrestling now that they obviously had a huge impact. They deserved the tag titles, and were loved by many. It was only Vince's fear of the different style which kept them from the titles they deserved.

What can I say, I'm always spot on.

Sure, but Jannety isn't good enough on his own. While in The Rockers, I thought both had a chance, as both were brilliant. But Jannety clearly isn't as good as Shawn, or he'd be in a similar position.

I kindly disagree. I thought Marty, and Shawn were equally matched during this point in their career. Match wise, promo skill wise, selling, etc. Shawn just screwed over his former partner, hes a well known politic in the back.

Shawn had a great match with Bret Hart shortly after this at Survivor Series 92, although this was for Harts title as opposed to Shawns. I'm doing this mostly from memory, so feel free to check the rest of these, however I believe he also had PPV matches with Tatanka (Which he lost, but retained due to either a countout or DQ, I'll check later), Mr. Perfect, Jannety, and someone else I'm forgetting.

Was this during Tatankas 2 year undefeated streak? I looked up the Shawn vs Bret at SS 92. I wasn't too happy with the quality considering the two who were wrestling. SO didn't post it.

I couldn't believe that Shawn had taken steroids when I first heard this, the thought is horrible and never something I thought he'd do. When reading his autobiography, he's admitted doing a lot, but always firmly stood behind the fact he didn't take steroids here, so I choose to believe him. There's no proof for how I feel, so people can make their own minds up.


[quotes]I'm very offended, when it takes 2 second to PM me and we talk on MSN almost every day. Anything you need, feel free.[/QUOTE]

If you were on MSN, or if I knew you were on Wrestlezone during the making, would have done it. But you weren't, and I didn't know.
Great matches, don't = great entertainment.

Well, actually, they do.

Actually a lot of the things he did first, he didn't do first. Hes just billed as doing it first. I.E. Tripple crown winner. Shawn Micheals was not the first Tripple crown winner. Pedro Morales was.

He never won the WWF title. Well, I guess he did if you count the WWWF one. Which not even the WWE do. And regardless of whether he did them first, he's still done everything.

You mean tieing down the company, doing absolutely nothing when he has the title, isn't drawing a single thing

When was the last time he had the title, exactly? You're honestly issuing this statement when his last reign was 7 years ago and lasted a month?

, and refuses to put anyone over, thats not allready hugely over? Shawn will put Cena, Taker, HHH, Flair, etc over. But when was the last time Shawn Micheals put over a new uprising star, like HHH did for Shelton, or Undertaker did for Kennedy?

First of all, you can put someone over without them winning. His match with Shelton you brought up is proof. Shelton had the match of his career that night, Shawn made him look like gold. And in case you forget, he lost cleanly to Jeff Hardy a few months ago. Something Triple H should really have done, seeings as it was them feuding.

Meh, outside of a match, Shawn Micheals is boring. Very boring. His promo skills when facing up agaisnt Chris Jericho were quite horrible, and hes been putting out the same crap for 20 years. "I'm the Heartbreak kidd, I'm the showstopper, I'm boring as hell right now" Theres only so much a few lines can do, please give us something a little fresh eachtime. Like Chris Jericho does. See how he uses Hypocryte, in a diffrent manner every week. Hes keepings to his punchline, yet still finding ways to change it up.

Seriously? So his promo against Jericho saying he'll never be as good as Shawn is the same promo he used in Montreal a few years back, teasing the return of Bret Hart, which is the same promo he used against The Undertaker when he was dressed in the amazing white clothes? Come now, you're better than this.

I kindly disagree. I thought Marty, and Shawn were equally matched during this point in their career. Match wise, promo skill wise, selling, etc. Shawn just screwed over his former partner, hes a well known politic in the back.

It had nothing to do with Shawn 'screwing him over' - show me an example of that? I'm also not disagreeing that both were great at this point, straight out of The Rockers most didn't even know the difference. But that doesn't overcome the fact Shawn is clearly better, as he made it.

Was this during Tatankas 2 year undefeated streak? I looked up the Shawn vs Bret at SS 92. I wasn't too happy with the quality considering the two who were wrestling. SO didn't post it.

His undefeated streak ended in 93, so I assume it was during that yes.
Sure, but Jannety isn't good enough on his own. While in The Rockers, I thought both had a chance, as both were brilliant. But Jannety clearly isn't as good as Shawn, or he'd be in a similar position.

The reason he didn't get pushed was because of some personal problems. To what extent, I don't know, but he did beat Micheals for the title, so I would assume they had plans for him as well.

You mean tieing down the company, doing absolutely nothing when he has the title, isn't drawing a single thing, and refuses to put anyone over, thats not allready hugely over? Shawn will put Cena, Taker, HHH, Flair, etc over. But when was the last time Shawn Micheals put over a new uprising star, like HHH did for Shelton, or Undertaker did for Kennedy?

This is the problem. Everyone shits on HBK's title reigns, which is unfair. He was champ at the time when the NWO was forming, and guys were jumping ship. WCW was so hot at that point, HBK didn't stand a chance. He was by himself, for huge stars, Hart left after he won the title, and so did Hall and Nash. Stone Cold was still the Ringmaster, and the Rock was Rocky. They had Taker, sure, but not a ton after that. WCW was still hot until late '98, early '99, Austin being champion right away didn't help ratings, but once the Rock bacame huge, the attitude era, and guys like Jericho and Show jumped ship, it got better.
And yeah, Shelton and Kennedy got put over. And what did they do? Jack shit. Maybe HBK puts over guys that might actually become something.

MilkyWay, I can help you if you want, I've been watching for almost 20 yrs, so feel free to ask any questions yuou like, some of the dates are off, Jannety beat him in early june, not Sept., and the split up must have been early Jan, not December, because Monsoon aned Heenan, those were the commentators, said Jannety wouldn't be ready for Rumble in a week, and thats always in Jan to my Knowledge.
Wow talk about going against the grain on this one lol...

Shawn Micheals is overrated to hell and back. Hes good, but not that great.

Now what I find funny about this is that NO ONE involved in pro wrestling in anyway has ever said this about Shawn. The only time you'll hear "HBK is overrated is from kids on the internet.

Even Bret Hart (who HATES Shawn) would laugh in your face. People like Jericho, HHH, Vince, Jim Ross, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Ric Flair have called Shawn the greatest of all time.. these are people a who's who of the last 20 years of wrestling and I think their opinion matters a bit more than some random kid on the net.

Actually a lot of the things he did first, he didn't do first. Hes just billed as doing it first. I.E. Tripple crown winner. Shawn Micheals was not the first Tripple crown winner. Pedro Morales was.

Why are you doing a review on someone you clearly don't know much about? Shawn isn't billed as the first "triple crown" winner. Pedro and Bret Hart and even Diesel did this first.. Shawn is billed as the first "Grandslam Title" winner.. WWF..IC..Tag and Euro.

Shawn Micheals first Reign as Intercontinental Champion lasted a little under 8 months. He held the title quite well. I watched a few matches of him winning, nothing more than your average heel win. Not much to say about this reign, nothing really spectacular happened.

He had his major blowout feud with Jannetty.. His breakup with Sherri and put on the Match of the Year with Marty.. And brought in Diesel.
I can't even begin to dissect this atrocity.

You claim that Michaels can't draw, wrestle or work in general, yet you tout Hulk Hogan as perfect? Shawn outwrestles The Hulk any day.

Shawn pioneered a lighter class of heavyweight wrestling. Cruiserweight wrestling flourished under the Guerrero's, The Misterio's, Juventud, Psicosis, etc. Very different in my book.

You then show that you can't spell "Kid", and that you don't know what a valet is, this is after you give props to "that Liger guy". JUSHIN FUCKING THUNDER LIGER. Honestly, do you research and don't blindly follow Wikipedia.

Somehow you contradict yourself differently with each new paragraph and you tell me that no matter how much I hate Shawn, I have to like him? Guess what junior? Nobody with half a brain hates Shawn. Some may dislike, but it is rare to find someone who actually hates the guy - without the poison of the Screwjob in mind. He's worked hard and put on some of the best matches in the history of the company. You HAVE to respect him.

Seriously though. How can you have the balls to post this "review" when you know nothing of the man, have the bias to hate him AND can't decide whether or not he's good?
I can't even begin to dissect this atrocity.

You claim that Michaels can't draw, wrestle or work in general, yet you tout Hulk Hogan as perfect? Shawn outwrestles The Hulk any day.

When in the heck, was Hulk Hogan mentioned? I said all through the thread I didn't like Shawn, I thought he was boring, yet his Wresetling is pretty dang good. I give credit where credit is due. Work on your reading skills though, Hulk wasn't even mentioned in the thread.

Shawn pioneered a lighter class of heavyweight wrestling. Cruiserweight wrestling flourished under the Guerrero's, The Misterio's, Juventud, Psicosis, etc. Very different in my book.

Well actually. His name is Mysterio. By all means though, Shawn didn't pioneer mexican style wrestling. The Guerrero's, and Mysterio was doing their own luchadur thing, from day one.

You then show that you can't spell "Kid", and that you don't know what a valet is, this is after you give props to "that Liger guy". JUSHIN FUCKING THUNDER LIGER. Honestly, do you research and don't blindly follow Wikipedia.

Err, I've done well over 10 hours of research sir. Wikipedia is a lot it, but I've checked the source, and checked that source as well. I've watched hours of Shawn footage to try and find the best possible footage to put on here. Liger pioneered cruiserweight wrestling like no one else did. Shawn wasn't so much cruiserweight during his hayday, as more of a light heavyweight, that could do more than a dropkick/crossbody of the top rope. A valet in wrestling terms, according to HHH, would mean a woman that follows you around, and does your managing work, to sit there and look preaty. Is that not what Sherri did?

Somehow you contradict yourself differently with each new paragraph and you tell me that no matter how much I hate Shawn, I have to like him? Guess what junior? Nobody with half a brain hates Shawn

Actually, I didn't tell you to do anything. I'm pretty sure everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I'm not one to down them for that. I said that in my thread. I did say no matter how much I hate shawn, I give his wrestling abilities credit though. It seems someone needs to go back to the third grade, and learn some reading comprehension. But thats just me.

As well as, a lot of Bret Hart fans hate Shawn Micheals for what Shawn did to Bret in montreal. I would be completely fine with Shawn Micheals had the screwjob not happened. I love Bret Hart to death, and I hate Shawn Micheals because of this one instance too. You don't disrespect a man like that, no matter you are.

Some may dislike, but it is rare to find someone who actually hates the guy - without the poison of the Screwjob in mind. He's worked hard and put on some of the best matches in the history of the company. You HAVE to respect him.

Once again throughout my thread, I never said I didn't respect him. I highly respect the man, and all the things hes done over the past 7 years.

Seriously though. How can you have the balls to post this "review" when you know nothing of the man, have the bias to hate him AND can't decide whether or not he's good?

Actually, this is your first post here. I've had these threads going for about 3 weeks now, and I'm starting on Shawn Micheals. I know a lot about the guys career, not as much as I'd like to know, but I know my fair share of information. I know exactly where I stand on Shawn Micheals as well. I respect the mans wrestling ability, his promos are average, and I just don't like him as a person for what he did to Bret Hart, during Hart's time with the WWE. That is all.
When in the heck, was Hulk Hogan mentioned? I said all through the thread I didn't like Shawn, I thought he was boring, yet his Wresetling is pretty dang good. I give credit where credit is due. Work on your reading skills though, Hulk wasn't even mentioned in the thread.
His wrestling abilities are average compared to that of Bret Hart's, Ricky Steamboats, an 80's Ric Flair, Harley Race, Hulk Hogan.
So the 2nd quote above is NOT you?

Well actually. His name is Mysterio.,_Sr.,_Jr.

Thought I'd quote your bible. Misterio Sr. has never been "Rey Mysterio". And Rey Jr., if you check out his history was know as Rey Misterio Jr. before coming to America. Facts juniour, check 'em.

Liger pioneered cruiserweight wrestling like no one else did.
And yet, to you, he's "that Liger guy". You certainly are a genius smark.

Shawn wasn't so much cruiserweight during his hayday, as more of a light heavyweight, that could do more than a dropkick/crossbody of the top rope.
What is with you? You get called out on stuff and just decide to change your story. Fight for your opinion son, christ.

A valet in wrestling terms, according to HHH, would mean a woman that follows you around, and does your managing work, to sit there and look preaty. Is that not what Sherri did?
1) Why does it need to be according to Triple H? It's common knowledge my friend. 2) Then call her a valet, a female manger, whatever. "Valett type thing" Makes you sound 6.

Actually, this is your first post here.
ZOMFGBBQZORZ RALLY? You are the captain of obviousness.

I've had these threads going for about 3 weeks now
Holy hell. 3 WEEKS?!?! You sir are a legend.

I know a lot about the guys career, not as much as I'd like to know, but I know my fair share of information. I know exactly where I stand on Shawn Micheals as well.
I'm a little dissapointed at how little I can find on Shawn Micheals, honestly, I need help with finding more information for the second part.
Then talk about what you know instead of begging others for help. As for having an opinion on him, that doesn't matter if you can't show me you remember what he's done even minimally.

I highly respect the man, and all the things hes done over the past 7 years.
None of which you bothered to cover.

I hate Shawn Micheals because of this one instance too. You don't disrespect a man like that, no matter you are.
Then you're biased, get out.

You made a bad review, and contradicted yourself bunches of times. Then you outright lied. Why should I even begin to take this seriously?
i just hope some of the guys who have been on here longer see this crap your bagging the best wrestler ever hands down. if i could compile a top 100 list of wrestling matches ever Shawn would have most of them.

You say he puts no one over how about Randy Orton how do you think he got the Legend Killer Gimmick. well lets see HBK. how about Cena or Edge or Austin. Do not give me that horseshit. he is one of the most respected wrestlers of all time for a reason.

The last time i checked Wrestling is what this whole buissness is about. so how is he over-rated as you say. he had the best match on the whole dam WM25 card two 40 plus year old men had the crowd going ape shit and eating out of there hands. he is what kept wrestling going against WCW when the WWE was going under. he was the only loyal main-eventer who stayed because Austin, Rock, HHH were not big yet at this time.

If you hate him so much for the screwjob you should have said that earlier. a lot of people hate him for this. but lets be honest Vince did the right thing in not letting WWE look bad by Bret taking the Tittle to WCW. yeah it was dumb but he did what had to be done to keep his company from looking bad.

all i can say is you sir no nothing of a man who has been around since before you were born. you have to get video clipd from the internet now that is funny in it self. that truly shows you do not know shit about this man. i hope these guys see this crap it is so funny i have to go wipe my ass now. because that is what your writting makes me want to do.:angry::fu2:
Great job sticking to your guns, Milk. Shawn Michaels is good but not as great as everybody thinks he is. All he is to me is a midcard champion and nothing more. His world title reigns were hardly memorable and he puts on few great matches than what most people actually consider "great." Save for his matches with Angle and Cena, he hasn't done anything worthwhile since coming back except for having a meaningless one month title run. I know I will hear that he has won match of the year honors five years in a row, but three of those are a joke (2004, 2006, and 2008). It's probably guaranteed that his match with Undertaker will be match of the year which will be another travesty.

He doesn't give it his all in the ring anymore and I don't want to hear the reason is his age is because he doesn't wrestle that much anyways. He doesn't need another title run because he will have to work house shows which he won't do. You can say that his feud with Jericho was the best last year but Jericho carried that feud 100% and all HBK did was whine and moan.

When it's all said and done, the WWE will make Michaels look like he is one of the all-time greats when in actually, he really isn't.
To be honest, I just looked at Milk's age to determine whether this thread would be legitimately close to correct.

"Age: 15"

He's a post "Attitude Era" person, OBVIOUSLY. Just leave this pointless thread and read something else guys.

So instead of criticizing somebody because of their age, why don't you enlighten us why you think otherwise seeing as you deemed this thread "pointless' and yet you posted in it.
Is this guy for serious?! I think ur jus posting this up so ppl will disagree wit u but really ur prob jus pissing ppl off! I realise everyones entitled 2 their opinion but if ur gonna present one in a review form then get ur facts right and try not 2 contradict ur own opinion either an blame that on being in a different mindset on different days! Anyway...hbk is the reason I started watching wrestling in 1995, he's the reason, the only reason I didn't feel robbed by buying WM25. This was a lazy thread u posted, I read ur HHH one and it seemed insightful and I found it hard 2 disagree with u, ur clearly a HHH fan so wot exactly makes u feel hbk is boring, unentertaining and isn't 1 of the greatest wrestlers of all time?
First of all, you can put someone over without them winning. His match with Shelton you brought up is proof. Shelton had the match of his career that night, Shawn made him look like gold. And in case you forget, he lost cleanly to Jeff Hardy a few months ago. Something Triple H should really have done, seeings as it was them feuding.

Shelton did have the match of his career but too bad he can't capitalize on that. To clear up something else, Jeff Hardy beat HBK cleanly in January 2008 before his feud with Orton. Much more credit is given to Orton than to HBK for making Hardy look like a credible main-eventer.
To clear up something else, Jeff Hardy beat HBK cleanly in January 2008 before his feud with Orton. Much more credit is given to Orton than to HBK for making Hardy look like a credible main-eventer.

I'm pretty sure if was only a match though, how much can Shawn Michaels do for him in one match?

Orton is given credit for making Jeff look a threat, But wasn't considered a ture main eventer until he beat Triple H.
Shawn Micheals

I have to take the obvious shot here, and point out...his name is spelled Michaels, not Micheals. You'd think all that time on Wikipedia would point this out.

is overrated to hell and back.

Right. But he's not really, now is he?

His time in the WWE has been nothing of anything great.

I'm not entirely sure what this sentences says, but I'll take it to mean "His time in the WWE has been nothing great", which is a flat out falsehood, to be honest.
His ability to draw sucks balls.

Such eloquent phrasing.

His wrestling abilities are average compared to that of Bret Hart's, Ricky Steamboats, an 80's Ric Flair, Harley Race, Hulk Hogan.

He's just as good of an in ring competitor as anyone on that list.

Hes not that entertaining either, the only thing Shawn Micheals has going for him at the moment, is he can wrestle, and he can wrestle good.

This statement would be entirely applicable, if this were say, professional bowling. But, as luck would have it, Shawn happens to be a professional wrestler, and do remind me, what is it wrestlers tend to do? Oh, yes. Wrestle. So, logically, I'm going to have to say this statement is entirely ludicrous, and inform you that Shawn Michaels fantastic wrestling abilities actually make him...a fantastic wrestler.

Now if you're Harthan, that makes him the best in the world right now.

Well, certainly.

But if you're Milk,

Fortunately not.

that doesn't mean much.

Do go on.

What's he doing for the company?

Well, shucks. There's the consistently great PPV matches, the entertaining storylines...I mean, this man went from a great feud with Kennedy, to a great feud with Flair, to a great feud with Batista/Jericho, to a stellar feud with Jericho, to a great feud with JBL, into a great feud with the Undertaker. You go ahead and find me another wrestler who can pull that off. Add in the match of the year and feud of the year 2008, and uhh...he's doing quite a bit for the company.

Whats he doing for the fans?

Refer to the above.

I mean if I want to watch a fun match, matches are typically a big part of pro wrestling.

I'll turn on some indy's and watch some flippy things.

Well, I certainly hope you do.

Shawn Micheals is a poor entertainer, and this is a form of entertainment, not so much is it about wrestling ability these days.

Yeah, that's why it's called professional entertainment...if you want pure entertainment, by all means, turn on whatever drivel the networks are serving up now. If you want wrestling. The business is still very much about wrestling ability to the vast majority of fans, I assure you.

So Shawn Micheals, hang up the boots.

He probably will soon, earning a well deserved Hall of Fame berth.

You've still got some of the wrestling,

A lot of the wrestling, actually.

but you've never been entertaining

Really? Whenever did that happen?

back in the 90's that was okay, it wasn't so much about entertainment back then,

Let's back up a minute. You seem to be confusing "entertainment" and "wrestling". Here's the thing, this really crazy thing. In professional wrestling...wrestling IS entertainment. Anyway, that said, the 90s was as much about "entertainment", in your terms, as it is today. Arguably, it was when the "entertainment" side really became important.

today in 2009, thats not okay, its a purely entertainment sport.

Do you realize the contradiction between "purely entertainment" and "sport"? No? I thought not.

In the end, its still the same, overlyhyped, overrated, Shawn Micheals, and you just downright need to retire. Before you hurt yourself. Again.

I agree entirely. If you replace "Shawn Michaels" with "Mr. Kennedy".

The Rockers redebuted at a WWF house show on July 7, 1988. Due to WWF chairman Vince McMahon's desire to have his performers carry WWF-exclusive ring names, they were renamed, as simply "The Rockers."The team proved popular with both children and women. The team was a mid-card stalwart of television and pay-per-view shows for the next two years.

My take: The whole Vince changing their name to "The Rockers" because he wants to make it look like they were homegrown in the WWE, doesn't suprise me in the least. The Rockers were good, I don't think either of these carried the team, they both looked very flashy, and wrestled about 10 years ahead of their time.

They were alright. By the time they could have been a major tag team player they'd chosen to split them up. Solid, but not nearly as good as others in the time.

Along with Pillman, WcW, and that Liger guy, The Rockers made, Cruiserweight wrestling what it is today.

Cruiserweight wrestling was made in Japan and Mexico, and imported to ECW and WCW. WWE, and the Rockers, really didn't have much at all to do with it.

Wikipedia The Rockers continued their partnership, eventually splitting on December 2, 1991 during an incident on Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake's televised Barber Shop talk show promotional segment. Michaels superkicked Jannetty and threw him through a glass window on the set of Beefcake's talk show.Jannetty disappeared from the company, and Michaels became a villain as "The Boy Toy."

My take: There we have it folks, Shawn Micheals famous heel turn. This tactic to break teams still happens today. We've seen it just recently in The Miz and Morrison team, when The Miz backstabbed John Morrison, breaking up the team. This revolutionized the way things were done, and the way this was booked was nothing more than amazing. Shawn Micheals, The Heart Break Kidd, was born. (On another note, who was the commentator that said "Jannety tried to dive through the window to escape") The Rockers broke up, never recieving WWE tag team gold. On top of 1/2 of The Rockers falling off the face of the wrestling planet.

The commentator was Heenan...way to demonstrate your old school knowledge...anyway. This is one of the most iconic moments of wrestling, and well done. It's a pretty great moment.

Now correct me if I'm wrong

Sure thing.

but the point of a tag team, is that both of the members benefit from the forming of the team, and the overall accomplishments of the team. Why didn't Marty Jennetty get anything out of this team in the end?

It's not, really. The point of a tag team is to be a tag team and really, either keep them together forever or push one of them in the fallout. This is why Edge is bigger than Christian, for example.

Not very important but goes here to follow his story Shawn Micheals then adopted the name "Heartbreak kidd" and got Sherri as his Vallet type thing, supposibly being obsessed with him.

Sherri is a big component in Shawn's success, and one of the best managers ever. Great spelling, by the way.

Wikipedia Michaels failed to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship from Bret Hart in July 1992, even losing the WWF's first-ever ladder match against him at a house show, a match where the objective was to climb a ladder and reach an object hanging above the ring.

My Take Bret vs Shawn has always been a great match, nothing less here. Shawn can really put on a wrestling match, one of the best I've ever seen. No matter how much you hate Shawn Micheals, you have to give him credit, where credit's due and that my friends, is inside the squared circle. Shawn micheals did quite well in taking a few bumbs, and 1-2 spots in this match. Bret came out with the victory, but in all honesty, I thought Shawn Micheals shined throughout most of the match. Bret Hart picking up the victory. On a side note, Bret Hart could even sell in '92. I always think he dies, everytime he recieves the superkick, or a stunner either one.

Shawn vs Bret has always been a fantastic match, and Bret really knew what to do with a ladder match. Shawn adapted to it fantastically, and the rest is history.

Wikipedia He, however, won the title from The British Bulldog (David Smith) on the October 27, 1992 edition of Saturday Night's Main Event, which aired on November 8.

My Take Shawn Micheals first Reign as Intercontinental Champion lasted a little under 8 months. He held the title quite well. I watched a few matches of him winning, nothing more than your average heel win. Not much to say about this reign, nothing really spectacular happened. Unless Becca, or someother Shawn buff knows anything more about this reign, please say so, because I can't find crap didlydo fire. On it. Other than the fact he lost it to Marty Jannetty on September 6, due to Mr Perfects interferance, only to win it back using Diesel.

Jannetty was the big feud, although Shawn did have a mini feud with Hacksaw Jim Duggan here. He also feuded with Tatanka, which brought about a match at Mania 9. Nothing too big, solid matches.

Wikipedia Michaels brought Diesel to the WWF as his heel bodyguard during early 1993. He helped Michaels win the Intercontinental Championship from Jannetty on June 6, 1993 at a House show. He helped Michaels defend it for 4 months until figure head WWF President Jack Tunney "suspended him" and stripped him of the title. In reality, Michaels was found to be using steroids and suspended by Vince McMahon for six weeks.

My take: I had no clue Shawn Micheals ever used Steroids, such a shame, I thought he was better than that. Shawn then had to drop the title, and lose 6 weeks on what could have been a very long reign for him to have. Oh well, this small blemish doesn't change too much about his career.

See now, I heard this was an addiction to pain medication. With his new attitude and lifestyle, I rather doubt Michaels would continue to deny this, as he does, so I'm not entirely sure I believe he was on steroids. But the suspension remains, and it led to one of the best matches of all time.

I'm a little dissapointed at how little I can find on Shawn Micheals, honestly, I need help with finding more information for the second part. Anyone willing to comply, PM me, or send me a message via MSN.

Seriously? Watch DVDs, read books, check the web...there's a load of information out there.

At the end of the day, you're presenting a piss poor argument about Michaels. You came out and called him a "poor entertainer", when he's one of the best there is. You grudgingly acknowledge that "he's a good wrestler", before shitting all over him, when the fact is he's a phenomenal wrestler and that makes him one of the all time greats. Shawn is a consistently great wrestler, both in ring and out. In the ring, he can still put on the best match of the card, and out of it, he's putting on the best feuds on Raw, hell, in the whole business. He's not overrated - he's given all the credit he's due by the business, and it's only a number of internet wrestling fans, who think they have a better conception of wrestling than people who have done it for decades, who disagree that Shawn is a fantastic wrestler. So, frankly, you're wrong - Shawn Michaels is among the greatest wrestlers of all time. Is he perfect? No. There's the obvious blemish of a poor title reign, which can be attributed to a number of things, not the least of which was Hogan and the NWO in WCW. However, he's been out there consistently, putting on excellent matches and excellent feuds, for the majority of his singles career, and deserves to be called one of the greatest of all time.
I'm pretty sure if was only a match though, how much can Shawn Michaels do for him in one match?

Orton is given credit for making Jeff look a threat, But wasn't considered a ture main eventer until he beat Triple H.

What I meant was he was on his way to being a main eventer by beating HBK and almost beating Orton. He did become legitimate during his feud with HHH.
What I meant was he was on his way to being a main eventer by beating HBK and almost beating Orton. He did become legitimate during his feud with HHH.
The minute he beat Shawn he was on his way to the top, It's like a right of passage to the main event, All im saying is Shawn constantly puts on amazing matches, And is probably WWE's unsung hero when it comes to putting people over.

His fued with Chris Jericho is proof of that, Jericho wasn't considered for any title, But the IC belt before HBK came along, As soon as their fued ended he was given the title.

Batista's profile raised after his fued with HBK, And that fued led from Shawns fued Ric Flair.

Honestly, I can't believe how much Milkyboy(as much as I love him) fucked up on this on.
The minute he beat Shawn he was on his way to the top, It's like a right of passage to the main event, All im saying is Shawn constantly puts on amazing matches, And is probably WWE's unsung hero when it comes to putting people over.

His fued with Chris Jericho is proof of that, Jericho wasn't considered for any title, But the IC belt before HBK came along, As soon as their fued ended he was given the title.

Batista's profile raised after his fued with HBK, And that fued led from Shawns fued Ric Flair.

Honestly, I can't believe how much Milkyboy(as much as I love him) fucked up on this on.

I don't know if Batista's profile was necessarily raised because of that feud. He didn't get any better because of it but he didn't get any worse. HBK puts few people over and those he does can't sustain it. Shelton Benjamin hasn't had a great match since then and Hardy should have won MITB if he didn't get suspended. As much as HHH is bashed, those he puts over have had sustained success in Chris Benoit and Batista. I honestly think that Benoit's title reign was the third best in the past five years behind Cena in 2006 and JBL in 2004.

HBK has had IMO four great matches in the past seven years and those were against HHH, Cena, Shelton Benjamin, and Jeff Hardy. Other than that some of his pay per view matches are forgettable.
I don't know if Batista's profile was necessarily raised because of that feud. He didn't get any better because of it but he didn't get any worse.

Should have worded it better. It was considered a good fued.

HBK puts few people over and those he does can't sustain it. Shelton Benjamin hasn't had a great match since then and Hardy should have won MITB if he didn't get suspended.

How can that be considered Shawn Michaels fault?

As much as HHH is bashed, those he puts over have had sustained success in Chris Benoit and Batista.

Like Shelton Benjamin?

I honestly think that Benoit's title reign was the third best in the past five years behind Cena in 2006 and JBL in 2004.

Whats about Triple H's last run? No love for Edge? What about Randy Orton? Chris Jericho?

HBK has had IMO four great matches in the past seven years and those were against HHH, Cena, Shelton Benjamin, and Jeff Hardy. Other than that some of his pay per view matches are forgettable.

Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho-Wrestlemania 19

Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit vs Triple H in a Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship-Wrestlemania 20

6Shawn Michaels vs Triple H vs Rob Van Dam vs Kanevs Chris Jerichovs Booker T in a Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Championship-Survivor Series 2002

Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle-Wrestlemania 21

Shawn Michaels vs Vince McMahon- Wrestlemania 22

Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho - multiple 2008

And his best match since he came back vs The Undertaker - Wrestlemaina 25.

I could go on and on...
Should have worded it better. It was considered a good fued.

How can that be considered Shawn Michaels fault?

Like Shelton Benjamin?

Whats about Triple H's last run? No love for Edge? What about Randy Orton? Chris Jericho?

Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho-Wrestlemania 19

Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit vs Triple H in a Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship-Wrestlemania 20

6Shawn Michaels vs Triple H vs Rob Van Dam vs Kanevs Chris Jerichovs Booker T in a Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Championship-Survivor Series 2002

Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle-Wrestlemania 21

Shawn Michaels vs Vince McMahon- Wrestlemania 22

Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho - multiple 2008

And his best match since he came back vs The Undertaker - Wrestlemaina 25.

I could go on and on...

The hardcore match was awful. It achieved what it achieved by being hardcore but it was awful nonetheless. I saw nothing great out of his matches with Jericho and I've watched HBK/Taker plenty of times and I haven't seen anything that makes me think it was one of the greatest matches in Wrestlemania history.

Edge is a better challenger IMO than a champion and I would put Orton 4th best because the other three had more quality matches. Jericho's two reigns didn't stand out since his last one only lasted a couple weeks.

And I'm not saying that Shelton Benjamin or Hardy's inability to capitalize are HBK's fault. That falls mainly on Benjamin and Hardy. Jeff has capitalized on this success but Benjamin has yet to.
The hardcore match was awful. It achieved what it achieved by being hardcore but it was awful nonetheless.

It was the culmination of a fued that went back years. It was a great match, And was voted PWI Match of the Year 2006.

I saw nothing great out of his matches with Jericho.

What? Every single one of them was great! Ladder match being the best of the lot, with the unsanctioned match at Unforgiven, Coming a close second.

I've watched HBK/Taker plenty of times and I haven't seen anything that makes me think it was one of the greatest matches in Wrestlemania history.

It will be considered as an all time great in years to come, The psycology of the match was perfect, The pace of the match, The way the match was structured perfectly, The atmosphere was off the chart. It will be looked at in the same light as Hogan/Andre, And Savage/Steamboat.

Edge is a better challenger IMO than a champion

He plays the same role in both positions.

I would put Orton 4th best because the other three had more quality matches.

From Benoit's reign, I remember Triple H vs Shawn Michaels, And Benoit vs Randy Orton.

Whereas as I remember Randy recieving the title, Then later beating Triple H to regain it, Then his two matches against Shawn Michaels, Then Jeff Hardy, And then retaining at Wrestlemania in the triple threat match.

Jericho's two reigns didn't stand out since his last one only lasted a couple weeks.

Jericho shocked the world by being savagely beaten by Michaels, Then replacing Punk in the Scamble match, And winning it against all odds.
First off, Shawn Michaels could have a good match with anyone. He's not overrated. He was the top guy when the WWF product was stale and WCW was fresh and cutting edge. If he was drawing, he wouldn't have main-evented so many PPV's both with and without the title ( HIAC 1997). He was more versatile in the ring. He is the one of the few good workers left, and is still entertaining. He also pioneered "attitude".
Ok milkyway should be arrested for such a horrible thread! did you happen to see his match at wrestlemania 25? yea your right hes old. DX? The 1st ladder match? come on this has been by far the worst opinionated thread I have read on here since I joined. I realize it is your opinion, but, man i dont know what to say. his time in the wwe has been nothing great. please mr. milkyway keep your mouth shut. thank you.
You know when I first read this post I thought to myself ''dxparza, (thats what I call myself lol), damn this kid has no idea what hes talking about, Imma write a well articulated response stating all the reasons why this guy is wrong.'' than i decided ''fuck that!! Imma set this kid straight!'' now what Imma about to write may very well ge me kicked outta wrestlezone forever but oh well.

First off Shawn Michaels is one of if not the greatest wrestlers in the history of wrestling. how dare you say hes overated as hell. he has had more great matches than you an even count. dont make a post about shit you dont know, Shawn Michaels has been westling for over 20 years, hell he stared years before your dads condom broke and the mistake known and MilkyWay was born. or maybe it was the milkman that knocked up your mom and thats why they call you milkyway.. getting back to he topic at hand, you for some reason cant see what shawn has done for the wwe?? for wrestling? for he fans?? he held the wwe up during its darkest days and helped the attitude era get started.. he made it believable for a guy his size to be champion and he put on classic after classic and made guys look like a million bucks. Hogan sucks in the ring but shawn made hogan look great if only for one match, cena has he same boring match over and over but shawn actually made cena have a great match too. Shawn has given 20+ years to the business, broke his back for this business and has gone in day in and day out and performed for the fans giving his all thew hole time, shwan has never had a half ass match of has ever gone less that 100 percent out there. And from my expierence he is a good to his fans. I have been lucky enough to run into him at a restaurant back in 01. I didnt wanna be an annoying fan and ask for an autograph, I simply went up to him and introduced myself and said 'thank you.' he asked for what and i said thank you for the memories, thank you for all youve done in this business. we ended up talkng wrestling for over an hour, and you can tell he love the business and wanted to get back in it. and as far as the whole Montreal screwjob, dont blame shawn, blame mcmahon as a matter a fact blame bret Hart.. all shawn did was do what his boss told him to do. maybe if bret had done the same thing there would be no montreal screwjob. so dont comment on shit you dont know, get your ass off wikipedia and read a fuckin book, youll be hard pressed to find anyone who doesnt think hbk is one of the all time greats. i think you did this post to get the attention and the hate that you knew it would cause its obvious you dont know your shit.

now go do your pre algebra homework and jack of to your John Cena poster and stay the fuck away from your computer! you should have your fuckin fingers chopped off for writting something so stupid.

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