The Future Of WWE


Pre-Show Stalwart
We all know the type of guy that Vince wants to push or likes to push. his ideal model would be 6'3 or bigger and 240+

however the top guys on NXT are nowhere near that size. Except for Kevin Owens but he doesnt have the body type that Vince likes.

if the future of WWE is the size of Daniel Bryan the are we in for a B+ promotion?

it is only a natural conclusion since that is what the company has been advocating on TV for the past couple of years. the best talents on the roster are just too small. (Punk, Bryan, Ziggler).

Make you wonder what the future holds.
Barring significant injury or some sort of backstage situation, Baron Corbin will be WWE Champion within 5 years, for better or worse. I've heard talk about his intensity and charisma--to me, his intense facial expressions read like vacant Motel Six rooms and the loan wolf jackets look like fake 80s motorcycle tough guy bullshit. And don't get me started on the tattoos... worst ink since Brock Lesnar's dickchest.

Bull Dempsey is better than he's given credit for, he just needs better tights and to get rid of the John Tenta Earthquae haircut. Plus he has one of the better names to come out of WWE developmental, I don't want it to go to waste.

Owens, clearly, is the star. He's the best promo man in NXT and already better than at least half the main roster. In the ring, he's got a lot of polishing to do--the lack of polish is a lot of his appeal yes, but he can't/won't be that reckless on the main roster. You're right, it's the body type and the t-shirt wearing in the ring that's his biggest issue. I know how upsetting that is but that's the reality. Still, he seems like one of the guys that can overcome the bullshit if it comes to that.

I expect Neville and Zayn to be called up to the main roster this year--Kalisto too, but he'll be strictly tag team for a while at least. I don't expect them to be massive stars, some midcard title reigns and an occasional main event flirt sure, but they can have very decent and strong main roster careers. Balor and Owens are the next to get the call up. There's a reason they've put put to the top of the NXT immediately, on top of guys who've been there for several years.

More football players and body guys are gonna come on board, and there's absolutely a place for them, both in developmental and the main roster. It is interesting how clear the technical and high flyers are superior in NXT to the body guys. It's not even the moves and the athleticism (though both clearly important), it's the psychology. It's coming on remarkably well.

Sorry if anything's incoherent or tangential or rambling. Been a long day.
I most certainly agree with the idea that WWE definitely has an eye for guys who are of a certain size. Kevin Owens definitely does his thing in the ring. But are those who favor him the same people who thought that the take-no-prisoners style of Samoa Joe was going to revolutionize the sport as well?

There are so many intangibles when it comes to someone who has the potential to be the face of your company. Look at MMA’s ill-fated IFL. No one in their wildest dreams ever thought that Roy Nelson would be its most enduring star. Yet, he was. Pro wrestling is not the same beast because of pre-determined outcomes. If a guy of said size is what the WWE wants for its future, it has to stay true to some of its tried and true formulas. Build this guy up SLOWLY. Let the fans gravitate toward him and stop letting it be known that he will be the guy who is the future before the plans are put in motion. Plus, have guys who can make him look good as well and make up for his deficiencies. It’s so easy for those who have never been in the ring to find favor in a guy with a kabillion moves. However, wrestling matches are composed of at least two people. They’ve gotta work together.

From the action to the plot lines, so much of pro wrestling has become so foreshadowed. That is not to say there is no place for the Daniel Bryans of the world. A couple of generations ago, Randy Savage destroyed the myth that you had to be a monster to have a magnificent run at the top and he did just that. If the WWE wants to have a marketable future, it has to look at its past.
This is just me speculating but I find it hard to believe that Vince and HHH are giving fans everything that is being "developed" in NXT. I assume there are some guys who are paying their dues off screen so that when they really debut on the main rosters they come with more mystery.

It just seems like the jacked up monsters that we expect from Vince would lose a lot of steam getting pushes and putting over other on NXT. If I had seen Mean Mark or Oz in WCW I don't think UT or Diesel would have made such an impact in WWF.
Generally speaking, the WWE will ultimately have to go with where the talent is. One reason why there've been a lot of stars that are hovering around the 6'0" and 180-225 pound range is because a hefty portion of the best talent in the business have fallen to within that size range. Now that isn't to say that there aren't big guys out there who're bigger & more muscular that aren't talented, because there are in spite of the fact that some internet fans seem to be prejudiced against those sorts of wrestlers almost on principle, but most of the best talent that's come about during the last 15 years could be classified as "cruiserweights." At the same time, guys who're jacked or have looks that Vince very much finds preferable often lose steam. Take the likes of Mason Ryan or Ezekiel Jackson, a couple of guys were were flat out jacked. Sure, fans found their looks, the size of their muscles impressive but that wore off quickly once it was revealed just how limited they were.

Within the next 10 years, I imagine, Vince McMahon will no longer be CEO of WWE. Vince will turn 70 years old right about the time this year's SummerSlam takes place so, realistically speaking, there's only so much time left until he has to step aside. IF Triple H is pegged to be the next CEO and IF NXT is something of an example as to how WWE will be with Triple H being the one to make THE final creative calls, then the cosmetic factor isn't going to carry nearly as much weight as it has with the old regime.

Pro wrestling is changing and has been changing for quite a few years. One reason for that is, as I've alluded to, that so many of the top wrestlers who have the ability inside the ring, on the mic, drawing potential and to establish lasting rapports with fans are smaller. It's not 1985, 1995 or even 2005 anymore because the time where only the big men were stars is and has been coming to a close in the big promotions in the United States.
I most certainly agree with the idea that WWE definitely has an eye for guys who are of a certain size.

It's something the wrestling community (us!) has been speculating on for years: Vince McMahon loves the big guys.

But why? Does he feel they generate the most business just because they're so darn......well, big? Does he feel the moves of a big man make a deeper impact on the fans than a small or medium-sized guy? If so, would he rather stage a match with the immobile Big Bossman and Akeem than one which features Tyson Kidd and Cesaro?

Until we know the answer to that, it's difficult to understand in what direction WWE will go in the least while Vinnie Mac is in charge.

For the performers we see at the top of the card.....the ones who will be on our TV screens each week.....the storyline is the thing, and I think these plot lines can be just as compelling for smaller people as bigger ones.

I would think the future of WWE will have management seeking people with a unique look. I believe one of the reasons the company wants so badly for Roman Reigns to succeed is because he's definitely got that look, although the company has learned, to their dismay, that just the look isn't enough.

Then again, there always seems to be room for exceptions. Daniel Bryan certainly doesn't have the size or look, does he? Yet, he seems almost to have forced Vince McMahon and the wrestling public to sit up and take notice of him.

Hopefully, then, the future will include talent, no matter what the size. Certainly, if NXT is any indication, that's where WWE will be looking. I'd rather see a small, power-packed guy like Adrian Neville perform than some big, immobile behemoth.

But what would Vince McMahon rather see?
I certainly hope a B+ WWE is the future, because right now WWE grades around D/D- :p

Jokes asides, as mentioned Baron Corbin is the obvious next big push. I don't like him but at least he has a super-cool finisher so there's that.

Big Bossman and Akeem than one which features Tyson Kidd and Cesaro

In what universe is Cesaro not an absolutely huge guy? We may tend to forget it because, you know, he's actually good, but he's tall and big.
It's something the wrestling community (us!) has been speculating on for years: Vince McMahon loves the big guys.

But why? Does he feel they generate the most business just because they're so darn......well, big? Does he feel the moves of a big man make a deeper impact on the fans than a small or medium-sized guy? If so, would he rather stage a match with the immobile Big Bossman and Akeem than one which features Tyson Kidd and Cesaro?

Until we know the answer to that, it's difficult to understand in what direction WWE will go in the least while Vinnie Mac is in charge.

For the performers we see at the top of the card.....the ones who will be on our TV screens each week.....the storyline is the thing, and I think these plot lines can be just as compelling for smaller people as bigger ones.

I would think the future of WWE will have management seeking people with a unique look. I believe one of the reasons the company wants so badly for Roman Reigns to succeed is because he's definitely got that look, although the company has learned, to their dismay, that just the look isn't enough.

Then again, there always seems to be room for exceptions. Daniel Bryan certainly doesn't have the size or look, does he? Yet, he seems almost to have forced Vince McMahon and the wrestling public to sit up and take notice of him.

Hopefully, then, the future will include talent, no matter what the size. Certainly, if NXT is any indication, that's where WWE will be looking. I'd rather see a small, power-packed guy like Adrian Neville perform than some big, immobile behemoth.

But what would Vince McMahon rather see?

I totally agree with your points. And true enough, Vince has definitely got to be looking for a lead horse. But if we are talking about the future of the WWE, then it is only right to mention everyone there now. WWE has and always has been great because of the sum of its parts. Maybe the guy the fans want to see and can help them do the most business is someone that no one foresees breaking away from the pack but eventually does.
It's something the wrestling community (us!) has been speculating on for years: Vince McMahon loves the big guys.

But why? Does he feel they generate the most business just because they're so darn......well, big? Does he feel the moves of a big man make a deeper impact on the fans than a small or medium-sized guy? If so, would he rather stage a match with the immobile Big Bossman and Akeem than one which features Tyson Kidd and Cesaro?

Until we know the answer to that, it's difficult to understand in what direction WWE will go in the least while Vinnie Mac is in charge.

For the performers we see at the top of the card.....the ones who will be on our TV screens each week.....the storyline is the thing, and I think these plot lines can be just as compelling for smaller people as bigger ones.

I would think the future of WWE will have management seeking people with a unique look. I believe one of the reasons the company wants so badly for Roman Reigns to succeed is because he's definitely got that look, although the company has learned, to their dismay, that just the look isn't enough.

Then again, there always seems to be room for exceptions. Daniel Bryan certainly doesn't have the size or look, does he? Yet, he seems almost to have forced Vince McMahon and the wrestling public to sit up and take notice of him.

Hopefully, then, the future will include talent, no matter what the size. Certainly, if NXT is any indication, that's where WWE will be looking. I'd rather see a small, power-packed guy like Adrian Neville perform than some big, immobile behemoth.

But what would Vince McMahon rather see?

No, it is because Vince McMahon sees his "Superstars" as SUPERHEROES! He sees them as we see Superman. Do you think Superman is a 5'11, 200 pound pipsqueak? Batman? Iron Man? The X-Men? Hell, even Aquaman looks like he is 6'3 with a sixpack to match. But, that is what VKM expects in his Superstars. Daniel Bryan, as good as he is in all facets of the business, looks like the garden gnome from Travelocity. Can you picture Daniel Bryan as a comic book superhero? Neither can VKM. And, there is where your problem is.
No, it is because Vince McMahon sees his "Superstars" as SUPERHEROES! He sees them as we see Superman. Do you think Superman is a 5'11, 200 pound pipsqueak? Batman? Iron Man? The X-Men? Hell, even Aquaman looks like he is 6'3 with a sixpack to match. But, that is what VKM expects in his Superstars. Daniel Bryan, as good as he is in all facets of the business, looks like the garden gnome from Travelocity. Can you picture Daniel Bryan as a comic book superhero? Neither can VKM. And, there is where your problem is.

Spiderman is neither tall nor buff.
Barring significant injury or some sort of backstage situation, Baron Corbin will be WWE Champion within 5 years, for better or worse. I've heard talk about his intensity and charisma--to me, his intense facial expressions read like vacant Motel Six rooms and the loan wolf jackets look like fake 80s motorcycle tough guy bullshit. And don't get me started on the tattoos... worst ink since Brock Lesnar's dickchest.

Bull Dempsey is better than he's given credit for, he just needs better tights and to get rid of the John Tenta Earthquae haircut. Plus he has one of the better names to come out of WWE developmental, I don't want it to go to waste.


Dude this was some of the best comedy I've read on this site. "John Tenta Earthquake haircut" and "Dickchest" have me roaring. Thanks brethren.

As far as the thread is concerned I think this is the exact reason you see Lesnar and Roman on top right now. Vince will never let go of that image and he is probably rightful in his stubbornness. The minute you let the WWE title be passed around by a slew of undersized yet GREAT workers you will diminish the brand. That's what makes guys like HBK, Bret Hart, CM Punk, and Daniel Bryan so special. They can overcome the larger than life size aspects of other superstars believably. Wait until D. Bry beats Lesnar clean at mania in a TERRIFIC match.
No, it is because Vince McMahon sees his "Superstars" as SUPERHEROES! He sees them as we see Superman. Do you think Superman is a 5'11, 200 pound pipsqueak? Batman? Iron Man? The X-Men? Hell, even Aquaman looks like he is 6'3 with a sixpack to match. But, that is what VKM expects in his Superstars. Daniel Bryan, as good as he is in all facets of the business, looks like the garden gnome from Travelocity. Can you picture Daniel Bryan as a comic book superhero? Neither can VKM. And, there is where your problem is.

Very true and that is where a lot of the problems lie with some of the opinionated. Certainly, there are guys with elaborate movesets that will entertain some and probably confuse others in and out of the ring. But the point about the SUPERHEROES is spot on. WWE is marketing their product to a younger fan base again. The "larger-than-life" appeal of a main superstar helps out in that goal. So while the people who back the average sized guys who do make it to the top of the ladder would love to see them remain there for whatever reason, the fact is VKM doesn't think they have the universal appeal across broader forms of entertainment than a bigger wrestler.

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