The Future of BJ Penn And The Lightweight Division

Turd Ferguson

With BJ Penn distinguishing himself as the best Lightweight of all time, there are rumblings that he's looking to move up to Welterweight full time. There's good reason for him to. The only two legitimate Lightweight contenders he hasn't faced yet are Frankie Edgar and George Sotiropoulous. They're definitely good fighters in their own right, no doubt about that, but the fact of the matter is that BJ is on another planet, and chances are they wouldn't pose much of a challenge to BJ. I fully expect a dismantling of Edgar next month at 112. I don't think Shinya Aoki or Eddie Alvarez will be available any time soon to fight BJ, so there really is nobody left for him to fight in the Lightweight Division.

BJ wants to move up to 170 full-time, but Dana said he'll have to earn his shot at GSP this time. There are some challenges for BJ at 170. I think matchups vs. the likes of Jon Fitch, Thiago Alves, Paulo Thiago and Josh Koscheck would all provide great fights for MMA fans, and great challenges for BJ. A dream fight of mine is actually BJ Penn vs. Jon Fitch. Fitch is basically the second best Welterweight behind GSP, and it would be a real good litmus test to see how well Penn can hang at 170 against an elite Welterweight talent, as well to see how well his cardio can hold up at the higher weight class. Stylistically, I think Fitch is the toughest possible matchup for BJ. Fitch is a big Welterweight, and he can grind out decisions like nobody's business. I'd also love to see how well BJ would be able to hang with such a gifted and powerful striker like Thiago Alves. The trash talking between BJ and Koscheck would be legendary, and I'd love to see BJ destroy him. There are numerous intriguing matchups for BJ at Welterweight, and for him to challenge himself and maintain his place as one of the best in the world, he needs to move up and beat some top flight fighters at 170 lbs. Only then would a third GSP fight be really worth seeing.

Now, if BJ officially moves up to 170, he'll have to relinquish the Lightweight Title. As far as the next potential champion of the division goes, I think it has to come down between Kenny Florian and George Sotiropoulous. Florian has had two title shots, but the first time against Sherk, he was still relatively inexperienced, and the second time against Penn, he was outclassed in every aspect, but to be fair, BJ is just that damn good. Sotiropoulous is the best up and comer the division currently has, and I think a fight between Florian and Sotiropoulous would be awesome. The list of guys who Penn has run through can all get second chances for the title as well. If Penn moves up, the Lightweight Division is competitive again. That's good for everyone.
I think there are a few fights for BJ still in the division, as long as certain fighters win.

Takanori Gomi, for example, if he defeats Kenny Florian, then he will get a shot at the Lightweight Title in his next fight, and I think that will interest BJ. Gomi's literally the only Lightweight to ever succeed in a takedown against BJ, and if the guy looks better than ever in the fight with Florian, I think BJ would be honored to fight him again.

George Sotiropoulos is another fight that I think would interest BJ, if George wins his next fight or two, against competition like Gray Maynard, or any of the other top contenders in the division. And speaking of Maynard, if he can finally beat someone convincingly, then I think he would deserve a shot as well.

However, if Gomi loses against Florian, I think BJ will definitely consider dropping out of the division, since there won't be anything left to do there that he hasn't already done. And it would definitely interest me personally to see BJ move up to 170, IF Gomi lost.

I firmly believe the only Welterweight in the UFC that can defeat BJ Penn is GSP. Fitch would stand a chance by going the route Florian went, but I still think BJ would find a way around that. BJ's boxing > Thiago Alves' Muay Thai, so he would eat him alive standing up. BJ vs. Koscheck would be an interesting fight, but it's another one I see BJ winning since I think Kos would rely more with his fist than his wrestling. Etc. etc. etc.

And as far as who would take over the Lightweight Division, I agree that it's out of Kenny Florian and George Sotiropoulos, if Kenny wins his fight against Gomi. I can't picture anyone defeating either of those two, unless Diego Sachez comes back to the division (his next fight is at Welterweight for those who don't know). They're just too well-rounded.
I think BJ needs to get his ass at 170 and stay there. He has just dominated at 155 for as long as I could remember, He has beaten the elite fighters at 155 with ease. I agree, Frankie Edger and George Sotiropoulos are really the only challenges left for BJ at 155.
I could see Frankie having some what of a chance in stand up. BUT I gave Diego a chance and look what happend too him.. I only give Sotriopoulos a chance if it goes to the ground, other than that BJ would just disown him at stand-up.

So yeah, BJ
"Move to 170 and stay there!"..Like you mentioned, BJ vs Fitch, Alves, or Koscheck would be some pretty fuckin fights! Which is why we need BJ to move up and set those fights up! I also think BJ could have a great fights with Paul Daley and Paulo Thiago. I believe if BJ fought Daley or Thiago, they would be a stand-up war for the ages!
Alright, let's revisit this discussion with BJ losing the title to Frankie Edgar yesterday at UFC 112. Fuck Anderson Silva, the real story coming out of this card is how Edgar upset BJ for the title and became Lightweight Champion. He came ready and prepared to win. BJ looked lost out there. I don't know if he was hurt, jetlagged, or if like everyone else, he underestimated Edgar, but Edgar's the new champion now, and I couldn't be happier. He seems like he's truly a great guy and he deserves all of the success he has. He's a great fighter and his time is now. IndyJon brought up a great point to me last night too, in that only two men have managed to beat both Sean Sherk and BJ Penn. GSP and Frankie Edgar. I think what I loved most out of Edgar's performance is that he probably could have gone another 5 rounds running circles on BJ. The fact that he managed to take BJ down twice, when no other lightweight has done it in years, is a huge accomplishment in itself.

Where do you think our new champion goes from here? Personally, I think Kenny Florian gets the first title shot at Edgar, and it will take place in Boston in August. Since losing to BJ last August, Kenny has looked as dominant as ever with wins over Clay Guida and Takanori Gomi. A lot of people might not consider Edgar the #1 in the division until he beats Kenny, the consensus #2 in the UFC Lightweight Division. So, I think Edgar and Kenny will square off for the title in August. For #1 Contendership, I think Gray Maynard vs. George Sotiropoulous makes a lot of sense. Maynard still needs to beat someone convincingly. Sotiropoulous is riding a hot streak, and has a lot of momentum after his victory over Joe Stevenson. With a win, either of those guys will deserve a shot at the title. And for the record, I think Penn vs. Maynard would have been terrible and boring. I'm so glad Dana called an audible and had Edgar fight Penn instead.

Where does BJ go? Back up to 170. I think him getting the winner of Paul Daley and Josh Koscheck makes a lot of sense. With all the talk of Anderson Silva moving down to Welterweight going on, and BJ moving up, I think a match between Silva and Penn would be pretty awesome. When Jake Shields moves over to the UFC following his fight with Dan Henderson, maybe he'll take BJ on for his first UFC fight. I think there are a few high profile matchups for BJ right now, and a lot of far more interesting ones than him trying to earn his way back to the Lightweight Title, which I don't think is a road he wants to go down to begin with.
Well, I have yet to see the fight and have heard mixed reactions. Some think that BJ was screwed and others think that Frankie just turned in the performance of a lifetime. If there was any sort of screw job then I think Penn should get a rematch, if not then Penn should move up to WW.

Penn has shown his dominance in the LW division for years but if Edgar won fair and square then I think it is time for all parties to move on. Penn needs a new test and that is something the WW division will give him and the LW division has a new face and now we can see how they do post Penn-era.

Penn's most exciting fights are waiting for him at WW. Penn vs. Kos, Penn vs. Daley, Penn vs. Alves, Penn vs. Fitch, Penn vs. Paulo. All of these fights have a ton of potential. We could see how good Penn's skills really are or if he was just that good against smaller guys. I would love to see Penn and Kos or Daley throw some punches at each other or see if Penn could withstand Fitch's wrestling. Penn's greatest fights are waiting for him at WW.
I see BJ getting a rematch rather quickly. I did see the fight, and everyone in the damn bar had it scored the same way, BJ had him 3 rounds to 2. I will be the first to admit that BJ did look completely out of it, and was not the same Penn we know. But the fact of the matter is he out pointed and scored more shots on Edgar in the first three rounds. Edgar was struggling to get in and did not land much in terms of clean shots while Penn always seemed to have a crisp counter punch.

The fourth round was the closest of the fight, and while I would honestly give that round to BJ, a case can be made for Edgar. And I would absolutely give Edgar the final round, but bottom line, was Edgar the aggressor? Yes. Did he out punch Penn? Absolutely not. The two takedowns not withstanding, Penn definitely took the first three rounds and possibly the fourth. The fact that one of the judges gave Edgar all 5 rounds and another judge gave him 4 of the 5 rounds is a complete joke.
Well, I'm hearing that Frankie Edgar's first potential opponent could possibly end up being Gray Maynard, and I'm going to be seriously pissed off if that fight happens.

Look, I know Gray Maynard beat Frankie Edgar, but that motherfucker lost to Nate Diaz in his last fight, no matter what those ******ed judges had to say. And even if you somehow believe that Maynard won that fight, that is still not the kind of victory that gets you a title shot. Bottom line.

To me, I firmly believe BJ Penn deserves an immediate rematch. The fight yesterday was simply too close to let Penn's unbeatable reign end that way. He deserves a shot to redeem himself. That is... IF he is up for it.

Rumor is that BJ might be considering retirement. Man, first of all, I hope that doesn't happen. However, if he does, or if BJ decides to take something like a year off... then obviously you have to go another direction. However, if BJ still wants to compete and do so in the Lightweight division, the fact of the matter is he deserves an immediate rematch. After everything he has done in and for that division, he should not have to fight his way back up the Lightweight ladder. No, he deserves a rematch right away.

But, if BJ wants to take some time off, then Edgar will need an opponent, and that opponent should not be, under any circumstance, Gray fucking Maynard. No, if BJ is not competing, then the Lightweight Division belongs to Kenny Florian, and he should be the one to get a shot at the title next. After giving BJ his toughest fight in YEARS in the Lightweight divison, actually FINISHING Clay Guida (not many have been able to do that), and completely dominating Takanori Gomi... KenFlo deserves a shot, if BJ's not around. Not Gray Maynard. If Maynard can win one more fight, against anyone decent, then okay... give him a shot at the winner of Edgar vs. Florian or Penn. But for now... the only two people who should be even considered for Edgar's first title defense are BJ Penn and Kenny Florian.
I completely agree in saying Penn deserves a rematch right away. Yes it is kinda against UFC standards to give the loser of a title fight a rematch right away, but Penn dominated that division for way to long! Now all signs point to Ken-Flo next in line, but just today being admitted to a hospital having a staff infection, this can mess up plans for a match between Edgar and Flo. Im with you JMT on not giving Maynard the next shot, he did clearly lose to Diaz, just because Maynard is lobbying himself to get the next crack doesn't mean he should, I think a great thing Joe Silva and Dana could've done is reward Nate with a title shot but he seems content with staying in the welter weights! It sucks Sanchez lost just a fight ago to Penn, him vs. Edgar I think would be entertaining, plus with Maia getting a crack at Silva after winning just one fight you could make a case for Sanchez getting another one if you pump his next fight up, and if he wins give it to him. Then theres always Tyson Griffin they fought @ UFC 67 back in 07 with that being a farley close one going the distance and the judges 29-28 29-28 30-27! Basically anyone besides Maynard, I think he needs a dominate performance before he gets a chance.
Right now it's being said that in 3-4 months, Frankie Edgar will defend his title, and it will be against.... BJ PENN.

Yes! Hopefully that's true, because BJ really does deserve an immediate rematch.

And while I was enjoying the possibility of Kenny Florian vs. Frankie Edgar being set-up in the UFC August's show in Florian's hometown of Boston, I'd actually rather see BJ get his rematch first, and Florian vs. Gray Maynard for the Boston show, with the winner of that getting the winner of Penn/Edgar.

For one, I just want to finally see Maynard get his fucking ass kicked, but for two... BJ Penn just deserves his rematch. Bottom line. And let me say... while you can claim it's me underestimating Edgar again, but there's absolutely no chance in hell Edgar walks into that octagon and defeats BJ Penn again. No, no way. BJ will train much harder for this fight, and have a much better gameplan going in. I cannot wait to see it.
I would like to see BJ Penn get an immediate rematch. Then if he beats Edgar, which I think he will, his last performance was just an off night for him, then I would like to see a rubber match between the two. If BJ wins the rubber match, then I would like to see him move up to 170.
If Penn gets the rematch this fight can be a main event in august or september, which i think is right beacuse the fight was so close, i scored it 48-47 for Edgar if anybody cares but it could have gone to Penn and it would not have been a shock.

Then for the next title fight you book Maynard-Florian when Kenny is healthy, Maynard is winning his fights so you cant really look him down. Kenny is on fire with his boxing and deserves another shot at the belt.

Thats the 4 top guys but dont forget Sotiropoulos who can be the next top guy, give him Sherk if he can stay injury free. Thats a fight he can win and then maybe the loser of Penn-Edgar or Maynard-Florian. Plus Tyson Griffin looks better with every fight. The division is looking pretty good for the future.

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