The fuck, WZ?

Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
After speaking to a source in WWE earlier this evening, WrestleZone can now exclusively confirm that a top WWE star is strongly considering his retirement from the pro wrestling industry.

Out of respect to the superstar, who is still under contract with WWE, we will not be revealing his name at this point, however as the story continues to develop WZ will be providing more information. It should be noted that the wrestler in question is NOT Chris Jericho.

We have been told that the top star's contract is expiring with WWE in the very near future, and that he has several options on his plate outside of the pro wrestling world that he has a strong interest in exploring. We have also been told that if this wrestler does indeed leave WWE it will not be to jump ship to TNA, but rather to quit the wrestling business altogether and focus on other avenues.

WZ will continue to update this situation as it develops.

Hey, we got a hot scoop! Come read it! PS: We aren't going to tell you anything. This may seriously be the most pathetic attempt to get people to read something that I've ever seen.

With that said, might as well start guess about it, even though I doubt it's credibility. Who do you think it is?
It's going to be Edge. This is why he is turning face again, so he can go out beloved. Plus he said he was going to retire within the next two years.

Actually it might not be him, I just wish it was.
Now that I think about it, its rumored the buried alive match is returning. Kane could be going out then.
Honestly, I don't care who it is. I'm more pissed at how fucking stupid the article is.

With that said, Hornswoggle

Very stupid indeed. When was the last time WZ ever kept any information out of respect to anyone? Clearly they don't know who it is... if it's even true.

And with that said, Jillian... no seriously, it's Jillian.
Well, it said "Top Superstar," so that knocks Matt Hardy out of the running. I think it's Kane. Probably had this title reign/Taker feud planned for a while after he told them he was out.
Out of respect to the superstar, who is still under contract with WWE, we will not be revealing his name at this point,
I'm taking this to mean 'We have no fucking idea'.

I'm taking to mean 'someone who hasn't been on TV for months, and whom most of you couldn't give a shit about.'
"a pro wrestler currently employed by wwe may or may not be retiring sometime soon and we wont say who it is"

Ah well. Narrows it right on down.
I'm thinking Undertaker. He said that he always wanted Paul involved in his last run before he retired.

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