The first to reach world championship status

Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management
If you count the ECW title then Morrison has already done this. But I don't. Which of these men will be WWE or World Champion first?

MVP: 2x United States Champion the longest reigning US champion in WWE history. Former WWE Tag Team Champion w/Matt Hardy.

Clever on the mic and above average in-ring competitor. Has worked well as a heel and as a face. Has dropped some of the silly aspects of his character such as his inflatable entrance tunnel but still has a unique gimmick. His costume is kind of silly for a guy who is supposed to carry the company but he can't help it because of the tatoo and I don't think that's enough to keep him from the title. Plus as far as I know he's not on anyones bad side anymore either.

John Morrison: ECW Champion, Intercontinental Champion 2x, WWE/World Tag Team Champion 5x 3 with Joey Mercury and 2 with Miz.

Described by many as the next Shawn Michaels. He has an incredinly unique moveset. He is well versed in capoeira (dance fighting), is one of the most athletically gifted competitors ever to step into a WWE ring. Has held multiple singles and tag team championships and has worked as both a face and a heel. His promos aren't Triple H level but they're good in there own way.

Ted Dibiase: 2x World Tag Team Champion w/Cody Rhodes.

The man everyone is making out to be the next big thing. The man Vince wanted to possibly be the man who ends the legendary undefeated streak of the Undertaker. He's been a tag team champion twice but I want to see how he does with a singles run (maybe the us title) before he gets the WWE championship.

Cody Rhodes: 3x World Tag Team Champion 2 w/Ted Dibiase and 1 with Bob Holly.

He's been around a little bit longer than DiBiase which gives him the experience factor but he doesn't quite have the look. Plus Vince is more likely to give the big push to his legacymate and tag partner Teddy because of his movie coming up then he is Rhodes. But Cody's time will soon come and he'll be rewarded for his hard work. Just is he world champion material?
I, myself, do count the ECW Title as a World Title so I say Morrison already did it. As far as only counting the WWE and World Title, I see John taking the World Title before MVP takes the WWE Title.
John Morrison then M.V.P, both are worthy and over with fans.

MVP isn't over with anyone. Hear the noise when he makes his entrance? It's called silence. Ted will be a champion one day, but it's years and years and years away yet. If any of the rest ever do it won't be in the next two or three years.

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