The Firing Angle - Your thoughts? (2/2)


JD Hale
Now this was touched upon in the first of these two parts (by some psychic individuals) but I wanted to get more opinions on this now that a Raw has passed. There are two sides to this as I have wrote below..
At one point of view, it is that the trio were taken off tv to give Ambrose and Reigns an elevated position on the card and to get involved in the main angle. You could argue that Ziggler and Ryback were both getting bigger reactions than Reigns and Ambrose, and therefore being took off the main shows allows the former Shield members to have a platform to get involved with the main Authority angle and get more tv time. Now if you asked me if this was WWE's reasoning on Sunday I would have said probably yes, given that on Smackdown both were involved in the main event against the Authority in their main guy Rollins and the Big Show. However, after Raw I'm not so sure. Honestly, neither Ambrose nor Reigns came out of Raw looking like they were in a more prominent role. In terms of Reigns, he wasn't punished by the Authority at all. It was as if he hadn't attacked them on Friday, and it was as if him and the Big Show were separate from the main angle itself and doing their own thing. When you consider Ambrose, a case can be made that he possibly has taken Ryback's feud with Rusev from the Big Guy, but the match ended in Rusev winning via an injury to Ambrose and then an awkward cut off. This could mean that it was just a one week thing. If this point of view is correct and that WWE were taking the trio off of tv to further build the two who are 'grabbing the brass ring', then I feel they messed up on the first show to do so.
The second opinion is slightly easier to explain. It's that the Firing Angle wasn't to take the thunder away from Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan, and that it wasn't to just give Reigns and Ambrose a bigger spotlight to shine in. Therefore it means when the fired trio come back they won't be demoted down the card, but instead they'll maintain their spot or even potentially improve their position within the company.
So I ask what are your thoughts on this? Do you believe the firing angle was done to give others a bigger spotlight (namely Reigns and Ambrose) at the expense of Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan? Or are you of the opinion that the three will not be replaced or overtaken by others who get additional screen time in their absence. Let me know please!
I think it was to build up Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan. Either that or Vince just got bored of it pretty fast. Guess we'll have to wait a little longer. I think maybe The Authority is going to allow them to either have to win a match to get their jobs back like the Dust Brothers or enter the Rumble and if they don't impress the Authority with their performance in the match then they won't get their jobs back. If this is leading up to Ziggler and Ryback getting a shot in the main-event scene then this is a pretty tried, tested and true method of doing so. Keep them off TV long enough to piss off the WWE Universe who want to see them (more so Ziggler than Ryback, and definitely more than Rowan) and then bring them back at the right time.
It was to elevate the trio to main event scene. It was most important for Rowan cause he will get a great reaction upon his return. He was lost in the roster and this will give the crowd something to stand for him. Ziggler and Ryback will become the top main eventers.
Or there is another possibility that you haven't thought of. If you remember back to Survivor Series, there was a stipulation that if they didn't win then they were fired from the company.

Now you could argue that they did win and the Authority was taken out of power, for a short time, so that stipulation should have gone away. And maybe it should have. Does anyone really think that the Authority coming back would make nice and pretend that nothing happened? Of course not, they were going to get back at these guys somehow. They could have made their lives miserable by giving them handicap matches and making them lose everytime. But we've been there and done that when HHH was trying to get them not to join Cena's team.

Giving them suspensions wouldn't have worked, because that would have taken them out of the running for the Rumble and in Zigglers case quite possibly Mania. Even if he had made it back in time for Mania, what would he have done there? Any time it would take to build to a match would be gone.

Firing them for a short period of time was the best option. It gave the Authority the chance to get back at them, it will build all three up and give the fans a reason to get behind them, and brings this part of the storyline to a close.
Firing them for a short period of time was the best option.

Yes it was, and just the fact WWE decided to do a "firing" angle, which has been done so many times before, speaks to the notion it was going to be handled differently this time. After all, is there a single person who actually believed any of the three had been terminated from the company? Of course not. (If anyone did, I would suggest he/she catch the latest train to Never Never Land and live out their lives among the Lost Boys).

Still, things are already different. When Cena faced off against Seth Rollins and his gang of all-heel lumberjacks, I was sure Cena was going to prevail, winning their jobs back for his three Survivor Series buddies.....and we'd be reading complaints from the Cena haters on this forum all week long. ("Cena never looses! It's not fare!") Instead, it didn't happen that way, did it?....and I was completely surprised, which was an unusual and pleasant experience when trying to predict what WWE will be trying next.

Obviously, Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan will be returning to work, and while I'm still hoping Cena will be the one finding a way to make it happen, there's always the chance they're going to turn on him, even if he does get their jobs back for them. Surely, that's the goal of the Authority, right?

I don't know that WWE has much planned for Erick Rowan beyond what he's already shown, but Ryback and Ziggler are apparently important to the company's's hoping a new and unique way can be found to finish the "firing" angle.
They'll definitely be back sooner rather than later, it wouldn't surprise me if they show up on Raw on Monday.

I don't know how they'll work it so that the 3 do get their jobs back, but they could go with Ziggler winning some sort of match only for The Authority to reward him as No.1 entrant in the RR.
The thing I love about the Firing angle is that I hate it—from a kayfabe standpoint. I despise what the Authority's doing and want to see the trio that was fired come back and prevail. In my opinion, it's great storytelling by the WWE and it makes you want to watch the program the next week in order to find out what will happen next.
I don't have time to go through all the posts at this time but I may do before Friday! So overall based on your thoughts so far you believe that it wasn't just a way to get Reigns and Ambrose in the trio's spot on the card, which is good to see in terms of fairness I suppose.

I think it was to build up Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan. Either that or Vince just got bored of it pretty fast. Guess we'll have to wait a little longer. If this is leading up to Ziggler and Ryback getting a shot in the main-event scene then this is a pretty tried, tested and true method of doing so. Keep them off TV long enough to piss off the WWE Universe who want to see them and then bring them back at the right time.

Everything you've said could be very well be true. A good statement at saying the firing angle is a tried, tested and true method, I liked that a lot so props to you!
Firing them for a short period of time was the best option. It gave the Authority the chance to get back at them, it will build all three up and give the fans a reason to get behind them, and brings this part of the storyline to a close.

Your last paragraph makes a lot of sense and makes me think I've been completely overthinking how this new storyline is going to be. You're right in my opinion in that it builds the three, gives fans a reason to be behind them and bringing the story to an ending. Although it doesn't exactly give any direction as to where the three will be heading, but that's just something you can sit back, watch and hopefully enjoy I suppose!
Meh. I'm pretty indifferent to it. They have had so many start stop phases with Dolph Ziggler that I just don't feel invested into him anymore. I wish that he would be in a better position, sure, but I don't really care at this point.

I like Ryback but I dont see them doing the guy justice. He's a good dude with passion for the business and has a pretty good mind for things. I like the way he talks and how he sees things. For a so called meathead, I really like his mentality. But again, I doubt WWE will book this correctly anytime soon. I just dont see him as having any room to be pushed since there are guys far above him at this point.

Eric Rowan to me should've stayed as a tag team with Luke Harper. Both of their careers since being "set free" have been atrocious and I couldnt care any less about him. Also creatively the Eric Rowan character could be a face that goes into more darker corners of his mind and his past as a bullied human being. This what they are doing right now, is just the most barebones of bookings ever.

So yeah. I'm not really for nor against the firing angle. The whole Cena/Athority angle was stupid to begin with, that I did dislike a lot. But these firings I dont know, when it happened, it just didnt even phase me. I just mind just doesnt care.
I'm not a fan of it, since it's been done time and time again and it's not the least bit believable. We all know they'll be back for the Royal Rumble. However, the end game could be Ziggler vs Triple H at WrestleMania, and that would make it worth it. Rowan I could care less about, but the timing was horrible for Ryback. The crowd was really behind him and wanted to see the feud with Rusev continue to build. Now you have to hope they're still interested when he comes back so it can pick up where it left off.

The worst ending to this would be if they have some sort of 6 or 8 man tag at WrestleMania. I hate to say it, but I can totally see it happening.

Sting, Ziggler, Rowan (and Ryback if it's an 8-man) vs. Triple H, Big Show, Kane (and possibly Sheamus if he turns heel as rumored).

This match would be fine for Fast Lane, but not WM31.
I think personally they could have done so much more with how Cena allowed the authority back in the first place but with that being said.

The best way to bring them back is a match vs Cena,if they win they get their job back,if Cena wins he gets either a title match OR gets to name a stipulation for an existing title match.

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