The Finishers of the TNA Talent

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Brilliance In Supremacy

Getting Noticed By Management
You notice that many of the WWE's talent use finishers that are simply modified versions of other moves. However, in TNA it's quite obvious that many of these guy have invented originial and sometimes extremely dangerous finishers. Given that the WWE is anal about their wrestlers' move sets, what finishers do you think would be banned by the WWE?
The biggest move in TNA that would deff. be banned would be the Canadian Destroyer, other ones include the Cop Killer, The Styles Clash, even Chris Sabins finisher
In my opinion, the muscle buster would probably also be banned (or modified - look at how Terkay does it) because it looks like it effects almost every body part. The Canadian Destroyer definitely looks dangerous...I still don't know how guys prepare to take that finisher.

God forbid the Cop Killer ever injures someone one day because it's so hard to control your landing
ugh...Cop Killer=Shane Helms' Vertabreaker which he did a couple of times in WWE but apparently can't do anymore. Canadian destroyer would obviously be banned and I thank god for that because that move has no business being performed in a wrestling ring. Others might include Angel's wings because the move looks too much like pedigree, Daniels' Spicy Drop because the move requires taking a solid neckbump, and 630 which one of the guys in TNA used to do before.

As long as originality goes...Isn't Abyss Black Hole Slam same as the one Viscera did and very similar to the one Bossman did? Isn't Cradle Shock almost the same as Michinoku Driver II? Just because you haven't seen people peform these moves before doesn't mean that they weren't performed. And nobody performed the Canadian destroyer before because's ******ed.
As with anyone else with a conscience, I'm definitely concerned for the health and well-being of all the wrestlers. However, I won't deny that some of the TNA finishers are so innovative and devastating looking that they're soooo amazing to look at. Da Cop Killa makes you cringe. That's how you know it's a good move (but not necessarily a safe move). I'd have to say that the Canadian Destroyer is officially the coolest looking move I've ever seen in a pro wrestling ring.
I think the Style's Clash would be allowed, but Spiral Tap would not. Neither would the 630, the shooting star legdrop, muscle buster, cradle shock (yes, it is just like the michinoku driver...but WWE wouldn't let Juvi use the Juvi driver...), Alex Shelly's finisher (not sure of the name, looks like emerald fusion), Spicy Drop, hell, I think Senshi's foot stomp would not be allowed..especially not the one to the face...ouch...
Juvi used the Juvi driver in WWE all the time... And musclebuster would be allowed because well, Turkay did it about a month ago on SD. I dunno about the stomps because they let Simon Dean do curb stomp which is much more painful and dangerous.

Well i think the spiral tap would be allowed cause Nitro kinda did a version of it a few weeks ago. Also, yes the canadian destroyer is the coolest looking move in wrestling today. I also think they wouldn't let Daniels use the angel wings.
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