The Final Word on Atheism and Religion


Excellence of Execution
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

- Sir Stephen Henry Roberts

Really couldn't say it any better.
Isn't atheism a religion in the first place? If not, it's still a belief system, which is pretty much what any religion is.

My final word on the subject is that the sooner people stop debating this topic, the better. No one is wrong, if they believe it themselves. Now, wouldn't that be a much more peaceful approach to the whole situation?

So atheists don't believe in any god? That's fantastic. Now fuck off, because I really don't care what you think.

That simple approach works pretty well too. Fact is, if I believe in a religion, I must be faithful to that religion, and if that means taking a disbelief towards other religions, so be it. I'm not saying other religions are wrong. I'm saying that I choose not to believe in them. I've never said atheists are wrong in what they believe or why they do it. Nor have many religious people.

In short, people should keep their religion to themselves.
In short, people should keep their religion to themselves.

False. Religion should be personal, but it should never be private. Part of religion is the social aspect involved. Religion is an idea that transforms lives and gives purpose to many. Religion is far more than a system of beliefs that help to personally explain the meaning of life and the way it began, etc., but it is also a way of living life. When one realizes that, then it is impossible to keep religion away from others and only to oneself.

If you are merely saying that people shouldn't oppressively shove religion down each other's throats, then I would agree.
I imagine that it feels like you are being accused. Also it's like someone going up to you and saying 'no matter what you do in life if you don't think this, then you epically fail.'
I imagine that it feels like you are being accused. Also it's like someone going up to you and saying 'no matter what you do in life if you don't think this, then you epically fail.'

Right, and I can understand that. But from my perspective, atheists tend to be pretty levelheaded folk, so if someone was to tell he or she that damnation was going to be the fate of him or her because of lack of belief, then it ultimately boils down to what one believes.

In this case, the atheist doesn't believe in God...therefore, he or she need not worry about being damned. Unless, of course, doubt begins to creep in. If that was the case, would he or she no longer be an atheist?
Right, and I can understand that. But from my perspective, atheists tend to be pretty levelheaded folk, so if someone was to tell he or she that damnation was going to be the fate of him or her because of lack of belief, then it ultimately boils down to what one believes.

In this case, the atheist doesn't believe in God...therefore, he or she need not worry about being damned. Unless, of course, doubt begins to creep in. If that was the case, would he or she no longer be an atheist?

I think that when they get mad at stuff like that, it's more to do with the personal level. This is especially true if the athiest knows the person. You may not actually believe that you are going to hell, but someone you may like as a person has condemned you. I don't get flustered over stuff like that because I don't tell many people that I am an athiest. If someone were to say that to me, then I'd probably write them off because either way I know I'm a good person.
But you see...from the fundamentalist standpoint, it's not a personal's an eternal issue. You could go save the whales and feed 1,000 homeless people every day of your life...and they would say you are a good person. But being a good person, from their perspective, has nothing to do with the salvation of your soul. That is based on your belief in the God of the Bible.
But most athiests won't see it that way. It will be perceived as a personal attack of character.

I buy fundamentalism less than most other religions, so it's okay by me.
I don't see Atheism as a belief system. Not believing in anything is hardly a belief. It's certainly not a faith.
I suppose if you split hairs, I'm agnostic then. I don't have complete faith that there is "nothing" (one word which takes up a shitload of things, don't you think?), I just think it highly unlikely there's "anything". If someone were to ask me what my beliefs were, I'd say I don't have any. It's really a question of how you phrase it - I don't think "I believe in nothing" is the correct way.

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