The feud that never happened......


King Of The Ring
The trade of CM Punk got me really excited for one reason: A feud with Randy Orton.

For those not familiar, Randy Orton's Legacy was responsible for the end of CM Punk's first title reign. Punk was cutting a backstage promo at Unforgiven 2007 when Legacy interrupted, and beat Punk down. The coup de gras came when Orton punted Punk in the head, making Punk unable to defend his title in the championship scramble match.

They were given a one match blowoff, a lumberjack match on Raw a few weeks later, won by Orton due to a distraction from William Regal. This match served more as a vehicle for Punk's feud with Regal then it did to settle the issue with Orton.

I think this was a huge lapse in judgment by WWE, as Punk vs Orton could have been a hot feud. One man seeking revenge from the man who kicked him in the head is a pretty good storyline I could get behind.

Fast forward to 2010, and Randy Orton is the WWE champion. With Sheamus out of the title picture, and no other real heel other then Wade Barrett positioned to challenge Orton, this is the perfect time for me for WWE creative to re-visit this feud. I got a glimpse of hope that they will when Punk attacked Bourne last night after their match saying "Remember me from ECW?" A revenge fueled Punk could be the perfect foil for Randy Orton, as he plows through any and all Raw Superstars who have "wronged him", leading to a showdown with Orton.

So my questions are this:

1. Are you interested in seeing a CM Punk-Randy Orton feud based over events that happened 3 years ago, and why?
2. How would you have the feud play out now that Orton is a face and Punk is a heel?
3. What would be the type of match you would prefer to see to settle this feud?
I would love to see this as I was so pissed when Legacy cost Punk the title and he never even got a rematch or a proper feud with any of them. I cannot stand Randy Orton and Punk could rip him apart on the mic, making Orton look more stupid than he usually does!

The big problem with this right now is that the WWE wants Orton as their mega face and if he goes against Punk, Orton might start getting some boos.
Personally i would love to see Punk vs Orton no matter what the story going into it is. And you are right Barrett, Punk, and maybe Cena are the only Heels to feud with. Cena, done before...Barrett going on now...Punk would be great after that
I would love to see this as I was so pissed when Legacy cost Punk the title and he never even got a rematch or a proper feud with any of them.

Technically, he got a rematch against Jericho in a steel cage on Raw, but they made him look like a tool because he actually kicked Jericho out of the cage, giving Jericho the match.

I would love to see this too. But what match would you use to settle this feud? Book it for me man!

I cannot stand Randy Orton and Punk could rip him apart on the mic, making Orton look more stupid than he usually does!

Here lies the conundrum and one of my questions. How would you book it now with Orton the face and Punk the heel?

The big problem with this right now is that the WWE wants Orton as their mega face and if he goes against Punk, Orton might start getting some boos.

I think Punk solidified himself as a heel last night when he came out to a nice pop, then destroyed Bourne without remorse. Im pretty sure Punk could turn cheers to boos anywhere.
i would love this fued.

that was the beauty of this trade.
as much as i wanted edge to keep fighting with the gm possibly figuring out who it is, it worked for both men.
Edge gets to go back to his show, and Punk gets some fresh fueds. this fued or a Bryan fued would be amazing for Punk.
I was really disappointed when this never led to a feud either. Punk and Orton can really put on some great promos and wrestling matches. Punk can play a conniving and vindictive Edge-like-heel seeking vengeance on Orton while Orton can play a face role claiming that he did what he thought was necessary at the time (taking out the champion). I'm not too sure about a TLC match between these two but maybe a Steel Cage somewhere down the line.
This is a great call, except like me, the wrestling fan may have a short memory.

I am also not convinced that the eventual foil to Orton's reign won't be John Cena, but that's for a different thread.

Before a feud with Orton, Punk needs momentum BAD. He was the hottest angle on SD, and he rarely even won a match. His SES fell to injury, and so WWE hit the reset button on Punk with only his heat and losing streak in tact.
Originally posted by IrishCanadien25]Before a feud with Orton, Punk needs momentum BAD. He was the hottest angle on SD, and he rarely even won a match. His SES fell to injury, and so WWE hit the reset button on Punk with only his heat and losing streak in tact
Agreed completely. Thats why I thought it was awesome they had Punk be the one who took out Bourne, and felt the "remember me from ECW" line was perfectly delivered as a man whose seeking vengeance, and a great way for Punk to begin getting his heat back. Having a rage filled Punk running roughshowd over Raw seeking vengeance on those who have "wronged" him could lead to a great program with Orton, one that should have happened 3 years ago.
CM Punk is one of my favorite performers Ive ever watched. I would love to see him tear Orton apart on the mic, and give him a nice shiner with the GTS. Orton has just become awkward to me. He doesnt fit the character he is portraying, at least not yet. While he has charisma, I cant remember the last time he entertained me on the stick. And his Viper in-ring gimmick is simply a series of strange movements from the neck up, and pounding the mat. Not to go on an Orton rant, because I believe he is very talented, I just dont get why anyone thinks his current role is anything other than cheesy and fake.

I can only imagine the chemistry the two of them would have though. The way Punk speaks just forces energy out of his opponents, and I think he could give Orton a much needed smack in the face. As soon as Edge got traded I was hoping Punk would get thrusted right into the title picture, because if they let him shine instead of bury him, they could have the most interesting rivalry in the E. Something to battle with the Nexus/Cena angle, now that Danielsons feud with Miz is over and hes lost every ounce of momentum he had, but thats another topic.
I think it would be awesome to see these two go at it but have them bring back the members of SES once they are healed up*not sure someone said they were hurt* and have it be like punk and his crew are getting back at orton for what legacy did to him and having punk in the back screaming payback's a bitch aint it orton. i know it its PG but that would be awesome. I know they won't let orton go out of the title picture like they did with punk but it could build up to an even longer feud cause i know they would have good matches together.
Here lies the conundrum and one of my questions. How would you book it now with Orton the face and Punk the heel?

You could still do the revenge angle, just have CM Punk do the typical heelish douchebag things. Imagine if he costs Orton the title when he faces Barrett? Perfect motivation, would bring huge heat and could start an awesome feud between the two. I would love to see these two go at it. Two of the top superstars (CM Punk is the best heel WWE has going IMO) and they both have vicious styles. It could definitely lead to some great matches and promos!
Punk vs. Orton will be one amazing feud. I would have wanted Punk to remain on Smackdown for now, but in another way, I'm glad that he traded to Raw so that he can feud with Orton. Orton and Punk will work extremely well together too. Punk is amazing at cutting promos and is only second to Jericho, IMO.
Sorry WrestlingFansinceThe80s, i think i missed something....Anyway Punk vs Orton would be amazing and bringing back to when Orton (and legacy) cost Punk the title would be great. I was pissed as when that happened and it was random that it was never really revisted. Although I am bummed that Edge is gone, i am stoked Punk is on Raw.
I am all for the Punk going on a revenge rampage, with either real or imagined slights. If he nuts out at a few faces, it will get him to be hated and booed. The match I would like to see him be in with Orton is a loser moves to smack down, then CM Punk can win and that drop kick Orton can go to Smackdown.
that would be a interesting match , but undertaker never got his rematch with Chris Jericho after Shawn micheals interfered in the elimination ppv .. but orton and cm punk would be good only orton is feuding with nexus now and potentially John cena again . maybe next year though .
Sounds great but the problem is when that happened Orton was a heel and Punk was a face, it wouldn't make much sense for Orton to be the face when they feud. Also, I don't think people have to worry about Punk getting cheered, Orton is way to over right now to have anyone cheered over him. Plus, Punk is just a great heel, makes everyone love him, I must say I'm a huge Punk fan.
Orton needs a fresh face to feud with. Enter Punk. Punk would absolutely play off the 2007 punt to the head and blame that punt to the head for making him the way he is now. It could be a very compelling storyline if done right.

It's just a matter of the WWE not screwing this up. Which is hard to ask of them these days.
i think the thing that you are worried about ie orton getting booed will not happen.because orton these days is as hot as anybody these days and punk knows he works better as a i think he will heel things up whichever way its possible

but i think irish canadian hit the nail on the head when he said that wrestling fans have pretty short memories so i dont think the wwe will base a feud around something that happened three years most i think wwe will say something like orton costing punk the championship.they wont bring up legacy for sure

now coming to your questions

1. Are you interested in seeing a CM Punk-Randy Orton feud based over events that happened 3 years ago, and why?

im interested in seeing punk vs orton but not based on what happened three years like to see it as a fresh feud.reason given above.

2. How would you have the feud play out now that Orton is a face and Punk is a heel?

honestly dunno about this.their characters dont exactly mesh well come to think of it.i think cena could be a better choice because punk insults the crowd and cena can stand up for them.orton is not exactly into that stuff.punk can possibly target the taunts randy does or his deranged personality as a result of drug abuse or could end up like punk trying to play mind games but orton being unresponsive to them and settling things with an rko.

3. What would be the type of match you would prefer to see to settle this feud?

a streetfight is the best type of match for love to say tlc but im not sure orton can carry himself that well in a tlc
Originally posted by rattlesnake4eva
i think the thing that you are worried about ie orton getting booed will not happen.because orton these days is as hot as anybody these days and punk knows he works better as a i think he will heel things up whichever way its possible

Im not worried about Orton getting booed at all. Remember his line of "Ive kicked alot of guys in the head, some deserved it, some didnt"? The crowd popped massively for that. Also, the best heel(HHH comes to mind) can find a grain of truth to use to justify their heelish actions. CM punk has been a master of that with the SES. His message on not doing drugs or srinking is quite good. The way he carries himself as "better then you"? Not so much.

Originally posted by rattlesnake4eva
but i think irish canadian hit the nail on the head when he said that wrestling fans have pretty short memories so i dont think the wwe will base a feud around something that happened three years most i think wwe will say something like orton costing punk the championship.they wont bring up legacy for sure.

They don't need to necessarily bring up Legacy. Orton was the one who kicked him in the head. WWE seems to be remembering their history a bit when Punk referenced ECW when he was beating the hell out of Bourne after their match.

Originally posted by rattlesnake4eva
im interested in seeing punk vs orton but not based on what happened three years like to see it as a fresh feud. reason given above.

Ahhh, but I just find a revenge angle so intriguing, and Punk certainly doesnt have to be the face. He's a far better heel, that im sure we can agree on. Plus this makes for a fresh feud, one that wont leave the IWC bitching and moaning that we've seen this before!

Originally posted by rattlesnake4eva
honestly dunno about this.their characters dont exactly mesh well come to think of it.i think cena could be a better choice because punk insults the crowd and cena can stand up for them.orton is not exactly into that stuff.punk can possibly target the taunts randy does or his deranged personality as a result of drug abuse or could end up like punk trying to play mind games but orton being unresponsive to them and settling things with an rko.

How about playing on Orton's IED? When he suddenly snaps and kicks people in the head? i know, revisting another old angle, but intriguing nonethelesss.

Originally posted by rattlesnake4eva
a streetfight is the best type of match for love to say tlc but im not sure orton can carry himself that well in a tlc

Why not a TLC? I think thats an excellent idea actually. Orton was solid in his lone MITB match, and we know Punk can go in a TLC. But a street fight would work too. Good post.
I'm honestly scared at the idea of CM Punk feuding with Orton. I've said often before that Orton's overness is heavily based upon his foil's charisma. Edge, Cena, the legends. He takes awesome talent and lays them out and the crowd eats it up. Well, Punk's probably looking kinda tasty to Orton right now. May his destruction at the very least be entertaining.
1. Yes, because it makes for good television, regardless of the reason.

2. It works better. Punk could make a case that this shows fans immoral ways. That they now cheer a man that tried to end his career and did ruin his title reign.

3. Match type wouldn't bother me.. Lol. How about a Last Man Standing match. That'd work.
1. I would love to see Orton vs Punk thats a WM caliber match I believe. Ya Orton and Punk had ONE match and it wasnt even that much of a match. I honestly dont think anyone will remember hell i didnt even remember that Lumberjack match I just remembered Orton kicking Punk in the head and costing him the title. But I honestly believe that Punk should win the Rumble and face randy at wrestlemania granted Punk gets his momentum back by then. Im sure he will though.

2. All good points made by various posters. He could use part of the punt that cost him his title, but I also think that Punk could somehow find a way to use Randy's "Voices" in his head to play off as a Drug of sorts and that they control him and alter his state of mind like drugs do and then bag on the people that cheer a guy like that. That can be a very small part of it, but as I said earlier, I would have Punk win the rumble and depending on if Randy is still champion face Randy for the WWE title at Wrestlemania 27. I wouldn't even care who would win I would just love to see that match.

3. I would honestly just prefer a regular singles match. Sure I think Randy does better in gimmick matches when he has other aspects to work off of, but I would just really like to see a normal match. They havent even had that yet. Wouldn't mind a gimmick match like Last Man Standing for their rematch (if it would happen) though, Punk could really hype the match saying "Purity will always remain standing". Corny I know but something like that. Punk's character is that although he is a heel he presents himself as the "good guy" who tries to get people to see the light through their own demise of intoxicating their body's and to still get boo'd for that? amazing!
Other than a Punk/Cena feud.. the most anticipated feud in my eyes is Punk/Orton. The storyline should be a continuation of Orton's punt to the head with the added in hypocrisy of the audience. The fact they cheer someone who lives in such a callous manner, not to mention reckless (remember the motorcycle accident? Punk did!). And yet Punk, who is the epitome of purity (tongue in cheek of course) gets booed out of the building and get's food thrown at him. Saying that not only does the WWE Championship means he is the best competitor in this industry, but also that he's better than all of you.
Smashing idea!

I'm a huge Punk mark, and the fact he and Orton have "history" would at least be a step-up from throwing 2 guys together "just for the sake of it".

Here's hoping Barrett gets palmed off quickly . . .

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