The Fans Choose 's New Entrance Music Podcast

Choose Барбоса's New Entrance Music

  • Offspring - Neocon

  • Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride

  • The Exies - Ugly

  • Fear - Disturbed

  • Reel Big Fish - Everything Sucks

  • Dope - Everything Sucks

  • Offspring - Beheaded

  • Psycho

  • Kylie Minogue - Can't Get You Out Of My Head

Results are only viewable after voting.


doesn't know REAL wrestling...
Greetings WZCW Universe! For those of you who do not know me, have you been living under a rock for the passed couple of months? HAHA! Only kidding!

I am of course Барбоса, the fastest rising star in the world of professional wrestling! And I am here to offer the great fans of WZCW a chance to play a part in my journey to becoming World Heavyweight Champion! For today you are going to help me choose a new song for me to make my entrance to. I mean "Lithium" is hardly a feel good song that will get you up off your seats to dance while having a good sing-a-long now is it? Well, enough is enough and it's time for a change… hehehe!

Over the passed few weeks I have meticulously gone through a vast catalogue of material and have come up with a shortlist of nine pieces of music. I know this drastically reduces your input but I am sure you all would like the winner to be unveiled at Lethal Lottery rather than taking until next year's AoN… I mean there are just so many potential songs… and… and so many of you so… so… when you multiply those numbers together you get a ginormous gastronomical… really big amount of choices… and then… and then…

*With Барбоса hyperventilating, the feed cuts out to be replaced by the WZCW logo.*


*After a few moments, the feed returns but it is clearly sometime later as Барбоса has calmed down and even changed his shirt. However, he carries on like there has been no break.*

So without much further ado, let's go through the nominees that you will be voting on…Oh, this is so exciting!

First up we have…

Hmmm… I do not remember picking that song for my shortlist… it's not very upbeat and you cannot really dance to it… perhaps one of them picked it… Anyway moving swiftly on to our next nominee

Now that is better! I can really see me busting a groove down the aisle with that song… er… not to try and sway the vote at all you understand! Okay, let's see what is next

How depressing! How is that going to get the crowd on my side? I must have been in a sorry mood when that one made it onto the list. Maybe the next entrant will brighten things up a bit…

Oh, for goodness sake! That is awful… Is there no fun left in the world?

Now that is better. More upbeat and fun. Let's see the next one… hold on, there must be some mistake as this entry has the same title as the last. Perhaps great minds think alike…

Ah, so only the title was the same…

That is just plain disgusting. I think I am going to be sick… I certainly did not choose that one either. Someone is playing trick on me… Let's see the penultimate nominee… wait, again there must be some mistake. This is a movie soundtrack…

How morbid! One of the most famous death scenes in movie history and someone thinks it would make a good entrance theme? What is the world coming to? At least I know that the last one is going to brighten everyone's day.

Ah, Kylie! Like a nice warm hug.

Well, there you have it ladies and gentlemen of the WZCW Universe. Those are the nine nominees to become my next entrance music. I know you'll make the right choice! Cheerio! See you on Meltdown or Ascension!

* Барбоса furiously waves goodbye as the scene fades to black, but not before the flailing Барбоса knocks over the webcam revealing that the entire podcast has been filmed in a dimly lit boiler room and the last thing scene on screen are Барбоса's feet.*

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