The fall and even further fall of Zack Ryder


When zack Ryder started his YouTube show z! True Long Island story people fiowed and people loved it. Ryder's YouTube show is what I believe is one of the inspirations to wwe's social media boom, but he got very little credit for it and got buried even further. I mean how much can you bury a guy in one angle? He got destroyed by Kane on a weekly basis and lost his girlfriend to the face of the company. My question to everyone is, do you think zack can even make a small blip of a career or is he done for?
He's done for is my guess, the fans don't seem to care much anymore and creative cares less xD the only way I can see it changing is if he completely overhauls his gimmick, he seems like a pretty good wrestler so I wouldn't object to that but I don't think it'll happen :/
I think he has been forever lost in the shuffle. one of those guys I won't miss if released, it's nothing against him but I anticipate seeing many of the newer additions over him.

He has had his chance or his token run as I like to call it and in my opinion that is pretty much it for him.
Zack Ryder was a joke, Zack Ryder is a joke, and Zack Ryder will forever be a joke! (I do know how to use a pronoun, by the way).

Zack Ryder being pushed because of him becoming popular due to some youtube show was an example of how abominable WWE was pre-2013 and pre-Shield and Wyatts and elevation of real talents like Cesaro. Besides CM Punk, WWE mid-card in 2011 and 2012 was largely represented by overrated, untalented, and generic wrestlers such as The Miz, and Zack Ryder and debacles such as Ryback. If you were to make a list of terrible superstars who managed to become champions or otherwise be pushed into main-events, Zack Ryder would surely be one such guy, with an abominable US title reign.

Ryder is terrible in the ring at best. He doesn't have charisma and he never will. Why? Because not everyone can be John Cena or Sting. Nor is he a muscular beast. The last time Zack Ryder had any concrete chance was in early 2012 with the whole woo woo woo thing- a fad basically. Same goes with Daniel Bryan fad. How many people chant YES anymore?
He was the one who showed WWE that social media can make a star. Before Z!TLIS, the WWE was telling talent to stay off Twitter. After that, they launched YouTube shows, included Z! in it, and gave every superstar a Twitter page.

Zack Ryder was very over with the audience. They were chanting his name while The Rock cut a promo. That's how over he was. You know you're over when John Cena comes out and defends you so the babyface reaction can rub off (He does it once a year with the hottest act). And John Cena was Zack's on-screen BFF for months. CM Punk, The Rock and others were also voicing support for Zack Ryder due to the crowd reactions.

He was also an expert at shilling merchandise. Had WWE continued pushing him for years, he would have stayed at the top of the charts. And while WWE seems to love money, they hate when Zack Ryder is the one making it.

It looked like Zack was finally going to get the push he deserved. WWE made video packages for him, they gave him the US title, and the kid was on top of the world...

And then they booked him into the Princess Peach role of Damsel in Distress for Super Mario himself, John Cena, to come and save him. Then Kane pushed him off the stage and the rest is history.

They buried and buried him until they made the audience forget him. Zack Ryder is the prime example that you can work hard all you want, if the WWE machine doesn't want you to be a star, they won't let you.

There's one thing I blame Zack for. He should have had the balls to quit WWE in 2012. I know that I'm suggesting he play with his livelihood, but there have been plenty of superstars who've become successful elsewhere after leaving the big leagues. AJ Styles says he's making upwards of 300 grand. MVP said he made tons of money as well.

Had Zack Ryder quit while he was still over in early 2012, he would have been really hot on the indie circuit. He could win some titles around the indie circuit, improve his rep, get into some good programs, and in about 2 years (our present time), WWE would have probably signed him back with the possibility of actually pushing him.

Instead, he turned the other cheek and accepted the gross mistreatment WWE was giving him. I know he was always whiny on Twitter and it was obvious he wasn't happy with his current standing, but he was complacent enough to cash his checks and do nothing about it. Sure, he tried another YouTube show, but he canceled it immediately when WWE told him to. He should have requested his release immediately after that.
There are lot of guys that were formerly over that I feel the company does their very best to try and bury (Ryback, Ziggler, Kofi, Ryder) but I was at Battleground a couple of weeks ago, and I think a very telling sign was watching the entrances for the 20 man battle royal. I don't know how it came across on TV, but if you go back and look, I was surprised to see that all the guys I mentioned, and especially Ryder all got a very loud pop when they came out.

For as much as WWE does right, there's a lot they do wrong, and if you go listen to Ryder on the most recent episode of Talk is Jericho, you will see this is definitely one of the times they got it wrong. I think if anyone upstairs actually liked him, he could be main event player very quickly still to this day. No matter how far down the card he gets bumped, he is still over. The fact that there isn't a single piece of merchandise available for him is ridiculous, I'm actually mad for him, and he was never even one of my favorites. The truth is he was never really meant to get anywhere, but he and Hawkins came up with the Edge Heads idea, and we they wanted to repackage them as singles guys, he came up with the whole Jersey shore gimmick before the show Jersey Shore even existed, then when they didn't use him he got himself over on social media. They are absolute morons for not making better use of someone who knows how to get himself over. On a related note, he looks better now than he has in years, if there's one guy on the whole roster deserving of another chance at a meaningful angle it's Ryder, and all it would take is the opportunity, I assure you he could get over again.
Ryder is probably done, unless he quits and re-establishes himself. Whereas someone like Mark Henry or Ryback can always make a comeback playing monster heels, Ryder is always going to be the little guy. Even though WWE botched him badly, it took its tole and fans don't react to him anymore.
He had a million twitter followers well before the Miz did and i remember WWE made a huge deal out of it with the Miz but said nothing about Ryder. Also, I think at one point he was number 2 in merch sales behind Cena, so I'm not sure why they completely cut him off. It's too bad WWE owns the right to his name too as he'd probably be able to sell alot of his own merchandise himself
He was solid in the ring but never came across as anything special.

I think he would have a small chance with a heel turn, might get him some TV time but don't think he'll be doing much.

Perhaps commentary somewhere down the line as he comes across as a good talker
I don't see him making any sort of run if he hasn't made one by now. Whether fair or unfair, WWE doesn't usually push guys out of nowhere. He had the one YouTube push as I like to call it and that was it. I agree that it has to be because the WWE execs don't like him or don't see him as a star because the crowds love Ryder and he's actually pretty good in the ring. Even when he was hot, they still refused to even give him a spot on RAW in his own hometown. A lot of times the WWE drops the ball with talent. This is one of those examples.
WWE did not like that Ryder got himself over alone. So they destroyed him.

Yes, but first they took advantage of the popularity he had garnered for himself. If anything, it's a tribute to Vince McMahon's sense of showmanship; that he will utilize anyone who can further his product, regardless of how much he detests doing so.

And as soon as Zack's allure started to fade, he was relegated to the bottom of the pile. I think the more interesting point is how Zack managed to survive the latest purge. When I saw guys like JTG and Jindar Mahal bite the dust, I was positive Zack was going, too.

Yet, he's still here. Now, that's a point to ponder.
Yes, but first they took advantage of the popularity he had garnered for himself. If anything, it's a tribute to Vince McMahon's sense of showmanship; that he will utilize anyone who can further his product, regardless of how much he detests doing so.

And as soon as Zack's allure started to fade, he was relegated to the bottom of the pile. I think the more interesting point is how Zack managed to survive the latest purge. When I saw guys like JTG and Jindar Mahal bite the dust, I was positive Zack was going, too.

Yet, he's still here. Now, that's a point to ponder.

WWE hates it when wrestlers leave and use their characters in WWE to make money elsewhere. I thought they fired Shad and kept JTG for years just so Cryme Tyme didn't appear on the indie circuit. And now when they fired JTG, they just assumed Cryme Tyme had been forgotten, rightfully so, since it's been like 6 years since their last match together.

I think Zack Ryder is being kept under contract just to avoid him making money elsewhere. 2 more years, when Zack is completely stale and forgotten, and nobody even remembers the word "Broski", that's when they release him.

Right now, he still sells a little bit of merchandise. They have a shirt and a wig on WWEShop. But when they notice that everyone has forgotten about him, that's when they release him.
Same goes with Daniel Bryan fad. How many people chant YES anymore?

... You are joking right? I really hope that entire comment was tongue in cheek or you haven't been watching WWE programming whatsoever. That chant and hand motion still using every single week, particularly during Stephanie's segments, despite the fact that the person who made it isn't even appearing on the show due to injury.

EDIT: OT - I agree with those saying that what happened to Zack Ryder is a damn shame and it's incredibly frustrating when the WWE ignores those that are over (as they are to an extent with Ziggler right now, and as they did with Daniel Bryan for so long). Hopefully he finds a way to reinvent himself, whether that be with a gimmick change or a strong run in the Indy's.
Heel Ryder was very a lot of fun in WWE-ECW. He had some very good matches. Then WWE ignored him, then the youtube show became a hit and they basically were forced to give him a small push. They did so and then just completely buried him with Kane/Eve/Cena.

It's sad what happened to Zack. I highly doubt he recovers from this in his current run with the WWE. He is decent in ring, is generally pretty funny and is good on the mic when given the opportunity. I think he would be better off in the indies to grow a bit. I don't believe he has hit 30 yet. I doubt it happens though, similar to what they did with JTG they probably don't want him to reunite with Hawkins or storm the indy scene solo.

They also recently re-printed his old shirt from a year or two ago and started selling it on WWEshop. I find that odd for someone that they plan to release.

He still has 1.62 million twitter followers and now that WWE values social media much more they will probably just sit on him furthering his irrelevance by jobbing.
Being popular on YouTube does not necessarily translate to being a great sports entertainer. Ryder sucks in all aspects of on-screen performance, from his goofy look to his abysmal mic skills to his lacklustre wresting ability. He seems to think he should be a main-eventer, but I'm baffled as to why he's employed.
Like various other people who've become well known through the use of social media, Zack Ryder was essentially just a little bit of a passing fad. We've all heard/seen people who've gotten their 15 minutes of fame due to posting something on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook or whatever and Ryder is basically in the same boat.

Interest in Zack Ryder started fading almost the minute his push started. People thought it was a fun moment when he interacted with Hugh Jackman on Raw a few years back and I agree, it was fun and Jackman seemed to genuinely enjoy himself out there. Jackman "helping" Ryder score a win over Dolph Ziggler was fun and seeing him win the US title from Ziggler at TLC in 2011 was also fun. However, once Ziggler got there, people did start to lose interest due in part to Ryder's character. Ryder was a quirky, more family friendly version of a Jersey Shore party boy, which was okay but it became a hindrance when he had to get into real feuds. It's difficult to take a generally comedic, harmless character like Ryder seriously up against Del Rio, Sheamus, Kane, Cena, Orton, Punk, etc. It's the same reason why Santino didn't progress further: people liked the guy, but they didn't like him enough to buy him as a credible threat to the top tier guys on the roster and thought the very notion of that was laughable.

Personally, if Ryder was repackaged, I think he'd have a chance. You can't deny that he's loaded with personality, he can talk on the mic, he's solid inside the ring, has a good build, is a nice looking guy, genuinely tries hard and he's still a young man at only 29 years of age. However, mid-card comedy can be entertaining, sometimes downright hilarious depending on the circumstances, but they're not serious. Truthfully, it can be painful to see comedy guys have runs with championships.
Zack Ryder wasn't a joke when he was teamed with Kurt Hawkins, imo he's the guy they dropped the ball on not Zack Ryder.

Little to do with WWE don't like him because he got over, he is a one hit wonder. That gimmick can't achieve anything meaningfull nor should he
I watched some of his episodes, but his gimmick is lame to me. The guy is alright in-ring and just needs to be re-packaged.
Ryder has fallen so far that I doubt he will ever do more than job for the rest of his career. He was getting extremely popular at one point and countless fans were begging for him to get pushed, so WWE pushed him.... off the entrance ramp by Kane. Ryder never recovered from this and it does upset me as I was a fan of his, I wanted to see him achieve more success when the fans legitimately WANTED to see him winning. It is what it is though. He has a job in the federation, while it may be as an enhancement talent at least he did not get future endeavored. He's seen a small amount of success at this point. Once his career is over if he never wins another match again he will still at least be able to say he was United States Champion and also held the WWE Tag Team Championship with Curt Hawkins back when the two of them were Edge's clones. Sad to see how far he has fallen, it truly is.
Take note, how few people have commented on this post, now go back to when Ryder was all over the media, the posts where 6-10 pages worth of comments.

How many matches did Ryder have before his media hype, very few.
How many matches did Ryder have during his media hype, few but more than before.
How many matches does Ryder have now....just like before the hype very few.

Nothing has really changed for ryder except he has lost fans, even using social media he can't maintain his fans without wrestling. ( no one wants to cheer for a loser)

"The WWE is mad he got over without them". Every Time a wrestler stops to sign autographs for fans they gain a little more love.

Being over with the fans. So he gets the ziggler,Cena, Regins type of pop? not only no but HELL NO.

So getting over with the fans is 1 small piece of the puzzle, Mic skills and ring skills need to be in the forefront, which in Ryders case is sub par at best.
I'm just gonna say it, it's really a shame that if he left today he'll be a 1 time US champ, 1 time tag champ and that's it. Both B titles and he got a huge ovation for a few months. Then you have guys like MVP(who I like) who did both at the same time :p Ryder will leave and it won't matter, face it Santino has had a better career and still hasn't gotten his Raw send off

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