The FACTION Series: Dangerous Alliance


Team Finnley Baylor
Paul E. Dangerously, better known as Paul Heyman was a great wrestling mind. He was a terrific manager and a great booker. He didn't have business since worth a damn, but you can't dispute his acumen in the wrestling world. He was successful at everything he did IN the ring. His faction known as the Dangerous Alliance is an example of that.

Now, he's had versions of this before in the old ECW and in WCCW, but I'm going with his crew in WCW, in a time where WCW was down, without Ric Flair, this crew managed to keep some of the crowds they lost when that took place. Take a look at this picture and tell me that doesn't impress you.


Yea, you're not seeing things. That's Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, Larry Zbyszko, Stunning Steve Austin, and Rick Rude in the same group. You have two Tag Team specialist, a great ring technician, a great up and comer, and a charismatic champion in one group. When your weak link is Bobby Eaton, you're a dangerous faction, and this is exactly what this is.

Not to mention they had Madusa. Who was smoking hot during this time. Steve Austin was just finding his niche in wrestling, and was still considered elite in the WCW. If they only knew what they had with Austin. It's amazing how even with Ric Flair gone, the WCW still managed to keep a firm grip on their audience by having these guys feud with Sting, Luger, Pillman, Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham. Their War Games match was great, and brutal. I think Paul Heyman doesn't get the recognition he deserves for his work in wrestling, especially as a talent. He was great, and his team is great.
I remember watching Paul E. unveiling the Dangerous Alliance and saying to myself "Holy Crap is this ever gonna end?" It seemed that the introductions just kept going.. Paul E pulled together an INCREDIBLE stable of wrestlers from what was available at that time and made it work.

If i remember, there wasnt ONE member of that group that DIDNT have a title (except madusa lol).. and i remember Paul E. introducing her as his "covert specialst" or something like that.

Needless to say, I was impressed
I've always been a huge fan of Paul Heyman. I think he knows what the audience wants, and likes to give it to them. I could only hope that he some how gets into TNA and helps build a viable competitor to the WWE. Simple one of the greatest minds in prowrestling history.
that's 1 helluva lineup of wrestlers with their version of the Heenan family for the early 90's. Double A and the Stunning One alone coulda been a great stable 2gethr. Paul E. needs to stay away from TNA as if he joined and TNA died then if he wanted to get back to the E he woulda screwed it up. He could be a great asset to ROH and recreate it with another A Double

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