The Epic Journey of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop
Just viewed the documentary version of WWE's latest DVD reviewing The Rock's career. I know its been out a couple months, but it just popped on Project Free TV so I said I'd give it a watch, and I'm pretty happy with my decision.

I've always been a fan of The Rock, he was kind of my idol for awhile as a child, before he left. After watching the DVD though, I don't have such a hard feeling against him as I had before watching for leaving in 2003 the way he did. I remember being one of those fans that booed him during his match with Brock Lesnar, cause I'd been told he was leaving shortly after he'd returned. But actually thinking about it from a business standpoint I do now realise his reasons for leaving.

The DVD itself is great. Very real, a lot of terms are used such as heel, blade and listening to Vince McMahon solely refer to the product as wrestling and not sports entertainment throughout, even though the narrator constantly refers to it as sports entertainment was pretty funny. The genuine heat between Austin, Rock and Triple H was pretty cool to hear about.

I recommend it if you've the time or interest to watch, especially with a week to go before Mania. Plus you can watch it for free.
Not illegal oddly enough. Just Google Project Free TV, it has a disclaimer on the opening page of the site, plus its already gone through the red tape of that copyright thing in America. It found a loophole. Just features links to recently released films and features more-or-less every television series you can think of.

Sometimes things like The Rock's DVD pop-up. Chris Jericho's was on there as well for awhile, another pretty good DVD.
Not illegal oddly enough. Just Google Project Free TV, it has a disclaimer on the opening page of the site, plus its already gone through the red tape of that copyright thing in America. It found a loophole. Just features links to recently released films and features more-or-less every television series you can think of.

Sometimes things like The Rock's DVD pop-up. Chris Jericho's was on there as well for awhile, another pretty good DVD.
Any idea around what time he discussed the genuine heat?
Any idea around what time he discussed the genuine heat?

It was around the time they were discussing Austin's leave and how The Rock and Triple H wanted the top spot, and how they'd be in constant competition in both the ring and the backstage area to cement it. The Rock even says at some point, "We may not have liked each other, but we trusted one another." Said basically the same thing about Austin but worded it like, "He didn't know me, didn't like me, I didn't know him, didn't like him. But we had this trust."

If I'd a euro for everytime The Rock mentioned trust or how fortunate he was in the wrestling business I'd have about €50.

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