"The End of PG" series for WWE '12, now on XBL!


The Smarkiest Smark
Hey guys, I thought the gaming crowd here might be interested in a storyline series I've started on WWE '12 for the XBox 360, which has received a bit of attention from wwexstream.com, N4G, Play.tm and Raptr.


Greetings fellow wrestling enthusiasts!

I've been a diehard pro wrestling fan for eighteen wonderful years. I've seen a lot of things in my time, and the more I think back on those things (an Iron Man match running into overtime, Hulk Hogan turning heel, Mae Young giving "birth") I've come to realize that the current state of the "WWE Universe" is kind of tragic. Don't get me wrong; I love the WWE. I always will. But more and more I've started to feel like my relationship with this product has become like an abusive marriage; the more I love it, the more I want to believe it will stop hitting me.

I remember a time before a group of panda-loving hippies forced us to "get the 'F' out" (I'm still a little pissed about that, actually). I remember a time when the World Championship was symbolized by a magestic eagle and not some piece of tricked-out rapper bling. I remember a time when I tuned into RAW because I couldn't imagine missing a single main event and wondering how they could manage to make every show feel like a climax that just kept building and BUILDING. I remember Katie Vick (...sadly). I remember the very first time that the words "No Chance in HELL!" blasted into an arena, heralding the arrival of the most influential man in the business. I remember screaming my lungs out from the second balcony section of the Houston Astrodome at WrestleMania X-7 as Edge delivered the most INSANE spear ever witnessed and thinking, "Top THAT, Goldberg!" But most of all, I remember ATTITUDE.

Which is why I decided to create "The End of PG."

This storyline is filled to the brim with smarky humor, sensless violence (somebody dies... literally!) and some of the biggest "dream" feuds that sadly never happened (or at least haven't YET). It's diverse, perverse, and all together wonderful. It harkens back to better days (or at least more INTERESTING days) and aims to put a smile on anyone's face who grew up in a time when we said "WWF" instead of "WWE Universe."

Title: "The End of PG: PT 1"
System: Xbox 360

Cheers. :blush:
Two quick notes. Steve over at 42kGaming.com started posting a YouTube walkthrough for all you PS3 users, which you can see here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LrxiNy4jEY

He's only got the first show and a half posted, but it gives you a decent idea of what this is all about. The entire storyline (Part 1 anyway) spans from the week before the Royal Rumble all the way to Elimination Chamber, which is nine shows in all I believe. Part 2 is almost finished and takes the arc home to WrestleMania. I'll update here when Part 2 goes live. :)

Second note: this storyline has a glitch where the game freezes right before a specific Brock Lesnar match during the fourth show. I've made "The End of PG" editable, meaning instead of "Play" you should select "Edit" which allows you to jump into the story wherever you want so you can get around the glitch. This also allows you to skip matches if you're so inclined, but what's the fun in that? :p
"The End of PG: PT 2" is now live on XBL!

In the aftermath of the Elimination Chamber, the WWE Universe has been changed forever. CM Punk continues his crusade against all things PG after a successful impromtu title defense against Triple H (who revealed himself as the Anonymous RAW GM along with Shawn Michaels). Stone Cold marches ever on towards one last WrestleMania main event after winning the Royal Rumble and defeating Brock Lesnar, banishing him from WWE forever. Mark Henry is the new World Heavyweight Champion and along with Booker-T, R-Truth and the rest of the new Nation of Domination is running roughshod over on Smackdown. Triple H is sick and tired of being told what to do by Vince McMahon. Rey Mysterio is determined to reclaim his Cruiserweight Championship, but he'll have to take down Sin Cara to do it. Things are quickly getting out of hand, and there is nothing Vincent K. McMahon can do about it.

This concludes the Road to WrestleMania portion of "The End of PG" trilogy. Enjoy! :afro:
In case anyone hasn't seen it yet, YouTube user robvandamisgod created an absolutely incredible fantasy "promo package" for Punk vs. Austin. Anyone who plans to play "The End of PG: PT 2" should check this out to get you in the right mood:


Also, while playing through this storyline series, for the best results and most accurate presentation I recommend that anyone who plans to play through the whole thing should set up a few teams:

The New Nation
- Create a stable called The New Nation and place (in this order) Mark Henry, Booker T, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston and David Otunga in it.
- Entrance type "Together" with Motion set to Tag 05, Movie and Music to Booker T.

The Dragons
- Create a tag-team with Daniel Bryan and Ricky Steamboat.
- Entrance type "Together," use Steamboat's Movie and Bryan's Music.

I assume most people went ahead and did this anyway, but putting Edge & Christian (the on-disc versions, not the old school DLC versions) in a tag-team is highly recommended as well.

Cheers. :)
So my thread got relegated to the Shitpost forum, eh? All right motherfuckers, gloves are off. The first fuck to say something derogatory about my story (which I guarantee you never actually played, because if you did you'd be too busy marking and laughing your ass off) gets my massive e-peen stuffed so far down their throat that it fuses with your fucking spine.

Try me.
So my thread got relegated to the Shitpost forum, eh? All right motherfuckers, gloves are off. The first fuck to say something derogatory about my story (which I guarantee you never actually played, because if you did you'd be too busy marking and laughing your ass off) gets my massive e-peen stuffed so far down their throat that it fuses with your fucking spine.

Try me.

Calm down, ******. I highly doubt more than 3 people have read anything you've written here.
(I'm just fucking with you guys. I figure this will be more fun. :) )

*kayfabe face*

You can all eat all the dicks. ALL of them. Starting with Chyna's.

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