The Emergence of ROH


Pre-Show Stalwart
Let me get right to this before you question why this is in the Raw section...

We heard CM Punk mention ROH this week on Raw. Is it possible that WWE and Vince have Punk under contract for the forseeable future. So they have an angle where Punk wins the WWE title from John Cena at Money In The Bank. Punk wins the championship and LEAVES.

Punk does indeed Leave WWE and shows up at an ROH show with the WWE title and cuts a long promo. WWE uses the footage on Raw and Vince says something has to be done to get the title back. Punk builds a strong following of wrestlers in ROH, including Seth Rollins(back under his real name of Tyler Black(he's unknown in WWE, most wouldn't recognize he wasn't an ROH man anyway) and potentially a returning(maybe heel turn) by Daniel Bryan(back to his real name Bryan Danielson.) Maybe include a few of ROH's top guys, including the rumored to be coming to WWE, Kings of Wrestling.

We see an ROH invasion of sorts as well as WWE wrestling on ROH shows. I'm pretty sure WWE would sponsor ROH PPVs to boost it's own interest. And of course ROH wrestlers would have matches on Raw(much like we saw on the ECW angle) Cena and Punk continue to battle, Cena gathers his own group of followers and they feud for a good few months. Somehow there is a big blow off match and Cena recaptures the WWE title and brings it back.

Now WWE has created 2 or 3 STARS from ROH who now stay around in the WWE. As well as Tyler Black and Bryan Danielson who are already under contracts. Obviously Punk stays around for the long haul. WWE boosts ROH's overall interest and creates some new business for the wrestling industry. I think Vince really has respect for ROH and would definitely prefer them to TNA being his main competition.

I know this has a lot of things that need to fall into place, but I think given the current storylines in WWE and rumors swirling I think it is actually VERY possible and has a good chance of happening in one way or another involving CM Punk.

Sure, I'll give you my thoughts. Your post is incredibly stupid. Why in the world would WWE pay money to give ROH advertising? What the fuck would be the point of that? They can already take any talent they want, they're the undisputed #1 promotion in America, and they would gain nothing from cross promoting with ROH.

It's a dumb idea.
Why did they do it with ECW before? It creates a buzz, draws interest and gives a promotion that Vince knows will NEVER be able to compete with him a nice buzz too. It benefits everyone involved, or at least that is the idea of it. Not to mention WWE SHOULD be able to make stars out of a few of the ROH guys, even 3 that are currently under contract. Which would also benefit them 100% in the long future. That seems like a good business and money making idea to me.

And FYI back when WWE would "take" a wrestler from ECW they paid Paul Heyman. There was no need to pay him for taking talent. But Vince respected them and help support them. It's happened before.
everythings possible at this moment. I dont think vince would like to boost ROH as competition, what would they get besides some ROH guys? yes it will be a HUGE fued, ground breaking event possibly leading into a ROH vs WWE PPV but with Vince ego of WWE is only thing alive in wrestling, i just dont see this.

Now if punk secretly resigned and its all a work inside WWE then i see this happening boosting punk to main event and getting his way. Making him very hated for destroying cena.
I think you're overrating how big ROH is on WWE's radar. ECW and WCW were legit competion to WWE when the mentioned angle happened. ROH, TNA, NJPW are not threats to WWE, and honestly I don't see them pumping money into another promotion for an angle for superstars who likely wouldn't stay or make a big enough impact on the company for the investment to work.

I like the idea of Punk taking the belt elsewhere, but you lost me when WWE had to pump money into another organization.
When Punk mentioned ROH on Raw, I had the same thought... heck, WWF worked with ECW back in like 97, I believe it was.. why can't they do the same with ROH? They already have a few guys signed from them anyway that could be involved in the ROH "invasion" and what not.. I'd love to see it actually
Wont happen. RoH not only is possible competition some time down the line but it is also the exact opposite of what WWE is portraying, WWE is ENTERTAINMENT and RoH is Pro Wrestling. Vince has spent millions to change his company and wont risk that on a company that is owned by Ted Turner's bastard child (In wrestling terms it's a Pro Wrestling promotion owned by a Corporation). If RoH is a huge success, makes that broadcast company a lot of money, they buy more stations, RoH grows more, why would Vince EVER want to add to any momentum that could come from RoH? In the end it would be a stupid business move.
The only way this could possibly happen is if WWE was secretly backing ROH. Which I doubt. Maybe Vince sees money in ROH and invested? Maybe he wants to elevate ROH to take out TNA just to give Hogan and Bichoff one last middle finger? Who knows?

I think it would be awesome, but I doubt it. I can see him bringing in some WWE signed ROH talent as Nu Nexus members, or as a new faction all together. I don't see an invasion coming though.
Yeah, here's the thing. Even if WWE did cross promote with ROH, it would be a complete disaster as Jim Cornette and Vince McMahon absolutely hate each other. Heyman worked simply because he was willing to work with anyone not named Eric Bischoff, and Vince was willing to pay for the talent he took from ECW's roster, and as ECW was still a bit of a fledgling promotion Heyman would have been an idiot to not take the deal. ROH is not a fledgling promotion, and one of the guys in charge has been the single largest opponent of Sports Entertainment style wrestling since the very beginning. It just would not work.
actually wwe took the wind out of roh;s sails. Roh put on a ppv called best in the world where they had the ultimate main event and they had showed that they do have the best in the world. And then cm punk states that he is the best in the world and backs it up with one of the best promos ever. Now not even the most die hard fans are talking about richards vs edwards. They are all talking about punk. It was a great week for wrestling so far, but i feel bad that richards vs. edwards will be over shadowed when we look back.
all this ROH talk and the fact that punk was allowed to mention them on wwe tv, is prove that wwe does consider tna a threat and real competition, it is much like back in the day when wwe would work with ecw, ecw was of course in no way a threat to wwf, but wcw, that is why they never even approached them or worked with them, not even when bisch publicly invited them.

ROH is nothing but the third, small company, much like ecw, and vince doesnt even consider them a contender, thats why they get plugged on wwe tv, this isnt even the first time thats happened
First, I want to say the OP's topic here isn't stupid. The WWE did work with both the USWA and ECW back in the 90's. Hell they also had the NWA world heavyweight champion defend the NWA world title on raw as well as the tag titles.

Now the reason why I think they might help ROH out is first and foremost, they are not going to be in every TV market in the country, but they will be able to reach a good portion of the wrestling audience. So the talent pool there can be reasonably exposed to the pro-wrestling audience, thus make WWE's job of creating new WWE stars easier if they do talent raids.

On top of that, the FCW farm system thing sucks and the wrestlers being developed out of it are cookie-cutter garbage. So by ROH succeeding, other wrestlers have an opportunity and another avenue to hone their craft.

Plus this whole angle causes controversy and controversy = ratings. If you notice, WWE's TV ratings are down compared to the attitude era, and you'd be a fool to think they're happy with that.
Bunch of dumbasses in this thread, or a bunch young kids who don't understand basic business. Not sure which.

Why did they do it with ECW before?
Because they were about to go out of business, both had major problems with WCW, and ECW was cheap labor for a quick boost?

It creates a buzz, draws interest
No it doesn't. All it does is give the IWC wet pants, and considering they're probably at the bottom of demographics which give the WWE money, I highly doubt the WWE is going to do that.

yes it will be a HUGE fued

No, it wouldn't. It'd be a feud that, as Bischoff says, only 10% of the wrestling community would give a damn about.
When Punk mentioned ROH on Raw, I had the same thought... heck, WWF worked with ECW back in like 97, I believe it was.. why can't they do the same with ROH?
Because there is zero fucking benefit to working with ROH, unlike when they worked with ECW?
The only way this could possibly happen is if WWE was secretly backing ROH. Which I doubt.
Considering ROH was bought out by the Sinclair group, I daresay your doubts are justified.
First, I want to say the OP's topic here isn't stupid.
Yes, it is.

The WWE did work with both the USWA and ECW back in the 90's.
Yes, when they were broke and almost out of business, and before they were the clear leader in wrestling promotion in the states.

Now the reason why I think they might help ROH out is first and foremost, they are not going to be in every TV market in the country, but they will be able to reach a good portion of the wrestling audience. So the talent pool there can be reasonably exposed to the pro-wrestling audience, thus make WWE's job of creating new WWE stars easier if they do talent raids.

If the WWE wants the talent, then why not just sign them and put them on the Raw roster? That's just silly.

On top of that, the FCW farm system thing sucks and the wrestlers being developed out of it are cookie-cutter garbage. So by ROH succeeding, other wrestlers have an opportunity and another avenue to hone their craft.

Yes, I can see the producers going to Vince and saying, "Hey, Vince, you know that development promotion you have poured millions of dollars into, featured on Tough Enough, etc.? Yeah, it sucks, we want to cross promote with ROH, home of the vanilla midgets".

I'm sure it would go over really well.

Plus this whole angle causes controversy and controversy = ratings. If you notice, WWE's TV ratings are down compared to the attitude era, and you'd be a fool to think they're happy with that.

I'm not even going to get into why this is stupid. Wait, yes I am.

This wouldn't cause controversy. 90% of the wrestling audience doesn't know nor give a damn about who or what ROH is. Furthermore, with regards to Attitude Era ratings, you do realize there about probably 500 more channels now then there was then, there was no TiVo back then, no watching shows on the Internet, etc.

I hate the fucking Attitude Era, for stupid comments like this.
nNope dont ever see this happing. WWE worked with ECW as they needed as much help as they could in gaining ground against WCW. Plus in vinces eyes their is WWE or nothing else so just because Punk said the 3 Little letters R O H dont mean bamm ROH is coming over. The same could be said when Punk was leaving ROH as the champ everyone was hoping he lead to something else and what happened nothing. So dont get your hopes up
Why is this brought up even? RoH was bought by a Corporate Television Group that is sold on Wallstreet. Vince has no stake in the company, there is no "Deal", no feud, the only one the name drop from Punk was good for was Punk. He has the option to go back to RoH and let it known whether it was on a Raw promo or not, or he could resign with WWE, it gives him options that while there weren't as open as before.

I take that back, Punk name dropped Colt Cabana and Cabana was trending on Google after Raw. So I guess it helped Colt Cabana too.
Umm, all I have to say is that WWE will never do any deals with ROH. Not to mention, ROH has just got a new deal going on where they are going to try and compete with WWE and TNA.

Also, Slyfox is my Idol.
This seems unlikely especially since ROH will only air in like 20/50 states and probably not overseas at all

Unless I'm horribly mistaken about the map on the broadcast groups site

It would be cool if this whole CM Punk thing blew up into a revolution and a change for the better in the WWE though
What I am hearing more then anything is that your comparing ROH to ECW in 97.

No Freaking way! ROH is not worth the time. Hell even half the marks here in the ICW don't know anything more about ROH but it's name.

1 - Jim Cornette is an employee NOT anyone with power at Sinclair Broadcasting. He is only the excutive producer and does NOT control the pocket book or make the final decisions.

2- WWE WOULD BENEFIT from ROH in the biggest way possible. New Talent that can cut promos and put on Great Matches. Everyone from ROH that has come to WWE has been awesome in the ring. WWE is grasping for straws looking for new talent and the one place they can get it is from ROH.

Just as Mark Madden said, " ROH will end up being where WWE Gets Talent ."

3- ROH is known to alot of people. Don't underestimate that. Just because you don't know much about the product dont, speak for others. ROH has a ton of fans that actively promote the show.

On a side note, THEY SOLD OUT the Hammerstien Ballroom and turned away over 100 people. This without being on TV. So people are excited about the product and its only going to get bigger.

4- Vince is a business man FIRST. If ROH can increase his bottom line one bit, he will most definitely work with them. He has done it in the past with ECW, USWA and will do it again. His goal is money and that comes from Talent. And if there is a way to get it. Then he will cozy up to whomever.

5- ROH will never be a Threat to WWE but are a Serious Threat to TNA. So WWE has nothing to worry about if they want to mention them or use the name of ROH to build a great stable of past ROH Wrestlers in WWE. Hell there could be a MAJOR storyline Sports Entertainers vs Real Wrestlers. It gives a rub to ROH while building up WWE. A win-win for both.

I think people need to look at things from a business perspective first before assuming what won't happen. SBG is willing to do whatever to get the show popular and if Vince is game then so be it.

Profits are More important than Smarks.
I think people are overestinating ROH's current place in the grand scheme of things thus far. A lot of average wrestling fans have never even heard of ROH. Most of ROH's fanbase is made up of the IWC and ROH has been kind of the indy circuit for a long time. Even with this new television deal ROH has recently landed, they're still only going to be available in a little less than 30% of the television market. On top of that, ROH's television show isn't going to air live and at the same time slot as Raw does. For instance, my Fox affiliate is WDKY and according to the information posted on all the channels ROH would be available on, their tv show won't air in my neck of the woods until midnight on Saturdays, or Sunday morning if you wanna get technical about it. It's going to be a very very very long while before ROH is anywhere close to being considered a realistic threat or competition to the WWE. Why did Vince allow them to be mentioned on Raw this past Money? Maybe because he is well aware of the fact that ROH is even less of a threat than TNA at this point?

WWE working an angle with ROH benefits the WWE in no way, shape or form. Raw itself draws anywhere from 5-5.5 million viewers on average, enough to often make them the most watched show on cable. A potential faction of ROH guys that are signed with WWE is feesible but a full on ROH Invasion angle means absolutely nothing. Why? Because the vast majority of the WWE audience has no idea who Davie Edwards is or El Generico or pretty much the rest of the ROH roster. I've never seen ROH and the only reason I know of some of these guys is through hearing other's talking about them and a little research on the net.

ROH could benefit from this but it won't realistically help the WWE and because of that, it'll never happen.
You mightsee the kings of wrestling come in and thats about it. I can actually seem see the kings of wrestling and tyler black all debuting together. However the won't go on about roh. to my knowledge this is the 2nd time roh has been mention on wwe tv. Ziggler mentioned it on NXT i think. Kaval actually said Total Nonstop Action on nxt which was funny as the time.
The problem is why are we always looking things in business side. Would this kind of an angle be good for wrestling ? Yes. Cross promotion angles are always interesting. Would it give some of the ROH wrestlers an opportunity to shine. Yes it would. Would it make good wrestling ? Yes it would. So why not ? It's not like WWE would lose millions of dollars by this angle. WWE is a already a billion dollar company IWC can be a small percentage but they are still viewers so why not once make them pleased it wouldn't make other big percentage of the WWE viewers angry over the product either. Yes it would not be much benefical for WWE but at least they show that they care every part of their audience.
ROH had a great iPPV, and their new owners are giving them a new show, but they still are an independent. They have a good, dedicated fan base, but none of this is pushing them to WWE's level, or even the former ECW level. Their top guys are good wrestlers, but are also guys that are small, Vince would never put his monsters in a position to lose to them. Look at Bryan Danielson and Low Ki/Senshi/I can't remember what they called him in WWE: they would both be at the top if they went to ROH now, but Low Ki didn't even get a win when he hit the main roster. Bryan is doing ok, but is not a threat for either of the big titles. I love watching them both, and will definitely watch TNA when Low Ki makes an appearance in their X tournament, but Vince won't. So I don't see a flock of them coming in and doing anything. Besides, the whole invasion thing has been done to death.

I could see Punk doing some ROH when his contract expires because he loves them, but he'll eventually go back to WWE's bigger exposure & paychecks. I hope ROH continues to grow, especially since their TV markets don't include NY/Philly/New England and I want to see their show, but I wouldn't hold my breath on any cross-promoting angle.
Ok here is what pisses me off that nobody get about Vince: The man knows what he is doing! He is probably one of the if not the best promoters ever and he knows what is good for the business. Vince wants competition because he knows that it keeps the business fresh and alive and also at this point that nobody can really beat him. Every week I see commercials for Impact on Raw and Smackdown if Vince didn't want competition then he would have told them to take a hike. If this is the case then why not give ROH a hand too. Also back in '97 WWE and ECW did do storylines where ECW wrestlers appeared on RAW so this idea is not completely stupid as other posters have said its just creative thinking and I personally like the idea.

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