The Dragon Gate USA Thread


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
Strange that we don't have one yet, thought we did. Oh well. Just finished watching their latest PPV, which I've reviewed in full for your reading pleasure. Let's get right to it.

Dragon Gate USA: Enter the Dragon 2010
July 24th, 2010
The Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Your hosts are Chikara-san and Lenny Leonard.

So here we go, this is the first time I've ever sat down to write out one of these reviews in several years, and my reviews were pretty shitty in hindsight, not exactly my best work to say the least. As some of you may or may not know, I've become obsessed with rating pro wrestling matches similar to Dave Meltzer, JD Dunn, Scott Keith, Bryan Alvarez and others I'm forgetting who do great work reviewing shows from the perspective of a longtime fan. KB is of course our resident review maestro here on WrestleZone, but he's always been a WWE and mainstream American wrestling guy, and while I too watch and rate all the major American promotions, I'm also a huge fan of independent as well as international wrestling. KB has reviewed a few indy shows like the first Dragon Gate USA PPV (one of these days I'll have to have a discussion with you about why the opener was a great match), but for the most part finding reviews of independent promotions can be very difficult to find online, so why not throw another person's perspective into the mix?

The show starts off with CIMA coming out to a great reaction from the Philly crowd and cutting a promo in (remarkably) coherent English to basically pump the crowd up, asking them repeatedly "Are you ready?" like the long-lost Japanese member of DX. Johnny Gargano, who recently inked a multi-year deal with Dragon Gate USA, comes out and asks CIMA if he can be the newest member of the Warriors-5 stable, which CIMA is the leader of. Eager to prove himself, he slaps CIMA and challenges him to a match right there on the spot.

CIMA vs. Johnny Gargano
Gargano is a guy that seems in line to get a big push in Dragon Gate USA from the looks of his recent contract signing, but he's a guy I'm not very familiar with outside of a few appearances, which haven't particularly impressed me. They start off hot and heavy with some stiff chops before taking the match out to the floor, where Gargano says "How do you do?" with a beautiful tope . We're about 20 seconds into the match and Gargano has already impressed me more than he has in his last 4 or 5. These two have nice chemistry together, with the basic story of the match being Gargano trying to prove his worth to CIMA to impress him, trying to step his game up more and more with each maneuver, but eventually the veteran and Dragon Gate legend CIMA is simply too much for Gargano to handle, as CIMA busts out some of his trademark maneuvers including the Perfect Driver, Egoist Shwein and finally the Meteora (a diving double kneedrop) to finish Gargano at 11:47. Great opening contest here as Gargano looked great even in the loss and CIMA cements his place as one of the elite wrestlers of Dragon Gate. Lots of fast-paced, hard-hitting action that got the crowd right fired up just like any good opener should. ***

After the match CIMA offers Gargano his hand seemingly in a sign of respect, before pulling his hand away at the last minute and doing his trademark "HOO!" chant which was downright hilarious.

Chuck Taylor vs. Ricochet vs. Arik Cannon vs. Adam Cole
This would be the Dragon Gate USA debut for all four men, which has the crowd eager in anticipation. Taylor gets a huge reaction, as does Ricochet. As many may or may not know I'm a huge fan of Chuck Taylor as he simply can work a crowd better than just about anyone I've seen on the entire independent scene, if not the business. Nobody puts more into their efforts to make the crowd like and/or dislike him like Taylor does. Ricochet also wrestles in Chikara as Helios, and is a damn fine performer in his own right and a crazy high flyer as his name would suggest. This match quickly breaks down as all four man just start going at it, trying to gauge what each other wrestler is thinking and with each man trying to use some of their signature stuff without anyone gaining a real advantage, leading to each man giving us some great spots as these guys kind of just threw logic out the window and began hitting one crazy spot after another, and while that can be a valid complaint sometimes, in these Cruiserweight-esque four ways you've just got to go with the flow and enjoy yourself, as all four men deliver just nonstop action from bell to bell here before Ricochet misses a 630 splash which gives Taylor the chance to give him his trademark Awful Waffle (a leg-hook belly to back suplex turned into a piledriver) for the win at 9:41. Really just a flat-out fun match here as all four guys delivered some creative and painful spots at a great pace for the entire match. This was mainly to showcase Taylor and Ricochet, and in that effort the match was a rousing success as the crowd ate up everything they did. All around fun stuff. ***

Backstage Kamikaze-USA (Jon Moxley, YAMATO, Gran Akuma, and Shingo) cut a promo on Mike Quackenbush and Chikara in general. YAMATO, as always, looks fucking insane like he's been on a 20 day speed binge without sleep. He probably has, awesome bastard.

Naruki Doi vs. Drake Younger
Drake is one of the few deathmatch wrestlers who can actually wrestle inside a ring, and he's a damn good wrestler too as he's proven before and as he tries to prove here against the ace of Dragon Gate, Naruki Doi. Match starts off with each man feeling each other out with basic holds and chain wrestling before taking the match to the outside where Drake misses with a nasty senton. Outside Doi begins working on Drake's leg, smashing it into the guardrail and against the ring. Back inside Drake hits Doi with a nasty hesitation german suplex and Doi lands right on his neck. Drake goes for a double-underhook piledriver but his leg gives out (psychology!) which gives Doi the chance to reverse the move into a reverse pedigree. Doi hands out some (weak) slaps before finishing with the Bakatare sliding kick at 9:35. Another fast paced match here, but a bit too one-sided and short for my taste. Both men looked good though. **1/2

Scott Reed vs. Rich Swann
No clue who either of these two are, apparently they were the two standouts from a wrestling seminar/tryout earlier so I suppose I can give this a chance, it could be decent. Lock up to start off as Reed is much larger than Swann and begins reversing Reed's high risk moves into powerslams and other power moves. Nasty release german suplex from Reed only gets two. Swann quickly takes the advantage back though and hits Reed with a standing 420 splash for the win at 2:04. Just a quick squash here for Swann as he was clearly the standout of these two. Mildly entertaining squash match I suppose. *

After the match Brodie Lee comes out and destroys both Reed and Swann before grabbing the mic and threatening every man, woman, and child in the building and promising that next time he's in ROH, he's coming after a Japanese man. Well that's a bit racist, now don't you think Brodie? Why so hateful man?

Backstage Jimmy Jacobs talks about how he has the night off, but that he's still coming after Moxley.

Jon Moxley/YAMATO/Akira Tozawa/Gran Akuma vs. Masato Yoshino/Mike Quackenbush/Hallowicked/Jigsaw (Elimination)
This is the battle of the stables Kamikaze-USA (Moxley & company) and Chikara Sekigun (Quackenbush & company).Masato Yoshino's first match in the US with his recently won Enter the Dream Gate title, which is just a badass belt design. This is under elimination rules, so you can expect pretty much non-stop chaos with this 8 men from start to finish. And as soona sI type that, they do exactly that with everyone wildly brawling to the outside while YAMATO and Quackenbush exchange forearms inside. It continues to break down as Quack hits an absolutely picture perfect moonsault from the top to the outside. The match regains a semblance of order with all men taking their positions on the apron and the real match begins. Everyone gangs up on Hallowicked and YAMATO finishes him with a version of the Michinoku driver at 8:56. From there Moxley hits a nasty chickenwing suplex on Jigsaw, but he can't get the three so he gives him a nasty lariat, but again Jigsaw kicks out, which only frustrates Moxley so he goes to the outside and grabs a chair and begins laying out Quack and Jigsaw, which gets him DQed at 10:33. Jimmy Jacobs jumps into the ring though out of nowhere and hits Moxley with a spear and then brawls with him all the way to the back. All the while YAMATO hits the galleria on Jigsaw at 11:07. Quackenbush sneaks up for the rollup, but only gets 2 before being taken to the outside by Tozawa. Back in the ring Tozawa and Yoshino go at it until they simply slide out of the ring as Akuma and Quack enter the ring. Didn't realize this match was following lucha tag rules, they probably should have mentioned that. Akuma and Quack work perfectly together, which they should considering Quack trained Akuma. Because of this Quack takes the advantage and eliminates Akuma with an Alabama Slam turned into a sitout powerbomb at 13:20. IIt's down to Quack and Yoshino versus YAMATO and Tozawa. Yoshino and YAMATO go at it, quickly showing their amazing chemistry together from their many battles in the original Dragon Gate, in fact Yoshino defeated YAMATO for that very Dream Gate belt he came out with only a few weeks before at the big annual Kobe Wrestling festival in Japan. Tozawa and YAMATO deal out stiff suplexes to Quack but Yoshino again breaks the count up. YAMATO hits the galleria on Yoshino but again he kicks out! Both Quack and Yoshino put painful and creative submissions that I couldn't begin to decipher on their opponents, and both men give up at 19:35. Solid 8 man encounter here, but it was a bit too unorganized and chaotic at times. Still a solid contest however and worth a look. ***

Open the Freedom Gate Championship
BxB Hulk vs. Masaaki Mochizuki

Hulk is like a modern day Magnum Tokyo with his elaborate entrances involving choreographed dance moves and his own troupe of dancers while shiny Japanese electro-pop plays as his theme. Definitely one of the best entrances in wrestling today. Mochizuki is a grizzled veteran at this point and has been slowly working his way up the midcard in DGUSA with good matches against Davey Richards and Tozawa earlier in the year. Here he gets a shot at Hulk's Open the Freedom Gate title, which is the main title in Dragon Gate USA for those wondering. Hulk's head is shaved clean as the result of a great Hair vs. Hair match that he lost to Shingo back in Japan a few weeks prior, which just looks strange. This again quickly goes to the outside where Mochizuki's leg just gets smashed into the turnbuckle in a sickening fashion. Back in the ring Hulk works on the same knee, twisting and contorting his leg in some disgusting looking angles before Mochizuki is able to get to the ropes. Both men go for a springboard but Mochizuki takes him out with a great kick. Hulk looks like a Japanese lesbian with his new haircut, it's kind of creepy. Back in the ring Mochizuki works a figure four on Hulk which gives the crowd a chance to rally behind Hulk as Mochizuki just tightens the figure four. Finally Hulk gets to the ropes. Strangely enough Mochizuki begins working Hulk's leg now, seemingly switching the legwork Hulk had on Masaaki earlier in the match. Hulk goes for an enziguri but Mochizuki puts on a great-looking ankle lock! He falls to the mat and grapevines the leg Kurt Angle-style, as things are looking very dire for the champion here. The crowd continues to rally behind Hulk, seemingly giving him the energy to get to the ropes for another break. Things are starting to pick up here, but Hulk is running and jumping around too much for my taste considering all the work on his leg Mochizuki just put in. Hulk hits a moonsault to the floor on Mochizuki, which looks great. Back inside both men go all out and begin throwing everything they have at each other, with incredibly stiff kicks and various hard-hitting suplexes. Mochizuki hits an absolutely SICKENING looking kick to Hulk's head which puts him out. That looked really, really painful. Mochizuki continues to bring the fire to Hulk and this only further gets the crowd behind Hulk, chanting his name again to try and help him rally, which he eventually does. The Arena crowd starts up the old "This is Wrestling!" chant, which I've never liked. Of course it's wrestling, we have eyes, we can see this. Both men exchange sick boots until Hulk takes Mochizuki off the top rope with the EVO (variation of a sidewalk slam), but it only gets two. Hulk can't believe this and goes to the top and delivers a phoenix splash but he STILL won't stay down for three! Finally Hulk gets some steam behind a wicked boot to the face on an already wounded Mochizuki which is finally enough for Hulk to get the 3 count and retain his title at 21:50. Very good match here between these two as Hulk underestimated the veteran Mochizuki and because of this he took alot of punishment. This was probably Hulk's toughest challenge to date for his title, as it took every move out of Hulk's arsenal to finally put away Mochizuki. Borderline-great stuff here from these two and Mochizuki came off looking great even in the loss. ***3/4

The Bottom Line: Dragon Gate USA delivers another great show as almost every single match up on this PPV hit the three star mark and there wasn't a wasted moment in the entire two hour broadcast (well aside from a few highlights packages). While nothing here was a match of the year candidate or anything, nearly every match was worth watching and the main event was a very good match, much better than Hulk's defense against Yoshino at the last PPV. This is another great 2 hours of wrestling action from Dragon Gate USA for only $20 bucks on-demand, which makes it likely the best deal in wrestling today. Thumbs up from me yet again for the Dragon Gate guys.

Score: 7.5/10

This thread isn't just for reviews though, it's for discussing anything Dragon Gate USA related. Have at it guys!
I don't know how I overlooked this the other day, but thanks for this X! To be honest, though, DGUSA hasn't really clicked with me after the intial few shows. I think the last show I truly enjoyed top to bottom was Open The Freedom Gate from late last year. Ever since then, it seems to have gone downhill. For some reason, I am having a hard time caring about the wrestlers. All of the angles have fallen flat to me, and I just can't put my finger on the reason. But the matches are still enjoyable, for the most part, even though many seem to run way too long and just turn into the wrestlers just doing moves that mean very little, if anything.

On to this show, which I haven't seen but I'm going to comment on it anyway. Wasn't this the one that was taped the day before a lot of the Dragon Gate guys did a Chikara show? It was Chikarasaurus Rex if I remember correctly, which I still realy want to see. Anywho, I have always been impressed by CIMA's ability to speak English. And the few times I've seen Johnny Gargano he entertained me. The next match featured Chuck Taylor and Ricochet, the two guys who had my favorite match at EVOLVE 2. Add in Adam Cole and Arik Cannon, this couldn't have been anything other than good.

I've never liked Drake Younger or Naruki Doi for whatever reason. Doi's match with Danielson was good, but nowhere near as good as everyone makes it out to be. I've seen Rich Swann on a Podcast A-Go-Go and he looks like a high flyer who will fit in perfectly in either DGUSA or Chikara.

The match I would've been most looking forward to was the 8 man match, which with only three stars seems disappointing. Maybe I was expecting too much out of this, but considering who was involved, this had the makings of being a classic.

Outside of his entrance, which is great, I'm not much of a fan of BxB Hulk. Is he good? Yes. He was a good choice of being the first Open the Freedom Gate Champion, but I think he's held the belt for way too long. I'm not sure who could take it off of him at this point, but I think he should lose the title at the first ever GoFightLive iPPV, just to make the iPPVs feel like must see shows.

Again, I didn't see the show, I'm only going off of how I feel about wrestlers. But good review.
So the main event of DGUSA's first ever iPPV on GoFightLive, which I'm guessing is being called Bushido: Code of the Warrior, has been announced. It will be Shingo going one-on-one against BxB Hulk for the Open the Freedom Gate Championship! From what I've read, these two had a great match with each other several months ago in the Dragon Gate promotion in Japan, a match in which Shingo came out on top of. Will he be able to defeat BxB Hulk once again to claim the Open the Freedom Gate title? Or will BxB Hulk keep the belt around his waist?
On October 29, Dragon Gate USA will broadcast their first ever iPPV, Bushido: Code of the Warrior. They have had many Pay Per Views, but this is the first one to be broadcast live on GoFightLive, the same sight that broadcasts ROH iPPV's. The card is slowly beginning to take shape and it is looks to have all the makings of a great night of wrestling.

Dream Match - Non-title

Open the Dream Gate Champion Masato Yoshino vs Austin Aries

Yoshino is the Open the Dream Gate Champion, which is the most prestigious belt in the Japanese Dragon Gate promotion, and won the belt from YAMATO. He is considered to be one of the fastest wrestlers in the world. I mean, this guy can fly around the ring. Austin Aries is wasting no time getting around the independent scene after parting ways with ROH several weeks ago. He is also making an appearance for Gabe Sapolsky's other promotion, Evolve Wrestling. This, on paper, looks to be a great match up. Yoshino can definately go, and it will be up to Aries to keep up with him. I'm thinking Aries wins this match because it is non-title.

Giant Tag Team Attraction

Brodie Lee and Akebono vs The Osirion Portal

Brodie Lee is a big man. Akebono is an even bigger man. The Osirian Portal are not big men, but they wear the big team out with their speed. But I really don't expect much out of this match. Akebono isn't that good, and I've never been too big on Brodie Lee. I do like the Portal, but I'm not sure how they will do against wrestlers much bigger than them. I'm taking Lee and Akebono in this match.

I Quit Match

Jimmy Jacobs vs Jon Moxley

I am a huge Jimmy Jacobs fan, and I'm happy he has exorcised his demons. But that is besides the point here. This match will most likely be the blowoff to their feud which began earlier this year. Jacobs' old love interest, Lacey, has been brought into the equation on at least one occassion. I'm not sure how I feel about Moxley. Every time I start to really like him, he does something to mess it up. But I think this is going to be a brutal and bloody match, as both men know how to go hardcore when they need to. I'm taking Jacobs in this match.

Dragon Gate Tag Team Wrestling At Its Best

CIMA and Genki Horiguchi vs YAMATO and Akira Tozawa

Dragon Gate USA wants to show off its tag team wrestling ability, and this is a great way to do it. CIMA is a Dragon Gate legend and YAMATO is a former Open the Dream Gate champion. To be honest, I don't know as much as I probably should about the other two in the match, but if they are booked in a match that is meant to showcase the promotion's tag team wrestling, they must be good. I'm not sure who I think will win, but I'll go with CIMA's team because I like him more than YAMATO.

Open the Freedom Gate Title

BxB Hulk vs Shingo

BxB Hulk is the defending champion, and he is the only Open the Freedom Gate champion in the promotion's short history. He won the title late last year in a one night tournament. I think this is the night he loses the title, just to make future iPPV's seem like they can't be missed. But I'm not sure if he will retain or not, because earlier this year he lost a great, from what I hear at least, Hair vs Hair match against Shingo. I'm not sure if he'll be booked to lose a high stakes match to the same opponent this closely together. But I'm going to take Shingo and a new champion.

Anyone else looking forward to this show?
Well, from the looks of it, it doesn't seem like anyone really cares, but tonight at 8 EST Dragon Gate USA will present its first ever live iPPV, Bushido: Code of the Warrior. I have already listed some of the matches, but there have been some additions to the show.

Special Challenge Match

Homicide vs Rich Swann

We all know Homicide by now. He has returned to the independent scene following his release by TNA wrestling. He looks to return to the Homicide wrestling fans began cheering for around the middle part of the past decade, and this is the first step in resurrecting his reputation. But he faces a tough task against Rich Swann. To be honest, I've only seen a couple of matches of Swann. Actually, I don't think I have seen anything of Swann other than clips from Chikara's Podcast A-Go-Go. But from the three minute clip they showed of him, he looked pretty impressive. He is your typical small high-flyer, but there is nothing wrong with that. This should be a very good match.

Four Way Freestyle

Chuck Taylor vs Ricochet vs Johnny Gargano vs Arik Cannon

This should be a total spotfest, but I'm not saying that in a negative way. This should be fast. This should be high-flying. This should be fun. What more could you really ask for? Chuck Taylor and Ricochet actually had my favorite match on Evolve 2. I'm not sure if that is weird or not. Johnny Gargano is a fun character and a good wrestler. Arik Cannon is the biggest man in this match, and he can move pretty good himself. I've always been impressed by Cannon.

So there you have it, the card forDragon Gate USA's inaugural iPPV has been completed, and I have to say, it looks like it's going to be a fun night of wrestling. If you're sick of main stream wrestling along the lines of the WWE, TNA and even ROH, give this iPPV a chance. It's only $15 on
I have been watching some Dragon Gate USA previews on in Demand and some tributes on youtube. I am really interested in the company because every matches I have seen looked really good. I don't know much about the company, so can you guys inform me and tell me everything I should know if I want to follow Dragon Gate USA.

Thanks guys.
I know I'm bringing this thread waaaaaaay back from the dead, but who cares? I'm in the mood to discuss independent wrestling, so why not start here?

Last weekend, DGUSA had their first ever triple shot weekend and crowned new champions on Friday and Sunday. YAMATO became the second Open the Freedom Gate champion by beating BxB Hulk. Although I think Hulk is pretty good, I think YAMATO is a great choice for champion. He can put on phenomenal matches with pretty much anyone, so I am excited for his title run.

DGUSA also crowned their first ever Open the United Gate champions in the team of Masato Yoshino and PAC. I think this is a great choice of champions who can put on fast, high-flying matches in their sleep. They personify the Dragon Gate style and should have a great run with the titles.

In the finals of the tournament, they beat the team of Johnny Gargano and Chuck Taylor, who were representing Ronin. I'm happy they made the finals of the tournament because it helped solidify them as a faction in the promotions as well as give them something to strive for in the future.

DGUSA's next show is April 2 in Burlington, NC and will kick off their WrestleMania weekend. The show will be a Stable Shootout between Blood Warriors and Ronin. There are three stipulations to the shootout:
1. 1-on-1 match between one member of each stable.
2. A tag match, but they can not choose a partner from their stable.
3. Each stable will get to book a member of the opposing team against any available opponent. This will be two separate matches, obviously.

I think this can be an interesting show, but I'm not sure how good of a show it will be. It kind of reminds me of ROH's Man Up from a few years ago. It does pique my interest to be honest, but I'm going to have to wait and see.

I love Dragon Gate matches but aside from the Jon Moxley/Jimmy Jacobs feud, most of their angles fall flat.

We got Moxley now going after Homicide, while the rest of Kamikaze USA falls into regular matches.

If the faction wars are so important, why aren't they given bigger emphasis?

Another thing I need to critique is why aren't some of the more important feuds like Naruki Doi/Masato Yossino showing up here in the states?
Don't know if you guys saw but I posted up reviews for all 3 PPVs that Dragon Gate USA aired in January in the General Wrestling Section as well as my blog:

Freedom Fight 2011 Review

United: NYC 1/28/11 iPPV Review

United: Philly 1/29/11 iPPV Review

I know I'm bringing this thread waaaaaaay back from the dead, but who cares? I'm in the mood to discuss independent wrestling, so why not start here?

Last weekend, DGUSA had their first ever triple shot weekend and crowned new champions on Friday and Sunday. YAMATO became the second Open the Freedom Gate champion by beating BxB Hulk. Although I think Hulk is pretty good, I think YAMATO is a great choice for champion. He can put on phenomenal matches with pretty much anyone, so I am excited for his title run.

Completely agree with you there, Hulk is a fun wrestler but his title reign should've ended much sooner really, they never really did anything with him as champ. YAMATO though is an excellent heel and having Moxley as his mouthpiece will help matters greatly in the feud department. I was so baffled by his match against Brodie Lee the night after he won the title though, your world champion opens the card by getting squashed for the most part, then hits a few big moves to win? Didn't like that booking at all.

DGUSA also crowned their first ever Open the United Gate champions in the team of Masato Yoshino and PAC. I think this is a great choice of champions who can put on fast, high-flying matches in their sleep. They personify the Dragon Gate style and should have a great run with the titles.

Agreed there as well, especially after the absolutely INSANE match they had with Ricochet and Naruki Doi at the Philly iPPV. Hopefully we see a rematch down the line.

In the finals of the tournament, they beat the team of Johnny Gargano and Chuck Taylor, who were representing Ronin. I'm happy they made the finals of the tournament because it helped solidify them as a faction in the promotions as well as give them something to strive for in the future.

Ronin have already become one of my favorite stables in wrestling after only like 3 shows. They're so damn entertaining, Gargano I'm still not sure about but Chuckie T is one of the most entertaining guys in ALL of wrestling IMO and Rich Swann has won me over quickly in Dragon Gate with his energetic in-ring style and hilarious antics on the mic. Dragon Gate USA really needs to focus more on guys who can talk (in English), so I hope they get a big push in 2011.

DGUSA's next show is April 2 in Burlington, NC and will kick off their WrestleMania weekend. The show will be a Stable Shootout between Blood Warriors and Ronin. There are three stipulations to the shootout:
1. 1-on-1 match between one member of each stable.
2. A tag match, but they can not choose a partner from their stable.
3. Each stable will get to book a member of the opposing team against any available opponent. This will be two separate matches, obviously.

I think this can be an interesting show, but I'm not sure how good of a show it will be. It kind of reminds me of ROH's Man Up from a few years ago. It does pique my interest to be honest, but I'm going to have to wait and see.


I read about that lineup and it definitely sounds intriguing. Should also help solve the problem of some DGUSA shows where there really aren't any reasons for certain matches taking place.

I love Dragon Gate matches but aside from the Jon Moxley/Jimmy Jacobs feud, most of their angles fall flat.

We got Moxley now going after Homicide, while the rest of Kamikaze USA falls into regular matches.

If the faction wars are so important, why aren't they given bigger emphasis?

Another thing I need to critique is why aren't some of the more important feuds like Naruki Doi/Masato Yossino showing up here in the states?

I think Gabe is trying to differentiate his promotion from the home promotion in Japan, and frankly I think he needs to because I'm not sure a promotion based exactly like the original Dragon Gate is going to last very long without becoming stale.

I like how they're booking the company (for the most part) right now, they need to try and forge their own identity separate from the home promotion, and hopefully guys like Moxley, Homicide, Jacobs, and the Ronin stable can help in that endeavor.

Yay! Indy talk!
Don't know if you guys saw but I posted up reviews for all 3 PPVs that Dragon Gate USA aired in January in the General Wrestling Section as well as my blog:

Freedom Fight 2011 Review

United: NYC 1/28/11 iPPV Review

United: Philly 1/29/11 iPPV Review

I read them a few days back. Good work, I meant to rep you. I'm thinking about doing this for my blog as well, but my wrestling articles get next to no views, and my indy articles get even less. But my American Idol, however, fucking kill on the views. I'll sell out in a heartbeat, I don't care.

But anyway, good reviews.

Completely agree with you there, Hulk is a fun wrestler but his title reign should've ended much sooner really, they never really did anything with him as champ. YAMATO though is an excellent heel and having Moxley as his mouthpiece will help matters greatly in the feud department. I was so baffled by his match against Brodie Lee the night after he won the title though, your world champion opens the card by getting squashed for the most part, then hits a few big moves to win? Didn't like that booking at all.

I think BxB Hulk was a fine first choice as champion as he is a really easy wrestler to get behind and puts on quality matches every time he steps between the ropes, but his run had run its course. I'm thrilled YAMATO is champion. I'm currently re-watching Open The Historic Gate, and their match was great, so I can only imagine how good it was with the title on the line. I didn't order either iPPV (no money and I hate not supporting promotions I love), but that YAMATO vs Brodie Lee match does sound awkward. I don't like matches like that, but I guess it made Lee look strong and made YAMATO look like no matter what happens, he is always capable of winning. But I'm still not a fan of how the match sounds like it happened.

Agreed there as well, especially after the absolutely INSANE match they had with Ricochet and Naruki Doi at the Philly iPPV. Hopefully we see a rematch down the line.

Ricochet is the man, I think we can all agree on that. He had a fantastic 2010 and he is off to a great start for 2011. Naruki Doi is a great wrestler, but for some reason I just have a hard time caring about him. But he always impresses me in the ring and that is all that matters. But Yoshino and PAC should have a good run with the belts. I'm guessing they lose them some time this fall, but I'm excited for all the possible matches they will have. I know the Young Bucks still wrestle for PWG, a match between those two teams would be the most amazing thing ever!

Ronin have already become one of my favorite stables in wrestling after only like 3 shows. They're so damn entertaining, Gargano I'm still not sure about but Chuckie T is one of the most entertaining guys in ALL of wrestling IMO and Rich Swann has won me over quickly in Dragon Gate with his energetic in-ring style and hilarious antics on the mic. Dragon Gate USA really needs to focus more on guys who can talk (in English), so I hope they get a big push in 2011.

I was a fan of Ronin from the second they debuted on Bushido: Code of the Warrior. The build-up was just so perfect, and I think they found the perfect three wrestlers to be a part of this stable. I've liked Gargano since one of the first few matches I've seen. He is just so fun to watch and can actually go pretty good in the ring. I haven't seen anything of his in a while, though, so he has to improved leaps and bounds which is awesome.

Chuckie T can work the mic like very few in the business. He just oozes charisma and if he had a bigger build, one of the big two companies would have already signed him. But lucky for us they haven't, so we can enjoy his work in DGUSA and Evolve. I know he's in other promotions, but I am unable to follow them as closely as I'd like (again, money).

I read about that lineup and it definitely sounds intriguing. Should also help solve the problem of some DGUSA shows where there really aren't any reasons for certain matches taking place.

They often have matches just to have matches, which is fine since they are usually very good. But it is nice to have matches with stories behind them every once in a while.

I like how they're booking the company (for the most part) right now, they need to try and forge their own identity separate from the home promotion, and hopefully guys like Moxley, Homicide, Jacobs, and the Ronin stable can help in that endeavor.

I like how every stable has the American representative so they can work the mic and work the feuds. They found some of the best mic workers in the indies to do that, too. Ronin is going to be a force for the foreseeable future, and a feud with basically any stable would be awesome, and it seems like they are going with Blood Warriors vs Ronin. I'm already excited for any Dragon Kid and Ricochet vs. Chuckie T and Rich Swann matches.

Yay! Indy talk!

Yay! It's been way to long since we've had any indy discussions. We need to start some more indy threads to get it going.
If this post seems jumbled and thrown together while reading it, that's because it is. I'm trying to get some DGUSA discussion rocking, so I'm just going to talk about whatever comes to my mind regarding the promotion.

Dragon Gate USA has announced the matches that will make up the "Stable Shootout" that kicks off their Wrestlemania weekend triple shot. The announced matches thus far are:

Pac & Ricochet vs Chuck Taylor and Akira Tozawa

CIMA vs Johnny Gargano

Naruki Doi vs Jon Moxley

Sami Callihan vs Rich Swann

At first glance, I was disappointed with this card. But when I was writing it out I started getting the feeling that this is going to be a very good show. I like the idea of the "Stable Shootout" and it should help to build up Ronin rather nicely. If Gargano is able to finally pick up the win over CIMA, it would do wonders for his DGUSA status. I'm excited for this event.

Some matches for the other two shows have been announced. The Saturday show will feature a six-man tag between Blood Warriors and Ronin and Sunday CIMA and Ricochet will challenge for the Open the United Gate titles. Those two matches sound great.

It appears that Akira Tozawa is going to be built up as a major babyface for the promotion after being kicked out of Kamikaze USA. I expect him to slowly rise through the ranks and will ultimately have a major face-off with YAMATO for the Open the Freedom Gate title. I don't think he will win it on his first attempt for the belt, but I think he will be the one that ultimately takes the title from YAMATO. I don't think we need to worry about for a while though, YAMATO's reign has literally just begun, and I think he holds the title until either the fall or winter.

If Tozawa does become the next Open the Freedom Gate champion, that would make all three of the title holders from the Japanese promotion. That begs the question: Who will be the first American (or non-Japanese Dragon Gate wrestler) to win the title? I thought it would be Jimmy Jacobs, but he lost all of his matces during the triple shot in January. It could just be a slow build for him, though. I would count the members of Ronin out for the time being, even though if they were to dominate the title scene it would be great. Based what he's been posting on Twitter, I wouldn't be surprised if Austin Aries hangs the boots up soon, which would make me very, very sad. That really just leaves Moxley, Ricochet, Brodie Lee and Homicide. I don't think Ricochet and Lee are ready yet, although I enjoy both wrestlers. Moxley and YAMATO are both in Kamikaze USA, so Moxley won't be the guy. That leaves Homicide and Jimmy Jacobs. I haven't been impressed by Homicide's return to the indies, and Jacobs will have to be built back up into title contention. So there are really no American talent that could be the Open the Freedom Gate champion right now, which isn't good IMO.

I had another point I was going to bring up, but I forgot while going on that rant about Open the Freedom Gate champions. Oh well, I think this is more than enough.

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