The Draft is boring


The Corre
The draft is boring now simple as that. I liked it better when ECW was still around accutually. IDK why I just felt that it was better because that was the 3rd brand and with that computer crap it makes it less predictable.
Next Year im hoping there will be a 3rd brand. I'd like for WWE superstars to turn into a brand like ECW was. I for one thought ECW was decent in WWE not great but decent.
The only way they should do a draft with 2 brands has to be with them picking random people again from that spinning thing they had (idk what that is called)
"The draft is boring now simple as that."

You talk like it's the truth. Fact it's called an opinion. Simple as that. To me the draft isn't boring at all. I always enjoy seeing who will go where. Your idea with a spinning wheel (if that's what you meant by spiny thing) would not make it any difference seeing as it's rigged.
They will never do anything random again. Before the Raw draft, I predicted 4 out of the 6 people that actually ended up moving. Big Show gets moved to be put into the main event for a month or two and then drops off to help promote newer talent. Edge retiring left a big void of top talent on Smackdown so that's why Orton got moved. Sin Cara got moved because they are going to edit his matches. He is having too many botched spots on a live show.

While I agree that the draft isn't as exciting as I would like, it's needed as they are doing it to try and make a better product in the long run and not just for one night.
Well thats an opinion, but still the night is electric, and seeing the viewership jump from 3.14 last week to 3.5 suggests this as well.. The draft has become an exciting tradition and even though it is more or less predictable, its never boring.

Moreover OP, you want superstars to be turned into a brand. What next a Superstars Championship next? Winner Zack Ryder?? IWC will eat it up.. Commom fan wouldn't care less.. And also you don't have good enough guys to be distributed into 3 brands. Especially a lack of ME players..

Now if the locker room had guys like Eddie, Booker, Triple H, Kane, Michaels, UT, SCSA, Rock, RVD, Edge, Christian, X Pac, Angle, Y2J alongside the fillers and divas, a third brand is probable. With today's shallow roster. Never.

SIGH!! That list just reminded me how good the attitude era truly was..
Generally speaking, I think the draft is one of the more exciting events that WWE does all year. When I heard rumours that it was going to be dropped this year, I immediately thought "missed opportunity." Whether it was due to Edge retiring or if it was planned all along, I think WWE will ultimately be better off for having done the draft this year, as it would every year.

As for the 2011 Draft specifically, I thought it was a pretty strong RAW and the show held my interest the entire time. To be blunt, that's not something WWE programming can typically do for me nowadays. Cena getting drafted to Smackdown as the first pick was a genuine shocker for me, but I knew it wouldn't last. I didn't think it would be reversed that night, but it was still nice to see WWE make the effort to do the unexpected even if it ended up being a swerve.

As an aside, R-Truth's promo from the Draft show was a great follow up to his heel turn last week and has me completely on-board for his character. Hopefully he and WWE creative can snowball this into something that is perpetually interesting over the weeks and months.
I agree, the draft is boring.. I think it's kind of pointless anyway, wrestlers or "superstars" seem to travel between each show all year long anyway.. just have them show up one week and say hey, I'm now on this show.. instead of wasting time with that stupid computerized thing they do for the draft
I just dont get why they even do the draft anymore....The main guys go on both shows all the time anyway. Plus 29 guys got moved this year...29...Thats pretty much the entire roster switching shows. They kept like 10 guys where they were and just switched everybody else. When you have to do that to make for fresh matchups and whatnot, its time to end the brand extension and go back to having storylines that actually involved more than 2 people.
I agree the draft is boring, the whole John Cena thing was predictable from the get go. That aside and o look ADR and Swagger get drafted to Raw.... hang on for the past how many weeks have these two been appearing on Raw anyways. That's the main problem, there is no boundary, the draft is nothing but a gimmick which has little sense.

Once mored why is Teddy Long, the Smackdown GM appearing on Raw and making matches? Isn't the idea of the draft that he stays there and is the GM there. He should have no say on Raw at all.

There are other issues with the draft, guys like ADR's ring announcer and Khali's manager were never drafted yet unless they are to be axed very soon will be traded over to continue doing that role.

If they don't plan on doing the right thing and getting rid of this stupid draft system they need to come up with a better one.
I want the draft to be on both shows. Let's make the most of it and instead of a stinking Supplemental Draft let's make Raw 3 hours and have the draft be on both shows the whole week.

I believe it used to be on both shows before and it kept things interesting and I don't know why they changed it. It will help ratings and keep people interested along with give them time to create different ideas for both shows for the draft.:banghead:
The anonymous GM hurts a lot of the drafts appeal, the original draft was elevated by Ric Flair vs Mr. McMahon, a computer vs. Teddy Long? ha ha, ya.

Having some GM interaction adds an entire dimension to draft storylines, this years draft felt rushed as an attempt to clean up Edge's gap.
I reallllllllly hope they never go to 3 brands again...they are thin as it is as far as talent goes, and most of the big names tend to appear on both shows anyway. I thought it was a fun show.
I agree, the draft is boring.. I think it's kind of pointless anyway, wrestlers or "superstars" seem to travel between each show all year long anyway..

Yes they do, but the thing that separates a "visit" from a permanent move is the aspect of new storylines being built around the guy who's changing brands.

I think it's an exciting annual event because the complexion of both brands winds up changing in anticipation of those new storylines. Especially when a major character like Randy Orton makes the move, we can expect to see a new direction for his character and new opponents to play off.
I can see why you feel the draft is boring, as I also find it boring at times. The whole Cena thing this year was utterly pointless, it really was. The problem with the draft as many have stated here, is that those boundaries get crossed many times within the year. Not only that, but we see "superstars" being drafted and after a few weeks the show goes back to revolving around the top guys only. WWE needs to start building up all their "superstars", and I don't mean pushing them to main-event level, more like they mean something to their brand.

I would love to see Vince come out and let the GM's "trade" like they did one year...or even let "superstars" "jump ship" within a period of weeks as oppose to a one-night draft.
Well, I don't like the draft the way WWE is using it right now..We all know that if Raw looses the first match, will get the second one, and viceversa. But both 2004 and 2005 where entertaining. 2004: Bischoff vs Heyman concept was good. And the 2005's draft gave a lot of surprises for an entire month, and the rosters finished quite balanced.
Truth be told, the only reason I watched this week was because of the draft. The Cena thing going back to Raw at the end of the night killed me. I really felt insulted when that happened.

As far as the guys coming and going as they please, they only really do that when you have matches with guys from both brands on a PPV, ie Bragging Rights, Royal Rumble and Mania.

As far as a 3rd brand goes, I don't think so. I'm just gonna pretend you never mentioned it.
Sigh,whatever happend to just sitting there and enjoying the Shows? Boy what a novel idea that is. That being said the Draft is a good idea and I like the way they do it. This Year's was solid and yeah John Cena going back & forth didn't bother me as it did some people. I think they did it to mess with the IWC and "smart" marks.

So I like the Draft,its an interesting night to see who goes where and I like the Supplemental part of it as well. As for a 3rd Brand,sure its easy for some people to say that but thats what Superstars is for.
I love the Draft show, but I do hate the "random computer roullette..." Also I was psyched when Cena got drafted to SD but then I thought that would jeopardize Christian's WHC shot, since it seems they want Cena VS ADR @ SummerSlam. So when he was drafted back to Raw, it was a waste of time. But as a Christian fan, I was happy 'cause now he has a better chance of winning the title Sunday, and ADR can go after the WWE title now that he's on Raw. As far as the three brands, I would love it, but the rosters are thin enough as it is. They need to focus on pushing ALL of their 'Superstars' before anything, tho
Its kind of controversial when it comes to being "thin on talent", I hear everywhere that people are tired of WWE not using talent well, and the reason for that being they have too much talent and dont know what to do with it. The draft is only boring in certain peoples eyes, its just how you see it. I see it as a way to keep things seemingly interesting, new feuds, new rivalries, and some we havent seen in a while. Sure it isnt interesting knowing that WWE chooses before hand who is getting drafted but honestly we know WWE chooses everything that happens, so its not a big disappointment. Now my question is this, WWE has been wanting to merge titles together, could this be the time to do so, The IC and US titles are on the same brand, and if Del Rio wins, then both World Titles will be on the same brand, could they just decide to merge both sets of titles?
The Draft is not boring. Can it at times be predicatable? Yes. However I don't think in any way it is boring because of the suprises that we can see happen during the show. Generally it is one of my most favourite Raws of the year. I think it is fun to see a break from all the feuds and just see people go at it for brand respect. I don't know how saying flat out the draft is boring makes any sense.
It's a matter of opinion I guess. I don't find it boring overall and I thought this years was pretty good. Sure some years are better than others. Just like some episodes of Raw are great and some suck. I really hope WWE doesn't go back to a third brand. In my opinion I didn't think the draft was any better when there was a third brand. The supplemental draft was around even when they had ECW.

They've had a draft almost every year since the brand extension started and most fans look forward to it. I don't get why people think the anonymous GM angle has anything to do with how the draft is done. The GM's haven't had anything to do with picking who goes where in quite some time now.
The draft is boring? Apparently you weren't on in the chat room Tuesday afternoon. The chat room was buzzing and electric, even with the picks being about 20 minutes apart from each other. I'm not a Zack Ryder fan (far from it), but the chat room blew up when he showed up in the chat. While the names that moved weren't exciting (other than Beth and Kelly Kelly to Raw :worship: ), there was a ton of buzz in the chat room during the draft.
the only real shock i was surprised about was mark henry attack john cena i knew as soon as cena was being drafted he would be drafted right back you know why because if they took cena and orton their would be way to many heels to faces.

and it was boring i got to say. i just felt as an added effect from the draft was it was a big way to end wrestlemania fueds.
I dont like the cross overs at all, but understand why they do it. The reason for the draft is to create fresh fueds and have people chasing for new titles. Orton wont be able to go for the WWE Title now. Only the WH Title so there is still exclusivity.

The thing I dont get about the draft is the supplement draft. Why do it on Why dont they do it on Smackdown like they did Raw? Create some interest and get viewing figures up. Having Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Ted Dibiase turn up would be a nice surprise.

Then have the supplement draft for your Yoshis and Rileys.
Hi all, long time reader, first time poster. Anyways since I can't make my own thread I figured this could be the best place to post an idea I have where it wouldn't be derailing a thread, since it pertains to the draft.

For the draft concept itself, it is a good idea in that it switches things up and tries to keep things as fresh as possible. I enjoyed most drafts, save for this years draft (what the hell was that crap with Cena switching twice?) I believe Cena should be on Smackdown! for many reasons that I dont want to ramble on about. Without further adieu, here's my pitch for an alternate to the draft that can really shake things up throughout the course of the year:

We all think of RAW is the #1 brand and SD! as the #2 brand, so let's make it official! Merge the HW and WWE title, keep that on RAW and the IC/US title merged and have it on SD!. The Divas can be interchangable and the Tag Team titles can be exclusive to SD and Superstars.

The superstars would be split by a 'ranking' system where the top 20 superstars are on RAW, the next 20 on SD! and the remainder and new guys have to fight through Superstars to earn their stripes. The SD! superstars would be fighting to get on the mother show through their performance (could escalate feuds immensely, think Cody Rhodes and his draft promo). Here's how the switching would work:

At PPV's, the IC champ has the right to a match of his choosing on the RAW side (non title). If he wins, he's on RAW and the RAW star switches to SD! where they spend the show working with the lesser talent as a way to push them over possibly (hard to explain) for a period of time (maybe a month or 2) until they are put back on the SD! ranking system.

The next PPV match would be the #1 and #2 contenders to either win the vacated belt or to face the IC champ on a SD! show.

You could have 2 guys that are slipping in the RAW rankings to face off in a loser moves to SD! match (this could be a great feud ender).

I think these ideas with revisions and other ideas could really make for great tv and would increase the interest in all shows. So could this be an alternate method to having the draft, or stick to it like it is?
The draft is boring now simple as that.

No it isn't. The draft is never boring. It changes the rosters around to open up the doors for new feuds and sometimes things get shifted around such as when announcers or titles change brands.

I liked it better when ECW was still around accutually.

You're one of the few. They never needed the ECW brand.

Next Year im hoping there will be a 3rd brand. I'd like for WWE superstars to turn into a brand like ECW was.

NO. This would be a bad idea. First of all, very few people watch Superstars. Secondly, if so few people watched ECW which was a legit 3rd brand, then why would they turn Superstars (which even less people watch without it being a legit brand) into a 3rd brand? Finally, they barely manage 2 brands currently.

The only way they should do a draft with 2 brands has to be with them picking random people again from that spinning thing they had (idk what that is called)

That's basically the exact same concept they use. People are "randomly" picked to go from one brand to the next. You did not prove why the draft is boring. It isn't boring at all. In fact, it prevents the product from becoming MORE boring because it makes it possible for feuds that otherwise would not be happening.

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