The Dozens - Wrestling Edition

The Butcher

Mother's Day is tomorrow here in the States, and as Mr. T and Kevin Durant have made abundantly clear recently, moms (or "mums" if you prefer) are special people. It's only appropriate that we take at least one day each year to acknowledge that fact... by playing The Dirty Dozens! I know nearly every joke has been done, and you can find them all over the internet. So, with that in mind, I figured giving it a wrestling spin might make it fresh (unlike yo stank momma). Here's a couple to get the ball rolling:

Yo momma so stupid she tried to find Austin 3:16 in the Bible.

Yo momma so old her wrestling name was "The Fabulous Greenback."

Simple enough (like yo momma), so have at it.
Yo momma so dumb she went to the jungle lookin for spot monkeys.

Yo momma so fat something something Billy Kidman.

Yo momma such a skank when she come to the ring she billed from Parts Known.

Yo momma so racist she thought Kerwin White was too black.

Yo momma such a mark Ziggler could sell to a ghost and she believe dat shit.

Yo momma so fat she get hungry everytime somebody get Tombstoned.

Yo momma so big Triple H can't even bury her.

Yo momma gets high and doesn't love you.

Yo momma such a **** she makes the ho train a freight service.

Yo momma so dumb she call herself.

Yo momma so skinny she could be workin indies.

Yo momma is the reason why HBK lost his smile.

Yo momma so bad Bret gave her a 3/10.

Yo momma so old Mark Henry wouldn't bang.

Yo momma so unfunny she make Jerry Lawler laugh.

Yo momma so dumb she try to brand El Torito.

Yo momma so dumb she asked for The People's Strudel at a bakery.
You guys know I like them big girls, yeah?

Yo Momma so fat...

How Fat is she, Danger??

Yo momma so fat I gave her a MONSTER PUSH!!!

Yo momma so skinny John Cena can't see her

Yo momma so fat she tried to eat Abdullah The Butcher with his own fork

Yo momma so fat she squashes her opponents

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