The Divas situation is kinda stupid.


Getting Noticed By Management
What I am about to say might seem like a long shot, but I have this thought in my head and would like to share it with you fellow fans.

As we saw at Summerslam and during the build up to it the past weeks, the Aj vs Paige feud for the Divas title was given like 5 minutes average to build + a 10 minute window on the PPV. At the same time, the Stephanie vs Brie feud was taking 15-20 minutes of THE MAIN EVENT SLOT on Raw and was given a lot of time on the PPV too.

Apparently, the feud turned out to be Nikki vs Brie, which is gonna be horrendous in my opinion, but the thing that really bugs me is how they treat the Divas title compared to the Bellas' feud. The title should definitely be the focal point of the Divas division, especially since they have AJ and Paige (and now maybe Natalya) in that scene. Instead, we are shoved down with a Bellas' feud and I'm really trying to figure out why.

When Paige came in, the place "exploded" in some sort, which means people dig that feud. The same cannot be said for the Bellas. If I would try to figure out why they give more meaning to the Bellas, it would probably be to increase the viewership on the Total Divas show they have and it seems like the #1 reasonable choice at the moment, which is still stupid in my opinion, but I digress.

What I was thinking though is that they intentionally downgrade AJ (and consequently Paige) just to shove it to Cm Punk. As I said at the beginning, it is a long shot, but I can't get this thought out of my head. They aren't giving her main events, at least in the Divas division, which is kinda disrespectful the way I see it. Also, even if they considered the Steph vs Brie feud much bigger, since the Authority, HHH and Bryan are involved, then why did they instantly took (as it seems actually) Steph out of it and put in Nikki against Brie? Might be for Total Divas, might actually be a shot to AJ. Sure, if they wanted to downgrade her completely, they could have just taken the title off her and make her job to Paige or something, but this still bugs me a lot, even though it might be a long shot.
You can't judge the Bellas' popularity by a pop. Bella fans don't get up and scream when their music hits. Their fans experience WWE entirely differently from the WZ crowd.

The E!/Total Divas fans essentially think of Diva matches as sanctioned Real Housewives restaurant catfights. They don't watch Raw investing in it as a sport or care about Title legacy. It's a whole different sphere of entertainment.

"I hate Nikki, I always did and I always knew she was fake. She's like, pathetic debasing herself to a sociopath, I'd be rich too if I was an obvious golddigger with no self respect. And she's FAKE, like, even literally lol. Brie is kind of stuck up but I like her organic vegetable recipes on Instagram and it's cute when she wrestles with her husband."

You or I could appreciate, say, a cold RVD/Swagger match. We don't need backstory, we could enjoy it on the merits of being violent and athletic and exciting. An E! fan might just see two really ugly guys fighting for no stakes. You're seeing the Divas division as a presentation issue, when maybe you aren't the focus of who the Bellas are presented toward. WWE is the Wal Mart of wrestling and you're complaining that there are more Health & Beauty aisles than Sporting Goods/Sexy Lady aisles.

Young adult males will always pine for the days when RAW was 2 hours each week devoted to them. I guess it never stops stinging that watching RAW means several trips down Health & Beauty and the Kids aisles, all while some twit keeps repeating "Can I help you find anything for 9.99?"
Well as I have been mentioning for weeks now...Stephanie is a top 3 heel right now. Daniel Bryan was insanely popular(like I'd say his popularity was greater than Punks after the pipebomb). They're keeping Bryan relevant. All of that being said, I don't think it'll stay like this now. They're twins, how much interest can they keep in a feud between twins?
The mistake is to attribute the Steph - Brie match to the Divas division: it's not related, it just happens to involve women. Stephanie won't be challenging Paige anytime soon and a win over Steph, whose last match was (I believe) at No Mercy 2003, won't immediately put Brie as #1 contender.

Also the Steph - Brie match only really came about because Bryan got injured; had he not, it's possible we would have seen a mixed tag between Steph/Triple H and Bryan/Brie but I doubt we'd have had such a powerful build for the diva half of that tag match
I just don't understand, concerning the AJ/Paige feud, how AJ is such a huge heel for months on hend, then Paige wins the title as a mega-face... but when Paige does to AJ what AJ has been doing to everyone she's come across or 'dated' in the WWE, Paige is suddenly the heel. Has anything Paige done been that much worse that what AJ has done?
I just don't understand, concerning the AJ/Paige feud, how AJ is such a huge heel for months on hend, then Paige wins the title as a mega-face... but when Paige does to AJ what AJ has been doing to everyone she's come across or 'dated' in the WWE, Paige is suddenly the heel. Has anything Paige done been that much worse that what AJ has done?

I think it's as simple as this....

AJ gets a lot of cheers even when she's heel, no matter what.

Paige wasn't getting cheered much as a weren't really behind her yet.

So they made the simple heel/face switch.
The answer is simple: Total Divas.

I get the impression Total Divas is Steph's brainchild. The mainstream & economic benefits may be decent but ultimately the obsession with making it a highlight element of the company's portfolio has hindered the Women's division. History has proven that stunning women can be athletes, especially in wrestling, so why the obsession over "Divas"? Why not focus on WOMEN? The irony is the company claiming that their Divas epitomise everything right about the modern woman when most represent the complete opposite.
The mistake is to attribute the Steph - Brie match to the Divas division: it's not related, it just happens to involve women.

Exactly. A match with a McMahon is usually considered a "above the title" type of match. Plus, both Bella's are on Total Diva's, as the stars, so probably going to push them up above most. That's basically it. I don't think it's punishment or anything else.

But, I love AJ vs. Paige. I think they're the most interesting of the Diva's.
What I was thinking though is that they intentionally downgrade AJ (and consequently Paige) just to shove it to Cm Punk.
As much as it seems probable, dont think that is the case. Reason of Steph/Brie has nothing to do with Punk but has more to do with one other man and that is Danyel Bryan. Saw that t-shirt Steph was wearing at RAw? What it says on it? ;) Who is Steph mentioning every time she is around in ring? ;) Thats because they are smart and want to keep him around along with his "Yes movement". They builded whole Wrestlemania main event on it and they are smart to keep that momentum a bit until he comes back. Because lets face it, if he is healthy we probablly wouldnt even see that match at Summerslamm but probably something different(maybe Brian/Brie vs HHH/Steph or something along with that).

Btw Aj is maybe best Diva they have and they know that. If they wanted to downgrade her they wouldnt even give her that Wrestlemania win and build her unstopable except against cheap shots. They wouldnt give her title back if they want to downgrade her in any way. And as much as WWEs and Punks relationship has gone awry in last few months they are smart to know that he is valuable asset to have. They wouldnt try "burying" AJ to piss him off especially because he(as much as I can remember) didnt said a bad word against them since he left and they didnt said a bad word against him too. So forget about "conspiracy theory", its not about Punk and AJ is not getting "buried". She is doing pretty fine atm. ;)

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