The Divas are finally getting some TV time

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Ever since the move of putting Eve with Ryder, then Johnny Ace... it seems as if the WWE has been trying to further build on the height of divas. Following Eve's departure from power via Johnny Ace's "release", AJ took center stage as she became GM. But now, with the injury of Kaitlyn, Eve sneaking in the title win with a case of Dissociates Disorder, and Layla looking to regain her title back... oh and Beth Phoenix proving she wasn't the blonde that attacked Kaitlyn... It seems as though the Divas division is getting a small boost on television.

Divas matches are starting to become more psychological, are getting decent television time for storylines, and most importantly... interesting. I've been racking my head around who could've attacked Kaitlyn, as well as what will come of the Eve & Layla situation. I was impressed by the showing Kaitlyn had on Raw, and even this past week on Smackdown, Alicia Fox was able to showcase more of a technical side in her match with Layla. Of course Alicia Fox needs work in that department, but the point is that the Divas are no longer just eye candy it seems.

Do you think that WWE is going to continue utilizing the divas for a decent amount of time, or will this all just blow over as Vince decides once more that women should be eye candy and not wrestlers?
i agree. the divas are getting macthes everyweek . with a storyline. Eve is doing great with her chamiponship. layla is doing a great part. were also seeing katylin and alicia fox also beth phonexi on raw smackdown. there good matches too. im happy for them.
Eve - Layla rivalry has slowly developed into a small, but big storyline, at least in the Divas division. I'm not big into the divas division, no doubt, but as the OP has stated, it sure does seem as if the divas division is slowly regaining its form as a consistent division throughout the WWE. Now I don't think and don't believe the Divas will take air time away from the beloved CM Punk or John Cena, but yes its obvious the Divas are back. I'm not holding my breath to see how this all unfolds and wonder if this division will collapse sometime in the near future. This division won't be nearly as good as when Trish, Lita, Gail Kim, Maria, Canadace were at the peak of their careers in the WWE. But it's good to see this play out. Hopefully it won't collapse like i said. Interested to see how this turns out.
Really? You're more worried about the prostitute-like Divas when theres more important and more talented things going on such as CM Punk's fan altercation, Cena's injury, Ryback's involvement, and a potential Lesnar return in the near future? I'm sorry but I don't understand why such inane and frivolous threads are created.
Really? You're more worried about the prostitute-like Divas when theres more important and more talented things going on such as CM Punk's fan altercation, Cena's injury, Ryback's involvement, and a potential Lesnar return in the near future? I'm sorry but I don't understand why such inane and frivolous threads are created.

No red blooded male whines about hot chicks in tiny outfits, especially Layla and Eve, and it makes me think you need to rethink your priorities son.

Once upon a time women's wrestling mattered, and Eve and Layla have definitely improved in the ring. Eve is probably the most popular diva by default with Beth Phoenix and dare I say Kelly Kelly leaving the company. Eve makes a good heel with her 'smile on the outside while covertly being dastardly', and it should make things that much more interesting to see how the up and coming divas find their place. Kaitlyn IMO is amazingly hot with those muscular legs and I hope to God she gets over so shes on my TV all the time.
You must be a little kid. You know, there's a thing called porn if you wanna watch hot ****es 24/7. I watch WWE for superstars not prostitutes.

Still, there's something to be said for someone who does not want to see beautiful women compete in a sport they love to watch (I'm assuming here).

I agree completely with the OP. I was going to make a thread myself. It also seems that more fans are interested also, with the Divas segment on RAW getting quite a good reaction from the crowd. They also popped for Layla's save, which was great to see. The matches have immensely improved as well. The Divas tag match on NXT this week was great, I thought, and very psychological. Again, this could all be dumped if WWE decides to drop the storyline, however I don't see that happening. Triple H has brought in some good changes, and I'm sure reviving the Divas somewhat was one of his plans.
Really? You're more worried about the prostitute-like Divas when theres more important and more talented things going on such as CM Punk's fan altercation, Cena's injury, Ryback's involvement, and a potential Lesnar return in the near future? I'm sorry but I don't understand why such inane and frivolous threads are created.

Yeah, I don't get it, either. Although, given how the weekly quarter hour ratings show that the Diva matches lose a couple hundred thousand viewers almost every week (Eve/Kaitlyn on Monday lost 321,000 viewers; Eve/Beth on October 1st lost over 400,000 viewers), I'd say many viewers don't really get WWE's obsession with making sure they get a segment every week.
Really? You're more worried about the prostitute-like Divas when theres more important and more talented things going on such as CM Punk's fan altercation, Cena's injury, Ryback's involvement, and a potential Lesnar return in the near future? I'm sorry but I don't understand why such inane and frivolous threads are created.

Yeah, I don't get it, either. Although, given how the weekly quarter hour ratings show that the Diva matches lose a couple hundred thousand viewers almost every week (Eve/Kaitlyn on Monday lost 321,000 viewers; Eve/Beth on October 1st lost over 400,000 viewers), I'd say many viewers don't really get WWE's obsession with making sure they get a segment every week.

Are the Divas a massive draw right now? no.

Could the Divas ever be a draw? Yes. Trish and Lita are a prime example of this. The reason they aren't now is because very little effort has been put into the division over the last few years and now guys like you come and shit all over them when they finally start trying to build them.

Divisions and draws do not appear over night and building this feud with the inclusion of Kaitlyn (who allegedly is a bigger draw than Beth Pheonix based on the figures you are giving) AJ and women like Sara Del Ray and other young talent the Division could very well be on the up. Much like the tag team division is now that the WWE has actually committed TV time to showing off the tag teams they have.
Are the Divas a massive draw right now? no.

Could the Divas ever be a draw? Yes. Trish and Lita are a prime example of this. The reason they aren't now is because very little effort has been put into the division over the last few years and now guys like you come and shit all over them when they finally start trying to build them.

Divisions and draws do not appear over night and building this feud with the inclusion of Kaitlyn (who allegedly is a bigger draw than Beth Pheonix based on the figures you are giving) AJ and women like Sara Del Ray and other young talent the Division could very well be on the up. Much like the tag team division is now that the WWE has actually committed TV time to showing off the tag teams they have.

What build? You act like this is something new, but they do this for every Divas' angle. Some 2-3 minute match where a Diva does commentary while her enemy wrestles. That's every Diva feud for years now.

If you want to know one really big reason the Divas get crapped on so much, it's because of things like praising Kaitlyn for her segment bombing less badly than Beth's did. The incredibly low expectations for the Divas really hurts them when it comes to getting their detractors to take them seriously.
What build? You act like this is something new, but they do this for every Divas' angle. Some 2-3 minute match where a Diva does commentary while her enemy wrestles. That's every Diva feud for years now.

If you want to know one really big reason the Divas get crapped on so much, it's because of things like praising Kaitlyn for her segment bombing less badly than Beth's did. The incredibly low expectations for the Divas really hurts them when it comes to getting their detractors to take them seriously.

I wasn't saying it was a good segment, just that Kaitlyn is evidently a bigger draw than Beth Phoenix. My expectations are low right now but the fact is that if they can continue to lose LESS viewers in the Divas segment week on week then it's working. As I already said you can't build a division overnight you've got to build it up gradually losing 80,000 less viewers is a step in the right direction
I wasn't saying it was a good segment, just that Kaitlyn is evidently a bigger draw than Beth Phoenix. My expectations are low right now but the fact is that if they can continue to lose LESS viewers in the Divas segment week on week then it's working. As I already said you can't build a division overnight you've got to build it up gradually losing 80,000 less viewers is a step in the right direction

I should have noted that the only pattern here is that the Diva segments lose viewers almost every single week. The degree to which they lose viewers is not nearly as constant. Next week's Diva segment might lose 150,000 viewers or it might lose 450,000. It's pretty much 50/50.
Are the Divas a massive draw right now? no.

Could the Divas ever be a draw? Yes. Trish and Lita are a prime example of this. The reason they aren't now is because very little effort has been put into the division over the last few years and now guys like you come and shit all over them when they finally start trying to build them.

Divisions and draws do not appear over night and building this feud with the inclusion of Kaitlyn (who allegedly is a bigger draw than Beth Pheonix based on the figures you are giving) AJ and women like Sara Del Ray and other young talent the Division could very well be on the up. Much like the tag team division is now that the WWE has actually committed TV time to showing off the tag teams they have.

You can't compare this generations talentless divas with amazing divas such as Trish and Lita - they were gorgeous and extremely talented simultaneously. Plus, the storylines that they were in made the storylines 5 times more interesting and addicting to watch. You can't compare Punk, Miz, Orton, etc. to Austin, Rock, Undertaker. That era is gone. The golden days are done. These divas will never tantamount the excellence of their predecessors.
You can't compare this generations talentless divas with amazing divas such as Trish and Lita - they were gorgeous and extremely talented simultaneously. Plus, the storylines that they were in made the storylines 5 times more interesting and addicting to watch. You can't compare Punk, Miz, Orton, etc. to Austin, Rock, Undertaker. That era is gone. The golden days are done. These divas will never tantamount the excellence of their predecessors.

Sorry, please enlighten me as to how exactly I made that comparion. I simply stated that Divas CAN draw and used Trish and Lita as examples, incidentally Trish was brought into the WWE via a similar route to Alicia Fox (model turned wrestler) the difference was that she had more time to develop her ring skills over the modern divas.

But that is a corollary argument. Divas can draw and given time the divas currently on the main roster as well as those in development can become big draws, shitting on them when they're put on tv before they're ready isn't helping.
Sorry, please enlighten me as to how exactly I made that comparion. I simply stated that Divas CAN draw and used Trish and Lita as examples, incidentally Trish was brought into the WWE via a similar route to Alicia Fox (model turned wrestler) the difference was that she had more time to develop her ring skills over the modern divas.

But that is a corollary argument. Divas can draw and given time the divas currently on the main roster as well as those in development can become big draws, shitting on them when they're put on tv before they're ready isn't helping.

Yeah. Examples are comparisons basically. Trish and Lita drawed big. No one cares about Divas now (All we get is hot pants and cold talent). No, the difference is that back then, superstars and divas just had "it." I'm not shitting on anyone. Can't shit if you don't have a toilet.
I'd actually like to see some numbers to back up the claim of Trish and Lita being "draws". I'm sure they did better than the current Divas, but that really isn't much of an accomplishment as the current Divas are not draws at all.

One thing I have noticed is that there used to be a Divas DVD released every Aprll/May of the Divas modeling at a certain location (Mexico, Las Vegas, New York City) with matches and segments as bonus features. However, after the 2006 edition (Divas Do New York), WWE suddenly stopped doing them. I can't imagine they would have done that unless the cost of sending the Divas, photographers, and video crew to the location was more than the revenue made from DVD sales.

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