The distant future of John Cena


Doubt it, bud.
Tonight during a nationally televised game, Derek Jeter will be playing his last game in front of a Yankee Stadium crowd. Jeter has been a fountain of youth for much of his career and only during the last couple of seasons has it been apparent that Father Time has caught up with the boy, Jeets. At age 40 and a still healthy and able body, Jeter could seemingly play another two seasons before things begin to get real ugly. However, Jeter is calling it quits now and walking into the sunshine.

I can't help but be reminded of John Cena during all of this. Jeter has been widely acknowledged as the face of baseball throughout his career, and well, John Cena is the face of modern wrestling. However, Cena is getting up there too, of course, at age 37.

Cena maintains great health and given the history of wrestling, he could wrestle well into his forties. However, Cena is already so decorated at his age where I have to wonder if he even should? This brings me to the point of this thread. If I'm Cena, I'm walking away at some point within the next 5 years. Why would he continue to take bumps and increase his chance of long term injury? Especially when there is a much more appealing pathway before him: acting.

I can feasibly see John Cena crossing over to Hollywood and having great success, like our good buddy, Dwayne and I think he should pull the trigger on it sooner than later. I'm not really certain, but I would expect that he could make significantly more money. Not to mention, achieve greater heights of fame and also save himself a lot of potential health hazards.

On the same note, Cena very well may end up being a lifer. I am just speculating here; I don't read all of the articles and columns so I don't have that much insight into what Cena may actually do. Personally, I want to see Cena cross over. I'd be happy for the guy to make it to that next level of fame and truly, I think he has a lot to offer Hollywood.


Will Cena be a wrestling lifer or a future A-Lister?
What would be the better move for his career?
What would you like to see him do?
My opinion is that John Cena lives and dies with this business. He's what? 35?36? So that puts him at about four to five productive years. While I wouldn't say that he will be a lifer, I think Hollywood is something that he can fall back on after the fact. Plenty of crappy movies will be available to him in his early forties.
I don't see Cena leaving until he has to. You mentioned Derek Jeter and it's like as he's clawing his way through the list of all time greats(he's what like #6 on hits now?) he's going to retire before he needs to. Which is mind boggling to me but it also displays a key difference between them. Jeter could play 2-3 more seasons maybe get 130 hits a season to put himself higher, but baseball is a team game. If his production grinds to a halt, he's letting his fans and team down.

Meanwhile wrestling isn't a team sport. If Cena is 50 and starts slowing down, he can just go part time. Cena loves the business probably to the same level Jeter loves baseball(I don't know for fact so) and I just don't see Cena leaving the business unless he physically can't go anymore. I'm talking like Edge retiring level. And Edge acts now so it balances out.
I sincerely hope he sticks to wrestling and just becomes a personality or something, he's a terrible actor from the few non-wrestling things I saw him on. Although this surely hasn't stopped people like the rock going into film...
I don't see Cena being an announcer like JBL. Or even a personality. If he partnered with a gym or otherwise branded himself well, he can keep making some kind of money.
Cena may well go Hollywood though I am skeptical. What I've seen from Cena movies is that he's not that good of an actor. That's not to say that he can't become one. All the movies he's done thus far are WWE movies, which aren't great to begin with. So, if he gets the right role and right director, he can of course go the Dwayne route. Afterall, see what Batista has achieved with Guardians.

From everything I've read about Cena, he seems to be an out and out WWE guy. But loyalties can change over time. If Cena garners enough interest in his movies, there's no reason why he won't consider a full time movie career. More money, more fame, less stress on the body. It all depends on how his next few movie project pan out.

I'd have no problems if he turns out to be a lifer in WWE with 25 world championships though. Or may be a little bit!
I really hope his Hollywood career takes off. I hope his next movie is a huge hit, he ends up becoming the hottest action star in Hollywood and he wins every award in sight! He won't have time for WWE then!
I honestly believe that cena only has max 3-4 years left on tv. I deeply believe that if they continue the route they are going with cena and how he is same week after week that 3 things will either happen

1) new baby face to take over cena appears
2) cena injured so no more full time
3) fans or even cena just snap and can not handle face cena any more and he takes a year or 2 away
The only thing that Jeter and Cena have in common is that they are both good at what they do in their respective sports.

For the last couple of years, Jeter has had to deal with injury after injury and with the schedule the way it is I think he just wants out. I can see him staying with the Yankees in some sort of position but I do think his playing days are over.

Cena on the other hand, has almost single handily carried the WWE on his back for the past few years. No other WWE superstar has come close to the level he has obtained. And that's the WWE's fault. They've been hesitant to put anyone anywhere near him because of the revenue he bring in. They are paying for that now in the fact that he is their top face, with really only Ambrose to fall back on. They'd better hope Cena doesn't injure himself before Reigns and Bryan return or they're screwed.

I can't see Cena becoming a full time actor, he's just not that good. From what I've seen of his work, he kind of sucks at it. So he'd better stay in wrestling because a movie career isn't in the cards for him.

Cena is a WWE guy, he bleeds it, and he won't let his fans, the WWE and anyone else down. I can see Cena having to be pried from a ring post to get him out of the ring. He has become synonymous with wrestling and damm he's the next Hulk Hogan when you think about it. People don't really know who he is, but they know the name and face and that's it's something to do with wrestling.
I think that within 3 years WWE will have to start the transition from Cena to a new WWE headline star. This is for numerous reasons; 1, they will need it when Cena begins to age. He has been going full tilt for 13 years now (if you include OVW). He takes bump after bump; he acts like SuperCena but he is not superman and he won't last forever.

Whilst that is happening, I can imagine Cena crossing over to Hollywood slowly during this because it is something he can do after he leaves Wrestling behind.

There is no answer to what will happen; a Cena heel turn won;t happen unless a new superstar emerges that can draw like Cena does.
He's 37 and my guess is that he'll keep doing what he does for another 10 years before slowing down or moving to something else. With his conditioning and apparent love for his profession, that would amount to a hell of a long career, right?

It's ironic that the very fact he's far and away the top man in the organization is what's caused a lot of the negative reaction he gets now. Even the "immortal" Hulk Hogan had the same problem back in the day; he was so far in front of everyone else in the company that the boo-birds inevitably came out. It's the nature of the beast, I suppose.....the more you stand above your peers, the bigger target you make. I wouldn't be surprised if Bruno Sammartino and Bob Backlund (also champions with long runs) didn't get some of the same.

Truly, I had negative feelings toward Hogan too, yet I think Cena is the greatest because he's a far more honest workman than Hogan....Cena wrestles, Hogan performed.

But I'll tell you something: If John Cena can qualify as the most loved and most hated performer in the company he works, WWE has a gold-plated, guaranteed-not-to-tarnish immortal. Most entertainers would kill to have either of those titles......if you have them both, you're as successful as an employee could ever be.

John Cena can keep doing what he wants for as long as he wants.
Age is relative. In most pro sports, especially boxing & tennis, 37 is ancient. In pro wrestling, its basically your peak. How good were Brett Hart, Ric Flair, & HBK in their 40s ? Randy Savage too. HHH today is as good as any guy on the current roster and can run with any of them in virtually any kind of match. Cena's age hasnt seemed to have slowed him down in the ring much, and he's as recognizable today to the mass audience as he likely ever will be.

Seemingly in his prime, Cena can easily remain a Top 5 Attraction and legit main eventer for another 8-10 years. He wont start to lose appreciable speed till he's in or past his mid 40s. Taker didnt really show the effects of age till the last two years. Flair maintained his speed fairly well till he hit 50.

Since Cena is a WWE lifer I imagine he'll be treated well by Vince till he quits.
I'd say he's got 5 years left, max. He won't retire, he will get retired. It tends to happen to all the workhorses, eventually they pick up a significant injury late in their career and don't bounce back, partially due to age, partially due to a lack of motivation to do the hard work anymore. Cena is particularly at risk because, even though his ring-work is low-risk, he's reliant on maintaining his strength. One back injury, one muscle tear, one knee injury and that'll be it for him in terms of working full time.
"It's ironic that the very fact he's far and away the top man in the organization is what's caused a lot of the negative reaction he gets now."

Did you ever think why Cena is getting such a negative response?

I'd think the same guy being in the spotlight year after year after year is probably very boring for fans.

People like to often point out how far above everyone else on the roster Cena is but do they ever stop to consider why he's been disliked for so long?
I don't get this idea that Cena is going to become a huge Hollywood star, or that Hollywood even wants him. Or that he wants Hollywood. The movies he was in were WWE produced, or the WWE wanted him in the others (Including those terrible Fred movies).

I've never seen a Cena movie. I've seen pieces and what I saw wasn't all that great.

Think about every movie the Rock or Batista was in. Now think of Cena in that same role. Do you think he would be just as good, if not better, than either? I don't see it.

In the movies he did star in, they didn't have to give him much range outside of the acting he already does in the WWE.

With that said, I think Cena stays in the WWE until he ultimately can't wrestle anymore. I don't see any major studios calling his name. Batista was in a couple crappy movies, but he really made it big by one movie. Which will land him more roles in the future.

In the end, Cena stays until his body can't take the abuse, or he slows down in the ring and whomever is calling the shots says "John, we're going in another direction."
Well he could do tv series as part of ensemble cast. Edge is doing that right now. He went from part-time to FT
Will Cena be a wrestling lifer or a future A-Lister?
In few years can see him as part timer in WWE who comes from time to time even after retiring. As some big movie star, meh, Dwayne is exception. Most wrestlers who go to be Hollywood stars dont go that far to be A listers...

What would be the better move for his career?
If he can succed in Hollywood definitly that, but as I said, dont think he would go that far. He allready did that and he didnt do it with too much succes.

What would you like to see him do?
Think what I said at start is perfect for him. He is healthy and has few years on top for sure. After that he can do part time apperences as most succesfull wrestlers do.
I don't think he'll crossover to Hollywood. I think he'll wrestle as long as Hogan did. You got to remember Hogan was in his 40s when he got to WCW and we managed to see some great matches out of him despite his physical limitations and mileage.

I can see the same being done with Cena. He'll wrestle into his 40s and beyond until he can't pass WWE physicals. There's still much you can do with Cena - categorize him as a icon and have him headline WrestleManias with The Shield individually, maybe they give Ryback or Cesaro another chance. Or best yet, they finally turn him heel. Hogan was in his 40s when he joined the nWo
When you compare him to others Hulk Hogan was 37 in 1990 only into his 2nd world title reign and still a long way off from retiring, Bret Hart was 37 in 1994 only a couple of years into his single run after the break up of the hart foundation tag team and Ric Flair was 37 in 1986 years before WCW had even started so 37 in wrestling really isn't that old. Ive watched wrestling since the early 80's so in a way I still think of John Cena as the new guy so its strange talking about him retiring.
When you compare him to others Hulk Hogan was 37 in 1990 only into his 2nd world title reign and still a long way off from retiring, Bret Hart was 37 in 1994 only a couple of years into his single run after the break up of the hart foundation tag team and Ric Flair was 37 in 1986 years before WCW had even started so 37 in wrestling really isn't that old. Ive watched wrestling since the early 80's so in a way I still think of John Cena as the new guy so its strange talking about him retiring.

Except Flair and Hogan were not taking the bumps the guys today take on a regular basis. Flair's biggest bump was off the turnbuckle and Hogan's was just his own leg drop. It didn't take as much athleticism to wrestle their matches as it does to wrestle Cena's (not that Cena is at a Shelton Benjamin level of athleticism or anything).

Plus you also have to figure both of those guys were using performance enhancing substances. PEDs are known to extend careers of people long after when their bodies would normally force them in to retirement. I also dare to say Hart was as well (although he would never admit it). Now if Cena is using PEDs as well, maybe he can be comparable on this topic. But he swears he's clean.
I would love to see Cena try out in Hollywood and I think he could have potential to make more money than he is currently, and to an extent, increase his popularity. Not to mention with all the injuries he has already endured, he would be advised to slow things down especially as he enters his forties.

But let's be real here, John Cena will never leave the WWE to become an actor. He may juggle both, and therefore won't be a huge success as an actor, but I don't think that's where his heart is at. The guy lives and breathes professional wrestling, he says it all the time, and he means it. Sure, he has already accomplished so much in his career that there's almost nothing left for him to do. Wrestlemania main events, beating the Rock, winning the WWE Championship 15 times, I could go on for days.

I think Cena really wants to help the young talent succeed, despite what smarks say about him burying superstars :rolleyes:. He would be the perfect part timer, he'd still be the most popular superstar on the roster, but hopefully the IWC wouldn't have to bitch about him hogging the spotlight.
Except Flair and Hogan were not taking the bumps the guys today take on a regular basis. Flair's biggest bump was off the turnbuckle and Hogan's was just his own leg drop. It didn't take as much athleticism to wrestle their matches as it does to wrestle Cena's (not that Cena is at a Shelton Benjamin level of athleticism or anything).

Plus you also have to figure both of those guys were using performance enhancing substances. PEDs are known to extend careers of people long after when their bodies would normally force them in to retirement. I also dare to say Hart was as well (although he would never admit it). Now if Cena is using PEDs as well, maybe he can be comparable on this topic. But he swears he's clean.

Your obviously a John Cena fan and thats fine but you'll never convince me Cena wrestles a much more athletic style wrestler than the likes of Ric Flair and Bret Hart, Go back and watch the likes of Bret against Dynamite in stampede and Flair against Steamboat and still tell me seriously who the more athletic style wrestler was, Both of those mens worst match is not even comparable to Cenas best match. Wrestlers also work a more reduced schedule in the current WWE than they did back in the day.
John Cena eats, sleeps, breaths, and just generally lives for the WWE. He's the most devoted superstar i've seen come along in a hot damn minute. The guy is without a doubt the biggest name in wrestling right now and will maintain that status for some time. He's had a fair share of injuries, but none really career threatening, none that really made him sit down and question his status, I think. I don't think Cena's gonna retire, I think he's gonna be forced to. I think he's just a one, ehh.. maybe a few big injuries away from hanging up the pumps. Major neck injury, broken bone of some sort, major tendon tear, quad, whatever. He'll never be able to willingly leave the biz.
Cena isn't getting any younger and the older he gets any injury can be a nightmare for him. I can speak from experience, you pull a muscle in your forties and it takes twice as long to heal, than if you're in your twenties.

Also take into the consideration the hectic schedule that these guys work. Almost every night of the week, they are off to a different city either setting up for RAW, SD, PPV's or just your average house show. I watched Roman Reigns do an interview recently, and he said he maybe gets to come home 1-2 days a week, then he's off again. That alone will take it's toll on your body, the constant travelling.

I don't see Cena wrestling much into his forties unless he starts slowing down now, and let's face it he can't. The WWE is depending on him too much for that to happen. His body will just start to give out on him. Maybe if they can get some of the guys they have to start sharing the load, it might give him more time. But they way he's going, I give him another 4 years at most.

Earlier in the thread I said he sucked as an actor and my position hasn't changed on that. He's been in enough movies now that if he had caught the attention of Hollywood, he'd be making more. Just the fact that he isn't shows that he's not what they want.

Cena will stay with the WWE for the rest of his life, I don't ever see him having another job, and I'm sure Vince will see to that. They owe him big time for what he's done for them, and I'm sure they will pay him back in kind.
Interesting topic. First of all, no matter how hard worker Cena is, he has been given a lot more than he deserves. There are a lot of other hard workers out there who haven't got 10% of the he has, especially when he see the fact that there are others more talented than him. But I don't want this to become a Cena hate post. Cena has a lot of passion and potential, but is just misused.

Now, as to what he should do. As I said, Cena has a lot of passion. The day he decides to hang it up, it would be after a lot of thinking. It won't be easy for him. If I was him, I wouldn't know what to do and quite frankly, no one can picture themselves in his shoes. But I will take a wild guess and agree that he should try and fade away. First of all, he himself must be seeing that him being in the WWE makes other people's careers not grow as much as they should. This should take a toll on him. Look at how many careers have taken a backseat because of him; Sandow, Wyatt, Punk... At some point in time, he might look in himself and say "I'm not worth all of it, let some other guy get the top spot" and try to leave.

Injuries are obviously a big part. Knowing that his best days are probably past him, he doesn't have much to look forward to. He has done everything (apart from successfully cashing in MitB). There isn't much motivation as far as pro wrestling goes for him to chase. There are other things too and an injury could take it away for some years or maybe forever. Best for him is to stya healthy and follow other venues in his life which brings me to the next point.

Money. Acting obviously will make you a lot of money. If he likes it, which he most probably does, he will have passion for it and work hard. Passion and hard work equals success most of the time and I think Cena has the talent and will become good enough to be a big name in Hollywood. It is more money, fewer chances of injury and he will get to perform for larger amounts of people who might actually appreciate what he does. Gives him more targets to go after and basically it is a whole new chapter in his life, that I would personally want to explore.

No matter what, the transition will be hard. Leaving the place you made a name for yourself and spent the past 12+ years to go to another place where you have to start from the bottom is hard, and that might take its toll as to Cena delaying his possible departure. He knows he is making good money the way he is and he can protect himself from injuries if need be.

It is a complicated situation, especially seeing as he might not make it. But it isn't a risk to take. To me, even if he decides to go the Rocky way and fails, Vince (or whoever will be in charge by then) will welcome him with open arms.

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