The Digital effect on the high street

Dowdsy McDowds

Sally was here
In the UK, there have been a spate of announcements in the last few months about high street retailers either on the brink or entering administration. The past week or so has seen 3 renowned retailers added to the list; Jessops (a camera store), HMV (a music, DVD, games retailer) and Blockbusters (a rental store).

Jessops has already closed down, doing so just 2 days after announcing its entrance to administration.

The administration company Deloitte has assumed control of the other 2 and so I wish the best of luck to HMV and Blockbuster, as the electrical store I used to work at, Comet, was also taken over by them and their handling of Comet was pretty terrible.

Personal grievance out of the way, the future of the traditional high street is in for a hell of a change as it is naive to think that with the continued growth of the digital side of commerce, that physical shopping is going to have a resurgence. Some stores that deal with clothing, health products and food are the main ones I can think of for being relatively safe.

Yet there are a couple of apps being developed and refined when it comes to choosing clothes and outfits from online retailers. Clothes shopping is one of those activities where the person buying the items has to try them on, so the development of this kind of app could prove to be of importance to the high street.

What are people's thoughts on the future of the high street?

Any other opinions or views are welcome
I think a lot of brick and mortar stores are finding themselves in similar situations in most developed countries. Online shopping has really put a dent in in store sales. Here in the States a lot of video rental stores, both big chains like Blockbuster and smaller mom and pop establishments went under when Netflix took off. Back in November the local video rental store that had been in business since like the 70s went out of business.

I'm torn on it. There is a part of me that does like going out from time to time and looking around in stores, just making a day out of shopping. The other part is lazy and enjoys buying things online and having them shipped to me.

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