The Devil's favorite Demon???


Best for (the Music) Business
So, if anyone remembers, back when he was feuding with the Undertaker, Kane was a force to be reckoned with. He was at the best we'd seen him in years(just so you know, I'm not one of those guys who thinks he sucks w/o the mask. That's stupid). He was getting back in shape, cutting earth-shattering promos, the whole nine. Anyway, there came a point where Kane had seemingly stolen the Undertaker's powers and was just a beast: The Devil's Favorite Demon. My question is: Where is that Demon????:confused:

In my opinion, he should have remained champion until Mania, or whenever Taker returned to defeat him. It seemed like when Taker left, he was that unimportant. He beats the UNDERTAKER three straight times in a row, but he can't take Edge.:banghead: That just made him look weak. It almost said, "well, since the taker's gone, there's no more Kane can do." Kane should have ruled Smackdown with an iron fist.

So, am I just being a Kane mark here, or does anybody else see where I'm coming from.
So, if anyone remembers, back when he was feuding with the Undertaker, Kane was a force to be reckoned with. He was at the best we'd seen him in years(just so you know, I'm not one of those guys who thinks he sucks w/o the mask. That's stupid). He was getting back in shape, cutting earth-shattering promos, the whole nine. Anyway, there came a point where Kane had seemingly stolen the Undertaker's powers and was just a beast: The Devil's Favorite Demon. My question is: Where is that Demon????:confused:

In my opinion, he should have remained champion until Mania, or whenever Taker returned to defeat him. It seemed like when Taker left, he was that unimportant. He beats the UNDERTAKER three straight times in a row, but he can't take Edge.:banghead: That just made him look weak. It almost said, "well, since the taker's gone, there's no more Kane can do." Kane should have ruled Smackdown with an iron fist.

So, am I just being a Kane mark here, or does anybody else see where I'm coming from.

No, I see where you're coming from and I agree with you. As a Kane fan, his reign over the Undertaker established his character again quite well. Having him singularly dominate Smackdown with Edge as the chasing baby-face could have been decent, or if they brought over any other main-event/upper-card face from Smackdown.
Yup.. I agree with ya!! It's like he was jsut the champ so he can feud with Taker!! Heck, you don't need a title to feud with Taker, but Kane was ruling all with that Big Gold Belt around his waist.. He was the top dog to beat on Smackdown!!

So he beats Taker at 3 straight ppv's, then what happens after that?? He loses Paul Bearer, and starts feuding with Edge, first match goes to no contest and then comes the TLC match, also where was Kanes mind games?? he was losing to Edge, but at least we heard Kane say he will get the title back on his terms, whenever that will be!! But to say he looked weak when he lost it!! I'm glad he lost it in a fatal four way match, if it was just him and Edge! Whoa! that would have been much weaker, so the fact that there was 2 other wrestlers in that match, made it look less weak!
Edge has a way of weakening terrifying forces such as Kane and Undertaker. Even Taker had trouble taking on Edge. Plus in kayfaybe Edge was a member of the Ministry of Darkness so he knows has these demonic guys operate and what is their weakness. I knew if Undertaker couldn't beat Kane, Edge certanly could.

Imo Kane is still the same Kane. It's just Edge is Edge.
Good points raised by the OP. I think a lot of Kane's relevance as Champion ruler of the brand was diminished after Taker's 'demise'. Creative probably had a program leading upto Elimination Chamber atleast for these two, but had to chop and change dude to Taker's surgery.
Kane/Edge was not good at all. I mean there were so many gaping holes in the plot that even good acting on everyone's part couldn't reimburse the futility of the whole 'kidnapping'.
/\ /\True. However Kane had to use his & Taker's own powers to get to him. Show you how much it will take to defeat The Undertaker (especially if he knows best, even for being his brother). The actions Edge did to Taker was mostly on the human side of things. So t really doesn't compar fairly with with issues between Kane & Edge. However I also notice the Kane/Edge rivalry was nearly the same thing. If Kane was seemigly mre durable like with Taker Edge would stand no chance.
I will say though that the last man standing match between Edge and Kane a few weeks ago was epic and one of the best matches I've seen on TV. Kane didn't go down like a chump in that fight.
So, if anyone remembers, back when he was feuding with the Undertaker, Kane was a force to be reckoned with. He was at the best we'd seen him in years(just so you know, I'm not one of those guys who thinks he sucks w/o the mask. That's stupid). He was getting back in shape, cutting earth-shattering promos, the whole nine. Anyway, there came a point where Kane had seemingly stolen the Undertaker's powers and was just a beast: The Devil's Favorite Demon. My question is: Where is that Demon????:confused:

In my opinion, he should have remained champion until Mania, or whenever Taker returned to defeat him. It seemed like when Taker left, he was that unimportant. He beats the UNDERTAKER three straight times in a row, but he can't take Edge.:banghead: That just made him look weak. It almost said, "well, since the taker's gone, there's no more Kane can do." Kane should have ruled Smackdown with an iron fist.

So, am I just being a Kane mark here, or does anybody else see where I'm coming from.
This sort of thing seems to happen alot with Kane. He's dominating everyone then his brother shows up. He dominates his brother. Paul Bearer shows up to trick the undertaker (im not sure that was the original plan) and all of a sudden Kane is a wuss again. He needs the help of nexus to beat his brother in the buried alive match and then goes on to have a feud with edge where he looks like a typical weak easily tricked heel. It doesn't make any sense.
It might have something to do with the fact that aside from when he's facing Taker, no one cares about Kane. He doesn't really do anything other than job to the stars and he never really has. He's one of my favorites but at the end of the day if it wasn't for Taker's popularity, Kane would mean nothing. He got this push because of his interaction with Taker and once Taker was gone the push stopped. It makes perfect sense.
Do not knock Kane. He just put on a match of the year pay per view style match on tv and not also during his title reign did he beat Taker three times but he also beat Rey three times. And he had the best lines of 2010.

He is the devil's favorite demon for a reason.
Do not knock Kane. He just put on a match of the year pay per view style match on tv and not also during his title reign did he beat Taker three times but he also beat Rey three times. And he had the best lines of 2010.

He is the devil's favorite demon for a reason.

Uh I'll knock him all I like. Kane has been a jobber to the stars for nearly 12 years now and had a big run last year to give him a world title run that I felt he had earned over the years. As for a match of the year TV match, that's likely true since there have been what, four TV shows so far this year? The match was good but if it's remembered past the Elimination Chamber I'll be stunned.

Beating Taker three times is good. Beating him in three bad matches likely had a lot to do with him losing the title. They put him with the guy he had the most success with and when that failed they moved him on to Edge who was more successful. As for beating Rey, wow it's most impressive that a monster can beat a midget.

"Had the best lines in 2010". I need to let that sink in for a minute. He had some rather good promos, but to say they were the best of the year is laughable at best. Not to mention those promos: all about Taker. In other words, you're saying his best stuff was when he was involved with Taker. Good to see that you agree with me.
Do not knock Kane. He just put on a match of the year pay per view style match on tv and not also during his title reign did he beat Taker three times but he also beat Rey three times. And he had the best lines of 2010.

He is the devil's favorite demon for a reason.

He didn't really knock him, he just stated facts.

I respect the hell out of Kane, but he just doesn't really fit into the main event without 'Taker. It's one of the draw backs of Kane's gimmick; he's either torturing you or, well, nothing else really. His gimmick just clashes horribly with everyone, even if he can carry a good match.
Uh I'll knock him all I like. Kane has been a jobber to the stars for nearly 12 years now and had a big run last year to give him a world title run that I felt he had earned over the years. As for a match of the year TV match, that's likely true since there have been what, four TV shows so far this year? The match was good but if it's remembered past the Elimination Chamber I'll be stunned.

Beating Taker three times is good. Beating him in three bad matches likely had a lot to do with him losing the title. They put him with the guy he had the most success with and when that failed they moved him on to Edge who was more successful. As for beating Rey, wow it's most impressive that a monster can beat a midget.

"Had the best lines in 2010". I need to let that sink in for a minute. He had some rather good promos, but to say they were the best of the year is laughable at best. Not to mention those promos: all about Taker. In other words, you're saying his best stuff was when he was involved with Taker. Good to see that you agree with me.
To be fair to Kane the Undertaker looked like he had no business wrestling, especially that last match. Incredibly slow and labored like he was in serious pain. Noone could have had good matches with that.
I agree. I don't think he should have kept it till Mania though. The Royal Rumble would have been a better place to lose it, so they could set up for the Mania matches. But Kane really should have ruled a little longer. A face Champion shouldn't last very long in my opinion, and that looks like what Edge is in for. Stories are much better when a face is chasing a heel champion. It would have been much better if Kane continued to thwart Edge again and again, until he finally managed to take it at the Rumble. I understand the youth movement right now in E, but I really don't think Dolph is ready for a World Title match. But it's sort of Royal Rumble tradition to give a midcarder a shot at the title, so I understand.
It's true, without Taker, Kane is pretty much a jobber. I have all the respect in the world for him, but he hasn't accomplished anything on his own. In '98, he had the belt for one day, then lost it, other than that what has he done? He had that whole marrying Lita thing and Katie Vick. Without Taker and their goofy 'powers', no one cares about him. Afterall, he didn't get to where he is by teaming with X-Pac.
To be fair to Kane the Undertaker looked like he had no business wrestling, especially that last match. Incredibly slow and labored like he was in serious pain. Noone could have had good matches with that.

Then what's Kane's excuse for all the other bad matches he's had with Undertaker? Kane should have been able to pull something decent out of Taker as it's not Kane's fault his half of the matches sucked too. They didn't have a good match the entire time, even after Taker "got his powers back". Not something that can be blamed on Taker. Kane is at fault too.
It's true, without Taker, Kane is pretty much a jobber. I have all the respect in the world for him, but he hasn't accomplished anything on his own. In '98, he had the belt for one day, then lost it, other than that what has he done? He had that whole marrying Lita thing and Katie Vick. Without Taker and their goofy 'powers', no one cares about him. Afterall, he didn't get to where he is by teaming with X-Pac.

Except he did as thats when he started pullin out his more highflying nature and people saw how well he could actually wrestle and may be a reason as to why he's stayed around so long. Plus Kanes had plenty of good storylines without Taker.. people just remember the bad ones... like KAtie Vick... although... saying that though that may have been the worst story in history
I've always hated this subtle notion that without Taker there is no Kane. Im sure he'll be having matches on Superstars soon. The writers need to stop being lazy with Kane and unleash him

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