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The Decline of the Belts.

Lion's Sacrifice

Occasional Pre-Show
I just read an interesting piece by Justin LaBar in the Wrestling Press Magazine. He was talking about the IC and U.S. titles and how they use to be used. With the IC being used as a platform for midcard guys to rise to the World Title scene. This idea has been lost over the past ten years. With these two belts simply being used as mid-card belts to fill in time. To give the younger guys something to feud over, but not really move them up.

I completely agree with LaBar on this. These belts have really lost their luster. With the two world titles you have the U.S. and IC belts looked upon as the 3rd and 4th prestigious belts in the company. Something that I contribute to the brand extension. While at first the extension was a good way to keep feuds going over a longer period of time, and not rush them. Now we've reached a point where the belts aren't as big as they use to be, and are not being used correctly.

What belt made wrestlers into the stars that they that we know them as today? Now days you would say a world title does. Look at Sheamus. He completely by pasted these belts and went to the M.E. You don't have stars making their way up through the ranks. Shawn Michaels is known for his famous match with a ladder. What title was this for? The I.C. Title. It was from his run as IC champion that he gain his stardom, and moved into the World title picture. Same can be said with Bret Hart, Stone Cold, The Rock, and Triple h.

Same can be said for the U.S championship. I look at one specific example from WCW. When Goldberg was on his run, he went through lesser names building himself up as a strong figure that the fans got behind. What belt did he win before going on to face Hogan? The Untied States championship. This gave him a platform. (I know that he was on a tear and nothing was going to stop his push.) Though he went through the ranks the correct way. Moving from one title to the bigger one. He was not just thrown into the M.E. scene like Sheamus.

The last guy that I see really using the U.S. or IC belt this way was John Cena. He was with the U.S. title and feuded around it for about a year and half, before he began his push to the M.E. Once he was given a platform he took it and ran with it. To a lesser extent Miz did. Though his reigns were less than memorable. I do not count Jeff Hardy in this category because he was around the IC belt for some 5 years before he really began to move into the M.E.

I could go on with more, but you see my point.

The real problem I see with the belts is it all revolves around the belts. Yes, becoming champion is important, and great. Seeing a feud develop for the title is fun to watch. However, you do not have great mid-card feuds that don't rely on the belt anymore. You do not see the grudge matches between mid-carders that create a rivalry between to developing stars. In my opinion this is what made some of the great Main Event feuds of the 90s so great. You had these men that hated each other and then they threw the title on top of that. Then when they were both elevated to the M.E. scene you had this history of the rivalry between them. Not just "I want the belt, and you have it. I'm a heel and your a face. Let's make this a rivalry." type matches. You actually had a story, and history between the two.

The only way I see this being fixed is the by unifying the belts once again. Have a single World Title and have a single Mid-card belt. That way you can get back to having matches and feuds that don't rely on the belts, and when they do there is that much more on the line. It will actually mean something when they win THE World Title, or IC title. You aren't just one of two champions you are THE champion.

Let me know what you think.
You've pretty much summed it up. The IC and US titles are there to keep people going until management decide to give them a ME shot.

Ironically I would call Jeff Hardy one of the last good IC champions. Yeah he first one it in 2001 but that was a fluke. He came back in 2006 and was either champion or chasing it. He would put on great matches for that belt and the fans really got behind him, this in turn made management think he was good enough for a ME shot and he was still IC champion when he went up against Randy Orton (who was WWE champion)

After that it didn't really go anywhere, I honestly can't think of a memorable IC reign since Hardy to be honest.

Also what you said about fueds just revolving around the belts is accurate as well. Orton lost the WWE title to Miz and they've been fueding over it but (to me) haven't really put that much emphasis on Orton feeling cheated (yeah its there but its not emphasised nearly as much)
You've pretty much summed it up. The IC and US titles are there to keep people going until management decide to give them a ME shot.

Ironically I would call Jeff Hardy one of the last good IC champions. Yeah he first one it in 2001 but that was a fluke. He came back in 2006 and was either champion or chasing it. He would put on great matches for that belt and the fans really got behind him, this in turn made management think he was good enough for a ME shot and he was still IC champion when he went up against Randy Orton (who was WWE champion)

After that it didn't really go anywhere, I honestly can't think of a memorable IC reign since Hardy to be honest.

Also what you said about fueds just revolving around the belts is accurate as well. Orton lost the WWE title to Miz and they've been fueding over it but (to me) haven't really put that much emphasis on Orton feeling cheated (yeah its there but its not emphasised nearly as much)

IC title reign, no I can't think of one either... Other than Jericho and Mysterio but they were already former WHC so that doesn't count.

For the US title, however, I would say the Miz had the exact same thing going for him, only on the heel side of the coin. WWE put a lot of effort into making him look like a million bucks, especially since he's the second man to gain all three titles inside of one year (the first being CM Punk). And to be honest, it was worth it.

But to me, I'm fine with the US and IC titles being where they are. It's not that big of a deal for me, and I don't see how they're losing prestige. The champions are on live television on a weekly basis and get put in very great storylines. So what if they haven't been used to elevate someone to the main event yet? Why can't someone be a natural born mid-carder... like Christian (sorry folks, but he will NEVER be WWE champion)?

You know Curt Hennig never held a world title, and neither did Rick Rude (well, he kind of did actually, but yeah). Roddy Piper never held the WWE Championship, but damn it I will slap the first person who dares say he wouldn't have been worthy of holding it. IMO, this generation needs some of those guys who can make the IC title look like a million bucks and those guys are here now. Christian, McIntyre, Kingston, Hawkins, Trent, and even Chavo could all put some life into the IC title picture on Smackdown just like Daniel Bryan, Evan Bourne, R-Truth, Morrison, Riley, and Otunga could do for the US title.

Again, I see nothing wrong with the way the titles are used. Yeah it's cool to use them as testing periods but they're also great to be used as nothing more than a mid-carder's title.
I totally agree. Unifying the titles would be best. I think Mania should be the place to do it. But whatever, I'm just a fan. There's just many things wrong with the wrestling business today, the championship situation defintely being one of them. There are too many championships in both WWE and TNA, and they mean absolutely nothing anymore! Since I don't watch TNA I won't judge them. But seriously WWE? Come on guys!!! Ever heard of the term "less is more"? The way I see it is there should be 1 World Title, 1 Mid-card title (IC or US, personally I think IC is the way to stay). I was recently youtubing the other day and I was watching old wwf matches for the light-heavyweight championship, and I thought, "man, they should bring that back", so a Light-Heavyweight championship (not cruiserweight) and a 1 divas/women's title, oh and the Tag Titles.. but that's it! I'd say a Hardcore title too but since we're in the PG era, that's probably not a good idea right now. With that few titles and better feud build-ups, and definitely less ppv's, I think they could make for some interesting TV. But what do I know? I'm only a life-long fan.....

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