The death penalty


Fun's my Chinese neighbour's name
since no-one is posting out there, i thought i'd post a topic in here for prisoner discussion

what are your thoughts on the death penalty:
do you go for the 'a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye', they took life so it's only fair they have their life taken,
do you adopt the 'two wrongs don't make a right' no-one has the right to take a life...they may have done it, but it doesn't mean we can approach?

(Please note this has no bearing on this prison, as far as i know you're not on death row just yet, so your opinion will not result in death)
Two wrongs dont make a right. Plus death row isnt exclusive to killers. Well, idk actually lol but I wouldnt have thought thats the only thing that they can kill you for. Anyways, theres a lot of other ways to sort it out rather than killing them, to me killing someone in the electric chair, or lethal injection is the easy way out anyway. Let them die in prison I say... solitary confinement for years on end would do it Id bet.
We approve of the Death Penalty here at WZ Forums, it comes with a strike through your name and the words "Teddy Harted" under it.
Actually it does, do you want a pedo out there scouting for your kids?, a killer out there waiting for his next victim, a rapist...well you get my point, the country needs that control, you need to make sure that the families get some kind of justice for what has happened to there loved ones

Thats my Two Cents

That's what prison is for. You shouldn't have to fear being murdered by your own government, incarceration should be enough of a deterrent.
Yeah, but taxpayers have to pay for all these prisoners to live. The food, the conjugal visits, TV, it all adds up. Electric chair? Yeah, that costs about 20 bucks of electricity. Most prisoners are living better now than they were before. Doesn't sound like much of a punishment to me. Some people just don't deserve to live, especially if it seems as if they have no problems living with what they did. The way I see it, if it truly eats at them inside, then spending 25 years in prison alone with that feeling is good enough punishment. But for the real sickos, just let 'em fry.
Theres this debate on another forum I go on, and this dude posted some stuff, Idk where he got his info from tho.

- Executions cost more than life in prison.
$2 million per person vs. $500,000 (4x as much!). Free counsel for defense, for appeals, maximum security on a separate death row wing.

-The innocent may be wrongly executed.
Since the DP was reinstated in 1976, 82 inmates have been freed from Death Row. That's 1 Death Row inmate found to be wrongfully convicted for every 7 executed.

-Is not a deterrent; crime rates have not gone down.
In fact, the murder rate in the US is 6 times that of Britain and 5 times that of Australia. Neither country has the DP. Texas has twice the murder rate of Wisconsin, a state that doesn't have the DP. Texas and Oklahoma have historically executed the most number of DR inmates, yet in 2003 their state murder rates increased, and both have murder rates higher than the national average.

- Death sentences are handed down arbitrarily, not in a fair manner.
Serial killers such as the infamous Gary Ridgway in Seattle who admitted killing 48 prostitutes and runaways got life in prison. An "angel of death" nurse in NJ who admitted killing 17 people got life. Meanwhile, mentally ill and impoverished murderers who could not afford good lawyers and did not warrant much media attention were given the death penalty. In Alabama, David Hocker was executed after a one-day trial. His mental illness was not sufficiently described to the jury. Alabama also executed a 74-year-old man (James Hubbard) who had been on DR for 27 years and was beset by medical problems which would have probably soon caused his death by natural means: cancer, high blood pressure and the early stages of Alzheimers. In Texas, a man with schizophrenia was executed (Kelsey Patterson) even after the Board of Pardons and Paroles recommended clemency after learning of his time spent in mental hospitals and his unintelligible rambling.
there was an argument i've seen put forward that those who are homeless and jobless are perfectly happy to be put in prison for life. they get food, a bed, healthcare, they can have a shower (taking care not to drop the soap), and also have the chance to get an education. i mean if its that or sleep in a box during winter and beg for food, jail's an attractive option.

i will admit to not being in favour of the death penalty, simply because a) taking their life makes us no better than them, b) people make mistakes.
however, i'm off the opinion that life imprisonment should mean LIFE - the only time they leave prison is in a bodybag. there's no point in someone killing and getting 25 years and released in 15 on good behaviour. what's the point in that, especially if it's because they've taken someone elses life. why should they be allowed to walk free again?
Since this is the spam-friendly prison, all I'm going to say in regards to the death penalty, is "An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind".
i live in texas were the state puts hundreds of people to death a year ..... in some cases its alright .... like a mass murder or a passion crime .... but a recently new law i texas states if another person witnesses the crime the and the person is senteced to death that you get to be excuted within 90 days ..... thats quick seeming that death row imates are on there for years ...... so i do agree.& the death penelty lowers peoples tax dollars .... you got to look at it from the tax payers prospective .... cause in my opinon i should not have to pay for a drug dealer or a rapist mistakes in life ...
I am a proud Texan. And to be honest, it bring little sollice to the families of victims when people sit in the system off of tax payers dollars for the rest of their years. If anything, the death penalty is not efficient enough. It is like catching a deer to eat and having it roam around in a pen for enough years to where it has forgotten the purpose and reason behind why you caught it in the first place. If the current wait for the death penalty wee shorter, then I would think it would be better. Hell, even if I got wrongly convicted of a crime that I did not commit, I could find some comfort in knowing that I would not have to rot away before dying. It's more human to make it a lesser wait time. And it brings closure sooner.
Make the mother fuckers work even if it kills them. I mean what the point in killing them it dosnt do anything. Prison is for rehabilitation and punishment. People who want justice by taking a life are just bitter.

People if they learn that they have done wrong will have to live with the guilt and this is a huge burden, killing them gives them the easy way out and they dont have to live with the guilt.

There is a reason a person does a crime and we have to find that out whether that be for revenge or if they have mental health problems. There is a reason for everything we just have to discover it.

Prevention of crimes is better than having to deal with them.

People dont learn that it is wrong to commit crimes if they are dead do they?
All it lets other people who might comit a crime is learn to not get caught if you have the death penalty, i mean if you teach them its wrong and punish them others will learn that it is wrong, but if you just kill them people will not think if it s wrong or not and just think i better not get caught rather than not do a crime at all.

Capital punishment is cruel, there should only be natural death not any caused deaths. Caused deaths are deaths caused by someone other than natural causes, for example if you accidentally run someone over aka manslaughter that is still not natural death, if you kill with intent aka murder that is a caused death. People should die by natural death eg from old age or by some disease we cant cure because we dont have the right to take a life away it makes us as bad as the criminals.

The person who pulls the trigger or lever or applies the injection is also a murderer, i mean if a man worked in death row for 15 years he killed for 15 years what to stop him doing it outside death row.

It kills innocent people or people who might have a chance of rehabilitation.

The first step is admitting guilt and working to be a better member of society.
Everyone can be changed its just up to them whether they allow it.

Just watch the green mile and see why capital punishment is stupid.
How is killing someone humane your taking their life which you do not have the right to, i mean if we had the right to kill someone murder wouldn't be against the law. Everyone would be killing everyone life would be fucked up.

It is the easy way out to give the death penalty, THEY HAVE TO REALISE WHAT THEY DID
I dont care if they rot in jail they shouldnt have killed in the first place, heck if taxation went into them gettign a daily beating it would be fair.

Why even pay taxes in the first place? I mean you dont even have a healthcare system in the US.

Whats the point in Abortion as well your killing a human life no other way to look at it, sure if the baby is going to abnormal in extreme circumstances and would require a life support machine to life could do anything then it might be better to end a life but then again wouldn't the person(baby) die on its own?

In the instance of rape a child must be born, i cannot see why you should punish the child for someone else actions. Some people might even have the baby to spite the rapist.

If someone who kills has a mental problem they should be locked up for eternity under supervision. Its not there fault they were born with a mental instability so why should we kill them.
I wouldn't murder someone id capture and torture them for life, see all these mass murderers are going about it wrong! IF they want revenge instead of killing someone just humiliate them in public or set fire to their car?

As for Sadam they should have locked him up i mean all he did was give orders it was his followers who did the dirty work of killing people and intimidating them, i mean they still roam the street of Iraq! I mean really if someone told you to gas people you really should have refused and the person who got told to beat up the refuser's could just not do it ect ect.
well delvine thats what u think i accept that but say ur daughter or wife is raped and killed .... what would u think of course if ur not open minded ull think the same but put ur self in the fathers shoes u'd want the pain to go away but it wont so knowing that the person is dead puts ur mind at a little ease but they kill these people for angry people to stop angry vengence and if they are put to death the crime must have been hanious the death penelty is effective and works.... its not like they put mentaly ill people they do alot of background test and all that other stuff and most people on death row get a crap load of appeals and also get treated fairly good while on death row so in coclusion its a senseable system ,,, and should never be outlawed ,,,, i would encourge other countries and states to adopt the death penelty
How is killing someone humane your taking their life which you do not have the right to, i mean if we had the right to kill someone murder wouldn't be against the law. Everyone would be killing everyone life would be fucked up.

It is the easy way out to give the death penalty, THEY HAVE TO REALISE WHAT THEY DID

The bottom line is this. A motherfucker can sit on death row for the rest of their days with three hots and a cot, free dental, free healthcare, three square meals a day, a free gym pass where they can work out, and all the literature, tv, and other perks that they can have for the next 60 to 75 years that many of our innocent homeless have at YOURS and MY expense.

I say fry a mother fucker and use all of that money to help build more homeless shelters or put a meal on someone table that is barely making it. How in the hell can you sit there and say that one one had putting someone to death who has committed a crime worth the death penalty, and yet probably on the other hand criticize the government for not having money for public health and medication cost and other stuff.

Fry the bitches and reroute the money to where it's needed.
I wouldn't murder someone id capture and torture them for life, see all these mass murderers are going about it wrong! IF they want revenge instead of killing someone just humiliate them in public or set fire to their car?

So let me get this straight. Putting someone to death is not humane but torturing them for the rest of their life is?
its not our life to take away i belive we are given life nad its not up to us to choose who live and dies

make em fucking work like dig roads or pick up rubbish mow grass work in the sewers i dunno but dont kill them

i know that if i got robbed id want someone to do infinity community service rather than do 2 or 3 years in a cell

if someone drink drove they should never be allowed to drive again and there car sold or crushed!!!

your just as bad as the murderer if you take their life. Lets think if they have a mental problem and it wasn't their actual fault it was whatever condition they haves they should die for tat just lock em up.

Its like when a person who has cerebral palsy calls someone a racist name they dont even understand the fucking word never even mind why its wrong

nothing should console your daughters death or wife's death

take Jesus for example he got crucified for fuck all so what do you have to say about capital punishment NOW???

If someone killed someone in my family i wouldn't want revenge no that's spiteful i would want to know why the fuck they did it

Okay a daily beating is less humane than killing them but once they are dead you know thats it nothing happens they get away with it.

Whats give you the right to take someone life in revenge?

If the POPE is against capital punishment and so is the Roman catholic church neither will i.

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