The Death of Four Player Games.

GI Cake

Thank God For Sodamy.
I want to make a thread like this in Non-Spam. But I don't have the energy right now to do so.

Does anyone miss the days of 4 player multiplayer games? Almost every game back on the N64 had some sort of Multi-Player. And the best games that were all Multi-Player. Mario Kart, Golden Eye, the silly game where you and your buddies played as Monsters and smashed the town. (can't remember the fucking name) Now almost everygame is phasing out having 4 players on one screen to play on your console. Now you would be lucky to have a co-op mini-game on some of the more better titles.
Not really, most of the bigger fps games still have 4 player co-op right? I wouldn't know, being a pc gamer I'm not used to having enough friends for 4 player co-op.
I think the online factor may be a reason as to why this isn't the case. People being busy and what not, going online with a game is easier than all going round to so-and-so's house to play the same game.

It seems that it's mostly Wii and Kinect games that are more likely to have offline multiplayer games at the moment due to the physicality involved and them being more 'party' like.
This should be called the death Local Multiplayer.

Remember the days when your mates would come round and you'd play on the same console. Now the majority of multiplayer games you have to play online. It kinda sucks, especially when your friends are round and you want to play a multiplayer game that doesn't allow local access.
I miss the community aspect of playing shoot em up to an extent. I played Black Ops with three mates and it was horrible on a decent size telly.

But we played FIFA on the same screen and it was awesome.
Who remembers fucking Goldeneye on N64? One session would last all night, and everyone would argue about who gets Oddjob lol.

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