The Dark Knight Trilogy Sucks As A Comic Book Adaptation


King Of The Wasteland
Yes I said it. Christopher Nolan's Batman films suck as comic book adaptations.

Does that mean that the films are bad?? heck no. I'm just saying for films based on comic books it kind of sucks.

The gritty darkness and realism took away the comic book aspect and made it more of a conventional narrative in a way.

What I mean by that is you can take out all the 'Batman' elements such as the bat outfit (change it to a state of the art Special Ops suit), the symbolism of the bat, and its a really really good mob series.

Tim Burton's Batman films were dark however they also kept the comic book aspects such as the strange ideas of the villians (poisoning people with beauty products, graffiting art pieces and matching get ups for the henchmen and trying to blow up stuff with an army of penguins)

Now don't get me wrong I do enjoy the Dark Knight Trilogy, but as a comic book adaptation it falls short.
It pains me to admit this but I thought Dark Knight Rises was crap compared to the Dark Knight, I would've much preferred it had all those fake trailers on Youtube been true and it featured Johnny Depp as the Riddler and/or Philip Seymour Hoffman as the Penguin.
I don't agree with you. I feel the vibe to the comic book style was very well implemented. Just condensed to fit the 2 hour movie format which obviously shortens the plots. The ideas the villains planned were very Batman-esque, especially those made by Bane and the Al Ghul's. Maybe Joker was far too edited from his comic interpretation, but his ideas and chaotic demeanor were still very much comic book like.
I don't agree with you. I feel the vibe to the comic book style was very well implemented. Just condensed to fit the 2 hour movie format which obviously shortens the plots. The ideas the villains planned were very Batman-esque, especially those made by Bane and the Al Ghul's. Maybe Joker was far too edited from his comic interpretation, but his ideas and chaotic demeanor were still very much comic book like.

I see where you're coming from Killjoy, but to me both Bane and Ra's Al Ghul's plans seemed rather standard action movie plans, (use military weapon on city/hold city to ransom) I will admit Die Hard-esque action movie but still just action movie plot.
I 'm not some one who read the original Batman comic books, so I can't really say whether Nolan's adaptation is a good adaptation or not. And it's to be expected that any film that is made based on a comic book story will often fail to please every one in terms of being true to the original source material. I prefer that these type of films do stay truthful to the book. It's often hard to do if you don't have the control to do so. That being said, sometimes the comic book version isn't all it's cracked up to be and it needs some revision to make it better.

I agree that the third film wasn't as good as the second, but to be honest, what film could top that ? The story and the performance of Heath Ledger just made the film a tough act to follow.
Yes I said it. Christopher Nolan's Batman films suck as comic book adaptations.

Does that mean that the films are bad?? heck no. I'm just saying for films based on comic books it kind of sucks.

The gritty darkness and realism took away the comic book aspect and made it more of a conventional narrative in a way.

What I mean by that is you can take out all the 'Batman' elements such as the bat outfit (change it to a state of the art Special Ops suit), the symbolism of the bat, and its a really really good mob series.

Tim Burton's Batman films were dark however they also kept the comic book aspects such as the strange ideas of the villians (poisoning people with beauty products, graffiting art pieces and matching get ups for the henchmen and trying to blow up stuff with an army of penguins)

Now don't get me wrong I do enjoy the Dark Knight Trilogy, but as a comic book adaptation it falls short.

funny thing is that the dark knight series took more of the famous storylines of the batman comics and condenced them into the movies. Its alot closer to what the comics were than the original series. The original series took a ton of liberties and gave joker a name and made harvey dent black in the first movie and with some characters took away there motivations.
I see where your coming from, but I ended up feeling very satisfied with Nolan's Batman series. The changes made to the villains were cosmetic, not personality based and their plans felt more menacing because of their practicality. As for Batman himself, I felt like I got to see a kind of how-to for his vigilantism. I never felt like what Bruce Wayne was doing in Burton's movies was as attainable as what he does in Nolan's trilogy. That being said, I really missed having Danny Elfman's music accompany the movie. Therefore, I guess I don't think the films sucked as adaptations.

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