The Dark Knight: Contains Spoilers

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
A.K.A. The New Batman due 18th July 2008.

Plot Outline:

Batman and Gordon find alliance with a newly appointed DA Harvey Dent to stop a vicious killer with a warped sense of humor known only as The Joker, a threat to both the good, and the evil of Gotham City.


Christian Bale ... Bruce Wayne/Batman

Heath Ledger ... The Joker

Michael Caine ... Alfred Pennyworth

Gary Oldman ... Lt. James Gordon

Aaron Eckhart ... Harvey Dent/Two-Face

Maggie Gyllenhaal ... Rachel Dawes

Morgan Freeman ... Lucuis Fox


Is this a remake or continuation of the previous Batman franchise?

No. Christopher Nolan's Batman franchise is a reinvention of the character on-screen with a new story arc. Batman Begins and The Dark Knight have no ties whatsoever to the previous Batman films.

Why isnt there a "Batman" in the title?

Anyone can speculate on the new direction of title choice, but it was chosen very specifically and is important to the film. Christopher Nolan has stated that he wishes to do something quite different with the sequel than with Batman Begins, and with the chosen title, it can be inferred that the themes will be darker than vengeance and fear. In an interview with Mean Magazine, Nolan stated, "I suppose in loose terms I can say its about things having to get worse before they get better."

Is the film based on or inspired by any previous Batman material?

Batman #1, The Joker's Five-Way Revenge, and The Killing Joke have been hinted at or definitively referenced as an inspiration for The Joker. The portrayal of Harvey Dent is thought to be influenced by Batman: The Long Halloween. More generally to a number of comics, it is speculated that Batman's detective skills will play a larger role in the sequel.

How will The Joker differ from previous on-screen portrayals?

The Joker is expected to be more sinister and less of an eccentric prankster in The Dark Knight. His origin may or may not be explained, and the general assumption is that The Joker will not die as in past film representations. A "direct translation" from the comics is not expected, though certain character elements from the aforementioned source material will likely be incorporated.

Are there any indications of a third installment?

Yes. Christian Bale, Michael Caine and Gary Oldman are all under contract for three films. It is widely believed that the character of Harvey Dent will become Two-Face in the third installment. The Joker's role in the third film, if any, is unclear.
I'm still not sure about Heath Ledger as The Joker. There's plent of other actor's with better credential's. How about Tim Roth or Daniel Day-Lewis? Neither as famous as Heath Ledger. He's a good actor but he's never shown me anything. I know this version of The Joker isnt going to be the same as the Jack Nicholson version. But Ledger has never shown any intensity. Although I'm sure Christopher Nolan know's what he's doing.

I'm also not sure about Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent. This seem's like such a missed oppertunity. There's plenty of decent actor's who I'm sure would have taken the role. Eckhart is a good actor but he's a bit bland. Personally I would have liked to see Hugh Jackman in the role. I really think he could pull of the Two-Face role perfectly.


This is a mock up of what Eckhart might look like. I hope they dont go for a halp purple face. I always think it should just look like a burn.
I'm really looking forward to this movie, even if it's only half as good as Batman Begins it should still be an incrediable movie, though I'm not sure about Heath Ledger as the Joker, I think that someone like John Malkivich would pull that roll off so much better but who knows maybe Heath Ledger has something hiding inside him that he can bring out in the Joker charecter, and as for Harvey Dent/Two-Face I don't find anything wrong with Aaron Eckhart in that role, and if Hugh Jackman got the role he would be good too, only problem with him in the role is that he is already known for being Wolverine in the X-men movies, and I don't want to see him type-cast into only comic book movies/roles, My choice for Harvey Dent/Two-Face would be Edward Norton, he has the look to pull it off and is an incredable actor, I'd love to see him in a role like this.
I think Norton could have worked as either Two-Face or The Joker. He's such a good actor he can pull off almost anything. I'm not sure about Malkovich as The Joker. I hate him as an actor. I find him to be very similar in every thing he does. The only accent's he seem's to be able to do are his own and European one's. Although he would certainly have the look.

Vincent Cassell would also have the perfect look for The Joker. The only problem is he's French and I doubt he could pull off the right accent.
Are you kidding me, Malkovich would be perfect for the role, just look at the charecter he plays in Con Air, Cyrus the Virus is a simmliar charecter to the Joker, and is the basis for me suggesting him for Joker
I guess. But can you imagine The Joker with that voice. He sound's intelligent enough but I doubt he could pull of real menace. Con Air is meant to be stupid. It's just big dumb fun so he's allowed to camp it up. The new Batman film's will be taking a serious tone. He has a habbit of over acting.
It sounds good for a new atman movie to look like this at this stage. I actually think that Harvey Eckhart will be brilliant as Harvey Dent, Not sure about two-face but I guess we will have to wait and see with that. As to The Joker, the only Joker that is really rememberable is the Cartoon one in the Animated series, with Mark Hamill doing the voice. Does anyone know if they are going to have Harley Quinn in this movie, it would be good if they did but you never know what they are doing.
I hope they dont have Quinn in the movie. I dont want they to be too many bad guy's. I think she could also be a bit cartoonish for a Christopher Nolan film.
Harley Quinn would be good if they don't kill Joker, then they could introduce her as what she was before Joker as a Criminal Psycologist in Arkham, then They show some way of having Joker escape not showing how but showing an empty cell and an Empty psychiatrist office, you wouldn't be making it as a cartoony character in this movie, because if they don't kill Joker it would work as it does in the comics in regards to the one year later storyline style Harley Quinn and Joker relationship.
I'm beyond excited for The Dark Knight. I thoroughly enjoyed Nolan's last outing where he actually completed the near-impossible task of erasing the stain left on the Batman universe by that dumbass Schumacher. As for the casting choices? I'm thrilled. Eckhart has ability that hasn't been exposed in most of his roles, and I know that Nolan is the director to bring out his best (Nolan was good enough to make it so Katie Holmes stupid ass didn't make me vomit in my tub of popcorn with her F grade acting). Also, having seen Ledger in a handful of different movies, I believe that he will be made an even bigger star with this role. As for his versatility, his turn in The Lords of Dogtown really drove home the untapped potential that lies therein. He's a guy who, like Eckhart, hadn't yet had a role that he had to really work at doing, rather than just sleeping through (see: Ten Things I Hate About You). I'm kind of bummed that Goyer isn't being as hands on as the last time. But I do trust Nolan's judgment as he hasn't made a movie I haven't liked, and with his previous turns with dark subject matter, this further descent into darker territory should prove fruitful.
This movie just looks damn good from everything that has been leaked so far. Hell the name it self is amazing.

I was skeptical of Ledger becaue I can't stand him, but he is a damn good actor and I think he will pull it off well.

Harley Quinn should definetly be in it. The interatction between her andd the Joker is always the best. I cant get enough of it, they are perfect for one another.

Two-Face, hell ya, bring it on.
I was skeptical about Cillian (whatever spelling, lol) as the Scarecrow too but he made it work.

Nolan knows what he's doing. Batman Begins was one of my favorite movies of all times so I'm not worried.

I'm beyond excited though :)
First picture of The Joker. And It's not good. Not bad either. Different. If there going to have him look like this then I think he should be a stone cold psycho. Rapist, murderer the lot.

Taken from Empire's website.

It's so hard. We've all been hurt before by fake Joker images from the eagerly awaited Batman Begins sequel The Dark Knight, but this time it's the real deal, the One, we promise. This really is a picture of Heath Ledger in his Joker get-up, and scary stuff it is too.

The film, for the four of you who have spent the last couple of years in Narnia, pits Christian Bale's Batman against the seriously scary and criminally insane Joker (Ledger), as he once again tries to keep Gotham City (and Maggie Gyllenhaal's love interest, and Aaron Eckhart's district attorney Harvey Dent) safe for goodness and normalcy.

After internet rumours and frauds aplenty, an official picture of Dent was released last week on the site, which was very nice and all but not very exciting. But now they've also created a link to the rather more mysterious and somehow quite creepily named, apparently The Joker's own creation (and perhaps a hint at the plot, but who knows with director Christopher Nolan's tricksy ways?), wherein fans have revealed this proper scary image of The Joker, one pixel at a time.

Clearly the product of research into facial scaring rather than the almost clownish versions we've seen before, this looks set to carry on the series' grittier, more realistic feel. And, coincidentally, rid Ledger of that awkward pretty-boy image. Roll on 2008!

Just read now that the image might be fake. But I think it's legit. Damn I cant wait for this film. Spider-mAN & sUPERMAN HAVE NOTHING ON bATMAN.
The second one is fricking awesome. it looks like an error page but highlight it, it is cool. This movie is sounding better and Better.
I'm still not sure about Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent. There's so many other actors who could do the role. He's a good actor but he seem's like a safe choice. I would have liked to have seen somebody like Hugh Jackman or Pierce Brosnan in the role.
Both are too well known to take the part, Aaron Eckhart has that degree of unknown that will be able for him to set up for the Two-face movie. But Even though Heath Ledger looks cool but to me this is the prevalent image I have of the Joker as well as his voice work,
I dont think there's anything wrong with having big names for a part like that. Both Brosnan & Jackman have there critics. That's why Hugh is cnstantly trying new things, and Brosnan did The Matador. To show that they are capable of so much more.

But the image of The Joker is growing on me. I dont think Batman '89 style make up would cut it in The Dark Knight. The only problem I see is for the court room sceens. Without the make up he's not The Joker he's just a normal psycho.
Thats why they make up something about it being a permanant pigment in his skin, it could work as a way of keeping him with the makeup as well as being believable.
Am I a complete geek if I have this as a tattoo?


I heard that The Joker has set up a My Space page to start the hype for The Dark Knight. That's how I found the pic.

I honestly can't believe they would make The Joker look like this... the time it would take to put on that make up... would make the other picture of Heath look a lot different... Make up time takes a couple hours, depending on the detail. So, you take that into consideration with the picture of Heath walking around on the lot. Now, do the math here. If this pic above is in fact The Joker in make up and everything, it would be evident (even if blurry) of the same kind of make up in this picture. There is no sort of blotched indent or anything on Heath. I honestly believe that this picture is false. I was shown a picture from the last Crow move with red and green paint on, and people were convinced that it was Joker. Regardless if Joker is supposed to be a more serious person or not, he is The Joker. He smiles... he laughs when he feels pain, laughs when he deals pain, and goes into a manic laughing fit when he kills someone. A sad Joker, would blow complete fat green donkey dicks. It would piss too many people off to even take that risk. There is NO adaption for the character, if you don't make the Joker the Joker... then he is just another serial killer. Plus, on top of the laughing fits, Joker couldn't show too much anger anyway, his face is a permanent smile. Not a f*ing scar.
That pic's been confirmed as the real thing. I think it's good. At first I didn't like it but It's grown on me quickly.

They dont need him running about and being camp like Jack Nicholsons version. And I dont think he need's a huge grin. Just have him smile when he murders somebody would be sinister enough. And in the more adult comics he doesn't go into fits of laughter.

I think the red is make up. But I think that his actual face will be white.

Although I dont think this would happen. I think The Joker should have a chelsea grin. That way he's always smiling, even if he's not happy. And it's not far fetched like him falling into toxic waste.

The definition of a chelsea grin:

An unpleasant form of assault inwhich a credit card is jammed lengthways into a victims mouth, creating two small cuts where the top lip meets the bottom. The victim is then given a hefty kick in the balls, causing him to grimace or cry out. This action will cause the card to tear the victims cheeks from the mouth to the ears, giving them what is known as a Chelsea grin.
The definition of a chelsea grin:

An unpleasant form of assault inwhich a credit card is jammed lengthways into a victims mouth, creating two small cuts where the top lip meets the bottom. The victim is then given a hefty kick in the balls, causing him to grimace or cry out. This action will cause the card to tear the victims cheeks from the mouth to the ears, giving them what is known as a Chelsea grin.

And another definition. This would really add to his character if they were going down that road. I doubt they will though.

Unpleasant form of assault: a blade is used to cut two small nicks in each corner of the victim's mouth (where the top and lower lips meet). This in itself isn't too bad, but the following knee to the victim's groin causes them to grimace or cry out in pain, and consequently tear the flesh of their cheeks up to the ear, giving them the grisly "Chelsea Grin".
I've no idea if this works, but it was often threatened in school. The concept certainly works visually.
The Chelsea connection may have something to do with the practice being invented by followers of Chelsea football club.

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