The Da Vince Code v. Angels and Demons

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Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
Well which movie did you like better? Perhaps keep the spoilers down I guess.

I have only read one book, as I get little time for reading fiction that isn't required for school, so this is not about the books at all for me. It is about those two 2 hours movies with a aging Tom Hanks.

I choose The Da Vinci Code. I only saw Angels and Demons last night, and I am still soaking it in. A very good movie itself, but I do not think it lives up to the first movie in the set. I could not identify with the female character as well in comparison to Sophie from the first movie. And the entire plot was less mysterious, a bomb movie in comparison to destroying the Catholic Church through exposing a secret. I also knew the outcome of the movie from the beginning. Oh, and The Da Vince Code had Jean Reno, who is a mega hotty.
As far as movies go, the Da Vinci Code is far better then Angels and Demons. I say this from an entirely biased standpoint of having read(and re-read) Angels and Demons and was pissed off at how much they deviated from the plot in the book, although Ewan McGregor gave a brilliant performance as the Camerlengo. Angels and Demons was far and away the better book, but in terms of movies, I thought The Da Vinci Code was far superior.

If youre a fan of Dan Browns at all, Id highly recommend the Lost Symbol. Theres a nice plot twist at the end you dont see coming, although the last 30 pages delve into some religious debate between Langdon and his mentor. Its interesting, but feels like Dan Brown is telling you "This is what you should believe." I give the guy credit, he does his homework, as this book focuses on the rituals of the super secret society known as the Freemasons, and hes spot on. Movie to be released in 2012, filming to begin this year with an ever aging Tom Hanks returning as Langdon. Good book.
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