The CurtainTron


Lord And Master
Staff member
Since Pope dubbed the set at the Impact Zone, the "DixieTron" I gave the Impact On-The-Road and BFG '10 one a name too. As seen this week on Impact, TNA took the set from BFG '10 and tweaked it a bit to use as the set for Impact at Fayetteville. Now I'm assuming and hoping that this is the regular set for the Impact road shows. It's unique and pretty damn cool.




But now I wanna nitpick. The first two pictures are from 3/3/11 and the last is from BFG. At Impact there was a bit of a theme during matches that the wrestlers would pop from oposing screens. Faces from the left, heels from the right. It's a trowback to TNA's old tunnel days. Now obviously at least one curtain is left up in the case someone has to do a run-in. They won't slam into the screen. My second detail revolves around how the screens are used. At BFG one screen had a simple graphic of the wrestler. Another had a highlight montage and the third had their logo/regular Tron video. If you didn't get it, check picture 3 above. It's a much better presentation detail than showing the often second-rate Tron videos TNA seems to be fond of making these days. Not only that, but I really doubt we need to see an add for Victory Road on 3 separate screens standing next to each other. When Jeff Hardy was making his entrance there was a bit where the Impact graphic showed befroe changing to Hardy's video. I don't see why the can't use the same dynamic as BFG. One screen for the PPV add, another for the show graphic (at some point, a second show is gonna show up and we could use something to tell us which is which) and the trird, preferably the one in the middle, as TV screen. Like with WWE's screen.

There one last issue worth noting. It's the pyro. Apparently, due to safety issues, pyro is unusable with this set. While it may be no biggie, it takes from intros, as pyro's tend to set the mood as a program starts, as well as limit a few wrestlers entrances. Kurt Angle, RVD, Beer Money at times and AJ Styles use pyro in their entrances. You can't pull that off with this set.

But enough of that, what do you think of the set?
I think the live stage is much better than the Impact Zone set, but it still doesn't have a thing on the WWE's presentation. Think about how much the Titantron adds to the entrances of people like Taker, or for the Rock's return. It's giant and immersive. Everything about TNA's set screams "second rate."

Just for this reason, I think that ditching the pyro is not a bad idea, because seeing, for example, Kurt Angle come out flanked by what look like streams from cones you could buy at your local fireworks stand has never impressed me.
I like the new set a lot.

When I saw it, I though "Wow, that looks cool."

And I was right. It's cool, it's different, they should keep it.
Set was nice to see versus that age old crap at the impact zone in orlando.
I was impressed with the paning of the camera to see the crowd. I didn't pay much attetion to the curtain, it was a nice look. I did noice it was like the intro video they play.......Hope they learn from the feed back.

Immagine how things would have been if they were on the road, every thursday and live. It'd be like repicating monday night live on thurdsay live.
I know it's going to sound like nitpicking- but you need pyro at an arena show. People (not all people, so don't be the guy to go "but I don't") like things that are loud and go Boom! when they see a large spectacle like an arena show. As was said by the OP, it sets the tone. Go to a basketball or hockey game and notice that loud music is pumped in anytime there isn't action happening.

Also, it looks like a WWE PPV set, but I'm not saying that's a bad thing. If you want to look big league, look at what the big leagues are doing.
I believe they should use the BFG set regularly and just do without pyro, I doubt the loss of pyro will affect the ratings etc. I just believe the new set would make up for the loss of pyro.
The new set looked fine as far as I'm concerned. Losing pyro altogether wouldn't bother me much either. TNA doesn't have nice pyro for entrances anyway, so why not nix it outright?

Maybe they could do one big pyro bit to open the show or something. That would be okay...
Honestly, I actually really liked the fact that there was no pyro or lasers on the live show. It helped to make TNA look different. Gave the show an identity of it's own and this is what TNA needs. Keep it simple but strong looking. If you do it right, people will still like it. You can do some really nice things with the entrance vids that play on the various screens and with sound to replace the Pyro. If TNA goes on the road, which I hope they do, this is the set, with a couple tweaks to make it "Impact" that I would like to see them use. The entire feel of the "Live" show from Thursday is what TNA needs to do weekly and the set was a huge part of that. Oh, and for ther record, the cameramen were also, for the most part, more spot on than I have seen in quite some time with the open space. Nicely done.
The Dixie Tron used at the 3-3-11 show is by far the best stage entrance TNA has had in its 8.5 yrs . Its a start by moving the show on the road and giving its TV presentation a make over it badly needed, I hope they give the same make over to their story lines, The World Title and wrestlers ( Robbie E, Cookie, O Jordan, INK Ink, Generation ME, Matt Hardy, Abyss & Brian Kendricks ) . I hope TNA understands that this new look only works for the small arena's.
I liked the NC set. I think maybe a few Strobes would be good too, depending on the wrestler. Like for Abyss or Sting strobes would be good, or a red police style light for Scott Steiner. Beyond those simple things the set they used this past Thursday is good. They even seemed to have a decent crowd too. They need to do more like these.

Maybe at first bring out Impact once a month on the road. Maybe even have ALL PPV;s out of Orlando too.
I have mentioned many times how I'm a TNA fan I watch it weekly because its wrestling. Through the ups and downs and TNA has had many downs I have watched it. One things I've always said is regardless of how good of a show they put on it just looked second fiddle because of how cheap and low class it looked. It looked like ROH or any other GYM wrestling company. Now onto the 3 3 11 show, for the first time I can honestly say that it looked real. It looked like TNA had made the big time, not to mention that they had a lot more fans then the Impact Zone can hold. I think and I hope they realize what they had this past thursday and they learn from it. Taking Impact on the road can only mean good things. More fans, new fans, better looking product. I really think if they learn from this they can make a bit of improvment.

Oh and by the way I like ROH so that wasnt a knock, but they do look really horrible, but have great wrestling.
it's really a good thing to look at, obviously better that the one in the impact zone on a regular basis, if they can mantain this and make a room for the pyro it would be awesome, cause for the first or second time in years, the entrance looks like a pro wrestling show, and that is noticiable on tv, it's looks so much cooler and makes you think you are looking some quality stuff...
Even though I thought the March 3rd show was really disappointing I did like the setup and the look of the show. It was much better and looked more professional than the Impact Zone. So I give TNA credit for that.
was watching some WCW the other day and looking at the Nitro set which had 3 displays on the entrance as did the Impact NC show it looked alot better as did the general camera work but still the show was the same old talk talk talk talk. and too huge time sinks in the marriage angle. then finish off with
Sting winning back the world title in his first match bacK??? maybe it was a payoff to get him to return.

If i was there i woulda certainly be demanding my money back. If i even had to pay :p
Was anyone else slightly put off by the fact that wrestlers were entering from "stage-right"? I know this is a moinor detail that doesn't really impact(no pun) the show, but it is slightly off-putting when you are used to the opposite set-up. If they are going to continue to take Impact! on the road, they need to find a way to set-up the venues so that the entrance ramp is to the same side of the ring on main camera from a week-to-week basis, not just randomly switched to the right or left.
I also really liked it..

They had the lights dimmed like a Tokyo Dome show, and by going on the road it had a great crowd... I hope TNA see how good they looked by simply going on the road. It made Impact look 100 times better than an impact zone episode.
I like the new set, it is a definite improvement from the boring one that the Impact Zone has used for so long, but I would like pyro to still be used.

The explosions, flames, fireworks that accompany a wrestlers entrance have always worked in wrestling, it makes the event more spectacular and helps a performer to stand out. For example Randy Orton benefitted greatly from the sparks that fell from the ceiling while posing on top of the stage, it fitted his entrance perfectly.

Also, Kurt Angle in WWE had fantastic pyro that went off when he raised his arms on the ramp- the effect would have been far less had there not been the red, white and blue fireworks when he threw his arms up.

Kane, Edge, The Dudleyz etc all benefitted from excellent pyro in their entrances, and while not all wrestlers use it (Austin, Rock, HHH etc), to take all pyro for ALL wrestlers is a bit disappointing. I hope TNA find a way to get around this and keep pyro for some of their wrestlers.
I liked the set up. It gave them like everyone else has said a big time feel. I do believe that is bischoff's presence being felt there.

Now for the pyros i like them and it does enhance the entrance and the wrestler. I think Goldberg was helped by his pyro entrance of just standing in it and looking like he was being burnt some before entering the ring.

I really do think they need to travel more also. Once a month do a couple of weeks of shows in a couple of days instead of one night and then start going to the areas you had the biggest turn out. It would really help them out alot along with simplifying some of their storylines a little.

All in all it was a good start in the right direction.
No one has said it yet. But it sort of reminds me of WCW's Nitro set I believe it was 2000

Sorry but i think the Tron TNA uses is a lot cooler. Did you see the graphics for the wrestlers? WCW never had something like that ever. Maybe they should use it more in the Impact-Zone if they have the space to use it, if not well they should use it when they are on the road.

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