The Corre possibly disbanding soon


Tonight big show and kane picked up the win over gabriel and slater to win the tag team belt, then in the back slater is bashed by jackson, then slater gets mad at gabriel, then there was wade getting mad at all of them. i think they may break up soon.

so heres my questions for you all:

1)will the corre breakup? or will they start a winning streak and grow stronger?

2)maybe someone will get replaced? if this was to happen who would you wanna see in the corre and why?

have fun discussing.
Oh no they wont break up. Barret just got closelined by Zeke and Gabriel and Slater just lost the tag titles. they havent won a legit non jobbed match in a while. Yep everything is hunky dory in Corre land.

Yes in the next few weeks they will break up. The only people who might not are Gabriel and Slater but other than that i see Zeke coming after Barret's title. Goodbye Corre. And we never got to see Nexus vs. Corre either. ):
God I hope no one is replaced. The Corre was a bad idea from the start. They have done nothing. They weren't anywhere near as dominant as the original Nexus, they put no one in the group even remotely over and they failed to gain memorable sucess. Sure they held 3/4 of the major championship on Smackdown but will anyone remember their reigns ten years from now? I'm almost sure The Corre will be splitting in the near future.

Hopefully, once they do break up, nothing negative happens to Justin Gabriel or Wade Barrett in terms of getting burried. They are wonderful talents to have, and Nexus and The Corre have done nothing but hold these two great superstars back. Justin needs to take charge of the upper mid card area while Wade moves on up to the main event. Maybe the draft will eventually break The Corre up, as I do not want to see any of these guys feud with each other. Like a tag team, half of the team will go in to better things while the other two might slip away unnoticed.
Good God I hope so. Then the following can happen:

Justin Gabriel goes babyface

Slater goes jobber, maybe takes DiBiase`s place on Raw.

Zeke, does whatever it is he did before(guys staright up enforcer for life. that or leave WWE).

And last but not least Barrett goes back to boxing and leaves the WWE to actual superstars.
Yeah there going to break up soon. They already pulled Corre out of the original Nexus, and I don't think WWE are that stupid to keep it going. However, I'm sure they breakup is going to take weeks. WWE will drag it out for forever till no one cares anymore. They'll have dissention for the next few weeks probably, before finally they'll go their own ways, and either sink or swim. I would be over the moon though if they ended this sorry excuse of a faction quicker though.

I hate the Corre, have since they began. They barely were over in the start, and it's no different now. There are two people that could have done something outside of the group, Wade and Justin, but now, I'm not so high on Wade, however in saying that, the Corre held him back from expressing his true talent, so no doubt he can pick himself up again and be a great asset to whatever brand he is on. I have more faith in Gabriel though. Granted he isn't much on the mic, but he's very fun in the ring, so even if he's not going to win a title, he will be a great guy to have around.

If the WWE is intent on disbanding Corre quickly, the draft is the thing to make it happen. Just send Wade to Raw, and the group will implode. If WWE decides to re build the group even if someone in the group gets drafted, I will implode. Please WWE, end it now.
The Corre needs to come to an end, and they will soon. The Corre looked great on paper, but with lack of anyone real to go up against, they ended up jobbing to a rag-tag team lead by Santino at WM. This whole thing has been an embarrassment, and they need to move on. Gabriel's probably going to turn face, Wade will move on to the main event. But have have no clue what they're going to do with Jackson and Slater. Slater- well I like him, but he comes off as a guy that will be future endeavored. Jackson on the other hand, just needs to get some mic skills, and he'll have a great future ahead of him. He's just too damn big to be let go.
The Corre is gone. Let's face it. I think we could possibly see an Elimination Fatal Four Way matchup at Extreme Rules either for top dog or the Intercontinental Title. I think this would be a good way to wrap up the Corre and actually would be a good match to push young talent. Either they go out this way or they just get split up at the Draft. I really hope they don't go through a weird I forive you kind of phase but rather just hate each other.
It was a good group but there was no payoff. There was no real confrontation between The Corre and Nexus, they stuck the Corre to feud with the Big Show (who is a pretty boring face to work with from the start), and finally they were demolished at WM.
I wouldn't be surprised if they did split up soon. The Corre was a mistake from day one because Barrett should never have left Nexus. The two groups should have feuded with each other, only to lead to Barrett winning and merging them back together. I do not want to see anyone replaced in The Corre, they should either stick together or split up. I'd prefer if they split up due to Barrett not needing them, and the others could still do something in the midcard (Zeke) and the tag team division (Slater/Gabriel) while Barrett moves on to the push he should have gotten the moment he went to Smackdown. The Corre was a mistake as it led to nothing but boring feuds and pointless title reigns. Also, who came up with the spelling!? Future endeavour that person, please WWE!

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