The Conspiracy Angle...Did it get a proper ending?

Mr. HD

High Definition
Since we're drawing closer and closer to the new year, I just want to bring up something that I saw nobody really talked about.

Did the whole Conspiracy Angle get a proper ending?

From Punk's shoot promo, to HHH relieving Vince of his duties, to Kevin Nash returning, Miz and Truth going AWOL, the walkout, and John Laurinitis taking over.

Did you feel like this whole angle ended properly?

The amount of time they put into this and all the pieces they had. I was expecting a big payoff to all this. There were so many people involved in this ONE storyline and it went from that to Triple H and Nash.

Now, I did hear that Vince was supposed to come back and form a group with Nash, Miz, and Truth to take back his company and it would lead to a Survivor Series Elimination Match with Miz, Truth, Nash and possibly Del Rio against Cena, Rock, Punk, HHH.

Would you have rather had that or Survivor Series, or what they gave to us?

Do you think it got a Proper Ending?

If not, then explain your reasoning.

Long was too convoluted. It went from Triple H/Punk to Triple H/Nash in a matter of a week. From the stories online, McMahon changed his mind too many times on things and eventually it just died. But I would say the start of the death was when Nash revealed he...texted himself? Not sure the reasoning for that one but whateves.

Yes Nash was supposed to be in a group with Miz and Truth...possibly ADR. That was the word on the net. Again however, McMahon changed his mind. I heard it was going to be lead by JL, not McMahon himself.

In a way the conspiracy angle is sort of going on still. It all started with Punk talking about a conspiracy with JL being in charge and they are still in a feud, so anything is possible. We have seen JL texting someone after each run-in with Punk. I guess they could still bring it back since it never just kind of faded away. Like the anonymous GM.

In the WWE storylines disappear for unexplained reasons, mostly cause I THINK McMahon has ADD and gets bored. Its not just limited to WWE though, TNA does it often.

Storylines that have faded away in WWE or had a crappy ending...

~Undertaker and the higher power
~Maryese is the secret admirer to DiBaise (lamest ending and most confusing)
~anonymous GM
~Who hit Austin with the car

In sure Im missing a ton.
I don't think it did, unless it's not done yet. Nash against HHH could have a huge swerve that keeps it going again.

It's funny though that during an interview, HHH bashed the fans a bit by saying that creative knows what they are doing and has a plan. But how? If scripts keep getting rewritten hours before RAW, that statement is totally false. Unless the big picture is always there, but the road leading to that gets changed. But I don't see it.
Basically as it stands right now... Laurinitis wanted Triple H out of the way, Miz and Truth just happen to interrupt the main event of a bunch of shows (which made the WWE look unsafe), and Kevin Nash just happen to come back to take out Punk and Triple H. All of these things happened completely independently of each other regardless of how well it all seemed to tie together, and lead to Triple H getting fired and Johnny Ace taking over as COO.

We have zero confirmation that Laurinitis put Big Kev up to anything, even thought he fucking hired the guy as in ring talent weeks later.

We have zero confirmation that The Miz and R truth were in cahoots with Laurinitis, although their actions directly led to his placement as interim blah blah blah... at which time he immediately used his power to bring them back.

A dozen opportunities to tie this all together, and so many chances to show Vince was behind this the entire time (if he was). Instead the Awesome Truth is no longer a team, and Triple H and Nash are going to end their bullshit feud on Sunday.
Who the hell said it was over? He's just gonna be out for a couple of weeks, he'll be back and doing the same shit..why would they have him doing anything else? Stupid post..sorry, but what a waste..
I don't think it is over yet. Although it has lost it's track by now with R-Truth out of the picture, The Miz got his hands full on the title, Triple H and Kevin Nash made a story of their own. But Laurinitis and Punk still has their feud ongoing and if you noticed, Laurinitis is still texting 'someone'.

Well, I won't be surprised if they dropped that storyline. They have been doing it a lot of times lately.
Storylines that have faded away in WWE or had a crappy ending...

~Undertaker and the higher power
~Maryese is the secret admirer to DiBaise (lamest ending and most confusing)
~anonymous GM
~Who hit Austin with the car

In sure Im missing a ton.

the higher power thing was kool i think..def unexpected AND kinda fucked up, and the austin gettin run over by rikishi was kool too. Gave way to some good storylines n feuds

but yeah i was just thinking about how much promise the conspiracy angle had. i was watching every week not knowing what the hell to expect. Im always wun that doesnt like to lose faith in the potential of things but this angle is dead...unless they plan on pulling something crazy out of their ass then i dont see this having anymore life to it
I'm confused, R Truth will be back and doing the same shit? You mean teaming with the Miz? That would be odd.

Alright, I could see this not being completely dead, but you have to admit that they've blown a few opportunities to really drop the hammer on this angle. And if Laurinitis is texting someone, why wouldn't it be Vince? Checking in with the man behind the scenes, the one that basically got him the job.

Favorite dropped angle, Alex Riley's career? That doesn't count..... Vince's car blowing up? I know Benoit fucked that up but I don't remember any sort of explanation on where that was going.
i think the big conclusion will be 2/1/12 (sorry if its the wrong way round, im aussie :) so the promo vid).

The big end to the conspiracy will start when they drop the "interim" from the GM. wether it be stephanie or JR or what, that will be the beggining of the end
First of all. Austin was hit by Rikishi who was hired by HHH. Wasnt dropped lead to a feud actually including Rikishi vs The Rock after he tried to blame the rock. The secret admirer was Golddust and he admired the million dollar title and feuded with Dibiase. Two mysteries solved.

Now to my real point. I agree with people that this is not over. IWC consistently complains of lazy booking and a lack of a slow build. What if this is a slow build? HHH will most likely wind up confronting JL who claimed Nash wasnt there the night HHH was attacked yet he came from backstage? Who let him backstage? Weve seen HHH once since that attack. More will unfold along with at least one more Nash/HHH match. Just wait for it my friend. And then you can complain about it like everyone else here. If youre really bored do as most other posters do and look for the spelling mistakes in all of the peoples posts who disagree with you. Thats mostly what everyone here does anyway.
I think that it is almost over and while every single bit of it was not perfectly explained, I have liked the angle when taken as a whole so far. It is pretty apparent that Vince and John Lauranitis were behind this conspiracy and Miz, Truth and Nash were the pawns that they used to get their dirty work done. All three "pawns" had their own motives as well but Vince and Lauranitis probably riled them on. Vince was pissed at Triple H for removing him from the post of GM and so he did all this to make HHH look incompetent. He got his wish, had HHH removed as GM and planted one of his own men in that position.

This angle has been put on the backburner for a while because WWE did not want any other storyline to overshadow the interactions between Rock and Cena. I guess it was also designed to give Triple H a rest as he is hardly the spring chicken he was 11 years ago. But I think that the final reels of this angle will unfold post TLC. I fully expect HHH to win his match against Nash and then go after Lauranitis and demand some answers from him. This angle will end completely when Triple H regains his position as the GM of Raw.
I do think the CON-spiracy angle didn't get a proper ending. I thought if it was going to go somewhere, that would have happened at Survivor Series. That was a big stage, so it would have made sense to bring it to a close there. It was all the rewrites and not wanting a heel stable to come together consisting of Miz R Truth and Kevin Nash that really screwed it up. Not sure why Vince McMahon didn't think that would be a good idea if done right. But it does suck it just went away because it was making for some good television. remember those raws that had the open ended endings a few months back, that is what needs to happen now.
The conspiracy angle did not get a proper ending AT ALL. It started off as something that could have been huge, and now has more or less ended with what comes off as the creative team hardly putting any effort into the conclusion. I blame Truth. His suspension prevented it from continuing and by the time he comes back the casual fans might not care anymore. It deserved a better ending than it did because it was the focal storyline of Raw for a while. Perhaps it is not fully over, and WWE will still keep it going when Truth returns. Trips never regained control of Raw. Nash is still around. They could also merge it with whatever storylines may be planned for the cryptic video. There's a number of directions they can go with this rather than let it die so anticlimactically.
The stupidest part of the whole feud was Nash texting himself, I mean who in his right mind would text himself to come out and attack someone? That told me only one thing: this angle wasn't going to work out.
And as you might have heard , Vince kept changing everything at the last minute.

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