So, this is the latest in my series of threads that encourage people to really look at a subject matter and get to grips on what they really think about something. The way it works is very simple. You state something that you like about the subject matter. It could be something as simple as how they look or how much they make you enjoy something. After that, you simply state something that you do not like about the subject matter. Again, it could be anything. After that, you, simply round it off with something positive.
Simple as that
Next to come under the spotlight of The Compliment Sandwich is Daniel Bryan, a man who calls himself the American Dragon. A man who has prided himself on his journey to the WWE and the resultant journey within the organisation. A man who, many believe brings more to the WWE than flippy moves. He comes under the periscope right now!
Daniel Bryan, as a wrestler, is probably the most talented Champion since Mr Perfect an Bret Hart and that is the long and short of it. I should clarify that though, he is a fantastic wrestler but there is more to being a professional wrestler than just having a great array of moves that you can call on. However, if the WWE judged talent on who can pull off the most intelligent matches and who has the most wrestling talent, Daniel Bryan would be headlining WrestleMania this year and every other year in the future. He really has something special in his repertoire and it pleases me that he is now getting the opportunity to show what he has on the big stage. Not only is supremely talented in the ring, he has had the fans behind him for his entire WWE run with very little effort whatsoever.
Speaking of no effort whatsoever, his charisma is completely underwhelming and that is the big negative with Daniel Bryan. Since his début with the WWE, I have yet to see him do a promo that I have cared about. The closest he came to pulling it off was a promo with the Miz on NXT. However, it was the Miz that was doing all of the heavy lifting, so to speak. He was the one that was getting the fans involved with the promo and he was the one that was entertaining us. One would have thought that Daniel Bryan would have taken some lessons from superstars like The Miz, who have managed to make a better career for himself through his stick work. In all honesty, I think it was the biggest reason that The Miz was paired with Bryan in NXT but he hasn't been able to capitalize on that and remains less charismatic than a damp carrot.
That being said, he knows how to entertain the fans when he gets in the ring. No one will call him boring when they see him perform and that is a tremendous strength. As soon as he was finished with the Nexus and actually got down to wrestling matches, he managed to show us how talented he was. He has made a great United States Champion and it comes as no surprise that he has held it for so long. He deserves to be mentioned amongst the names of United States Champions that have gone before him and he is becoming a credible champion without having to do much talking. It is quite incredible.