The Coach on Goldberg and Kurt Angle

Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
I was watching ESPN and The Coach is filling in as one of the hosts of The Scott Van Pelt Show and what originally started as a story about pro golfer Bubba Watson buying the original Dodge Charger from The Dukes of Hazard turned to sports memorabilia in general. The co-host Ryen Russillo mentioned that he had a pair of The Iron Shiek's boots which got him asking Coach some questions about how much money wrestlers generally make.

He went on to mention guys like Cena and The Rock make millions while others may only make a couple thousand. He then told a little story about Eric Bischoff(who he mentioned was the guy who ran WCW into the ground) and Goldberg. He originally signed him to a three year deal for a hundred thousand dollars. Three months into his contract he demanded more money which Bischoff agreed to. Three months later he came back with the same demand and Bischoff gave in. This happened two more time, every three months. By the end of his first year in the WCW he was already the highest paid worker on the roster.

He then told the story about how Angle was offered a million dollar contract straight out of the '96 Olympics and Kurt laughed it off as he was determined to be a sports caster. Two years later, after a fairly unimpressive run as a sports caster Kurt signed an 8 year deal for considerably less.

Just an interesting little story I thought I would share. Its always interesting to see Coach and Todd Grisham anchoring ESPNEWS or Sports Center knowing they used to work for WWE
I knew WCW were the first wrestling company to be interested in Angle. Long time before the ECW shit.

Interesting about Goldberg though. Says a lot about him.
Money has never been something Kurt's cared much for. WWE offered him a lot to stay but he went for TNA instead for far less.
Money has never been something Kurt's cared much for. WWE offered him a lot to stay but he went for TNA instead for far less.

Yeah... but Kurt Angle's... well, Kurt Angle. He's a character.

Interesting about Goldberg though. Says a lot about him.

You know, I don't blame him. If you work with the likes of Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Hulk Hogan -- i.e. you're on their level -- why shouldn't you make top guy money? Plus, at that point, he knew he could cash in on WCW's idiocy. Yeah, it's not "right," but he had every right to do it. I blame it all on WCW. If they had put their foot down, they wouldn't have had a problem. They crash-booked and put all their eggs in Goldberg's basket, it's their own fault.

It's a character flaw on his part, but it says much more about WCW.
The only thing the Goldberg situation makes clear is how bad of a business man Eric Bischoff was/is.
People do that all the time. Former Newcastle United striker Andy Carroll did it twice in a year and they eventully sold him to Liverpool where he's on £80K a week and a bit shit.
The Goldberg story doesn't surprise me. Their hottest rising star with WWF inching on the ratings, they'd do anything to keep him.

The Angle story is brilliant.

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