The Cleveland Show

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Kenny Powers

Bulletproof Tiger

The Cleveland Show spin off from Family Guy aired last night. I don't think I am alone here when I say I was not impressed at all. I am a huge fan of Family Guy, although it has been stale from time to time. I just don't understand a reason for this spin off besides Seth MacFarlane pretty much owning all the shows on Fox Sunday nights. Except The Simpsons of course. I read that Fox has picked up The Cleveland Show for a second season already, even before the pilot aired. The premise is basically Cleveland get's a divorce and wants to move to California with his son Cleveland Jr.

Along the way he stops in his hometown of Virginia and rekindles with an old high school flame named Donna. He also interacts with her family. The stereotypes fly off the screen with a talking African American pimp baby, and a loose uneducated African American daughter. Donna's husband is a drunk who Cleveland fights off so he can be with her. There is basically no story here. There are a few flashbacks Donna has, one shows her talking about going to the bathroom at R Kelly's house. Then you see a bathroom with R Kelly as the toilet.

Cleveland's new friends are a talking bear, an ignorant but open minded redneck, and a dwarf that lives with his mother and plays golf. Here are some clips of The Cleveland Show.


I did find the first clip funny with the Family Guy cast. I just don't think this show will go anywhere. I'm not a fan of American Dad either but that show is still on the air. I give it maybe 3/5 Stars. Has anyone else watched this show? Do you think is good or will it only last a few seasons? Do you think the only reason Fox is running these shows is because of Family Guy's popularity?
I thought it had it's moments, but frankly I don't really have too much hope for this spin-off. There were a few surprisingly funny moments here and there, but Cleveland in my opinion has always been the weakest link of the show, and I really don't think they'll be able to keep the show interesting enough to draw in viewers just for Cleveland.

Still though, there were some funny moments in the pilot, so it has some hope. I have faith in MacFarlane, so we'll just have to see how it turns out. Not a bad pilot by any means though.
Meh...It was what I expected, not terrible but ok I guess. Im not a fan of recent Family Guy at all, remember the the's so repetitive, but to each their own. I think the bear thing is ******ed. The only bright spot was his kid Cleveland JR who is pretty funny.
"Oh look, this storyline is really far-fetched. I know, let's make the writing really strained and awkward and reference past episodes."

Yeah, it's not funny. Not funny at all. Hate to break it to you. You knew already, didn't you? I hope so.
I thought it had it's moments, but frankly I don't really have too much hope for this spin-off. There were a few surprisingly funny moments here and there, but Cleveland in my opinion has always been the weakest link of the show, and I really don't think they'll be able to keep the show interesting enough to draw in viewers just for Cleveland.

Still though, there were some funny moments in the pilot, so it has some hope. I have faith in MacFarlane, so we'll just have to see how it turns out. Not a bad pilot by any means though.

100% agree, there were a few moments that made me laugh out loud, but most of it grated on me like trying to make a new Griffin family with the talking baby and the talking bear. So that was alright, but as Stewie said "he got his own show?!" Cleavland works as a character in the family guy world, but by himself? I just didn't like it...But it is a pilot so I guess we have to wait!
I was expecting it to be bad since I don't like American Dad but it turned out ok and I actually liked it better than the season premire of Family Guy. I don't think I laughed once during that episode. I'm pissed that FOX isn't airing the rest of the King of the Hill episodes because of The Cleveland Show though, I'd much rather watch that.
most of it grated on me like trying to make a new Griffin family with the talking baby and the talking bear. t!

The little kid's not a baby, he's supposed to be 5 but despite that you are right, they've got to be going for the same formula just with different characters.

I actually liked the show but I'm not sure if I'll be watching it weekly or just occasionally.
I don't dislike it. But I'm not sold yet either. So far, it's had some "meh" moments. But last night's episode wasn't too bad, so I might actually give it a chance.
Yeah, last night's episode wasn't too bad. I thought it was better than the first episode, though there were still a few groan-worthy moments, like the opening theme song/video, which I thought was just fucking terrible. We get it, he's black, do we need a cheesy Sanford & Son-esque intro like this was a sitcom from the 70s? There were a few pretty funny moments though. Still not sold on this show.
I only watched the first one, and it was decent. Not as good as Family Guy, but what can you expect from the spin off. It was funny at times, especially the little kid, and kept me mostly entertained throughout. It's a pretty good show, I'll watch it whenever it's on because I like the stupid shows like that.
To me it's just a 2nd rate Family Guy or the Black Family Guy if you will. It doesn't completely suck but im not a Seth fan at all anyway, Family Guy has fallen from grace over the past 2 or 3 seasons IMO. The CS is just what others have said "Meh" A terrible replacement for KOTH though, again IMO. The Simpsons is all I watch animation domination for now...sigh
So the latest episode was a massive improvement, but like fear I'm not sold on it. I just don't like the other characters and now Cleveland is a full blown character he just pisses me off. There were a few laugh out loud bits, but after all it is the second episode.

I also notice how lacking of him Family Guy is, shame really.
That show is garbage. It's saddening actually. Family Guy is such a wonderful show. He could have done better then this. Actually, fuck that. Why have a spin-off at all? It's not like Family Guy is declining in popularity. This show is gonna end, and end quick. Not funny.
Tonights show was my favorite of the season so far. Im actually preferring The CS over Family Guy, so far that is. FG has become stale and repetitive. I think The CS would be better off without the FG like gag jokes and cut scene stuff to make it more of it's own show.
I love all of the shows to come out of Seth MacFarlane. If you know anything about me, you will know that Seth MacFarlane is my fucking messiah. Honestly all three of his shows are just brilliant. I love Family Guy and American Dad and in my opinion, The Cleveland Show is just another welcomed addition to the ever-expanding family. Call me a fan boy or ignorant all you will but I know what I like when it comes to humour and television and Seth MacFarlane really does a great job encapsulating that every week.

The show itself is not that bad. I watched the first episode with the feeling that it was going to suck. The first part of the show, with the Family Guy characters, I thought, was going to be the best part of the show but when I settled in and just watched the show for what it was, I was blown away. I am still trying to get used to the characters just now but I was the exact same way for American Dad, which is now one of my favourite shows. The real strength of a Seth MacFarlane show is that he creates strong characters that are funny by themselves. I think this is especially true of the little kid in the Cleveland Show. Sure, he is just a black Stewie but people, you can never get enough of Stewie.

I really enjoy this show and I am just about to go and catch up with the latest episodes of Family Guy, American Dad and The Cleveland Show as we speak. Thoughts will be posted soon.
This week's episode was definitely an improvement over the last two weeks. It seems like the characters are starting to come into their own, and that the show is trying to find it's own identity instead of simply being Family Guy Part 2. There were a few laugh-out-loud moments in the episode, and the overall plot was enjoyable, reminded me of some of the older Family Guy episodes. Not too bad. The Bear character is still terrible though.
This week's episode was definitely an improvement over the last two weeks. It seems like the characters are starting to come into their own, and that the show is trying to find it's own identity instead of simply being Family Guy Part 2. There were a few laugh-out-loud moments in the episode, and the overall plot was enjoyable, reminded me of some of the older Family Guy episodes. Not too bad. The Bear character is still terrible though.

Wow Fear way to take exactly what I said to you on MSN :p

I agree totally with this, the characters are coming into their own even though I'm not a big fan of the bear and the guy who's name I don't know (you know the loser one who the bear went to Vegas with). It was an all round good episode, though to be honest I can't see it lasting as a full episode of Cleveland just makes him lose his appeal IMO. That was shown in FG when we had another bath moment, that was hilarious.
OK, thoughts on the most recent episode.

"The one about friends"

As people have said, this is a better episode than the ones that came before it. That is not to say that I don't think the other episodes were good, this one was just better. I still love the kid, Ralo (I think) and I still love some of the boyish ignorance that Cleveland provides. I had a couple of laugh out loud moments especially with the grooming part, that was fucking epic. The good thing is that it seems to finding it's niche with every episode that goes by. With each episode, we get more familiar with the characters and I feel that I am allowing myself to enjoy the show more. I definitely think that thsi show will remain on TV for a good few more season yet and it has already been picked up for a second. It is my belief that it probably should be too. I mean, it is not the best show on TV but it is 20 minutes of good TV. Family Guy is beyond it because it gets more attention naturally, but it does what it sets out to do and makes me laugh. I am very much looking forward to the next episode.
I've never been too crazy about The Cleveland Show. I've always thought Cleveland was the worst character on Family Guy, and I couldn't believe he was going to have a show. I would have much rather seen a show that revolved around Joe and Bonnie or even Quagmire.

Although, I will admit, this show has become better ever since it's debut. I find the Rallo character to be very annoying, but I like Roberta because she can be cool and edgy. This show isn't horrible, and it has improved, so I guess more time will be needed before we can start comparing it to Family Guy.
I realy only watch The Clevelad Show because I don't have much else to do sunday nights. Plus it's on around the same time as when Family Guy is. It's a lot better than American Dad, but I find it to be nowhere near as good as Family Guy. I don't hate the show, it's certainly had a few funny moments.... However, I don't think it will ever be known as anything more than a bad spin-odff of Family Guy. The only really good thing I find about it is Tim the bear. He's hilarious and more cameo appearances of him alongside Cleveland on Family Guy would be awesome.
I find the cleveland show to be absolutely painful to watch, I can't stand it.

It is in no way close to the level of greatness as American Dad or Family Guy. I think they chose the wrong character to make a spin off about. Quagmire would have been a better choice in my opinion as I think Cleveland is probably the most boring character from Family Guy. It done so poorly over here they took it off the air and are now reintroducing it late at night when nobody is awake.
I live in engalnd and the Clevland show is good But some how ... its not family guys funnie. its like simpsons funnie ..... so not like rude herlouis famliy guy funny but lame old D'oh funnie . Its good D'oh haha :)
I think that the Cleveland Show has got progressivley better as the season has gone on. As others in this thread have said, at first it came across as trying to hard to be a black Family Guy; which I suppose is the natural instinct for the writers considering they have been working on Family Guy for a considerable period of time. However, I do feel that after the first few episodes, when the show got its own identity, the quality output was greatly increased. Also, I think people should stop comparing this to Family Guy; while comparisons were always going to be made between the two, which is silly quite frankly, as they are two completely different shows.
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