The Cancer Crew needs to go

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
While I'm not one to normally come out here and complain about all the various things TNA needs to do in order to be a better company (I leave that for all you smarty pants out there who think you have any inkling of how to run a successful wrestling promotion because you've watched on your couch for 20 years), I do see one constant negative week-after-week...

One constant negative. One constant infection. One constant disease. The Cancer (Crucial) Crew.

For those of you who are unaware of what I'm talking about, a small group of militia-type fans frequent the iMPACT! Zone every week for every live event and taping in Orlando who actually refer to themselves as the "Crucial Crew". Yes, I'm serious, and no this is not a joke.

I can barely put into words how angry this too-smart-for-their-own-good group of smark-ass smarks makes me every week I turn iMPACT! on. I am sick and tired of the ROH-style indie chants and all their pathetic dancing and feeble-minded attempts to make themselves a part of every show. I'm sick of it. I've reached an absolute breaking point, so much so to the point that I've actually written TNA via email to complain about it, and I suggest any of you who agree with me do the same.

IMO, there's no bigger cancer in the industry than fans who think they know better than the talent what belongs and what doesn't, and I'm fed up with having to watch these shit bags degrade the quality of what could otherwise be perfectly good programs and segments week-after-week because they'd rather see Amazing Red and the rest of the dial tone personality spot-monkeys put on a 15-minute spot fest/"pure" wrestling match than listen to Anderson cut a promo.

If you ask me, the entire cancerous cell should be cut out like the disease they are and barred from the building entirely.

All that said, I don't want this being flagged as SPAM, so this is the part of the exam where you fill in the blanks.

What do you think of the "Crucial" Crew? Do you think they add anything positive to the show? How do you feel about the future of TNA with a group like these 'fans' in front of the camera's week-after-week?

If you don't like them, how would you handle them, or suggest TNA handle them?
I have no problem with them, they're just being fans to me. I like my crowds with enthusiasm and not sit there quietly watching the show. Some of the chants may get annoying, but I think that the fact that they're constantly hot and not just being douches is a plus. They just seem like a group of die hard fans and not some random douches as you seem to think they are.
There's a fundamental difference between energy and attempting to make yourself a focal point in segments, Dyslexic Wheelbarrow. That's part of my point.

While I appreciate the energy they put into certain segments, they act as judge, jury & executioner with too many they don't agree with and that's exactly the problem – they only pick certain segments to cheer and all others are booed irreverently. It's disrespectful to the wrestlers, and most of all it's disrespectful to the company they're apparently so "die hard" for.

IMO, just as was noted well before the January 4th episode when one of the losers came here in an attempt to recruit empathy for his pathetic little crew, if they were so die-hard about this company, they'd be doing everything they can to support it in it's endeavors instead of booing the home team in some angst-ridden attempt at "sending a message" to management.
I would agree with you 2 months ago in January when the Crucial Crew ruined everything. Now though I hardly see them and the regular ones I do see are usually having a blast and loving the show compared to months ago. I'm sure there are still the smarky chants every now and then. That is another reason why TNA needs to get out of the Impact Zone once they become more established.
There's a fundamental difference between energy and attempting to make yourself a focal point in segments, Dyslexic Wheelbarrow. That's part of my point.

While I appreciate the energy they put into certain segments, they act as judge, jury & executioner with too many they don't agree with and that's exactly the problem – they only pick certain segments to cheer and all others are booed irreverently. It's disrespectful to the wrestlers, and most of all it's disrespectful to the company they're apparently so "die hard" for.

IMO, just as was noted well before the January 4th episode when one of the losers came here in an attempt to recruit empathy for his pathetic little crew, if they were so die-hard about this company, they'd be doing everything they can to support it in it's endeavors instead of booing the home team in some angst-ridden attempt at "sending a message" to management.

They are still fans after all and I think that they should be allowed to voice what they want since the point of putting on the show is to entertain them. I haven't noticed any segments ruined by the fans, but there have been some interruptions.

The smarky crowd in the WWE who are so wholeheartedly against Cena are worse than whatever seems to be annoying you, because I just don't see any annoying fans.
They are still fans after all and I think that they should be allowed to voice what they want since the point of putting on the show is to entertain them. I haven't noticed any segments ruined by the fans, but there have been some interruptions.

The smarky crowd in the WWE who are so wholeheartedly against Cena are worse than whatever seems to be annoying you, because I just don't see any annoying fans.

The smarky WWE fans pay for the right, the TNA so solid crew or whatever they're called don't. It pisses me off no end, it's one of the things that annoys me about TNA, I remember when one of the guys posted a thread here about the 'crew' and it was pretty much "Hey look at us" they all want to be the next sign guy, or uber fan or whatever. To me it seems about themselves and not the product, TNA is in a transitional period one making the next stop, guys throwing gang signs and turning back on people like Val Venis and booing anyone who ever appeared in WWE is just pretty ******ed.
I dont see what the big deal is. They are just Die Hard Fans of TNA. In the 90's ECW fans was the same way they knew what they wanted to see & they was DIE HARD & loyal to ECW. The Crucial Crew or as u like to say "Cancer Crew" is just the same
Im my opinion this is one the things that will hurt TNA, not the crucial crew, but the fact that they don't really travel, of course your going to start seeing the same people in the crowd week after week, THEIR IN THE SAME BUILDING EVERY WEEK. Their ratings don't suck because of their roster, hell their roster was great before Hogan, I actually don't like it now because of Hogan, their rating suck because fans really don't get a chance to see the product live and see what their really about. I've seen them once, when they did a show for Fort Bragg and it was impressive. Anyway, my point is that if you want new chants, ask TNA to be a little flexible and travel, if your tired of the same crowd well sorry for ya, that's just how it is for right now.
I'd agree that the fans should be allowed to voice their displeasure with the company ... IF THEY ACTUALLY PAID TO ATTEND!
The smarky WWE fans pay for the right, the TNA so solid crew or whatever they're called don't. It pisses me off no end, it's one of the things that annoys me about TNA, I remember when one of the guys posted a thread here about the 'crew' and it was pretty much "Hey look at us" they all want to be the next sign guy, or uber fan or whatever. To me it seems about themselves and not the product, TNA is in a transitional period one making the next stop, guys throwing gang signs and turning back on people like Val Venis and booing anyone who ever appeared in WWE is just pretty ******ed.

I don't feel that the fact that they don't have to pay lessens the importance of their voice. The product is still there to entertain them. I'm not gonna go and defend all of them, some are just plain attention ****es, but I don't think it's to the magnitude that IDR! was saying.

By gang signs, what do you mean? Other than the Wolfpac thing, I haven't seen anything. I see that at other wrestling events and not just TNA shows. Venis did get booed, but not all former WWE guys are. RVD is mega over and so is Hardy. Anderson is a heel so him being booed should be expected.
The Impact Zone in general kills TNA to me. It makes them look bad, like they're NWA Wildside or something. ROH shows are small too, but the venues, presentation, and the fact that they want to be different than the WWE or TNA makes it enjoyable. TNA's product started as the anti-WWE, but now it's want-to-be-WWE. I never knew it was this specific group of fans doing the chants, or that they got into every show. Frankly I think it's a bit unfair that they can just get in and take up seats that someone ignorant to TNA could fill and learn the product, spread the word. I really hate when any crowd goes into personal insult chants during a promo or match, especially if mean spirited. I'd have to say if this is the case, then it probably is a problem.
I actually mentioned one of those idiots in another thread but until now I had no idea that they were part of an actual "group". The one that annoys me the most is the douchebag in the white sunglasses and beard. His constant dancing and general idiocy is VERY distracting to tv viewers and in my opinion it cheapens the product. I've been to some very tiny WCW and WWE house shows around where I live. I even saw an old lady try to fight Booker T back in the WCW days. But I've never been as annoyed by other fans as I am while watching TNA. I'm glad it's not just me. But this also explains why I see the same people in the crowd every single week on Impact; something I also mentioned in another thread.
I get really annoyed by these guys and their dumbass chants. I'm all for fans having fun at shows & expressing their opinions but these guys sound like they're major marks for THEMSELVES. They act like they are some part of TNA's success & that they contribute majorly to the product whereas in actual fact they are one of TNA's biggest detriments.

The thing that really brought it to my attention was AJ Styles' first promo alongside Ric Flair. They came out with a bunch of women, as is Flair's wont, then a "You are married" chant was aimed at Styles as he took the mic. So AJ's new gimmick gets buried within its first minute by a few smart marks who know that in real life AJ Styles is married and they don't mind sharing it with the world. If you're a casual fan watching at home then the thing you need most when watching pro-wrestling (suspension of disbelief) immediately flies out the window courtesy of a few fans who want to show the world how smart they are. What's next? Are they going to start chanting the real names of wrestlers instead of their gimmick names?

I'm not saying that fans should just be mindless sheep and cheer for what they're told to and boo for what they're told to but when it gets to the point that fans are ruining segments by showing how "smart" they are then I think something needs to be done.
I wa son holiday in Orlando and me and brother went to a TNA taping considering it was free. Apparently i sat in one of these guys seats and they wouldn't sit anywhere else and i got 2 things about just how much dicks these guys are:
1. I was 13 at the time
2. They would not stop swearing at everyone who tried to make them sit elsewhere.

I eventually moved at the request of one of the security guards who asked nicely instead os swearing at me. Later in the tapings i was allowed to meet Eric Young who apoligized to me & my brother "On behalf of TNA mangement"(I guess they a random wrestler as i didn't understand why it was EY) i got a free shirt as well. I was sitting near to the guys and the chants they tried to get across the impact zone was annoying(Chants like "Roode sucks dick"[when he was with Traci Brooks]). These guys are most definitely one of the killing parts of TNA.
These asshats really do need to go, the thing that annoys me the most aside from their attitude toward non-spot monkeys is that stupid fucking dance they all do when Styles' music hits. The fact that Christopher Daniels had to literally tell them to shut up and call them worthless back at Genesis to stop them booing Morley and start booing him was ridiculous. They literally act that somehow having been at TNA's shows for years means they've earnt the right to run the show and rather than enjoy the show and chant when necessary they spend all their time trying to get people's attention with their hand signs and stupid chants/dancing.
I can't agree more about the hate on those douchebags. You know they're a bunch of deadbeats that still live in Daddy's basement, and are lucky TNA doesn't charge for Impact.(prolly the same deadbeats my hard earned tax $$$ are going because of this "great" health care bill). Even more reason Dixie and company needs to get out of Orlando, or at least a few different venues. Start small in a few States, or cities, then expand from there.
I actually mentioned one of those idiots in another thread but until now I had no idea that they were part of an actual "group". The one that annoys me the most is the douchebag in the white sunglasses and beard. His constant dancing and general idiocy is VERY distracting to tv viewers and in my opinion it cheapens the product. I've been to some very tiny WCW and WWE house shows around where I live. I even saw an old lady try to fight Booker T back in the WCW days. But I've never been as annoyed by other fans as I am while watching TNA. I'm glad it's not just me. But this also explains why I see the same people in the crowd every single week on Impact; something I also mentioned in another thread.

I couldn't agree more there. That white glasses asshole I would actually pay to punch in his fat-ass gut just once, if only to get him to keel over and not have his face infecting my screen at every turn.

Every time Morgan's music hits he does this incredibly annoying bouncing dance, and every time it happens I start hoping that one of the fans he keeps bouncing his fat-ass into just gets tired of it and decks him.

ECW is dead, fuckos – get over it. Quit trying to be the next straw hat man and learn to watch the show like everyone else. Try being grateful for the fact you get to see it free week-after-week instead of booing talent and acting like a spoiled jackass.
I can't agree more about the hate on those douchebags. You know they're a bunch of deadbeats that still live in Daddy's basement, and are lucky TNA doesn't charge for Impact.(prolly the same deadbeats my hard earned tax $$$ are going because of this "great" health care bill). Even more reason Dixie and company needs to get out of Orlando, or at least a few different venues. Start small in a few States, or cities, then expand from there.

Wow really so I guess I'm a deadbeat with 2 jobs pay to go to universal so I can enjoy tna. I agree they need to go other place but there not in a good position to just yet I'm always on Yvonne as well on impact and I enjoy myself as everyone else does if the fans in the crowd ruin your viewing of the show then don't watch but don't come on these boards and diss and say you wanna punch someone ( not you Guy above me) kinda juvenile don't you think. I hold the Pope sign and wear the orange gator hat so wanna call me a deadbeat or other that go like I do get some info before call us deadbeats.
Wow really so I guess I'm a deadbeat with 2 jobs pay to go to universal so I can enjoy tna. I agree they need to go other place but there not in a good position to just yet I'm always on Yvonne as well on impact and I enjoy myself as everyone else does if the fans in the crowd ruin your viewing of the show then don't watch but don't come on these boards and diss and say you wanna punch someone ( not you Guy above me) kinda juvenile don't you think. I hold the Pope sign and wear the orange gator hat so wanna call me a deadbeat or other that go like I do get some info before call us deadbeats.

Stating which guy you are clearly shows that you are trying to get yourself over instead of the product being put out there. What's juvenile is all of these "smarky" chants you guys come up like the one towards AJ Styles or the one when Generation Me debuted and all off you guys where chanting "That's the Young Bucks". It doesn't come off as cool it turns people away from the product.
Wow really so I guess I'm a deadbeat with 2 jobs pay to go to universal so I can enjoy tna. I agree they need to go other place but there not in a good position to just yet I'm always on Yvonne as well on impact and I enjoy myself as everyone else does if the fans in the crowd ruin your viewing of the show then don't watch but don't come on these boards and diss and say you wanna punch someone ( not you Guy above me) kinda juvenile don't you think. I hold the Pope sign and wear the orange gator hat so wanna call me a deadbeat or other that go like I do get some info before call us deadbeats.

See? This is exactly what I'm talking about.

Who gives a fuck what you wear or what you hold? What makes you so special that I need to see you in the crowd and spot you week-to-week? Why should I notice any of you, for that matter? You're the crowd – not the talent. You are the audience. You're there to watch the show and cheer and boo on command, not to become part of the show when a wrestler or on-air talent doesn't specifically ask it of you. You want to react with the wrestlers when they want you to, be my guest, but this type of selfish–I'm-gonna-get-myself-over attitude is exactly what i'm combatting here.
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I agree with Y2D2 one hundred percent on this one about the "crucial crew" being marks for themselves. When I watch TNA I get mad about these idiots in the front row doing their stupid little chants that ruin the product. It seems to me that the are trying to make themselves seem relevent in the show but in reality is one of the reasons why a casual fan wouldnt enjoy watching iMPACT. If TNA wants to get the casual fan on board and become a full time fan then they need to go do some more house shows. They need to look at their TV ratings in certain markets and then which ones are doing good they need to tour there.They must get out of the iMPACT Zone. It seems like WCW Saturday Night in there except its got a bunch of smarks in there trying to become the show. This isnt an ECW crowd by any means. The ECW crowds were by far more vocal and actually appreciated what the talent did in and out the ring. I don't see the "crucial" crew expressing their appreciation I just hear them ruining segments of the show.
I could not agree more. These punks will stop at no end to put themselves above the product. They go around saying they "care" about TNA and how they are the "real" fans because they go every week. That's all well and good for the most part, but they act like such idiots and elitist pricks with their yelling over seats and turning their backs on wrestlers (Thats right you *****, no matter how you spin it, turning your back on someone that is trying to entertain YOU is such bullshit). With their constant doing little dances and chanting random shit, they are their for one reason, and one reason alone, to get attention. Case in point:

Wow really so I guess I'm a deadbeat with 2 jobs pay to go to universal so I can enjoy tna. I agree they need to go other place but there not in a good position to just yet I'm always on Yvonne as well on impact and I enjoy myself as everyone else does if the fans in the crowd ruin your viewing of the show then don't watch but don't come on these boards and diss and say you wanna punch someone ( not you Guy above me) kinda juvenile don't you think. I hold the Pope sign and wear the orange gator hat so wanna call me a deadbeat or other that go like I do get some info before call us deadbeats.

We don't give a fuck about you, and why should we, we don't watch for you to entertain US. We watch wrestling for wrestlers, not to see you idiots twirl around to theme music. You guys take this attention ****e thing to another level of douchebaggery. You are a detriment to us, and to TNA as a whole. You are only there to put yourselves above the product.

Had I the time, I would travel to Orlando to watch impact, I don't care if I sit in the front or the back, I would be there for the product. But if I did manage to grab a spot up front, if any of these "Crucial crew" members try to make me get up or move, I would beat them all into a coma. Or at least Terri Shivo type state of vegatation.
Too much?
I think not.
Wow really so I guess I'm a deadbeat with 2 jobs pay to go to universal so I can enjoy tna. I agree they need to go other place but there not in a good position to just yet I'm always on Yvonne as well on impact and I enjoy myself as everyone else does if the fans in the crowd ruin your viewing of the show then don't watch but don't come on these boards and diss and say you wanna punch someone ( not you Guy above me) kinda juvenile don't you think. I hold the Pope sign and wear the orange gator hat so wanna call me a deadbeat or other that go like I do get some info before call us deadbeats.

you might as well have written. LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WEAR A HAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BE SURE TO TUNE IN AND WATCH TNA SO U CAN SEE ME DANCE AROUND IN THE CROWD AND HOLD UP A SIGN, o ya and they have wrestling too, BUT LOOK AT ME INSTEAD!!!!

other people r trying to enjoy the show so just let them and dont start the smarky chants they only hurt the product.

also another poster said when he was thirteen the crew made him leave the seat he was at first because they wanted it. he had just as much right to have it if not more. if they are there everyweek you should let others get good seats occasionaly, its not like the crew pays more for seats. especially if its a kid, thats just fucked up
Wow really so I guess I'm a deadbeat with 2 jobs pay to go to universal so I can enjoy tna. I agree they need to go other place but there not in a good position to just yet I'm always on Yvonne as well on impact and I enjoy myself as everyone else does if the fans in the crowd ruin your viewing of the show then don't watch but don't come on these boards and diss and say you wanna punch someone ( not you Guy above me) kinda juvenile don't you think. I hold the Pope sign and wear the orange gator hat so wanna call me a deadbeat or other that go like I do get some info before call us deadbeats.

First of all, if you need TWO jobs to afford going to Universal, you're not a deadbeat, you're just a fucking moron. Stop going to wrestling shows and get a real job, douchebag.

Second, no fucking wonder you dropped out of high-school, you can't even use punctuation or grammar when trying to publicly defend your point of view. Here: . , ; : spread those around your post so at least you don't burn any more retinas with your inane tirade.

Thirdly, I'd happily punch you, kick you in the groin and then toss you into the ring so there can be some worker payback, because I'm pretty sure the boys in TNA are fed up with your bullshit as well. I wouldn't stand too close to any upcoming in-crowd matches, bud. You just MIGHT catch an "accidental" elbow.

Fourthly, it's not YOUR wrestling show and I watch it as much as I damn well please, but when YOU and your ilk try to interfere with my experience, that's when I take offense, just like I would if someone stood in front of my TV set, jumping around and screaming. If someone did that and then told me to "watch something else then", I'd again happily punch that person until it went away and went flashing at Mardi Gras instead.

The "Crucial" Crew is anything but. It's not only a cancer, eating away at the expense of regular, casual fans, but it's also a ticking time-bomb. When have you fucktards pushed enough buttons that someone snaps at you and we get some kind of violent incident in the Impact Zone?

Get the fuck off my TV screen, you're not wanted.
the fact that most TNA fans (us) want them to get the fuck out of our TVs wont make it happen, we can yell to them, we can talk them slowly, but they will never understand they're fucking up the company that they supposedly love... the only solution i could come up with is throwing them to the ring one by one. most TNA wrestlers (specially Samoa Joe) already expressed their displeasure for those smarky *****, they talked once in this forum about making a riot, well, i'd love them to do it, so they can get a good ol' fashioned TNA beating by the entire roster, then they will come back crying to PWG lol:lol:

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