The Buildup to Mania: WMXX VS WMXXX


Best in the World!
It's THAT time of the year when the fans are all pumped up and ready for the greatest spectacle in Wrestling history- Wrestlemania. Now according to me, Wrestlemania 20 had the greatest and most logical build up of all time. Let's take a quick trip down memory lane....

1. They started the buildup for the 2 big matches on the card at Survivor Series 2003- Lesnar vs. Goldberg and Taker vs. Kane. These 2 buildups continued till Mania and didn't dissappoint (even though the matches were mediocre at best), and made for compelling television.

2. The final 2 brand exclusive ppvs before Mania, Armageddon and No Way Out, actually mattered:
Evolution, the greatest faction of that Era, left Armageddon with all the championships.
Eddie's title win was handled perfectly at N.W.O., at the same time advancing the build up for Lesnar-Goldberg. I still remember the moment when Chavo defeated Rey for the Cruiserweight title early on and while being interviewed in front of Eddie's locker room, ridiculed Eddie and called him a loser. It further added to the emotional title win.

3. The Royal Rumble, the biggest stop on the road to Mania, was logical booking at its absolute best. The Rumble match was an instant classic, kick starting Benoit's emotional and well deserved chase for the World title. Taker's return was hyped during the match itself, leading to Booker T eliminating Kane. Lesnar's interference caused Goldberg his title shot, and Orton vs. Foley advanced here leading to the 3 on 2 match at Mania.
Before the match, Austin(Vince's saviour during the Attitude Era) stunned both Bischoff and Heyman, symbolising WWE's acquisition of WCW and ECW perfectly.
HHH vs. HBK ended in a draw, thus cementing Shawn's place in the main event at Mania.

It seemed as if everything was being done to the point and even though Wrestlemania 20 wasn't in the ranks of epic Manias like 17 and 19, the buildup was as perfect as it could possibly be.


Wrestlemania 30 is upon us, and things are scrambled to say the least.
1. There are rumours about Hogan and Cena vs. Piper and Orton in what could be one of the worst matches in Mania history.
2. A never before seen match, HHH vs. Bryan could've been compelling to see at the biggest event ever, with Bryan finally avenging the double cross at Summerslam. Unfortunately, HHH's ego won't allow that to happen.
3. There's talk about Batista vs. Orton at Mania for the title. The 2 have fought in the past several times in forgettable encounters and we'll probably have to see that again in the Biggest event in history, instead of a near dream match in Lesnar-Batista.
4. There's nothing of note for Bigshow to do, so let's do Lesnar-Show for the umpteenth time.

So we can see that even though the returns of past superstars is exciting, their handling is being done poorly and many big opportunities are being wasted. I hope I'm wrong and things take a turn starting at the Rumble and we get to see an event worth remembering.
If I'm going to book WMXXX, this is how I'd book it:

1-8 Man Money in the bank
(Dolph Ziggler, Damien Sandow, Show, Kane, Miz, Mark Henry, Mysterio, Kofi Kingston)

2-The Shield vs The Wyatt Family (The Shield breaks up maybe after the match.
They have a triple threat match instead of at Mania, at Extreme Rules, at the one year anniversary of "the night of the shield".
It would be a great idea to keep interest post-Mania 30.

3-Batista vs Randy Orton

4-Bad News Barrett-Sheamus and ADR vs Cody-Goldy and Big E Langston (WWE Tag Titles and IC title on the line: Winner Takes all)
Cody faces Goldy at SummerSlam, this feud will be extremely overshadowed if it happens on Mania.

5-Piper's pit with Hulk Hogan.
They talk about their first WM main event 30 years ago.
The Real Americans interrupt.
Piper and Hogan beat them up and throw them out of the ring.
Zeb is left in the ring alone, Piper breaks a coconut on Zeb's head then Hogan does his leg drop.

6-World Tag Team title being brought back:
Battle Royal Tag Team match: Rybaxel vs 3MB vs Santino and Khali vs Fandango and Brodus vs Woods and Truth (and everyone who didn't get a spot at WrestleMania)
-The Real Americans come during the match and win the Tag titles after getting beat up by Hogan and Piper

7-CM Punk vs Triple H

8-The HOFers appear. Ultimate Warrior as the top inductee.

9-Divas title match:
Fatal 10 way: 10 divas for the title. AJ Wins I guess or maybe have Paige debut and win the Divas title in her first match or something.

10-WWE Title match: Daniel Bryan (RR Winner) vs Brock Lesnar (c)

John Cena vs The Undertaker
I think we will get a good WrestleMania XXX. WWE must know this will be one of those events that will always be remembered, a rightfully so. It's a big occasion. WWE have many avenues to take, and I believe they will make the right turn.

I must say that the assumption all these legends must come back is actually beyond me. How many legends did we have a WrestleMania XX or WrestleMania 25th Anniversary? Very few. The big thing for the former of the two was the launch of stars on an internationally known stage. I'd rather them take that option then give me Hulk Hogan in the main event. Just my personal preference.
Relax man, no matches have even been announced and you are already bitching about it. In my opinion, WWE will pull out all the stops seeing as it is the biggest event they will ever have to produce so far atleast. The match card IMO should shape up like this:

WWE World Championship
Brock Lesnar (c) vs Batista The Animal vs The Beast

The Authority vs Anti-Authority
CM Punk vs Triple H for full control of the WWE with Vince McMahon involved somehow.
The Rebel vs The Owner

The Main Event:
John Cena vs The Undertaker in what could truly be The undertaker's final match.
Superman vs The Supernatural in a clash for the ages.....

These three HUGE Main Events have potential to be the biggest in WWE history, if WWE play their card right.
Relax man, no matches have even been announced and you are already bitching about it. In my opinion, WWE will pull out all the stops seeing as it is the biggest event they will ever have to produce so far atleast. The match card IMO should shape up like this:

WWE World Championship
Brock Lesnar (c) vs Batista The Animal vs The Beast

The Authority vs Anti-Authority
CM Punk vs Triple H for full control of the WWE with Vince McMahon involved somehow.
The Rebel vs The Owner

The Main Event:
John Cena vs The Undertaker in what could truly be The undertaker's final match.
Superman vs The Supernatural in a clash for the ages.....

These three HUGE Main Events have potential to be the biggest in WWE history, if WWE play their card right.

Yeah and Bryan go f-cks himself, right? SMH.
Bryan should beat Lesnar for the WWE title or beat HHH or end the streak at WrestleMania.
Here's my card in no order:

1. Shield vs. Wyatts (Shield loses and breaks up).

2. Brock vs. Batista (Beast vs. Animal).

3. Some Piper-Hogan segment, no more than that.

4. Taker vs. Cena (no heel Cena, just a good old fashioned face vs. face encounter).

5. Danial Bryan vs. HHH ( The story that started at Summerslam ends finally).

6. AJ vs. any diva in a Divas title match.

7. Punk vs. Orton for WWE title ( they've fought several times before and once in Mania but, considering the epic card, I can pass this).

8. cody vs dustin is a lock.
Here's my card in no order:

1. Shield vs. Wyatts (Shield loses and breaks up).

2. Brock vs. Batista (Beast vs. Animal).

3. Some Piper-Hogan segment, no more than that.

4. Taker vs. Cena (no heel Cena, just a good old fashioned face vs. face encounter).

5. Danial Bryan vs. HHH ( The story that started at Summerslam ends finally).

6. AJ vs. any diva in a Divas title match.

7. Punk vs. Orton for WWE title ( they've fought several times before and once in Mania but, considering the epic card, I can pass this).

8. cody vs dustin is a lock.

Good card but you need to put everyone at WrestleMania.

Also, Punk vs Orton was average at best at WM27 and pretty much all their matches in the past have been average.

I'm not interested in seeing that feud / match
Yeah and Bryan go f-cks himself, right? SMH.
Bryan should beat Lesnar for the WWE title or beat HHH or end the streak at WrestleMania.

This is the most asinine suggestion I’ve seen regarding WMXXX. While I think Bryan is arguable one of the best ring performers in the world there needs to be some sense of believability in the booking. People would look at this match up as a joke. They are currently booking Brock to smash giants. Following his programs with Henry and Show how would Bryan be a logical move?

Here is an idea for Bryan at WM, challenge the Streak. He is believable working with Taker as he is perceived as a pro wrestler and not a legit ass kicker like Brock. Plus it would be epic to see fan boys everywhere shitting themselves over the decision to back Bryan or the Streak.
This is the most asinine suggestion I’ve seen regarding WMXXX. While I think Bryan is arguable one of the best ring performers in the world there needs to be some sense of believability in the booking. People would look at this match up as a joke. They are currently booking Brock to smash giants. Following his programs with Henry and Show how would Bryan be a logical move?

Here is an idea for Bryan at WM, challenge the Streak. He is believable working with Taker as he is perceived as a pro wrestler and not a legit ass kicker like Brock. Plus it would be epic to see fan boys everywhere shitting themselves over the decision to back Bryan or the Streak.

I like this situation because DB's getting some of the biggest chants in history and us fanboys would've to choose between Taker and Bryan which wouldn't be easy coz as much as We respect Taker, we've grown a certain attachment with DB as a hard worker who deserves victory and fame.
My fantasy booking:

Bray Wyatt defeats Big E. Langston for the IC Title

Roman Reins defeats Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins in a triple threat match

Jake The Snake Roberts defeats Fandango

Cody Rhodes defeats Goldust

The Wyatt family defeats The Usos for the Tag Team championship

Batista Defeats Randy Orton in a Hell in a cell match

The Undertaker defeats Daniel Bryan in a casket match (Wyatt family runs in after the match and beats the UT mercilessly and wheel him out in a casket)

CM Punk (w/ Roddy Piper) defeats John Cena (w/ Hogan) for the WWE championship.
Ugh. This thread represents everything that is wrong with the IWC and wrestling fans in general. WrestleMania XXX hasn't happened yet! They haven't even started the road to WrestleMania yet! And you're already whining and complaining about it?!? Based on two rumors and two complete guesses?!? YOU HAVE NO IDEA[/B] WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! Not to mention you have no idea how it will happen even if the rumors and guesses are true.

Is your complaint based on your belief that, since we don't know for sure what matches will take place, that must mean the WWE doesn't know either? Or is your complaint based on your belief that your rumors and guesses are clearly true and you're employing the ever popular "IT'S NOT WHAT I WOULD DO THEREFORE IT SUCKS!!!111!!!!2"?

Seriously. Aside from the flawed logic of complaining about something that hasn't begun yet, you're also describing something that hasn't begun yet as "scrambled" by comparing them to what you describe as the best of all time. That'd be like calling Jadeveon Clowney a bust right now because he hasn't done what Reggie White did in the NFL.

If I were a teenager, I believe the appropriate response here would be "I can't even. #facepalm"
Ugh. This thread represents everything that is wrong with the IWC and wrestling fans in general. WrestleMania XXX hasn't happened yet! They haven't even started the road to WrestleMania yet! And you're already whining and complaining about it?!? Based on two rumors and two complete guesses?!? YOU HAVE NO IDEA[/B] WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! Not to mention you have no idea how it will happen even if the rumors and guesses are true.

Is your complaint based on your belief that, since we don't know for sure what matches will take place, that must mean the WWE doesn't know either? Or is your complaint based on your belief that your rumors and guesses are clearly true and you're employing the ever popular "IT'S NOT WHAT I WOULD DO THEREFORE IT SUCKS!!!111!!!!2"?

Seriously. Aside from the flawed logic of complaining about something that hasn't begun yet, you're also describing something that hasn't begun yet as "scrambled" by comparing them to what you describe as the best of all time. That'd be like calling Jadeveon Clowney a bust right now because he hasn't done what Reggie White did in the NFL.

If I were a teenager, I believe the appropriate response here would be "I can't even. #facepalm"

I agree with you. The road to Mania hasnt even begun yet and were getting
complaints. This is why nobody pays any attention to the IWC. The IWC complains no matter what. We could be given the best WM ever with nothing but 5 star matches and people would complain about the winners of the matches, order of the matches, the build, and any other stupid thing they could think of.
They haven't even started the road to WrestleMania yet! And you're already whining and complaining about it?!?

Wow you just proved my point!! That's exactly what I'm trying to convey in this post. THEY HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED THE ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA YET!!

The buildup to Mania 20 had begun some 4 -5 months before the actual event, and things progressed slowly and steadily from there till Mania, making for exciting television.
And here we are 10 years later, trying to find sense in the absurd booking that's been happening right now. Panic mode follows the RR and then we may get thrown away matches at Mania. I've been watching WWE since the Ruthless Aggression Era began, and I've witnessed smart and logical bookings that started months before the big event that made the actual spectacle even more compelling (WM19, WM20, WM28) and unfortunately got to see some forced down our throats type booking in the likes of WM27, WM29 and WM25.
I've more praises than complaints for WWE's past booking decisions and I don't want such a milestone event to be later remembered as just another regular Maina in a series of Manias.
You must be the type of fan who gets satisfied with anything WWE presents in front of you and Wrestlemania 29 must have been one of your favourites even though all the 3 main events had happened before plus some mediocre mid card bouts.
Wow you just proved my point!! That's exactly what I'm trying to convey in this post. THEY HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED THE ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA YET!!

The buildup to Mania 20 had begun some 4 -5 months before the actual event, and things progressed slowly and steadily from there till Mania, making for exciting television.
And here we are 10 years later, trying to find sense in the absurd booking that's been happening right now. Panic mode follows the RR and then we may get thrown away matches at Mania. I've been watching WWE since the Ruthless Aggression Era began, and I've witnessed smart and logical bookings that started months before the big event that made the actual spectacle even more compelling (WM19, WM20, WM28) and unfortunately got to see some forced down our throats type booking in the likes of WM27, WM29 and WM25.
I've more praises than complaints for WWE's past booking decisions and I don't want such a milestone event to be later remembered as just another regular Maina in a series of Manias.
You must be the type of fan who gets satisfied with anything WWE presents in front of you and Wrestlemania 29 must have been one of your favourites even though all the 3 main events had happened before plus some mediocre mid card bouts.

First off, the fact that you started watching wwe in the ruthless aggression era makes me not even want to respond to your post.

You are contradicting the hell out of yourself...You said WM29 was thrown together but WM28 wasnt? Almost the entire WM28 card was random thrown together feuds that started after the Rumble.

The biggest problem with what you said is this "You must be the type of fan who gets satisfied with anything WWE presents in front of you and Wrestlemania 29 must have been one of your favourites even though all the 3 main events had happened before plus some mediocre mid card bouts"

Umm no I hated wm29. Outside of Punk/Taker, the ppv was terrible. But here is the problem with your statement about the 3 main events being done before. WM17 is regarded by a huge amount of fans as the greatest WM in history. WM 17 is mostly known for TWO matches. Rock/Austin and TLC 2, both of which are REPEAT Matches. WM28 that you said you liked had three main events and once again two of them were repeats. HHH/Taker was happening for the third time, Punk/Jericho had wrestled multiple times before, Orton/Kane was randomly thrown together and made no sense, the diva tag match was random, Team teddy vs Team Johnny was just dumb.

The road to Mania has almost always started at the rumble so I dont see a problem here. The entire authority storyline started at Summerslam and will obviously be the focal point of Mania, which makes your rant not make any sense.
What's up Wrestlezone! Wrestlemania is almost upon us, and nobody is more excited than I am about what's about to go down. You dig? *clap* ALRIGHT, let's start with the biggest match of the evening.

John Cena and Hulk Hogan vs Roddy Piper and Randy Orton. This match is absolute GENIUS!! Hey, fuck you, it is too. HEY!! I don't come down to the subway bathroom at 3am and slap the dick out of your mouth, so take ten and let me do my job! You work at, really? Well pumping lattes for Starbucks isn't exactly less homo-erotic than blowing Johns for crack money. I know right? Thanks a "latte". Oh god that's priceless, now where was I?

Daniel Bryan vs Bray Wyatt! Daniel Bryan is ON FIRE!! We fans have literally immolated him with our founded praise and it's gonna take the dousing power of a wet blanket like Bray Wyatt to put him out. Only he can prevent popularity fires.

I'm using Vince's current method of eating multiple heroine balloons containing razor blades with random superstars' names engraved on each one and eventually I'll see what my bloody diarrhea has booked for the rest of the evening.

Brodus Clay vs Fandango!

Xavier Woods vs Wildfire Tommy Rich!

Tony Chimmel vs HHH!

In the words of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson prior to an event with a double count out main event finish, THIS WILL BE THE GREATEST WRESTLEMANIA OF ALL TIME!! Alzheimers is a bitch!
It's too early to tell from WM XXX. It's great to see the star power is coming in and they're focusing on building people up and making the titles more important
First off, the fact that you started watching wwe in the ruthless aggression era makes me not even want to respond to your post.

You are contradicting the hell out of yourself...You said WM29 was thrown together but WM28 wasnt? Almost the entire WM28 card was random thrown together feuds that started after the Rumble.

The biggest problem with what you said is this "You must be the type of fan who gets satisfied with anything WWE presents in front of you and Wrestlemania 29 must have been one of your favourites even though all the 3 main events had happened before plus some mediocre mid card bouts"

Umm no I hated wm29. Outside of Punk/Taker, the ppv was terrible. But here is the problem with your statement about the 3 main events being done before. WM17 is regarded by a huge amount of fans as the greatest WM in history. WM 17 is mostly known for TWO matches. Rock/Austin and TLC 2, both of which are REPEAT Matches. WM28 that you said you liked had three main events and once again two of them were repeats. HHH/Taker was happening for the third time, Punk/Jericho had wrestled multiple times before, Orton/Kane was randomly thrown together and made no sense, the diva tag match was random, Team teddy vs Team Johnny was just dumb.

The road to Mania has almost always started at the rumble so I dont see a problem here. The entire authority storyline started at Summerslam and will obviously be the focal point of Mania, which makes your rant not make any sense.

So I started watching WWE in the ruthless aggression era makes you think that I'm not capable of knowing anything about the WWE's history and not capable of getting response on this forum???? You sir are the biggest ignorant I've ever had the misfortune to deal with.
That statement alone makes you undeserving when it comes to even posting or replying on this forum. Even though I started watching during the RA era, I've watched and learnt about the business over the past 11 years through youtube, biographies and dvds.

And you're talking about Wrestlemania 17?? you again are proving your sense of ignorance and you should again read my post.
Mania 17: Both the matches had awesome buildups and actually mattered.
Mania 29: Just rewatch the Lesnar-HHH match and you'll see how silent the crowd was during most of the match.

The Taker-HHH match was inside Hell in a Cell and wasn't anywhere near their encounter at Mania 27, plus the buildup with HBK being an important factor was great too. Rock-Cena for the 1st time ever! No words needed. And it had a build up of an entire freaking year!!!! Thrown together, sure..
Will you please mention when did punk and jericho fought before Mania 28? And even if they did, it must have been a quick bout with some interference or something like that, so that makes their match at Mania a fresh one.
So I started watching WWE in the ruthless aggression era makes you think that I'm not capable of knowing anything about the WWE's history and not capable of getting response on this forum???? You sir are the biggest ignorant I've ever had the misfortune to deal with.
That statement alone makes you undeserving when it comes to even posting or replying on this forum. Even though I started watching during the RA era, I've watched and learnt about the business over the past 11 years through youtube, biographies and dvds.

And you're talking about Wrestlemania 17?? you again are proving your sense of ignorance and you should again read my post.
Mania 17: Both the matches had awesome buildups and actually mattered.
Mania 29: Just rewatch the Lesnar-HHH match and you'll see how silent the crowd was during most of the match.

The Taker-HHH match was inside Hell in a Cell and wasn't anywhere near their encounter at Mania 27, plus the buildup with HBK being an important factor was great too. Rock-Cena for the 1st time ever! No words needed. And it had a build up of an entire freaking year!!!! Thrown together, sure..
Will you please mention when did punk and jericho fought before Mania 28? And even if they did, it must have been a quick bout with some interference or something like that, so that makes their match at Mania a fresh one.
Why is it that everyone on this site resorts to name calling and personal attacks?

Dude, i didnt mean that you dont know anything about wrestling because you started watching during the ruthless aggression era. We are discussing the build up to a 30 year event in which you haven't even viewed half of them live (as in when they are actually happening). The problem with this imo is that when watching this you sometimes will have opinions based off of the opinions of people that did watch it live. For instance, you stated that WM17 build was awesome and the matches actually a mattered, well how do you know that if you didnt watch wwe til ruthless aggression era? Was it really awesome or did the fact that everyone glorifies wm17 affect your opinion on it? If you hadnt heard that WM17 was awesome before you watched it, would you still have rated it so highly? You couldn't possibly rate the WM17 build as high as I would because I watched it live. I had to wait week to week on the edge of my seat just waiting for Raw so I could see what happened next. But when you rewatch things, you dont have to wait a week for the story to continue, you dont see commercials hyping the event everyday, you dont hear people talking about it constantly. The reason this makes a difference in this discussion is because the build to mania like 90% of the time starts at or after the Rumble. But you seemed to be confused about this and have pointed out WM's that were out of the norm to use as your measuring stick, which is an unfair comparison.

If Jericho/Punk at WM28 was your first time seeing that match than your probably not as big a wrestling fan as you think you are. They had multiple matches including a nearly 20 minute World title steel cage match on Raw that was awesome imo.
Well, I request you to mention when did the 2 fought before Mania 28 in an actual lenthy wrestling match whuch actually mattered?
Also, I think that watching the buildups for Mania 19 to present gives me atleast some credibility while ridiculing the present booking ( not to mention I've watched every WM atleast 2 times from 1st 29th).
Also, I've watched around 7 -8 Manias when they aired, free of spoilers, reviews, or something of that kind.
We're going a bit off topic here as I started this thread to discuss the differences between the BUILDUPS for two different Manias, not the Events themselves. I just think that even talking about the possible Orton-Batista match and Cena-punk-legends tag match is childish when we have the deserving superstars like DB to elevate at present.
Yes, the actual buildups start after the Rumble, and that was what special about Mania20's buildup- ait started way back before the Rumble and they actually treated it as an event worth looking forward to with great booking.
Now when I'm reading these reports of the possible tag match just for the sake of attraction, and then relieving the epic buildup to Mania 20, I'm getting sick to the stomach.
I just hope that I'm wrong and we witness an event worth remembering.
Well, I request you to mention when did the 2 fought before Mania 28 in an actual lenthy wrestling match whuch actually mattered?
Also, I think that watching the buildups for Mania 19 to present gives me atleast some credibility while ridiculing the present booking ( not to mention I've watched every WM atleast 2 times from 1st 29th).
Also, I've watched around 7 -8 Manias when they aired, free of spoilers, reviews, or something of that kind.
We're going a bit off topic here as I started this thread to discuss the differences between the BUILDUPS for two different Manias, not the Events themselves. I just think that even talking about the possible Orton-Batista match and Cena-punk-legends tag match is childish when we have the deserving superstars like DB to elevate at present.
Yes, the actual buildups start after the Rumble, and that was what special about Mania20's buildup- ait started way back before the Rumble and they actually treated it as an event worth looking forward to with great booking.
Now when I'm reading these reports of the possible tag match just for the sake of attraction, and then relieving the epic buildup to Mania 20, I'm getting sick to the stomach.
I just hope that I'm wrong and we witness an event worth remembering.

I did give you match between the two before wm28. Steel Cage match that was nearly 20 minutes for the world title on Raw. They have had at least 5 or 6 matches or raw and smack down with clean finishes and I remember one on superstars as well.

DB will most likely face Wyatt. Just give the WWE a chance, if nothings happening around time for the EC than we will have a problem but some of the best mania matches and builds, like TLC 2 and Austin/Rock, came late into the road to WM.
I did give you match between the two before wm28. Steel Cage match that was nearly 20 minutes for the world title on Raw. They have had at least 5 or 6 matches or raw and smack down with clean finishes and I remember one on superstars as well.

DB will most likely face Wyatt. Just give the WWE a chance, if nothings happening around time for the EC than we will have a problem but some of the best mania matches and builds, like TLC 2 and Austin/Rock, came late into the road to WM.

Wow I never knew about the cage match. Maybe cause I stopped watching altogether in 2008.
Well I hope we get a WM 30 worthy card

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