The Bret Hart & Undertaker saga


Pre-Show Stalwart
As we know Bret Hart and the Undertaker have a good work relationship inside & outside the wrestling business. They've both put on great matches against each other back in the federation days. Including at Summerslam '97 in New Jersey which would be the last time we see these two professionals in a match against one another one on one at a PPV. That is until the WWF/E's "One Night Only" PPV that was only around for "One Night Only".

But now 12 years later, Bret Hart is back in the WWE!

Now about two months ago on RAW. We saw when The Undertaker confronted Vince McMahon on-screen about screwing Bret Hart out of the WWF/E championship belt and called Vince a coward! The Undertaker yanked Mr. McMahon out of his office back in Montreal in 1997 and told Vince to go applogize to Bret. The Undertaker has the up most respect for the hitman! And even said in a interview on Wrestlemania 18 weekend in Toronto that Bret Hart is the grestest wrestler he's ever faced!

So my thing is. What if (since the informations been put out for the new/"PG" WWE fans) on RAW tomorrow night or from now until Wrestlemania 26, we see a "federation years reunion" with Bret Hart, the Undertaker, Mr. McMahon, Shawn Michaels, and Steve Austin during the contract signing between Bret and Vince's match at mania? Where dirty laundry would be tossed all over the ring from what happened in Montreal 12 years ago since Stone Cold will be there in that segment?

That would make for a flawless build for all the matches for Wrestlemania. Don't ya'll agree? Just think about it?
both vince v bret and taker v hbk are huge matches (on paper at least) add scsa and that is too much start power for a contract signing

the two feuds are big enough not to need the star power by combining the two
For purely nostalgic reasons I'd love to see them all come out and intterupt proceedings with their entrance music hittng everytime they go to sign, might not make too much sense and yeah, makes more sense to split up the two feuds and build separate on raw because most of raw is just filler anyway, but from a personal standpoint, to see hbk, austin, bret, taker and vince all in the same ring would be awesome. Have the miz interupt them all!! Haha
I would hate to be Miz if he interupted because he would run his mouth and get a Stone Cold Stunner followed up by a Sweet Chin Music a Tombstone then the Sharpshooter.......Wait that would be an awesome sight to see. I would love for that to happen.

Oh and if Vince is still in the ring why not have Miz become the newest member of the Vince McMahon Kiss My A$$ Club. Afterwards Vince could get a Stunner and the Sharpshooter followed up by a beer bath and Austin and Hart throwing back a few Steveweisers.
i would love to see the aforementioned meeting in the ring of the superstars. however, these are two SEPARATE feuds that would only get degraded in my opinion if you combined them.
good thinking.

if vince and bret come out, after talking they are about to sign the contract, then hbk comes out and says hes betting on bret to win and what not, then again they are about to sign when taker's music hits, he comes to the ring and says the same thing, then they all gang up on mr mcmmahon and maybe hit all threir finishers on him. then they celebrate when undertaker gets sweet chin music'd, or hbk gets the tombstone, (either one) and hbk/taker and stone cold start celebrating annd then he hits the stunner. I personally want scsa to be special ref, so maybe he could sayn something like "this is my show tonight, and i am making myself special ref of the match. IMO this would be very entertaining and build-up to both matches.
or stone cold stuns everybody in the ring and in the building. the shawn comes out and does a flying elbow on everyone in the building, THEN Bret Hart buts everyone in the building in the sharpshooter

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