The Breakout Gun?

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Is hanging up the boots
Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley are part of one of the most entertaining teams in TNA history, called the Motor City Machine guns. Before they formed together as a team in 2007, I believe they were in the X Division competing for that title. To my knowledge, they have never won the TNA Tag Team Championships before. I think they will eventually win those belts within the the next 6 months.

But lately, they have been very arrogant and disrespectful towards the TNA Originals who they have alligned themselves with. It certainly is an interesting angle to see their bad side. Both are great talent, especially in the ring. They remind me of A.J Styles in a way. We all know that eventually, their "friendship" is going to be broken up.

But when and if they do have their feud and try to wrestle as singles stars, which one do you think will be the breakout star. Could you ever see either Sabin or Shelley main eventing TNA just like Samoa Joe and A.J Styles are doing currently? If so, which one has the greater potential to become a true superstar? List reasons for your answer.

For me, it has to be Alex Shelley. I like Sabin's in ring style more, but Alex just has the charisma and the look of a superstar, not to mention he is decent on the mic while being superb in the ring. I could see him as a main eventer in TNA, with improvement of course. Both are talanted, there's no doubt about that. But I just think Shelley will be breakout star if the Guns do decide to break up as a tag team and become singles competitors.
As for who will be the breakout Gun, I'm not convinced that it will be Shelly for sure. Everyone seems to be higher up on him compared to Sabin, but I think both are very talented in their own right. Shelly just has more charisma and a star quality about him that makes him seem like a legit star, but I think Sabin has something special about himself aswell. Sabin has achieved more than Shelly winning a couple of X titles. I think both could achieve big things and since this is TNA where size isn't such a hinderance like the WWE, I could see both being maineventers. The only problem I see stopping these two is there so called backstage "attitudes" that they reportedly have and I could see TNA not want to further their careers because of it(sort of similar to Austin Aries). But if I had to make a final prediction I think Shelly will be more sucessful just because of his overall personality, look, and marketiablity but I wouldn't be surprised to see both suceed or fail.
For a second there, I thought this was a Monty Sopp thread lol. Smoking Guns, ya know?

As for the Motor City Machine Guns......well, let me put it this way: I very rarely watch TNA, and when I do, I can't sit through a full episode without shutting it off. I don't find most of the people there talented enough to be in the spots that they're in - like how I find Rhino a bore (wish I could've thought of some alliteration to go with gore there). But this isn't a TNA bash thread, so moving on....I find the MCMG to be a pretty entertaining tag team. They're two of the only people that I'd really want the WWE to sign if they got a chance.

But to me, they're still missing something. Now, like I said, I don't follow TNA that much, so I'm not the most qualified to make the judgments, but to me it seems like these guys either aren't tapping into their full potential, or they've maxed out and they've become another set of guys that is entertaining and could pretty much always have a career performing in wrestling rings, but doesn't have an "it" factor that will lead to an extensive career. I saw most of the turkey costume segment and it just felt awkward to me. Sure, anybody getting into a turkey costume in a ring is awkward no matter what, but it seemed to me like Shelley didn't know how to act pissed off. He was kicking his legs like an infant having a temper tantrum in a toy store, but he didn't convince me that that was the goal. He just sort of looked like he was lost in a field.

Sabin, I'm less familiar with, so I can't pinpoint anything.

They both have a good look to them. They both are entertaining in the ring. The mic skills and personality, though, are lackluster, which could kill them. Its very difficult for a wrestler to break out into a successful and noteworthy singles career based on wrestling ability alone, so what these guys should do is take some acting classes on the side. Then, if they pick up some stick upgrades, I think both of them have the potential to break off into their own and make something of themselves.
I think it will be Shelley for sure. Firstly, Sabin isn't too far off being another Kaz. Thankfully, he's got a few moves which you can say few other people do, at least in TNA. He's also got a kinda unique image and looks better by association with Shelley. His mic skills definitely aren't up there with Shelley's though, although I've noticed some improvements recently.

Shelley's got his own unique wrestling style and sells the cocky young gun character more than anyone else. When Samoa Joe's entire character is just someone who occasionally has an unconvincing smirk on his face, you've got to wonder why guys like Shelley, Storm and Roode aren't progressing at a faster rate.

Of course, Shelley could screw it up by doing something like, I dunno, refusing to do cocaine at the request of Disco Inferno. Stupid twat not living like a rock star and getting all coked up like Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels.

Course, both could break out.
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