"THE BOSS" IS BACK! Come see what I've been up to.

The Boss

'The Boss' Of Pro Wrestling
It's been several years since I've been on this forum but, with the government shutting down all of America and leaving those of us in the business with nothing to do, I thought that I would visit my old stomping grounds and do a little "what ever happened to...?" section.

Those of you who were on here 15-20 years ago my recall my many rants praising HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN (bet that brought back some memories lol) but, you may not be aware of the work I have done in the business of professional wrestling. I've been ring announcing and providing commentary for various pro wrestling companies for both house shows and television throughout the mid west. I've been a columnist for the now defunct American Wrestling Association and on occasion have even competed in the ring. All and all I've had a great time working with some of the finest professional wrestlers on the indy scene and many major names in the business as well. I can't wait until our stupid government allows us to run again.

While I have been off I even built myself a new website. It's still small yet as there are a lot more features that I plan on adding but for now IT's up and running. Come check it out as see some of my work.
website: https://thebossofprowrestling.weebly.com/
YouTube channel: The Boss Of Pro Wrestling


The Boss​

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