The Blue Nexus

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Apologies if this topic has already been made a dozen times and they've turned invisible or, I dunno, moved to the trash. Wouldn't that be terrible?

On RAW, Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel refused to hit each other with kendo sticks and then, for some reason, refused to hit Punk with kendo sticks. Additionally, the New Nexus (that is to say, Punk's Nexus) has new, Punk-orientated shirts and have even started coming out to Punk's theme music.

This leaves the old shirts, the old theme music and the old leader - Wade Barrett, in case you'd forgotten - up for grabs. Could Ginger Pubes and The Beard join Wade on SmackDown, perhaps later to be joined by a returning Tarver and Sheffield?

Shit, Wade'd have a much better talent pool than Harris, Otunga and the genesis of the beginning of the inception of the start of McGillicutty.
I'd be a little concerned about what it would do to Wade. He's barely been separated from the boys for a couple of weeks and already they're calling each other up saying hows things? For me, moving Wade to Smackdown was all about getting him over as a single's guy and if his old chums start backing it up it may look like he can't do it on his own which I would hate to witness because I don't believe it's true.

Plus you have to think of the impact of having nexus on smackdown and what they could possibly get up to. They can't exactly continue to feud with the one man army and bringer of bad heat that is John Cena anymore, they'd need to settle for the faces like Edge, Rey Mysterio or the Big Show who are all good and dandy, but not quite John Cena. The whole story would be playing second fiddle to Raw, well that's to be expected but anyway.

His talent pool would certainly better than the suicidal crew punk now has running around throwing themselves into walls and off roofs etc.. but they don't have the competition to make them as hateable. They could only do one of two things from my perspective which is 1) Feud with the other nexus - This would primarily take place on Raw and ruin the idea of Wade's nexus being a smackdown brand faction and 2) feud with the Undertaker. And as the Undertaker isn't really around yet I can't see either working.

I'm not saying it's a bad idea, personally I think WWE should be shovelling a couple more members into punk's nexus because they are starting to look a bit thin on the ground, but I think Barrett should be trying to make a name for himself as a singles competitor, it might hurt his career otherwise. I think gabriel, slater and punk will all kiss and make up next week, Wade will lay into Big Show on Smackdown and it'll all be back to the status quo. Maybe Tarver and Sheffield will replace the sensitive boys and they'll get cast out, who knows?
I'd be a little concerned about what it would do to Wade. He's barely been separated from the boys for a couple of weeks and already they're calling each other up saying hows things? For me, moving Wade to Smackdown was all about getting him over as a single's guy and if his old chums start backing it up it may look like he can't do it on his own which I would hate to witness because I don't believe it's true.

I have to agree with this, Wade should be focusing his career on his single competition and it would only make his character look weak to have Slater and Gabriel by his side. Wade has already made his impact by attacking Big Show and screwing him out of his number one contenders spot. Could lead to an interesting storyline.
I quite like Punk's Nexus, even though there's Punk, Otunga, Harris and McGuillicutty, they are all good, then you have the possibility of Wade's Nexus with himself, Gabriel and Slater, but i more or less see Skip and Tarver or at least one of them going with Punk's Nexus and the other or both going with Wade's Nexus. But the possibility of two Nexus groups is interesting. But it could hurt Wade as a singles competitor...its just interesting how they will develop this now that Heath and Justin are on SD it appears.
I sure hope not. The last thing WWE needs is the same story (a nexus group) on both shows. I'm going to cross my fingers and hope that the smackdown writers haven't completely run out of ideas that they need to resort to copy a current story on smackdown. Plus, I have to agree with Alex that if Wade is ever truly going to shine he needs to do so now. Needing cronies yet again won't give him the opportunity he desperately needs to grow, and it won't really do anything for the cronies either at this point to help them stand out.
I think it would work nicely, it would feel a lot more like an elite team like Team Angle or Edgeheads where it's a clear single top flight wrestler grouped with a tag team. What I would hope, however, is that they step away from Nexus and become their own group. The three of them wouldn't need to be under the Nexus name, especially when they have made a point of either being kicked out or leaving Nexus. You don't leave a group and then continue to fight for them!
It could happen, not exactly sure how I feel about it at this time but it could be interesting if pulled off right. If you look at how Barrett, Gabriel & Slater exited Nexus, it makes me wonder if it's all something of a big swerve. All three of them are out of Nexus on Raw, yet they didn't get beaten down and sent on their way so what if it's revealed, eventually, that it's all been an elaborate plan by Punk & Barrett to simply expand Nexus onto both brands?

Wade Barrett has a match against Big Show this Friday on SD! and I just can't make myself believe that somehow, someway there won't be some sort of interference going on. Slater & Gabriel are out of Nexus on Raw, there's not much else going on for them there so having them suddenly pop up on the Blue brand might work and could give them something of a fresh start.

I'm not sure how much longer Skip Sheffield is from being recovered from his injury but something tells me he won't be back on television for a while still. Probably has quite a bit of ring rust after being on his butt for 6 months. IF, and I do mean IF, former Nexus members are going to reunite on SD! then they need a bruiser. I think Ezekiel Jackson would be perfect for that particular role. He's got the size, he has the look & presence, he's supposed to be making his return to SD! soon, he's got nothing on his plate so him hooking up with them as an enforcer sort of role works. Big Zeke isn't exactly Kurt Angle inside the ring, so this role would allow him to have a prominent role in a high profile storyline and keep him on camera while using the role to mask his limitations inside the ring.

Of course, we could all be completely off base here and might just be seeing something that we'd like to happen or something that we simply thing is going to happen based on circumstantial coincidences. Still, it's an idea that potentially has some promise all the same.
You're exactly right when you say it wouldn't be terrible Sam. In fact, it could be kind of fun. That said, I think a feud between the ex-Nexus members (excluding Barrett) and the current Nexus would be more rewarding.

Right now CM Punk's Wrestlemania plans are wide open. There's a possibility that CM Punk will wrestle Orton, but I'd enjoy seeing CM Punk leading his Nexus cohorts into battle against the ex-Nexus members. Gabriel, Slater, Sheffield, and Young all have that face look and I don't doubt that everyone of them (except maybe Slater) could have decent WWE careers as faces. A battle between the current and former Nexus members at Mania would be a great way to kick their solo careers off, even if they lose the match.

And furthermore, it would be a good match and a decent draw. Everyone wants to see Nexus be beaten, and what better way to see them fall then as a result of their own mistakes? It would be a huge draw, and a good way to continue the Nexus angle and kick off the singles careers of the ex-Nexuses.

Additionally, I think Wade Barrett is ready for a single career without the aid of minions to back him up. Let him prove himself as a competitor, he's already proven himself as a leader and a heat magnet. Making Nexus Wolfpac would be interesting, but I just think there are better things the WWE can do with the ex-Nexus members.
I think it would work nicely, it would feel a lot more like an elite team like Team Angle or Edgeheads where it's a clear single top flight wrestler grouped with a tag team. What I would hope, however, is that they step away from Nexus and become their own group. The three of them wouldn't need to be under the Nexus name, especially when they have made a point of either being kicked out or leaving Nexus. You don't leave a group and then continue to fight for them!

Going with torturerack here. They seem to just leave Nexus and answered my question from a while ago. At the looks of it, Cena wants to rid Nexus from the WWE and we got the mascocist nexus now on Raw. Moving Barrett to smackdown was a good move to give them some talent and continue off the Taker/Burial storyline. With Slater and Gabriel walking off, it seems they may go to SD and form a new group. Also to the people who say that it's a bad idea to have Gabriel and Slater as Barrett's cronies, it's not. It puts them in the main event scene to push them with Barrett. All in all, it's a good move for the wwe.

Also with the Royal Rumble coming up, we could see a mini-feud on the side with Nexus and Barrett/Slater/Gabriel while dealing with Taker, Cena, and Big Show. (if they team up with him) fighting over the nexus name.
Its either gonna be a Wolfpac type thing or they beat down all the big guys (UT, Kane, Edge, Rey, Show, and anyone else) only for Punk to come out as the supreme Nexus leader with a Ministry of Darkness feel to it so Cena can be the knight in purple armor and save us all at WM.
What if the Smackdown group (Barrett, Gabriel, Slater) started using the name, claiming they're the real Nexus....and calls themselves Nu-Nexus Then the Raw group got tired of it and attacked them on Smackdown and ran into the stands. They'd be called Nexus Prime. Barrett's group takes the babyface role (after he faces Taker at Mania) and finally gets his revenge on Punk. John Cena reluctantly sides with Nu-Nexus and his old enemy Wade against Punk.
Ok you have like gave them new names and john cena is already into this.... are u crazy? lol but yes i would really actually like this. but it would be 4 on 3 though so who knows they will probley a handicap match or add someone to the group, while im thinking about it i could see john being on wades side like you said, i could totally see it because of punk and cena fued going on right now, probley will be a ppv match but wrestlemania in my mind is to long for a wait like that, so i could see taker vs. barrett at WM27
I was actually wondering earlier today what we would do now that Slater/Gabriel are no longer in Nexus (or at least refused to go through with the "initiation"). In my opinion, forming a splinter Nexus (a la Wolfpac) is just in poor taste and screams lazy booking. Wrestling angles repeat all the time, however, repeating such a major angle like the Wolfpac NWO just seems lazy. Many wrestling fans just demand more originality. If this does happen, I just hope this doesn't end the same way in the NWO/Wolfpac feud.

However, with WWE's fans being younger, this may be a new idea for the fans who are too young to remember WCW. This might expose them to a new idea, but quite frankly I'm not looking forward to a potential rehash of a previously used huge storyline from WWE's 90s competitor.
Many wrestling fans just demand more originality. If this does happen, I just hope this doesn't end the same way in the NWO/Wolfpac feud.

I don't know. I'd like it. Anyway, it's very unlikely if it does happen that we'll get another Wolfpac fiasco. The only way it could happen is if we get another fingerpoke, and in all honesty I can't see Barrett or Punk doing that.

In all honesty, if it does happen, we'll either see Barret win the thing and Otunga/Husky/Mcguillicutty(how the fuck do you spell his name anyway?) excommunicated, or Punk wins and we have the same Nexus as we do now. Except Otunga. I see him gone no matter what happens.
Another Nexus? I'm not for it or against it. The only downside is let's just not have another WCW/NWO redux. At first I was a bit hesitant to have Wade Barrett on his own, but this may be a good thing for him since he was the winner of NXT season 1, and that was a reason, he was proven, and picked by the superstars as the ONE who they deemed most capable to be a superstar in his own right. I would like to see him given that chance. I think the fact that people may be reading a bit TOO much into things right now. It almost seems like people see one thing happen and they immediately assume "Yes...that's what's going to happen." I don't understand why if Wade was the winner, he doesn't need a group anymore. I think that is what attacking Big Show could be. Who's to say that other people wouldn't want to assert their own dominance and go after the BIGGEST person on the roster? Why not have other people try to prove their own worth? I for one, am not going to jump the gun just yet. I would like to see Wade try and make something of himself. I think he can be a legitimate threat if handled the right way. I don't think he really needs anymore lackeys at this point. Let's give him a chance, I don't think it could hurt to have allies, but I don't think it should have to be a whole new branch of Nexus.
I suspect that the answer to this is yes, and no. Yes there will probably be a Barrett led Nexus faction. No, it won't be the same because the Barrett led Nexus and the Punk led Nexus will probably be at all out war with each other. It won't be the same storyline repeated on both shows, where Nexus attacks non-Nexus members, I think what you will see is them crossing over to attack the other Nexus. A potential Barrett Nexus and Punk's Nexus have absolutely no reason to want to coexist. If they form another Nexus group on Smackdown, I suspect that it will be to war with Raw's group, as a way to eventually lead to the dissolution of both.
What if the Smackdown group (Barrett, Gabriel, Slater) started using the name, claiming they're the real Nexus....and calls themselves Nu-Nexus Then the Raw group got tired of it and attacked them on Smackdown and ran into the stands. They'd be called Nexus Prime. Barrett's group takes the babyface role (after he faces Taker at Mania) and finally gets his revenge on Punk. John Cena reluctantly sides with Nu-Nexus and his old enemy Wade against Punk.

Ugh, I sure hope not. First of all, two different nexuses is a horrible idea and a way to make the whole story stale really fast. Second, if this were to happen, what would be the point of having them on two different shows? If we were to have 2 nexus groups battling it out it makes more sense to have them on the same show. Third, if we do have 2 nexus groups, they really have nothing better to do than attack each other? Wouldn't there be some other and better goals on their own show to strive for, instead of just wasting time and energy attacking a group from a different show?

I think a nexus group on smackdown is already a bad idea and one that WWE creative doesn't go for, for barrett and gabriel's sake as I mentioned in an earlier post, but one thing that would make it even worse would be to turn it into some crazy double nexus war.
I am unsure over the idea. I do think that Nexus Branch 2 will form on SD, but I cannot decide if this is a good thing or not.

I did enjoy the nWo/nWo Wolfpac storyline, and most of the WWE's target audience will not be familiar with it due to their age, so I could definitely see the WWE going down this route, as we havent had a re-hash of this before.

I would just worry that the same angle on both shows could become very stale, very quickly.
I (as a first time poster here) think that it is an interesting concept on paper, but than again it wouldn't work out to well on television. Both Nexus' would be on different shows. Whats the point of having this angle? Two Nexus', two brands, two leaders? Sure it would be able to culminate at Mania but honestly Punk & Barrett would gain nothing of it, they're being built up as the next top heels. A senseless feud with each other over no title, nor are they both VERY established in the WWE would be damaging to both of them, while Barrett is rumored to face Undertaker and Punk to face Randy Orton.
I wonder if it's a right call to have Slater and Gabriel jump to SmackDown! being that they're the only other "tag team" in the whole company and Kozlov and Santino are on RAW. I guess I see them working with Cena in the near future to have the underneath matches (vs. Harris & McGuilicutty, maybe) of the ever-continuing Cena vs. Nexus feud.

I'm kinda hoping that Barrett will take the opportunity of the separation and the new roster on SmackDown! to reinvent himself a bit. I was really digging Barrett's gimmick on NXT (a British prizefighter who pins a symbolic rose to his lapel). With the Nexus he just became British Batista and bored me to death. Now that's he on SmackDown! he almost has to do something different, because Drew McIntyre is already Scottish Batista and how many Batistas can ya really have? (If you're interested in making money, the answer to that question is "zero", btw.)

But, then again, Sheamus is Irish Batista and Barrett was already with him on RAW, so maybe the plan is just to make a Batista for every nationality. Personally, I'm looking forward to Japanese Batista, 'cause at least maybe that one will know how to wrestle.
Wouldnt Punk's Raw Nexus be the wolfpac? I mean no one on that side was in the original and was formed out of the original nexus. Barretts has members of the original and lead the original.
People keep referring to the Wolfpac as though it were some sort of disastrous moment in wrestling history. It wasn't, it was a great twist to the stale NWO storyline. The problem resulted when they refused to finish it, after they had already refused to finish the NWO vs. WCW storyline. When the whole thing finally came to a climax, it was the fingerpoke of doom that made bad memories. Thing were going well before then.
I had done a kind of thread on this a tad bit ago.

I am quite happy to see this happen. I like the fact that Punk has 4 members of neXus and Wade has 4 members of his yet to be named group. I also like the fact he has his own theme and tron as generic as it is right now. I am overjoyed and feel like this is great interpromotional matching for wrestlemania for a leader vs leader or faction vs faction match.

In 1999 there was a rights to the DX name match so perhaps there will be a sort of rehash of this slightly much better though. YAY WWE i like when you come through for me. Have a great one guys!
Also I'd have to disagree with people lambasting this idea. The thought of a neXus and a NEXUS running around would be interesting for a few months and then end it.

Remember there are a lot of youngsters who have never seen an nWo or nWo wolfpac nWo hollywood nWo 2000 nWo b squad etc etc. <---if they had that many neXus's or DX's yes itd be overkill but Vince McMahon is not THAT stupid.

I'm sure this is just a one shot 2-3 month thing if that. It's something that was teased towards the end of Evolution. In a way its kind of a dream come true for faction people.

I'm done now. Sorry for the drag on. Have a good one guys/ladies!
Dunno why my post got deleted again, but anyways...

I don't mind that Gabriel and Slater seem as if they have joined SD! with Wade. The only problem i see is that this takes one of the only viable tag teams away from the show that Santion and Kozlov are on. (Yes i know the title holders can go between shows.. Not that it matters much anymore, since you have superstars changing shows after leaving Nexus, R-Truth showing up on SD! and ADR going to Raw) This will also give Big Zeke something to do, and seeing him hopefully destroy the Big Show is something id like to watch.

I just hope this doesn't end up being a boring Punk Nexus vs Wade Nexus, and to be honest, apart from Punk, Wade's Nexus is much much stronger in regards to who he has with him anyways.

I guess another disappointing thing is that i thought the move to SD! was to further establish Wade as a singles wrestler, getting him out of the whole Nexus angle, but if this SD! was anything to go by, it doesn't seem as if this is the case.

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