The Blue Angel (Owen Hart) versus Barry Horowitz (Must Watch)


Championship Contender
Came across this, and had to share. The match is from a house show in 1988, and is right when Owen first joined the WWF, but before they debuted the Blue Blazer on TV. They were still working everything out with the character, hence the different name and completely different look.

- this match is from 1988, but easily could have fit right in with any WCW cruiserweight division match from the late 90's. A long time back on this forum, I mentioned how Owen was trailblazing as an aerial wrestler in the 80's, and most didn't believe me because that's not the guy they watched in the 90's. This is one of those matches that shows that. In 1988, the only other guy in North America that was doing moonsaults was Lanny Poffo, which was more of an actual backflip than anything else. Muta came in a year later and started blowing people away by doing it on a bigger stage. Owen was doing stuff like that in front of less people a year or two earlier

- it's nice to see how Barry Horowitz could actually go. He's forever known as one of the TV job guys, but the truth is, he was actually a talented wrestler who likely was just too easy going and agreeable of a person to have ever survived in a company like the WWF. Who knows. If early on, he had stood up for himself more and not allowed himself to be jobbed out every night, maybe he eventually turns into a solid mid-card act?

- Gotta love Gorilla and Superstar Graham on commentary here. It's refreshing to see the commentators actually just call the match, instead of talking about everything but. It's also great to see them explaining the holds, how they work, why that one didn't work, and to just treat what they're seeing in front of them as legitimate and something important.

- The quality isn't always the greatest, but this is almost 30 years old, and would have just been taped on someone's VHS. As well, this match was actually pretty popular on the old tape trading circuit, so who knows how many watches this particular recording had before being put online?

Anyways, enjoy. This is a great little gem that's just fun to watch.

Fun match, thanks for sharing.
I didn't realize people questioned Hart's aerial abilities. PWI used to talk him up and gush over his high-flying abilities regularly, even naming him their Rookie of the Year in either '87 or '88. I had read so much about him and recall being excited when hearing he was heading to the WWF.
Even though at that time, he's one of the 'smaller guys,' he's probably 220, 230 here. I'm still surprised every time i see him leap to the top rope without springboarding. I vaguely remember him being in WCW for a short period in 1990. I can only imagine the matches he'd be having with guys like Pillman, Armstrong, Bobby Eaton and others.
Really cool match, fun to revisit the golden age. Here are 2 really cool things I noticed in the video (besides the ahead of its time wrestling):

1. Gorilla Monsoon goes on about how this wrestler is wearing the mask because he wants to make a name for himself before revealing his identity. He later keeps saying how it's such an odd looking mask. The cool part is that if you look closely, it looks like they sowed in some thin version of Bret Hart's shades. Could just be me, but it seems like that would be a subtle hint that maybe they were thinking would make sense to use later in his big reveal. What do you think?

2. This next observation is more literal and I think most you will agree it's very cool. If you fast forward - yes I still use VCR terminology such as tape instead of record and fast forward instead of skip to- fast forward to 14:10 and see Owen go for a straight standing suplex, but hear Monsoon proclaim "SUPLEX CITY COMING UP!"

Side Note: Holy Shizzle that moonsault landed Owens knees directly into Horrowitz' chest and forearm. I had a flashback to Kurt Angles knees snapping Hardcore Holly's arm from a similarly landed moonsault. Angle almost did it again I believe.

Other Note: Here's a link to the same match, but the original version, definitely from someones VCR and not WWE 24/7. See the vs screen before going to commercial.
Remember seeing some Owen matches in Japan a few years ago which were incredible I can't remember who he was against now but think he could possibly be in the top 5 cruiserweight style wrestlers of all time, Of all the years I have been on internet websites I have never heard anyone question Owens wrestling ability as to what you said earlier.
Came across this, and had to share. The match is from a house show in 1988, and is right when Owen first joined the WWF, but before they debuted the Blue Blazer on TV. They were still working everything out with the character, hence the different name and completely different look.

- this match is from 1988, but easily could have fit right in with any WCW cruiserweight division match from the late 90's. A long time back on this forum, I mentioned how Owen was trailblazing as an aerial wrestler in the 80's, and most didn't believe me because that's not the guy they watched in the 90's. This is one of those matches that shows that. In 1988, the only other guy in North America that was doing moonsaults was Lanny Poffo, which was more of an actual backflip than anything else. Muta came in a year later and started blowing people away by doing it on a bigger stage. Owen was doing stuff like that in front of less people a year or two earlier

- it's nice to see how Barry Horowitz could actually go. He's forever known as one of the TV job guys, but the truth is, he was actually a talented wrestler who likely was just too easy going and agreeable of a person to have ever survived in a company like the WWF. Who knows. If early on, he had stood up for himself more and not allowed himself to be jobbed out every night, maybe he eventually turns into a solid mid-card act?

- Gotta love Gorilla and Superstar Graham on commentary here. It's refreshing to see the commentators actually just call the match, instead of talking about everything but. It's also great to see them explaining the holds, how they work, why that one didn't work, and to just treat what they're seeing in front of them as legitimate and something important.

- The quality isn't always the greatest, but this is almost 30 years old, and would have just been taped on someone's VHS. As well, this match was actually pretty popular on the old tape trading circuit, so who knows how many watches this particular recording had before being put online?

Anyways, enjoy. This is a great little gem that's just fun to watch.

My friend has a tape of Owen from Japan & his time in NWA/WCW. Definitely ahead of his time.

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