The Bipolar-Saurus

Rabbid Wolverine

Pre-Show Stalwart
What do you guys think of this, since Brodus Clay is basically doing nothing, turn him heel. The way I would do it is keep him off of tv for a little bit and week after week wrestlers are getting attacked in the back but no one knows who is doing it. Then one week Brodus comes out for a match but with no Funkasaurus gimmick, more looking like a big bully everyone expected when we were waiting for his initial debut. From there Michael Cole can make the guess that it has been Brodus attacking wrestlers. Then the next week one of the backstage reporters goes to interview him about the attacks but he's back to the funkasaurus gimmick. From there go back and forth for a couple weeks between the "good" and "bad" brodus clay. Eventually have him make a permanent heel turn at the right situation (not involving John Cena preferrably).

I figure with the emergence of a big guy like Ryback, maybe its time to get some more of the bigger guys involved. Funkasaurus is stale and def needs something better to do.

What do you guys think?
It's definitely.... different.... but with all this anti-bullying crap and B A Star... how they gonna pull it off :)

People need to stop with this shit, how did they pull off Del Rio beating down Orton and Ryder? How did they pull off the implied sex between AJ and Daniel Bryan? Just because WWE does good for the community dosen't mean there aren't heels anymore. That was a pretty ridiculous thing to say.

I kinda like the idea of him pretending to be the Funkasaurus while attacking guys backstage. It could definitely be interesting. Clay needs to do something, anything. I was real high on his gimmick when he debuted, but it's done now. I would like him and Mark Henry to team together both using the Hall Of Pain gimmick.
That sounds like an interesting idea. I'm on board with it. I really don't see why it's so hard for "creative" to find something for Brodus to do. They had what looked to be a program with Big Show, but of course, Show slaughtered Clay and Clay barely attempted to get revenge!:wtf: It's been downhill for him ever since. I don't mind the "Funkasaurus" gimmick. He could easily be a midcard title holder. Hell, if it was 2000, it's almost a given he would've been IC champion. Sadly, it looks like "creative" has given up on him. Hopefully, he'll rebound down the line.
People need to stop with this shit, how did they pull off Del Rio beating down Orton and Ryder? How did they pull off the implied sex between AJ and Daniel Bryan? Just because WWE does good for the community dosen't mean there aren't heels anymore. That was a pretty ridiculous thing to say.

I kinda like the idea of him pretending to be the Funkasaurus while attacking guys backstage. It could definitely be interesting. Clay needs to do something, anything. I was real high on his gimmick when he debuted, but it's done now. I would like him and Mark Henry to team together both using the Hall Of Pain gimmick.

Acctually, I like this idea for Brodus. I like Clay when he first debuted, and the next couple weeks after that... but they have not done ANYTHING with him. They pushed the gimmick to far, and not the wrestler. After Big Show ended Brodus' winning/undefeated streak, Brodus has not done anything.

Mark Henry would be good for Brodus, I think, because Henry is a big guy, with YEARS of experience that can do nothing but good for Brodus, and it can only help him. I doubt Henry will get pushed back into the main-event scene when he comes back, but I could definately see Clay turning heel and working with Henry in a "Team Pain" tag team.
Actually when I saw your thread title it gave me an idea for a "Bipolar-Saurus" character like the one you are describing.

When Brodus is dancing with a guy like Santino, just have him suddenly snap and beat the hell out of him. Even as far as saying "my bad" each time. Gradually have him become a menacing character, sort of like how Rhyno was. Hell, give him the gore as his finisher it beats the lame "I'mma gonna squasshh yooouu" splash he uses now.
I think this would be cool. If even be willing to posh it a little further before the heel turn & work a full-on "split personality." Do things like, in the middle of a promo, switch from the Funkasaurus to the heel, beat the tar out of whoever's nearby, then not remember it when asked about it. Have it so no one knows which personality they're talking to. Then, when the time is right, some "traumatic" event breaks him, giving a full heel turn.

Or maybe I'm the one with the issues. But I like it!
I can definitely see a heel turn in Clay's future, I mean the guy lost clean to the 1MB! I like this idea a lot, people getting attacked backstage while Brodus just goes on with the Funkasaurus gimmick, then gradually becoming heel, then back to Funkasaurus, then finally snaps for good. It would definitely be interesting, and I think it could work well.
I think having him cause havoc in the backstage area would quite possibly work.

I think it would be solid to start a feud with Ryback. It is CLEAR that Ryback is going to be taken out before the main event of Hell in a Cell because the WWE does not want to put the title on him and has nothing to gain by having him lose. Funkasarus being revealed as the culprit would work for sure.

Of course, then he is jobbing to Ryback ... so I don't know how much that helps him.

Would at least spice him up though.
i like the idea of the bipolar gimmick but i like the idea more of having him off tv and superstars claim to be attacked and then during an 8 man tag, brodus comes out and takes them all out, thus turning heel.

but i don't care what happens to brodus at this point in time, i like him in his current gimmick but he needs a feud + naomi needs to wrestle quickly, her in-ring talents are being wasted.
As long as I don't have to watch him dance in the ring with little kids, then yea this sounds much better than his current gimmick. I feel he's being wasted and should be used as a dominant/intimidating heel. When Mark Henry eventually retires I think Brodus will be the next the big fat guy to come across as a monster. I miss the days of big men being used as dominant wrestlers, it's more realistic having a huge man beating the crap of a 220 pound guy and lets face it, in real life he would could probably beat the shit out of most of the current roster. They need to drop the dancing jobber act quickly because I cant see where they build on his character from here.
I think it would be a very interesting idea to have him going back and forth between good and evil counterparts of his persona. Even if it led to a full heel turn, I would still hope that he keeps the Funkasaurus part of his character. The main problem is that he had a traditional heel turn, what could he do that would set him apart from the rest of the roster? The thread starter might think that the Funkasaurus has gotten stale, but making him into generic monster heel #76,401 would be a huge mistake. Those types of characters are boring as hell. No matter how stale his act might be getting, it's still something different and it's fun for the fans.

Now with that being said.... A bipolar-saurus type character as the thread title hints at could be something worth trying. It gives him something else to do and he could shift between the good and evil sides of his character to put over the bipolar aspect of it. Keep him toward the middle of the face/heel spectrum first switching back and forth a lot initially so that he can still keep the Funkasaurus act going but also get to do something different by attacking faces when he is being a heel. The announcers could talk about how confusing it is to know where his intentions truly are. I'd support an idea such as this and it does leave the door open for a full heel turn even though I'm against them going that route. If he did turn fully heel then once he's been fed to a top face he risks getting lost in the shuffle. At least now he has something unique going for him and I'd hate for him to lose that.
I think either way heel or face he could get over. I do think however he should get a new gimmick or at least make the one he has more devastating. If Kane can be the devils favorite demon and be a face why can’t Clay be someone that is face and interacts with the kids but when the bell rings is a complete beast? I always said he needed a new finisher. The Splash is way overrated and looks like crap no matter who does it. It’s just lazy. I did like flying cross body he use to do. But I think he could pull off the earthquake move really well. Maybe instead of jumped around the opponent he dances over them and then runs the ropes and performs the seated splash. Also a power move wouldn’t hurt as another finisher.
I think he's doing just fine as he is. He's comedy relief. You need people like him and Santino to help frame the intense moments during the show. Besides the whole hairy scary monster routine only works as long as the guy keeps winning. At least with this gimmick he can lose and it won't ruin him. You want your big dirty, nasty, stinky, giant go root for Big Show or somethin'
I think it would be a very interesting idea to have him going back and forth between good and evil counterparts of his persona. Even if it led to a full heel turn, I would still hope that he keeps the Funkasaurus part of his character. The main problem is that he had a traditional heel turn, what could he do that would set him apart from the rest of the roster? The thread starter might think that the Funkasaurus has gotten stale, but making him into generic monster heel #76,401 would be a huge mistake. Those types of characters are boring as hell. No matter how stale his act might be getting, it's still something different and it's fun for the fans.

Now with that being said.... A bipolar-saurus type character as the thread title hints at could be something worth trying. It gives him something else to do and he could shift between the good and evil sides of his character to put over the bipolar aspect of it. Keep him toward the middle of the face/heel spectrum first switching back and forth a lot initially so that he can still keep the Funkasaurus act going but also get to do something different by attacking faces when he is being a heel. The announcers could talk about how confusing it is to know where his intentions truly are. I'd support an idea such as this and it does leave the door open for a full heel turn even though I'm against them going that route. If he did turn fully heel then once he's been fed to a top face he risks getting lost in the shuffle. At least now he has something unique going for him and I'd hate for him to lose that.

Theres nothing that would def set him apart from a generic monster but i'm sure everyone would agree that when Brodus first came out, fans were interested in him, waiting to see what he could do and who he would become (before funkasuarus). I never disliked the funkasaurus but it's a snore now. I feel he deserves the opportunity to do better for himself and help the company. It's up to Brodus to set himself apart from the Generic Monster but I do feel he needs the chance. All the young heels are the same cocky, arrogant type of guys, there needs to be difference or I might as well just watch whoever comes on first and then change the channel. As for losing to a face and getting lost in the shuffle, that can happen to anyone in their business, I blame that soley on WWE. They hire writers, the writers are supposed to keep wrestlers fresh.

Maybe it's more stale to me because I've seen Rikishi already dance around in the ring.... and the big fat oily guy.

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