The Biggest Match In TNA Impact History?

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
I wonder if anyone has checked out the TNA home page lately. They're advertising a 10 man tag match for this thursday's Impact. It's going to be the MEM VS Samoa Joe, Mick Foley, AJ Styles, Daniels, and Jeff Jarrett. But that's not all, If you click on the link advertising the match on the home page, it will take you to another page, where they go on to describe this match as "perhaps the biggest match in TNA Impact history". Is it just me or does TNA go way over the top trying to promote sometimes? Before Lockdown, Mick Foely was doing one of many promos with Sting, and he said people were looking forward to Lockdown more than the other show in April. Now Wrestlemania 25 wasn't the greatest ppv in the world, but there's no way in hell Lockdown was going to get more atteintion than Wrestlemania. Does this ten man tag have the potential to be the biggest match in TNA Impact History?
Has the potential to be, but is most likely just hype so people will tune in, which is only smart of them to do so.
Well, they're hardly going to say - 'Well this will be a pretty good match but because it's on TV it won't go over 12 minutes maximum and we'll save the really great match until we do it on PPV so in truth there is very little reason to tune in'. I don't think that would sell very well.

Plus looking at the star power in the match I think it's not much of a stretch to call it the 'Biggest Match in iMPACT! history'.
They do tend to over sell things but that's business; to hype up the match. I don't really think it will be the biggest match in TNA history, it'll probably be a big cluster fuck of a match ending in a no contest. And what's happening with Sting after he helped Foley out, is he fighting with the MEM?
Biggest in terms of star power in crowding in and around that tiny ass ring? Yeah I guess so.

But biggest in terms of importance... nowhere even near close. All this match is going to be is a giant clusterf*ck of people bumble-f*cking around and trying to make it look halfway legit. No part of this match will be entertaining other than for it to cause hype and hopefully build up to something.
Yeah, I think this going to be one giant clusterfuck. Samoa Joe is proably going to go nuts, and start attacking everyone. And Sting is proably going to be reluctant to work with MEM. Maybe this match will bring us closer to seeing if Sting is going to leave the MEM?
it has the potentiol but I think its gonna be a lackluster TNA just crosses the line WAYY TO MUCH! (no pun intended)
Its has to be Ryino, Cage and Angle in a triple threat for the TNA world championship. The first and only match on that TNA impact. a one hour match with these guys giveing it all they have. plus it involved most of the roster interfearing. I remenber 5 germen suplxes on Cage, that was great. in terms of importence, maybe at the time, not now. It still holds the record of longest TNA match in its history, so it dose have it's place in the history books.
what about the king of the mountain match that Raven won :raven:
am i correct to say this one was one of the more important?
that match got me hooked up on Tna shit
what about the king of the mountain match that Raven won :raven:
am i correct to say this one was one of the more important?
that match got me hooked up on Tna shit

That wasn't on Impact, was it?

Of course TNA over-exaggerates and oversells their product, thats part of what you have to do to try to sell your product and get people interested. When Foley compared he and Sting to WrestleMania it was laughable. But whats the alternative?
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