The Biggest Marks pt. 2 (Punk vs Rock)

Who has the biggest marks?

  • CM Punk

  • The Rock

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#Evil Empire
NOTE: If you think this thread is a gimmick and you're too serious to disconnect for a few ticks and have a little fun and talk about your fellow wrestling marks, well exit now.

CM Punk Marks vs The Rock Marks which side has the biggest marks.

For me it's hard to choose The Rock because his fans they only show up when he does which isn't very often to spout whatever trending on twitter catchphrase Dwayne said to an annoying level.

That leaves me with no other choice to pick CM Punk fans as the biggest marks. Sometimes I feel that they (marks) feel that Punk can say or do no wrong like some of the events the past couple of weeks. He says Jon Jones doesn't desereve an endorsement because he was arrested for DUI then ESPN's Colin Cowherd (who sometimes can be a real dick) calls Punk out, I tweeted Colin and told him that he does not know what he's just done and minutes later his reply feed is swarmed with Punk fans bashing him. Kurt Angle responds to Punk comparing TNA to an Indy fed, minutes later same thing, bringing up his drinking, Karen and Jeff etc. Now earlier this week PWI named Punk their wrestler of the year, this is when the marks really show their asses off.

"He's the best in the world" "The voice of the voiceless" "Show him repect WWE"

When you start reciting the catchphrases of a wrestler over and over again either on social media or a wrestling comment or forum section, you have completely gone off the deep end. And these are mostly adults doing this which makes it sad and pathetic. Ever since last years scripted pipe bomb all you can ever read or hear was "best in the world" "I'm the voice of the voiceless on WZ" that last one I shit you not.

If your a rational person and you comment about Punk in the slightest negative manner you might be bombarded with "You must be a Cena fan, how old are you 13" or "You know nothing about wrestling I'm a real fan" this one here is my favorite "You must be a fan of entertainment". This to me is where Punk marks or whoever is the internet darling seperates themselves from the rest of the pack. If I pay money to see a wrestling show no matter where it is I want to be entertained I want my monies worth because at the end of the day it's all entertainment, If you can't entertain you need a new job.

Punk fans are like a cult who goes on everything their leader says, the little bit about Cena learning a new move "Ha see he said what we say he reads the dirt sheets too" little things like that make me laugh at their stupidity because they will go all out and forget that he's playing a character. Remember The Rise And Fall Of ECW and other ECW docs when guys like Tommy Dreamer said Heyman could speak and have the crowd in the palm of his hands and follow his every word,that's CM Punk and his marks are some of the biggest marks around.

*I'm pretty much sure now after doing this the Punk marks are going to come after me*
1) I don't think this thread is a gimmick.

2) What are you asking?

C) Closed. It's a rant on CM Punk. If you wanna make threads like this, detail the question you are making. Because for the life of me, I can't find it in that rant. And "who has the biggest marks?" isn't particularly specific.
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