The Biggest Loser


Excellence of Execution
And no, I'm not referring to some shitty television show.

Who is the biggest loser on WZ? Or, more specifically, who here needs to get a life, aside from WZ?

My vote goes to Xfearbefore. Since being made a mod, he spends something like 26 hours a day on WZ. Seriously Xfear, get a life.

Who are your biggest losers?
I find X to be one of multiple excursions. He has a life... He just a shit load of passion for the site, too.

As for who needs a life? Well, there has to be a sense of pathetic ness to that person's spending time on the forums. And I really can't consider anyone that's any good as pathetic. So... I don't know... JuviJuiceIsLoose?
And no, I'm not referring to some shitty television show.

Who is the biggest loser on WZ? Or, more specifically, who here needs to get a life, aside from WZ?

My vote goes to Xfearbefore. Since being made a mod, he spends something like 26 hours a day on WZ. Seriously Xfear, get a life.

Who are your biggest losers?

I'd stand by that assessment. This has been a summer of nothing thus far for me. I rarely go out anymore. Probably has something to do with me having stopped taking Prozac after like 8 years on it. Also might have to do with the majority of my friends now living out of state.

Graduating college sucks. I have like 2 friends left that I spend time with on a semi-regular basis anymore.

But yeah, I've been a ****e on here for like a month now. Laptop, alcohol, bud, and absolutely nothing to do will do that to you.

You're one to talk though; you're on almost as much as me.

Honorable mention goes to KB. He's honestly probably on just as much as I am.
Aside from the 5-8 hours i spend at work im on here the rest of the day and on my days of im on all day and im not even a mod so i dont have to check up on things or anything i just do because sadly i like my e friends from wz more than my real friends in the real world lol. ive known some of the posters on here for over a year now. Will,NorCal,TM,Becca,Sly,48.7,Murfsh,and Monkey just to name a few. I have more enjoyable convos on WZ than in reality and i dont take that for granted. Maybe im the biggest loser on WZ for not having a real life. Working on getting a gf though. But i'll still be on here just as
I'm a huge loser. Since it's been summer and now Jess being ill, all I've done is wake up, get on WZ, eat something, get back on WZ, get a shower, get back on WZ, go to sleep. With the occassional few hours out. Like I had to see Harry Potter.

KB spends way too much time on here too. As well as Xfear.
I am shocked / impressed that I've not been mentioned in this thread. So let's look at what qualifies me for biggest loser on WZ.

1. I sign on from my Blackberry. Like, every weekend when I am out. I even shortened my name because it's hard to type "IrishCanadian25" on a Blackberry when drunk, and even harder to type "IrishCanadian Magidrakee" drunk OR sober.

2. I organize summits. Two with NorCal in the books, and a 5-member meeting of the minds this Saturday.

3. Threads started. Few have started more non-spam threads than I have, and if you know how long my intros can be...

4. Vader Time. The hours of research I've poured into the man. The videos I have watched. All worth it, mind you, but take into account I am on most when I am at work, and I cannot view videos at work. So I've had to schedule "posting time" at work and "research time" at home.

5. I once turned down sex to be on WZ. It was during the music tournament. First night the match-ups went up. I compromised by pouring Becky and drink and inviting her to "help me." She fell asleep within 20 minutes. I posted the matches and then watched some porn.

6. As admin, I've supervised the staff like your typical anal HR manager. Seriously, just ask them.
battlez is because he thinks business is spelled Buisiness
5. I once turned down sex to be on WZ. It was during the music tournament. First night the match-ups went up. I compromised by pouring Becky and drink and inviting her to "help me." She fell asleep within 20 minutes. I posted the matches and then watched some porn.

Dude, are you serious?? Wow... I'm officially embarrassed to be your friend.

<insert slick comeback here>
Dude, are you serious?? Wow... I'm officially embarrassed to be your friend.

<insert slick comeback here>

The major difference between you and I? At this point in your life, you have no idea if the next time you have sex will be your last. Hell, you don't even know if you'll ever lay your quivering body next to the female form again. I am pretty confident that if I skip a round, another will be here soon. That, in actuality, makes me awesome.
Average IC. A better option would have been if the last time he had sex was his last. Because implying there would be a next time gives him hope...
The major difference between you and I? At this point in your life, you have no idea if the next time you have sex will be your last. Hell, you don't even know if you'll ever lay your quivering body next to the female form again. I am pretty confident that if I skip a round, another will be here soon. That, in actuality, makes me awesome.

It's only acceptable to turn down sex if it's with family.
Average IC. A better option would have been if the last time he had sex was his last. Because implying there would be a next time gives him hope...

You haven't seen some of the drunken trash in the bars we go to. He's got an outside shot. There are some girls at these bars even NORCAL wouldn't fuck...
The major difference between you and I? At this point in your life, you have no idea if the next time you have sex will be your last. Hell, you don't even know if you'll ever lay your quivering body next to the female form again. I am pretty confident that if I skip a round, another will be here soon. That, in actuality, makes me awesome.

Ah, yes. Another bold statement about my so-called non-existant sex life. I think this joke has been cracked more times than posts you've made on this website. If it were true, I'd be offended. But I don't need to flaunt my happily fulfilled sex life on this site. I'd rather impress the readers with posts on wrestling. But, keep on poking fun (and passing up sex with your fiance' in order to post in the music section) because, clearly, I'm the loser, right? :ass:
Ah, yes. Another bold statement about my so-called non-existant sex life. I think this joke has been cracked more times than posts you've made on this website. If it were true, I'd be offended. But I don't need to flaunt my happily fulfilled sex life on this site. I'd rather impress the readers with posts on wrestling. But, keep on poking fun (and passing up sex with your fiance' in order to post in the music section) because, clearly, I'm the loser, right? :ass:

Come to think of it, you have been seeing a lot of Jay lately, have you not?

It ALLLLL makes sense now...
The major difference between you and I? At this point in your life, you have no idea if the next time you have sex will be your last. Hell, you don't even know if you'll ever lay your quivering body next to the female form again. I am pretty confident that if I skip a round, another will be here soon. That, in actuality, makes me awesome.
Wait, I thought you were the one who was getting married....?
Come to think of it, you have been seeing a lot of Jay lately, have you not?

It ALLLLL makes sense now...

Once again, I feel no need to brag about my recent sexual encounters that IC25 knows nothing about for two reasons...

#1 - No one would believe me. I mean, I wouldn't believe any of you, either.

#2 - Naturally, IC wouldn't know about my encounters due to the fact that while they're going on, he's at home yanking his crank to an excel spreadsheet that he created with Vader's accomplishments over the past 20 years.

That reminds me, how's that ointment working for you?
Once again, I feel no need to brag about my recent sexual encounters that IC25 knows nothing about for two reasons...

#1 - No one would believe me. I mean, I wouldn't believe any of you, either.

#2 - Naturally, IC wouldn't know about my encounters due to the fact that while they're going on, he's at home yanking his crank to an excel spreadsheet that he created with Vader's accomplishments over the past 20 years.

That reminds me, how's that ointment working for you?

It's taken months, but FINALLY D-Man comes up with a decent insult. This was actually quite funny.

Sly's was funnier (about getting married and not every having sex again), but you're still a rookie, D-Man, so I'll give you a point here.

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