The Big Show Off!


Pre-Show Stalwart
The big show and dolph ziggler has became the guys who hhh hates, and he puts them in matches with the shield, should ziggler and show become a tag team the big show off. it would be a smash hit, both are very over, and its actually a good fit. ziggler has the charisma and show has the experience whats your opinions on this?
I don't like this idea very much. They teased Henry and Big Show more than once teaming up and I'd prefer if they stuck with that. Sure storyline wise it could work but I'm just not a fan of it. I don't see how they would have good chemistry and I'd speculate that Ziggler wouldn't be a good tag team superstar. Ziggler should remain chasing singles titles and matches whilst the world's strongest show goes for the tag titles.
I think putting Ziggler with Big Show is reminiscent of teaming up Daniel Bryan with Kane. It would help put Ziggler over on a much grander scale. Both guys also compliment each other better than Big Show and Henry.
No, this doesn't make good sense to me. Because Dolph has to get over on his own now, he's done the tag team, he's done the valet. He's done the manager. He has everything he needs, the experience to get himself over now.

That doesn't mean he can't interact with other faces like Bryan or show, but he needs to do it alone. Putting him in a tag team with show is a step back.
Ehhhh.. I wouldn't like it. I honestly think Big Show should be in a tag team, I don't like Henry or Ziggler as his partner. I loved Big Show when he was with Jericho, Miz, Kane… If anything, I'd love to see The Wyatt Family start targeting Big Show and have Kane come back to aid him. I loved them as a tag team. As for Ziggler, putting him in a tag team with Big Show wouldn't hurt him, it would probably help him get out of this hole he's in. But I'd rather see Ziggler desperate from The Shield, Triple H, Orton, all them, and target the World Heavyweight Championship again. Even though it doesn't mean much, it's a positive for Ziggler.
I don't see it happening. If anything, I expect Ziggler to go after the US title. As for Big Show, I ultimately see him still tagging with Mark Henry or reforming Show-Miz with The Miz in order to go after the tag titles. The only reason I'm including The Miz in anything, at this point, is because he was one of the three stars that Renee Young tried to get comments from just before Daniel Bryan's gauntlet match against The Shield this past Monday.

Show, Henry & Miz have all been taken out by The Shield at various points, sometimes on multiple occasions, during beatdowns. Mark Henry's beatdown came not all that long ago while Miz was fairly early on this year if I'm not mistaken. Ziggler only really felt the wrath of The Shield when he was placed in a handicap match against them a few weeks back. All in all, Ziggler doesn't strike me as having as much of a stake in going after the tag titles as Henry & Show, or possibly Miz. When you've got someone calling himself "The Show Off", it's generally more suitable for him to be a singles wrestler as he doesn't come off as someone that's willing to put aside his ego for the good of a team.
Putting Ziggler with Show would be bad for both stars. But then again, who knows? I personally hated Jeri-Show and Show-Miz when they started out but grew to be a fan of them. I'm a huge fan of different styles forming a team. I always enjoyed how with Cryme Tyme JTG was the small athletic one who would finish them off and Shad was the powerhouse who would dominate them. It could be said for others but that was the first team that came to mind. Personally they should stick with the Show/Henry paring and have Ziggler team with them when it's 3-on-3 with the Shield. I still don't understand why Henry hasn't been involved with this whole Corporate abuse of power storyline...
No, this doesn't make good sense to me. Because Dolph has to get over on his own now, he's done the tag team, he's done the valet. He's done the manager. He has everything he needs, the experience to get himself over now.

That doesn't mean he can't interact with other faces like Bryan or show, but he needs to do it alone. Putting him in a tag team with show is a step back.

The only thing he's missing now is talent and believability as a champion level wrestler. His only talent is that he sells well, his own ring work outside of that is mediocre and bland, much like his personality and look.
The closest association between Ziggler & Big Show that should ever happen is a Union stable/alliance, with Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Mark Henry, and The Miz.
I think Big Show and Mark Henry would be a good team. You don't see tag teams of 2 big guys anymore. I always thought of a stable where the biggest guys in the WWE would form together. Big Show,Mark Henry,Big Zeke,Big E,Kane,and Ryback.Just run rough shot thru everyone.They could a ultimate heel faction.Then a group of faces can say"It aint the size of the dog in the fight,its the size of the fight in the dog" or whatever.size doent matter over heart,that kinda thing.
The idea's good, but it's best to have a unit formed with Miz, Ziggler, Show, and Henry.

And a random observation here... does anyone see the common ground with these guys? They've all managed to draw heat in some sort of fashion. Ziggler for being too outspoken, Miz for being accident prone and proving to be a house of cards promo wise, Show because he's taken time off and has NEVER gotten along with HHH, and Henry because he's never won the 'big one'.

They all have a legitimate gripe with the Powers That Be and I'm sure others like Zack Ryder and maybe even Drew McIntyre could join the fray against the rest of the WWE. It's a great angle that can potentially lead to some interesting stories heading down the line.
Am I the only one that assumes we are being Show-trolled again and this is just leading to Gena/Lauranitis all over again? Why is Show acting so offput about Daniel Bryan? Wasn't Show a hard ass no friends type of guy for a year or so? Doesn't Orton need to hold the belt longer for this story to work? Doesn't Show ruining the main event at NoC keep Orton and Bryan looking strong so they can milk this for as long as possible? Doesn't that give Ziggler and maybe even Bryan someone else to feud with that can take loses without much loss as opposed to having to put Ziggler and/or Bryan over Ambrose or Reigns?

The Big Show Off would be fine though. Nothing to get too excited about but it would fit the story and kill some time. Doesn't get me emotionally vested but not everything can be Bryan/Corp and Punk/Heyman.
The "Big Show Off." I do like the name; it sounds like the Before & After category on "Wheel of Fortune."

Obviously, some time off for Big Show seemed to quell the raging anger he possessed in his last incarnation. Man, was he pissed off! Now, he's a happy giant again, although the treatment he received at the hands of Triple H last night appeared to dim some of that good humor.

Meanwhile, Dolph remains an enigma. We can't figure whether he's about to ascend to a world title and keep it, or whether he'd benefit by having a partner at this advanced juncture of his career.

Would it be good to put them together? It might. They sure present a contrast in styles, although it could be argued that anyone in the ring with Show does that.

Gut feeling is that they don't need each other. Big Show, especially, is a solo act whose body takes up the room in a ring of two wrestlers, anyway. If the writers have a specific program in mind, it could be interesting.

At the same time, while Show can seemingly adapt to anything and anyone, I can't help thinking that having to pair Dolph with a partner suggests another slowdown of his push to main event status. Every time the company seems to indicate Dolph is ready to be one of the guys who will take us into the next decade, he stalls.

Dolph just got through with his last "big guy" partner: Big E Langston. If they're giving him another one this soon after, it's not a good sign for his singles career.
Am I the only one that assumes we are being Show-trolled again and this is just leading to Gena/Lauranitis all over again? Why is Show acting so offput about Daniel Bryan? Wasn't Show a hard ass no friends type of guy for a year or so? Doesn't Orton need to hold the belt longer for this story to work? Doesn't Show ruining the main event at NoC keep Orton and Bryan looking strong so they can milk this for as long as possible? Doesn't that give Ziggler and maybe even Bryan someone else to feud with that can take loses without much loss as opposed to having to put Ziggler and/or Bryan over Ambrose or Reigns?

The Big Show Off would be fine though. Nothing to get too excited about but it would fit the story and kill some time. Doesn't get me emotionally vested but not everything can be Bryan/Corp and Punk/Heyman.

This is exactly what I think is going on, the Big Show stuff is just to on the nose, I expect him to finally "Snap" at NOC but just as it looks like he's gonna chin Triple H he'll turn and KO Bryan.

For the actual PPV though I'd prefer Show & Ziggler vs Rollins & Reigns than the Show & Henry duo, and in truth Henry hasn't really been involved in this angle since it started.
No way. Ziggler needs to take the WHC off of Del Rio have a solid reign with it before Sandow cashes in. With Sheamus injured, Orton WWE CHAMP, and RVD only part-time Ziggler needs to be chasing the WHC and take it from ADR. The fans need a Face champ and Ziggler needs a solid reign w/the WHC before moving towards chasing the WWE title within the next year.
They will team together but shouldn't become a tag-team. I'm fine with these two facing The Shield in a tag-team with a third joining their team (The Miz). If they become an actual tag-team and begin a feud for the tag-titles then I think it is a waste of Ziggler. It would make more sense if he was challenging for the US championship (or indeed the WHC) with Big Show teaming with either Mark Henry or The Miz. He has history with The Miz so that could be a good option.

Personally, I think "firing" The Big Show could be a decent move and letting Ziggler pursue a feud with either Dean Ambrose or Triple H himself.

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