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The Big Show/Mark Henry Team: Why are they getting such a big push?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Big Show and Mark Henry have recently become a tag team and in a way, it makes sense. Both are bigger names within the industry and pitting them together can hopefully draw interest in the division.

In a way, it's working out well because both have been putting more effort into the quality of their matches than I've seen in a long time. Show's sunset flip was awesome. But the booking surrounding them is...strange. I don't mind them beating up on the Wyatts a few times, but it seems like they're ALWAYS coming out on top against Luke and Rowan. This is odd for a few reasons.

- Show and Henry are likely near the tail end of their careers, while Rowan and Luke will likely be around for quite some time. Isn't the old guard supposed to put the younger talent over?

- The Wyatts were fresh off of some awesome matches with the Uso's and seemed to be a hot commodity.

- This is probably the biggest reason, but Mark is also in a feud with Rusev. So the booking has Mark in two entirely separate feuds, one as a singles competitor and the other as a tag team competitor. Also, I could be wrong about this, but Mark's backstage interaction with the Big Show suggested a potential betrayal. Show's displeasure in regards to Mark's solo feud seemed suspicious, although once again, maybe I'm wrong.

I would've presumed that ShowHenry would fight the Wyatt's at Night of Champions, where the Wyatts would win...but if Mark is going to fight Rusev at that PPV, then that's likely not going to happen.

Part of me wonders whether Bray's unfortunate recent losing streak is effecting the other Wyatts as well. Maybe Creative Team doesn't want Rowan and Luke to score victories while the breakout member of the group loses? That's the only thing I can guess right now.

But as much as I like the Big Show and (to a lesser extent) Mark Henry, I'm bothered that they seem to be getting more screentime than the actual champions and number one contenders. Nor do I think it's wise to make them dominate one of the greatest tag teams today so often. But...why? Not long ago, Mark Henry was being squashed by Roman Reigns and I dont remember the last time Show won a meaningful feud. Does anyone else have any good ideas as to what WWE is thinking? What is your opinion on the team and do you think it will have any longevity?
I've no idea what the WWE was planning, but I've no problem with the booking thus far. As far as Bray Wyatt goes, you can't be serious about his losing streak. If there's another tag-team who is overshadowing the Usos, it means it's high time for the title to change hand.
I would guess WWE likes to use performers with big reps and colorful histories.....and Vince McMahon likes big bodies.

The company gets both by using these guys, and when functioning as a team, the wear & tear each man must suffer is cut in half. Both Henry and Show are long-time, loyal employees who looked as if the end of their careers was at hand .....and perhaps this is still so. If so, WWE might be rewarding both with one more run.

Of course, Mark's feud with Rusev seems to fly in the face of this logic since he'd have to work alone, meaning he'll work harder. Yet, I tend to doubt the interaction with Rusev will last long. We wondered who would be the next step in the apparently upward-mobile career of Rusev.....and Mark Henry hardly seems an upward move from Jack Swagger, does it?

So we have Mark Henry and Big Show at center stage. Yes, it's true that the old guard often sacrifices for the new guys, but there's nothing wrong with giving the veterans one more day in the sun before they either retire or start serving in an even more limited capacity.
I always wondered why big guys weren't given the respect that their size mandates. I mean if you had to pick a wrestler that you'd never want to get in a real life fight with, these two would be very close to top of that list.

Everyone talks about how much Vince likes the big guys, but he never lets them reign for very long. Show, Henry, Taker, and Kane. All big guys, all champs, but never for long.

This is just the usual parade of big guys. It seems as if WWE believes that people want to see big guys, just to see a Big guy. Not their mic and wrestling skills, just their huge bodies. I doubt the tag team lasts very long, not even getting a tag title shot, despite being a forceful and fan favorite team. I love the finisher with Big Show's KO punch followed by a world's strongest slam.

The Big guys may have preference when it comes to hiring, but not when it comest o booking.
I think Andre was such a success for him that he is still in that mindset of people will show up just to see large people. Pretty dumb considering it isn't uncommon to see 7 feet tall people walking around the streets and everyone in America is at least 350 pounds now.
They're big guys, they're reliable and loyal veterans, and Mark Henry has previously voiced interest in becoming tag team champion at least once in his career. It doesn't hurt Vince to put them together and put them over for the time being, and with the Wyatts being lackies, it makes it easier to put them down for the time being.
They are being used this way for a few reasons:-

1) They are expensive talents - each on a million a year or thereabouts so it's not wise to have then not used "well" on the shows.

2) Both have just come off their regular "hiatus" for the year... they have rotated out for about 6-7 years now with Kane...each has a few months off at a time to prolong their careers. When they return, they ALWAYS return strong.

3) Losing ADR and Rey as they are is leaving a vaccum of "bigger names", in the past the "push" may have been split between the 4 names but with 2 gone, Show and Henry are both benefitting...ironic as Show is being sued for hitting an employee.

4) They are both good opponents for Rusev at Survior Series... If rumors are true and this year is gonna be more "classic" 5 on 5 than usual then Rusev will clearly captain a team... Henry and Big Show are viable team members for the opposition along with Swagger and Hogan for example...

5) Neither have been used "prominently for the last 6 months, so they are relatively fresh to us... we don't mind seeing them do well cos they're not rammed down our throats....

Now I don't think they are getting the belts, Goldust and Stardust are clearly getting them and rightfully so, but I can see them being a major part of the show for the next month or two, until either Mark or Show joins Rusev... I can see a "Show falls for Lana" angle somewhere down the line and that being the reason for his "defection", may be cheesy but it also gives a way to split Rusev and Lana if tensions do worsen with Russia... if it does get much worse, Vince will probably HAVE to cool the angle for the sake of sponsors...it ain't 91 anymore, you can't ride it out in a public company...
You could have been asking this question many times in the past decade, such as when Big Show teamed with Kane, with Undertaker, or Miz. It could have been asked when Mark Henry teamed with Jeff Jarrett, MVP, Evan Bourne. Mark Henry and Big Show don't presently fit anywhere in the current roster as singles stars.

A reason for their lack of footing in the big picture is the unification of the WWE World Championship. I've said so in a few threads now, that with one less major singles championship, many upper mid card stars are in a state of limbo with little to no momentum. In the case of Big Show and Henry, options are even slimmer than the heels, as both mid card titles are held by faces. Shame to, as I wouldn't object to Sheamus vs Big Show again, but that's beside the point.

Furthermore, the tag team division is in the descent stage of it's three year loop of revival-floundering-death. As per the norm, this is around the time that singles stars end up getting slapped together for some reason. As a result, we have sh'Oh Henry blessing our screens.

Now, if Goldust and Stardust don't win the tag team championships, the push is pointless for the tag team division. So this tag team might just be a gauntlet of Rusev-fodder.
Luke Harper & Erick Rowan cleanly beating Mark Henry & The Big Show is absolutely absurd. They're two average big guys, up against two of the best big men in history. This feud has gone exactly as it should have. As others have said, Henry & Show are nearing the tail ends of their careers, and right now neither one is physically able to carry a long-term main event feud. Putting them together means less time in the ring, and a tag team comprised of two top stars. Ideally I'd love to see a Tag Team Turmoil match at Night of Champions, so Mark Henry & Big Show could win the WWE Tag Team Championships without the need for a transitional heel tag team.
Maybe they will feed them to the Ascension to make them seem like a dominate, bad ass team for taking out two "giants". I've been fat and I've been skinny up and down my entire life and nothing about being fat or really tall makes you a badass. I'm more of a threat skinny than fat.

I'd have a harder time beating up Zhach Ryder than I would the Big Show. Just poke the guy in the eye and run away - he'll get winded soon enough.
You could have been asking this question many times in the past decade, such as when Big Show teamed with Kane, with Undertaker, or Miz. It could have been asked when Mark Henry teamed with Jeff Jarrett, MVP, Evan Bourne. Mark Henry and Big Show don't presently fit anywhere in the current roster as singles stars.

A reason for their lack of footing in the big picture is the unification of the WWE World Championship. I've said so in a few threads now, that with one less major singles championship, many upper mid card stars are in a state of limbo with little to no momentum. In the case of Big Show and Henry, options are even slimmer than the heels, as both mid card titles are held by faces. Shame to, as I wouldn't object to Sheamus vs Big Show again, but that's beside the point.

Furthermore, the tag team division is in the descent stage of it's three year loop of revival-floundering-death. As per the norm, this is around the time that singles stars end up getting slapped together for some reason. As a result, we have sh'Oh Henry blessing our screens.

Now, if Goldust and Stardust don't win the tag team championships, the push is pointless for the tag team division. So this tag team might just be a gauntlet of Rusev-fodder.

I figured they're just together to make Rusev look strong in the end.

Rusev defeats Henry with Big Show ringside at NoC. Rusev defeats Big Show with Henry ringside. Rusev faces them both at Survivor Series and beats them both, looking like an even bigger threat heading into 2015.
I figured they're just together to make Rusev look strong in the end.

Rusev defeats Henry with Big Show ringside at NoC. Rusev defeats Big Show with Henry ringside. Rusev faces them both at Survivor Series and beats them both, looking like an even bigger threat heading into 2015.

Feeding two main event superstars to one guy, for a pointless push that will mean nothing in the end because Rusev is a nobody who will be jobbing on Superstars a year from now? I hope even WWE writers aren't THAT stupid.
I hope so too. It's one thing to take out both R-Truth and Xavier Woods (even then...pretty stupid), but Show and Henry are too big for that. It also wouldn't make sense, as Rusev has been struggling with Henry 1 on 1 (although Rusev will ultimately win).

It's possible Big Show will job to Rusev as well, but I'd be surprised if it was a clean win. Even Bray Wyatt, during his big push, needed help taking on the Big Show if memory serves.
I would imagine it's because the mileage on their (massive) bodies and they are some of the few remaining active veterans... it gets a little confusing when you introduce Mark Henry into this Rusev feud out of no where, but he is someone who could credibly "end his streak". As someone mentioned before I think don't think Big Show is really up to a higher card feud at this point because he is basically viewed as a the friendly giant who has been around forever and he is riding out his last days comfortably. It is a little frustrating with the abundance of good tag teams they have right now but it will be interesting to see how long the two tag... I don't see them even getting into the title picture, I think we all have a pretty good guess who those are going to.

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