The Big New/Suprise/Announcement


JC CooL 420
TNA star Jeff Jarrett has been using Twitter to tease a big announcement which is supposed to take place at tomorrow night's Victory Road PPV. He has also been providing photo hints as to what the announcement might be. You can check them out at the following links:**

After looking at the pictures... What do you guys think it is?

It could be the arrival of the Hurricane... I'm sure they wouldn't be able to call him that though...

The searchlight picture kind of caught my eye though... I remember someone saying that TNA were thinking about cutting back a few PPVs and running wrestling specials on free TV... What if they got a deal to run a "Clash of the Champions" type show on Fox... I think it would gain TNA A LOT OF ATTENTION...

What do you guys think?
Let's have a look at the photos.

How does the Superman saying go? "It's a bird, it's a plane."

How does the city call for Batman's help? Via the Bat-Signal, which is a modified searchlight...

And here we have a storm rolling in. Or rather, a Hurricane...

That's right, I think The Hurricane is coming to TNA! Of course, he'll have to use a new name, like The Cyclone or something, but I don't care. I have always LOVED the Hurricane gimmick and Helms himself, so I'm excited to see him come to TNA. He'd be great in the X-Division as he's a talented wrestler and talker and can put on some great matches. If he uses the superhero gimmick that makes me even happier, since I've always felt Helms was at his best when he was the superhero. I'm also a comic nerd, so anything that combines my love of wrestling with my love of comics is all right with me!

Perhaps he's going to be part of the "Mystery Tag Team" that Kaz and AJ are set to face?
I hope it's the hurricane. I've never ordered a TNA ppv, but i think i might because of him. I loved the hurricane. When i first started watching wrestling it was him and kane. That was by far the reason i started watching. If he isn't what Jarrett is hinting at, once again TNA will hugely dissapoint me. The pictures hint that he is coming, I mean really. A storm, plane, and a search light. Smells like a hurricane to me.
Well, it's probably the Hurrican coming to TNA. Though, I can't lie, I'm not sure why. Yes, Hurrican can join his little smoke session with his boys Shannon and Jeff. But what, legitimately, is there to be accomplished for Hurricane in TNA? An X Division run? Is that all we have set up to be excited for?

Look, Hurricane is a good gimmick, but it would just kind of blow up in the faces of the same TNA who complain the WWE is all for the kids. Because in all reality, The Hurrican is a very kid friendly gimmick. That isn't to say all of the logic behind their argument is shot, but it does kind of make you wonder how it fits into the marketing scheme TNA has in place?

Oh yeah, that's right; it doesn't. It's just another name to get a cheap pop out of, and something Dixie and Jeff can banter about like school girls on Twitter about. It's an ok signing, but I'm not too terribly thrilled, really.
If it is The Hurricane and he is going to be in the tag match with AJ and Kaz...

I wonder who his partner will be...

Maybe Suicide???

Kind of a superhero team...

Or will it be someone else debuting???

Maybe Yang or Extreme Tiger?
I actually wouldn't mind if the Hurricane was the one that signed and appeared at Victory Road because of how TNA treated Shannon Moore who was someone who was pretty much shit on in WWE and has made something of himself in TNA.

Hopefully, The Hurricane will not be in any main event curds because that would look like overkill but the idea about him maybe teaming with Suicide for a super hero tag team would be a ok idea.

Better idea would be for him to enter the X Division title hunt for some star power perhaps. Also, I think we could see some good matches between Helms and Williams or Kendrick.
I wish he'd just debut as Shane Helms and use the vertebreaker. No need in continuing the superhero gimmick. He's a good wrestler, just let him get over instead of rehashing memories that link them to the WWE.. AGAIN.
Looking at the comments on the pictures apparently its either Batista or The Rock, Yeah im sure thatss gonna be it.

Anyway I aggree with the posts that its probably the Hurricane although I dont think that really constitutes a big surprise. Anyway I wont really be that excited if it is The Hurricane or whatever they decide to call him, he might be a decent X Division wrestler but to me its just another person TNA has to pay, they need to be getting rid of people not hiring more they already have way too many people on there roster they dont need another WWE reject. If it is him then I think he will end up like The Brian Kendrick whose debut was almots identical, rarley seen on TV (let alone PPV) and maybe a token title shot here and there if he is lucky.
Hurricane makes sense based on the clues but was also thinking maybe they are leaving the impact zone behind and going to start going to bigger venues to tape shows or like wcw hold some shows outside
Which is what makes me think it's The Rock, which makes sense, but at same time it's like wtf, yeah right, like the Rock would go to TNA over WWE. But TNA has a LIGHT schedule for their workers. Anyways, why I think it's Rock;

The light, obviously, is one used for movies. The Staten Island photo hints at NY, which is where Rocky's next movie is based in. Ok, Plane I have no idea except for my explanation on why else I think it could be him;

Combine NY with the light with a plane(I know, obviously not NY, and it's helicopter in vid, but hey.. this is all wishful thinking anyways)...

Paul Heyman, or Hurricane, it has to be. If it were Heyman though they should make a bigger deal than they are. LOL if it's Hurricane, than the lack of enthusiasm makes sense(I do like Helms though, don't get me wrong.)
Hurricane Helms he should be called. Just have him be like he was as Gregory Helms in WWE, not the Superhero. He was the longest reigning cruiserweight champion in WWe history
I don't think what Jeff is talking about is a person. I think it is 1 of 2 things.

1. It is Impact moving to NY permanently since they just got 5-6 thousand people to come to a house show.

2. It is Impact touring and NY will be its first stop.

Dixie is talking about a person and JJ is talking about making an announcement. You don't make an announcement on a PPV to tell people Shane Helms signed with TNA.
It's a Beach, a Stage light and a Plane wing. I don't see any reference to Helms. If anything I'd assume it's more likely to be linked to something changing with iMPACT.
I think could possibly mean that Tna may be going on the road more like to some where like New York because of the recent crowd they had at the Brooklyn house show they believe that they have enough people interested in the product that they could draw a good sized crowd . The light thing makes me think that they may be deciding to film an Impact episode in a different location
Alright so if it is Helms, then what are the odds he brings Matt "Rosey" Anoa'i with him, and they're the mystery team Kaz and AJ face? I can't see the team lasting too long nor do I really want too, but I think it would serve the purpose for the match, after that I would like to see Helms head to the X-Division, I think he could have a good feud with just about any of the other X-divsioners, I don't think he should bring in any stupid super hero gimmick either, just let Helms be Helms
I very much believe That The hurricane is coming. But Im almost 100% they are going to call him Shane Helms and have Him, Jeff, Shannon, And eventually Matt Form O.M.E.G.A. The Group That four Aforementioned Started together and somehow SOMEWAY Feud/Join This New ECW stable in TNA. Its not a stretch to think it really... All the guys In both factions are "extreme" and "dangerous with weapons" So to tie them together would be amazing to watch, But even more amazing would to see them FEUD. Could you imagine If and 4 man EXTREME tag match? Weapons would be blazing that entire(albeit very small) Arena.

But back Shane... He would do good in TNA, Very well Actually. He would GET time unlike in wwe where he was non noticed but the wwe was giving Jamie "I'll fight anyone for tv time" Noble his 15 minutes of "fame" But i'll be happy to him there, I would love to see Shane. NOT the hurricane. ANYTHING but that.
With all due respect, I cannot believe the naivety of the TNA faithful. I cannot believe people are falling for the same song and dance. Again.

How many times does someone affiliated with TNA, whether it be Dixie Carter, or Jeff Jarrett, or Hulk Hogan, or Eric Bischoff, or whoever, come out with some big announcement before people realize that it's just a pile of steaming bullshit, yet again?

Last time, Carter had some big announcement which she was hyping for days before a PPV. Couldn't sleep at night days before the PPV because she was so excited, would change the wrestling landscape forever, blah blah blah. Surprise surprise, hours before the PPV, we find out that there's no announcement, or worse still, it's Tommy frickin' Dreamer.

Now, there's another PPV, and yet again, TNA is promising some earth shattering news again. Let the speculation begin. The Rock? JBL? Come on now, you all can't possibly be that gullible. At most, it's the Hurricane, a guy who has been released from the WWE a couple of times and was nothing special when he was there, yet another recycled WWE guy with a recycled gimmick. Now I'm not knocking Helms, he was released and of course is looking for employment, good for him, but that's hardly big news.

But more likely, it's absolutely nothing. Nothing. A feeble and deceptive attempt by TNA to dupe naive TNA fans into purchasing a PPV they otherwise would not buy.

Fool me once....
What I got out of the pictures is filming and traveling. Dunno what beach it was in the photo, but im guessing it has something to do with TNA maybe doing iMPACT from different places? More house shows? A PPV across the pond? Who knows. But I really don't see The Hurricane being the big surprise. It seems like a pretty big stretch too imo, as the pictures don't exactly correlate to that.

I can see Gregory Helms in TNA, but I don't think he's the surprise.
I interpreted this first picture as "over seas" so this could be as simple as announcing those other foreign tours they were considering. Although the second one suggests spotlight or filming, so it could be a spotlight on foreign wrestlers (world x-cup anyone?), or that they plan on filming over seas. The airplane wing and airport I have nothing for. I'd love it if they used my Super EY/Hurricane team idea but I do not see much evidence for that.
Look, to all of you that think that "a Hurricane is coming" this build seems like extreme overkill. Tommy Dreamer was a "nice surpise" according to Dixie. Gregory Helms is no Tommy Dreamer. At least Dreamer has main evented in ECW. If it was the Rock they would be doing a Hoganese unvailing. They are not. They don't have the money to overpay him. JBL is a better conservative/business comentator than wrestler. If the surprise is a person I think that it is someone for creative.

The pictures seem to suggest that the location is going to change. This makes sense after TNA management made a surprise visit to a house show and was "shocked" by what they saw. The change of venue could be to a bigger city like New York or it could mean an impact tour. There had been talk of having two house show tours and that could also be included. It seems Jeff Jarett and Dixie seem to be talking about different things. Dixie seems to be talking about a person and Jarrett seems to be talking about a change in location. There have been rumors of Kevin Sullivan coming in and there have been complaints about the Impact Zone. Are JJ and Dixie hyping different changes.

Also remember what Dixie said the surprise was not: It is not a sale. It is not a new television deal. This seems to discredit the belief that monthly ppvs are going away because that should be under a new tv deal.
Personally I don't care whether TNA signs The Hurricane Shane Helms, Shane Helms, or some different version of the character. To me they are relying too much on X-mainstream wrestlers to draw some attention. They have good wrestlers already in place. If anyone has seen AJ or Joe or Kaz (yes I said Kaz) not to leave out The Fallen Angel, or Petey Williams even though both guys aren't they at the present time.

In my personal opinion they need to try to highlight their product on different networks (whatever it takes....right?)

TNA has GOOD WRESTLERS. They may not be the best on the mic (except Pope) but they can wrestle and put on a good show. They have had so many opportunities go to waste. Just like Hogan, they are pissing on the business, instead of changing with the times. (hogan should shave his head, that would get some shock out of people)

One easy way for TNA to get some quick attention is to lower the cost of PPV's. Me personally, I will not pay what they are asking today for a PPV. If it were $20, and seemed like a bargin to todays cash strapped customers, I would buy. Come on TNA, know your customer. Lower the price of your PPV. People will buy yours and not have enough money to buy the other guys....Theoretically.
Ok am I the only who doesn't know what the big deal is if the 'Hurricane' is coming to TNA!???

Guys here are getting excited like they'd signed The Rock or Brock Lesnar!!
They are packed to the rafters with high-spot monkeys but where's the draw??
Why would Sugar Shane be a big surprise? Now The World's Greatest Tag Team; thats a surprise! But with the pics being a Jet's wing, a Beach, and a Light, the JBL guess sounds great. What if JBL bought out Dixie? WOW!
Plane = Travel
Light = Filiming Light
Staten Island = NY

They might be doing iMPACT somewhere else. Maybe it'll be every other week alternating Orlando and NY. Makes sense. They have a slight fan base in NY.

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