The Big Bang Theory


Pre-Show Stalwart
I just fell in love with this show. Parents would watch it all the time, but I never gave it a chance. As far as I was concerned, it was just another stupid show on TV that wouldn't be successful. As I watched an episode last week..all those thoughts changed. I LOVE IT!

Have you ever seen the show? If so, do you like it?

Who is your favorite character?

Mine would have to be Sheldon, as he is very intelligent, and very funny.
This is my favorite show on TV outside of South Park although I have to say BBT has had much better episodes than South Park over the last few years. I've seen every episode and I can honestly say I can't think of too many episodes I didn't like.

Sheldon is by far the best character on the show, it seems like every episode he steals and for myself Sheldon makes the show. Technically Leonard and Penny love cycle often keeps the show going in a lot of ways as they often visit back to that but it's Sheldon and his interaction with everyone in the show that steals it for me.

There is a reason why Jim Parsons has one the Emmy for Best Lead actor in a comedy series for the past 2 years, he is probably one of the best characters on television.
Show is consistently solid with a great cast and decent writing. They constantly surprise me with their ability to stay funny and not feel too cartoonish. Parsons is a standout but the show has no weak links in the regular and part-time cast.

There were points where I thought the show may jump the shark (Penny and Leonard, Amy Farrah Fowler), but everything they write is done well or they find a way to fix it. Next to Community, it is the best show on TV (I hate that they are on at the same time, since I don't trust my DVR).

To the OP, go back and watch from the beginning. The show was great from the start.
GSB hit the nail on the head here. I've been watching BBT since the beginning and the show is consistently good. I can't recall a bad episode at the moment, but there are a handful of great episodes. The characters all get time and development and they do a wonderful job of story telling. Every character is enjoyable in every way and it sort of reminds me of How I Met Your Mother in that sense. Each character is as important as the others. Really focuses on a group rather than a select individual. I recommend this show to anyone looking for a good show to get into.
I've started to get back into it again recently, but because I missed a season or 2 I'm confused why there's 3 more female characters (Bernadette, Raj's sister and the other one).

What I've always liked about the show is that you don't necessarily need to completely understand the scientific/smart stuff to get the jokes as the reactions of the cast normally tell half the joke themselves. The writing is of a consistent standard too but my only problem with the show is the sudden endings and the cut to the end credits. Good fun show overall though.
Ha, Big Bang Theory is the awesomest show ever, maybe only second to How I Met Your Mother, well for me. But anyway, Big Bang Theory has consistently been good from the beginning so you should definitely go watch from the beginning.

As for favorite characters, the obvious answer would be Sheldon. But I'll go a different route and choose Raj and Howard. These two are damn funny. With Raj always whispering to Howard due to Raj not being able to talk to women unless he's drunk, the two bust out some crazy, funny lines! :D

Eh, wouldn't mind if they added a hot smart girl on the show. Kaley Cuoco is cute, but you know, smart and sexy > well, Penny :D
I love this show, don`t think i remember seeing a poor episode. My favourite charactor ha got to be Sheldon. But Raj is great when he is drunk and talking to women chatting them up.
This is one of those shows that most of my friends like that I just cannot agree with them, although I might not find the show as annoying without sheldon... he just gets on my nerves at every level and i do not find him funny in the slightest.
I'm pretty sure I haven't seen any of the recent episodes just yet, but I must admit, I have fallen in love with this show. A while ago, a friend of mine began showing me a bunch of random episodes from this series, and I have been hooked into this show for the past couple of months. This show features a very good cast, and everyone is unique in their own way. Obviously, almost everyone on this show is an extreme nerd, but their personalities are different, and each character has their own style of quirky humor. Sheldon is easily my favorite character on the show, and Jim Parsons always delivers.

I still don't think I've seen any of the recent episodes, but I want to try and learn more about this show, because I have become a fan. The Big Bang Theory features a nice set of entertaining characters, and the writing is pretty good. South Park is really the only show I keep up with now a days, but The Big Bang Theory has made my must-watch list.
Not only you.. But almost most of the people like this show. Even I am one of those who likes to watch this show very much. The days some of the movies are based on the shows. I wish if there could be something like there should be shows based on certain movies like I saw the trailers of the happy feet 2 movie online . And i wish if they can make a animated show on this.
The Big Bang Theory is one of the few American sitcoms that I watch and I think it's a really great show. I even have the first four seasons on my laptop and I watch a few episodes of it every time I feel a bit down. Like GSB said it is one of the few shows that is funny without being cartoonish. The writing is solid and consistent and all the actors do a fine job. Everyone's expressions are really top notch.

Sheldon and Penny are my favourite characters in the series and the funniest moments in this show comes when the two interact with each other. Sheldon's complete lack of worldliness makes for a great contrast with Penny's knowledge of how the world goes around and her common sense. Not that the other characters are bad, they all have their moments, but Sheldon and Penny deliver always. Sheldon is so damn good actually that I cannot think of Jim Parsons as anything but Sheldon. Kaley is cute but I also think that she can definately act.

The show was a bit slow to begin with but it really picked up steam from midway in the second season and has never looked back ever since. I was initially averse to a few of the newer characters, especially Amy, who I thought would be a poor man's Sheldon at best but I am happy to have been proved wrong.

All in all it's a really entertaining show and I hope it runs for three more seasons at the very least.
Hilarity ensues when I watch. As I got into it late, more like when it came to TBS, I've been trying to watch as much as I can. Thanks to On Demand from Comcast I've caught up a LOT! There are probably episodes here and there that I haven't seen, but I've seen the majority and they never cease to make me laugh, or feel bad. It's a group show but also each character or their significant other can hold their own and take over an episode.

Sheldon is that irritating bastard and it seems like he will never get emotions down, but that is why you love him. Hell when the gang "revolved around Leonard" Sheldon not eating with them at Raj's made them say they missed him. Sheldon is the breakout star of the show, hands down.

Leonard and Penny will keep going back and forth in regard to their feelings for each other. They do still love each other, but won't say anything and when one does, it will likely be too late. I'm always pulling for Leonard though. He is probably my favorite of the group.

Bazinga, bitch!
I watch a lot of TV, mainly for the purpose of analyzing it. I love Big Bang Theory, but sometimes I need to remember that it's a sitcom, not a drama with a sprawling storyline. They have characters that progress, and a few stories, but it's meant to be enjoyed on an episode-by-episode basis. That being said, originally I didn't like this season of Big Bang Theory... I thought it was getting old and stale, and nothing was actually progressing. Then I changed my perspective and enjoyed it purely as a comedy from week to week.

Still LOVE that show. Hard to pick a favorite character though... Everyone that I originally didn't like has grown on me. Even Raj's sister, who I think has consistently been the worst on the show. People compare it to Friends, but I just don't think it's THAT good. It could be though... Thing is, I don't think Penny/Leonard is as desired by the viewers as Ross/Rachel. Not nearly as much investment in it...
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3544541 said:
Still LOVE that show. Hard to pick a favorite character though... Everyone that I originally didn't like has grown on me. Even Raj's sister, who I think has consistently been the worst on the show. People compare it to Friends, but I just don't think it's THAT good. It could be though... Thing is, I don't think Penny/Leonard is as desired by the viewers as Ross/Rachel. Not nearly as much investment in it...

Yeh I agree with this, and I think the reason for that is Sheldon. On Friends, Ross and Rachel were arguably the driving force behind the progression of the show as the "will they/wont they" moments made for some great television moments as Ross was a lot more coy about his feelings for Rachel, and Rachel seemed almost oblivious at times that Ross was infatuated with her.

With BBT, Leonard is more forward with his pursuing of Penny who certainly seems more aware of the advances too. Yet Sheldon's outlook on, well, everything is something quite different from the sitcom norm but nonetheless leads to some genuine laugh out loud moments. Sheldon's success seems to have taken the pressure off of the writers in making Penny and Leonard the central focus of the show every episode and also paved the way for Howard and Raj to develop their characters more too and bring in supplementary characters too.
I have watched Big Bang Theory from the first episode and I will watch it until end. This show is a best TV show & got good rich character, good story line & good response by people. I have always enjoyed this show. The show is full of talented actors and actresses. My whole family also like this show. I am very excited to watch next episode of this show.
I have been watching BBT since months now, and I LOVE it.

All the characters are really endearing, well sketched out and distinct from each other. You can always make out what any of them say in a specific situation. But if i have to choose one of them, then it has to be Sheldon Cooper. He is easily the funniest character i have seen of all the American Sitcoms. Really loves how Leonard anchors the show merely with his body language while selling Sheldon's weirdness.
I really like the show. I didn't start watching it until the 3rd or fourth season started. It was the reruns that got me into the show. I like the characters, and loved that they added more female characters to the show. I hate the fact that Raj doesn't have a girlfriend, but all in all, it makes the half and hour just fly by. Sheldon is funny, although sometimes he can be annoying. Raj has some of the funniest lines on that show. I look forward to seeing the upcoming season.
It's funny. I used to not watch this show because I believed it perpetuated the myth that smart people were no good with women. I thought it also relied very heavily on some tired clichés about “geek” culture and the premise of that really turned me off, to be honest.

However, I have been watching this show since season 2 ended a couple of years ago and it must be said, that it is one of the only shows that I know I am going to be entertained throughout whilst watching. I was never a fan of Two And A Half Men and given that it shares the same creator, I was sceptical as to how entertained I was going be whilst watching the show. It goes without saying though, that I was very wrong about the show. I find it to be highly original and pretty ground-breaking.

Jim Parsons, in particular, needs singled out for his role on the The Big Bang Theory. I am aware that he has netted a couple of Golden Globes for his performance on the show and that is a just award. I don't know anyone who is not completely in awe and yet completely flummoxed by his character (Sheldon). Chuck Lorre deserves a lot of credit for taking a genre which probably should give us a laugh-a-minute show and making it more than watchable.

In my opinion, The Big Bang Theory is one of the best TV shows around at the moment and CBS should do everything it it's power to keep it that way. It is 22 minutes of sheer fun and out loud comedy. An excellent show with excellent writing and characterisation. I highly recommend it to anyone.
I hate this show... and when I say hate I mean.... I'm a frickin nerd and get everything that's going on. Its witty but isn't gross. It amuses me to no end. I have to watch more to have a real opinion. I do like it and its amusing so that's a start. I'll continue to watch it because of that.
Me and the wife got into BBT back in October or November and watch it almost everyday now. Sheldon really is the one that makes it entertaining. I hope its a new episode tonight on CBS.
god i love this show! i dont rember ever seeing a bad episode and the best part for me about this season has been the girl trio of penny,amy and bernadette they get hilarious together sometimes and the episode this week i was dying laughing during howards batchlor party which is good because i thought this would be 1 of the average episodes but i was wrong.

and to anybody who hasnt seen the episode when sheldon wouldnt leave his room and used a robot you NEED to see that one that one and the bird episode when sheldon was afriad of the bird were the shit!
Probably one of the best shows around at the moment.

Sheldon is a contender for best TV Show character ever, and Jim Parsons has deserved each and every award he has won for his fantastic portrayal of Sheldon.
I rarely fall in love with sitcoms from the very beginning, but The Big Bang Theory is one of those shows that you can't change the channel from. The more and more the show goes on, the better it gets. I was questioning the show a bit coming into season 5, where the big question is/was: What will happen now that one will get married (Howard)? So now, it's like the nucleus is: Leonard, Sheldon, Raj, Howard w/ Bernadette. And now the question is, going into season 6 in the fall...what do they do with Carol Ann Susi, aka. Mrs. Wolowitz?

Personally, I love the aspects of the show: The characters, the writing, and ongoing plots. From a fans' point of view, I hope we see more of Leonard and Penny together, and what does the future hold for Amy and Sheldon? Unfortunately, Raj is the one that is left out, because of his social awkwardness and below-average luck with women, and I'm intrigued to see what happen's with him too.
I watch it all the time. Consistently good, consistently hilarious.
Love all the characters, but Jim Parsons as Sheldon kills it. Super funny, and his interaction with the rest of the characters keeps me laughing from start to finish.

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